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ash vs. evil S2 - 28 - the outbreak
00:00Wakey, wakey! Hands off your snakey!
00:04Oh, I'm not. I just...
00:09Ash! You're gonna get us in big trouble! What are you doing?
00:15I'm busting out of here. That's what I'm doing. Now listen, you mind your P's and Q's. I'll see to it that you're taken care of.
00:22Keep talking.
00:23Uh, how about a little Lori doll you can put your puppet privates into?
00:27I like where your head's at.
00:29Almost as much as I like where your nub's at.
00:32That's disgusting. But you know I can't be mad, because that's exactly what I would have said.
00:59What the fraggle rock is that thing?
01:09It's a long story. Come on, we gotta split.
01:11You're not even gonna introduce us? Come on, throw a dog a bone. I mean, look at her. She's filthy.
01:17And fine, yeah, I know.
01:18What? What's fine?
01:20That tiny behind, sister.
01:21Hey, shut up!
01:22You shut the fuck up!
01:26Oh, yeah.
01:27Hey! Focus, son.
01:53Okay, I'll distract him. You get the door, okay?
02:05Somebody there?
02:14Who's there?
02:27Who's there?
02:47Let's go! What's taking so long?
02:49You stupid, big-ass bastard!
02:51Oh, good. People are definitely gonna hear that.
02:57We gotta get out!
03:12What the hell did you do?
03:13He was a demon. I had to kill him before he killed us.
03:17He's not a demon.
03:18That's Pablo. He was my friend. He was your friend, too!
03:21His name wasn't Pablo. It was Reg.
03:24Just like my name isn't Kelly. It's Amanda.
03:27You act up.
03:28Wait a second. This isn't right.
03:31Who's Reg?
03:33Reg was a demon. A dragon demon.
03:36So I had to slay him, just like we talked about, remember?
03:40No! No!
03:42There's no dragons in the Necronomicon.
03:45There's no dragons in the Necronomicon.
03:47There's a Kandarian demon that flies around and makes deadites.
03:50Okay, right. So what, they can't survive in sunlight?
03:53Those are vampires.
03:54Don't you mean bloodites?
03:56Well, wait. There was that one time that the sunlight did work.
03:59Listen to yourself! You're fucking nuts.
04:02Look who's talking to who. You thought Pablo was a dragon.
04:05His name was Reg!
04:10Stop it. Stop her looting, too.
04:16What the hell?
04:18Oh, Jesus Christ.
04:26It wasn't me. I didn't do this.
04:29Yes, you did.
04:35You're a murderer.
04:40No. No!
04:43No! No!
