• last year
Goldberg single handledly destroys triple H and his team in the ring as the match gets brutal.I recommend you watch it to the end.
00:00I don't know what to do about it.
00:02Oh, my God!
00:03He's never...
00:04Oh, my God!
00:06That was a beast!
00:07Oh, my God!
00:08As hard as he leans!
00:11And then look at how he moves him!
00:13A three-on-one assault on Goldberg!
00:17Three men!
00:18One sledgehammer!
00:20And Privilege now beating the heck out of Goldberg,
00:23who has been maimed and mauled!
00:27Hell, this is akin to felonious assault here!
00:30Goldberg is bleeding!
00:32Wait a minute.
00:34What is Clair doing?
00:37What the hell is Clair doing here?
00:40What are they doing?
00:41They're hammering away at Goldberg!
00:44And Goldberg is a bloody mess!
00:47Bill Goldberg is being gut and quartered!
00:50Goldberg being physically dissected!
00:54Oh, gee, damn!
00:56Oh, gee, damn!
00:57Evolution making it pretty damn clear
01:00that they never want to see Bill Goldberg
01:02in the WWE ring again!
01:05They're not stopping!
01:07None of us are going to see Bill Goldberg again!
01:09Oh, my...
01:10Enough is enough!
01:13That's so much sledgehammer!
01:15Privilege spitting the brains of Goldberg!
01:19Is it enough?
01:21You made it!
01:23You understand me, Goldberg?
01:25You will never see him!
01:31This is just absolutely repulsive!
01:34This is hideous!
01:36Randy Orton on two-hand!
01:38Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho!
01:40And Chris Jericho's body!
01:42And no more!
01:43Got a near fall on HBK!
01:45Far and right hand from the third generation superstar!
01:49Watch him back in St. Louis!
01:51His grandfather...
01:53That's great.
01:54It's still raining.
01:55There's no way to land on it.
01:57It just doesn't hurt like hell.
01:59Tim Tudges stands two miles a chain.
02:01You know it's going to come into play.
02:03They're like knife-edge chops by Shawn Michaels
02:06looking for the ride.
02:08Pinfalls are submission only here.
02:11Never knew that was.
02:13Hooking the neck and the lower back.
02:16No friends in this matchup in my view.
02:19In your view.
02:20But you got to know that Randy Orton is Triple H's friend.
02:23He's his ally.
02:24Doesn't mean he's got to be a patsy.
02:26He's got to be a chump.
02:27No, he gets a chance to be the world's champion.
02:29His walking orders tonight are for him to be a patsy and a chump.
02:32And to make sure that Triple H comes out of this matchup
02:34and steal the championship.
02:36What an enziguri that was.
02:38Modified version.
02:39Could be over.
02:40How close was that?
02:41A near fall.
02:42Randy Orton with a beautiful dropkick.
02:44Taking down Chris Jericho.
02:46And Jericho and Nash and Y2J and Goldberg,
02:48they got to know.
02:49They got to know that about Randy Orton.
02:51In my view, if I were these guys,
02:52I'd target Randy Orton now.
02:53I'm trying to get him out of here.
02:54That way Triple H has no ally.
02:56That would be a good strategy to pull it together.
02:59I can't see that HBK and Jericho,
03:02whatever the joint forces,
03:04they're not going to get on the same page.
03:05I don't think so.
03:07You know, stranger things have happened.
03:09This has been a bizarre night.
03:12Oh, my gosh.
03:13Look at that body drop.
03:14What a night.
03:16Dudley's getting screwed out of the World Tag Team titles.
03:19That made it sick.
03:20Eddie Guerrero returning the U.S. title.
03:23Take this out one more time.
03:26Like I said,
03:27no steel grading out there.
03:29Very unforgiving.
03:30No padding.
03:31No give.
03:32That's just steel.
03:34And flesh on steel.
03:36Usually, in my experience,
03:37steel wins.
03:39Talking about tonight,
03:40SummerSlam that Eric Bischoff will want to forget.
