Sylvester Stallone returns to action in a thrilling new heist film, ARMOR. When a father and son working as security guards for an armored truck company find themselves trapped in a deadly heist, they must use all their skills and wits to survive. With intense shootouts, high-stakes chases, and heart-stopping moments, ARMOR promises to deliver a non-stop adrenaline rush. Don't miss this action-packed thriller starring one of Hollywood's most iconic stars.
Short filmTranscript
00:00Murphy's Law is this, if something can't go wrong, it will go wrong, at the worst possible
00:12Careful with the C4.
00:13It's unstable.
00:14Yeah, well everything's unstable.
00:15Speak for yourself.
00:16I'd kill for some action.
00:17The best action is no action.
00:32Dispatch, we are getting robbed and we need backup!
00:39We're being jammed.
00:44Anybody home?
01:05Don't waste time. You come out now, and we'll get you to a hospital.
01:10If you open the doors, we're dead.
01:13Be smart.
01:14That's not your money.
01:16You didn't do this plan to keep two witnesses alive, and if you could blow these doors open, you wouldn't be here negotiating with me.
01:24Bad choice.
01:42There's only one way out of this thing where you're still breathing.