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ABD eski Başkanı Harry Truman’ın, İsrail’in kuruluş sürecinde Filistin topraklarına adım adım el koyma planını açıkladığı video, Siyonistlerin stratejik adımlarını gözler önüne seriyor.


00:00Roy Anderson was one of them.
00:03We had several other people in the country, even among the Jews, the Zionists particularly,
00:09who were against anything that was to be done if they couldn't have the whole of Palestine
00:13and everything handed to them on a silver plate so they wouldn't have to do anything.
00:17It couldn't be done. We had to take it in small doses.
00:20You can't move 5 or 6 million people out of a country and fill it up with 5 or 6 million more
00:27and expect both sets of them to be pleased.
00:29We had all sorts of objections to everything that was done.
00:33Something had to be done.
00:35We went ahead and done it, and had it done, and now it's working out eventually.
00:41I think we'll have them all satisfied.
00:43But it's going to take a great deal of time yet to get the job done.