03:43He got what he deserved.
03:44Oh, look out here.
03:45Oh, look at that.
03:46I like to see Shane McMahon beat Eric Bischoff up
03:48every day of the week.
03:49Be fine with me.
03:50And what an awesome match
03:51between Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar earlier tonight.
03:54Great call by Michael Cole and Taz on that one.
03:56And look at this back body.
03:58He's trying to get that balls at Jericho.
04:00It is Jericho and Shawn Michaels.
04:02Remember, it's pinfall or submission here.
04:05Yeah, but it's also about six seconds
04:07until the next participant is released.
04:10And who will it be?
04:16It's the biggest man in the match.
04:18The 7'3", 100 plus pound Kevin Nash.
04:22The veteran.
04:23The former enforcer of the Tennessee Falls basketball team.
04:27A four-time WCW champion.
04:30A WWE champion.
04:33Look at the way he just steps over those ropes.
04:35He can't wait.
04:36His target.
04:37There's a big bullseye on the back of Y2J.
04:39Look at this!
04:41Y2J's a long bar.
04:42Oh, gosh.
04:45Jericho's head just mashed into that steel support there.
04:49Look at Kevin Nash just surveying the situation.
04:51You know, Nash is not a catch-as-catch-can professional.
04:55He's a street fighter.
04:56He's a seven-foot street fighter with a mean streak.
04:59And this is...
05:00He'll hurt you.
05:01You're damn right he'll hurt you.
05:02And so will his structure.
05:04Speaking of hurting.
05:05Oh, no!
05:07Man, this match is like being in a series of head-on car crashes.
05:13Nothing good can happen when you're outside that ring and you're up against steel.
05:17This is just a nasty environment.
05:20There's a sidewalk slam by Nash.
05:22The cover!
05:23Oh, no!
05:24Got a shoulder up.
05:25This match may not be the end of the world.
05:27Oh, look.
05:28Yeah, there you go.
05:29Look what that chain link did to Y2J's face.
05:32Not the end of the world, but you can see it from here.
05:34I'll tell you that.
05:35And a heart.
05:36Now, look at that.
05:37Two friends here.
05:38Every man for himself.
05:39Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels have been closer over the years.
05:43And 19 is to 20.
05:49Nash's days as Shawn Michaels' leader.
05:52His bodyguard, Diesel.
05:55A shot right to the face.
05:56Right between the eyes of a bloody Chris Jericho.
06:00That'll be some measure of revenge.
06:02Oh, look at that.
06:03A superkick on Nash.
06:05The cover!
06:07Jericho pins Nash after Shawn Michaels' superkick.
06:11Shawn Michaels just eliminated Kevin Nash.
06:14But Jericho gets the pin.
06:16Yeah, one of the...
06:17Between the two of them, Nash is history.
06:20So Nash is the first man eliminated here in the Elimination Chamber.
06:25Check this out one more time.
06:26Nash about to go for that post.
06:30In comes the superkick.
06:31The roll-up.
06:32That's it for Kevin Nash.
06:33And I would have never called that superkick on Kevin Nash.
06:36And Nash is out of the hunt.
06:39The biggest, perhaps nastiest man in this match
06:43has been eliminated with a combination of Shawn Michaels' superkick
06:47and that roll-up by Chris Jericho.
06:49Look at the carnage already in the ring.
06:51Who's it gonna be?
06:53Goldberg or the champion?
06:59And it's a game.
07:01The world's heavyweight champion.
07:03A wounded animal.
07:04Oh, my gosh!
07:06Shawn Michaels with a superkick.
07:08Almost took the game's head off the servers.
07:10The game didn't even get out of the...
07:12He didn't get out of his chamber.
07:14And players beside himself.
07:15Look at Nash.
07:16Wait, who's eliminated?
07:17Nash is eliminated.
07:18And what a jackknife powerbomb.
07:22Nash with a jackknife powerbomb.
07:24Jackknife powerbomb.
07:26Oh, Jericho cracking Orton and HBK's heads together.
07:31Nash's intent on doing some damage
07:33before he's forced to leave this chamber.
07:35Kevin Nash is giantly pissed.
07:40A back-breaking, spine-tingling jackknife.
07:44Kevin Nash is leaving some serious carnage
07:48before he leaves officially.
07:50Kevin Nash obviously came out here to Phoenix
07:53at the SummerSlam with the intention
07:55of being the world heavyweight champion.
07:57He's pretty pissed that he's not.
08:00And Nash has left some destruction.
08:04Some serious destruction.
08:06Goldberg is still in that internal chamber.
08:10There he is.
08:11Nash is really concerned.
08:12The face of Triple H hasn't even gotten out of the box yet.
08:15The table may be set for Goldberg.
08:17You got Nash.
08:18Oh, God, Shawn Michaels is bleeding.
08:20Jericho's been busted open.
08:22Orton has been jackknifed.
08:24Shawn Michaels trying to cover Orton here.
08:27And Orton got a foot on the rope.
08:29That saved his skin and his opportunity
08:32to become the world's heavyweight champion,
08:34whether it's his marching orders or not.
08:37And now look at Shawn trying to pin Jericho,
08:39and Jericho gets a foot on the rope.
08:41Take a look one more time at Hunter.
08:44He's ready to enter this match
08:46and bang, right in the chest.
08:48Super kick from HBK.
08:50Triple H is still addled.
08:54Triple H took about a half a step out of that internal chamber.
08:58Michaels bleeding.
08:59Jericho bleeding.
09:00Orton trying to get back up after that jackknifed powerbomb.
09:05At least three men.
09:06Triple H is still down in his chamber.
09:12A hard right hand by Michaels.
09:14Who's going to be the next heavyweight champion of the world?
09:17Orton taking a pounding here.
09:20And Jericho got a right hand in.
09:22Orton comes back fighting.
09:23This is just a slugfest now, JR.
09:25Which one of these guys are going to be able to stay undefeated?
09:27Well, that's by 2K.
09:28Hell, this is not Orton.
09:29This is Muskogee, Oklahoma on a payday Saturday night.
09:32Nothing but a fistfight at the beer joint.
09:34Oh, look out.
09:35Hard shot from the downstairs.
09:38And the countdown is on.
09:39Only one man left.
09:48And a big Goldberg.
09:49Oh, the power in her feet.
09:51Goldberg unleashing on everything with a heartbeat.
09:55Look at those shots.
09:56Look at the power behind him.
09:57Goldberg is an animal.
09:58He's got a chance to be the world champion tonight.
10:01Strength and power.
10:03That is scary and obscene strength.
10:06Oh, my God.
10:09He's a champion.
10:10And from behind comes Jericho.
10:14And now Jericho and Shawn Michaels trying to team up on Goldberg.
10:18And Goldberg explodes with a double clothesline.
10:22You said we wouldn't see it, but we did see it.
10:24Shawn Michaels and Jericho both trying to do it.
10:27Goldberg really didn't work.
10:28Look out.
10:29Look out.
10:30Look out.
10:31Oh, my God.
10:32What impact.
10:33The cover.
10:34The cover.
10:35Orton's gone.
10:36Oh, no.
10:37Triple H is on his own.
10:38There's three men left.
10:40They're winning.
10:42Missile drop kick by Jericho.
10:44Will he get Goldberg?
10:45No, he won't.
10:46Goldberg powered out before the two count even.
10:50The aim protection is gone.
10:52Now what?
10:53Look at that strength.
10:55Look at this strength.
10:58Right into that chain.
11:0010 miles under.
11:01Look at HBK.
11:03Turn around, Goldberg.
11:04Get your step against.
11:06Two miles of chain.
11:07With some epidermis on it.
11:10Velocity upside down.
11:12That is sickening power.
11:14And now Shawn Michaels.
11:15But it was hung upside down there momentarily.
11:18And now what is Goldberg doing here now?
11:20Oh, this is bad.
11:21This is no good.
11:22You can't do this.
11:23Are you kidding me?
11:27Jericho on the outside.
11:28Don't turn around, Jericho.
11:32God almighty, Jericho.
11:34May he be broken.
11:39The God almighty.
11:42For the love of God, how powerful is Goldberg?
11:48Oh, my God.
11:49Look at this.
11:52My God, what a slammer knocker.
11:55What impact.
11:57But Shawn Michaels is still alive.
11:59Michaels is still alive here.
12:01The opportunistic veteran, Shawn Michaels, has got his two-legged band.
12:07It could be, ladies and gentlemen.
12:09Sweet tin music.
12:13And I got a feeling that Shawn Michaels, I knew, was going to strike again.
12:17Shawn Michaels, next world champ.
12:19Above the dust.
12:20Now above the spirit, Michaels.
12:22Right in the solar plexus.
12:25Goldberg just dropped his shoulder.
12:27Right into the heart of HBK.
12:31Oh, no.
12:33Goldberg pointing to Triple H as if he's saying, you're next.
12:38This is bad.
12:42A three count.
12:44My God, Goldberg's going to finish me and my son to a widow woman.
12:49Triple H is still, I don't even know if he knows where he's at.
12:54Triple H, he's voluntarily staying in that chamber.
12:57I don't blame him.
12:58Do you blame him?
12:59Oh, no.
13:00Y2J, you can't take another one of these.
13:02What a Goldberg.
13:03High impact.
13:05Good God, it's like a car wreck.
13:09The intensity.
13:11The high impact of Goldberg is destroying every human being,
13:16every beating heart in sight.
13:22Oh, my gosh.
13:24Can you believe what we're seeing, JR?
13:26And now we are down to two.
13:29And now we are down to Goldberg and the reigning world heavyweight champion.
13:36It's come down from six to two.
13:40And look at Flair.
13:43Flair's closing the door.
13:46Flair wants to hold Goldberg away from Triple H.
13:50Get out of here, you son of a bitch.
13:53Flair trying to protect the world's heavyweight champion.
13:57Look at Flair.
13:59That's nature.
14:00He's evolution through and through.
14:03He'll sacrifice his own body.
14:05I'll go later.
14:06Tony Goldberg.
14:08That one-fingered salute.
14:10I don't know how prudent that is.
14:12How judicious.
14:13Oh, my God.
14:18The unbreakable Plexiglas.
14:25I can't believe my eyes.
14:27Plexiglas is under threat around the corner with nowhere to go.
14:33Right hands.
14:35Piston-locked, hammer-locked right hands by this wrecking machine, Goldberg.
14:43All that glass.
14:44Somebody could be cut to pieces with a sharp piece of that glass laying around.
14:49And Goldberg.
14:51There's a crowd chanting for Goldberg.
14:54Triple H, he's wounded.
14:56He's cut.
14:59Right into the steel.
15:00Two miles of steel cane.
15:03And Triple H's blood is no part of it.
15:06God almighty, this is getting ugly.
15:09Triple H was a great champion.
15:11He's got nothing to be ashamed of.
15:13Triple H is cut.
15:14That laceration being opened even deeper.
15:16And that steel cane.
15:23Triple H trying to get down.
15:25And finally dies.
15:26Still talking back to Goldberg.
15:28And Goldberg now is head rammed into the-
15:32I'll tell you what.
15:33I'll tell you what.
15:34A quarter of a wrench they are.
15:36They'll come out fighting.
15:37They'll come out fighting.
15:39More high impact.
15:42Everything high impact from Goldberg.
15:45But remember, the world title means more to the game than life itself.
15:50Watch his clothesline.
15:51Watch his impact.
15:56Triple H's body falling right on that steel grate.
16:00Oh, no.
16:04Hey, hey, hey.
16:05Wait a minute.
16:07That's a sledgehammer.
16:10That must have hit Triple H.
16:12That's a sledgehammer.
16:13He hit Goldberg in the head.
16:15My God, I don't believe it.