• last year
00:00This is the year 2016, a few doctors in Estonia were doing a checkup of a patient's brain.
00:05That's when they noticed something that no one had ever done in medical science before.
00:10This patient had a mental illness due to which doctors were recording his brain activity through EEG.
00:17Yes, so this is a routine brain checkup for doctors, that is, they were doing the test of the patient very normally,
00:22as other patients do, but they had no idea that something was going to happen during this test that would completely destroy medical science.
00:32Yes, friends, the test started just a few minutes ago that the patient had a sudden heart attack and he died.
00:38This incident was happening for the first time in the life of a doctor that a patient had died during brain scanning.
00:44The doctors were now convinced that whatever was going on in his brain at the time of the patient's death must have been recorded in this test and something like this happened.
00:54Whatever his brain was thinking before and after the death of the patient, everything was recorded in this test.
01:00The patient who died during the brain scan was an 81-year-old Canadian national who had an illness called epilepsy.
01:07Due to this disease, he started running while sitting and this is why the doctor was performing EEG to monitor his brain waves.
01:15Friends, EEG means Electroencephalogram is such a test in which the electrical activity in the brain is monitored.
01:24Through this test, about a dozen electrodes are stuck on the patient's head, which detects the electrical charge produced by the brain cell and then shows it on the computer screen.
01:35Now, how does the doctor know what is going on in the patient's brain at this time from the results of this test?
01:40To know this, it is important that we first understand the concept of brain activity.
01:44More than 100 billion neurons are found in the human brain.
01:48These neurons are the most important part of our nervous system, whose job is to send a message from one place to another in the brain.
01:56This message is actually an electrical charge that sells one part of the brain's neurons and the other part's neurons receive this electrical charge and process that message and then give a signal to the body part to perform any action.
02:10There are so many processes going on in the brain at all times that as a result of them, countless electrical charges move from one place to another.
02:18By moving these electrical charges, a pattern of waves is formed, which is called brain waves.
02:24This pattern of brain waves is different for each task, which has been given different names in medical science.
02:30So far, medical science has been able to identify five types of brain waves, which are known as gamma, beta, alpha, theta and delta waves.
02:39The pattern of alpha brain waves is something like this and its frequency is from 8 to 12 Hz, i.e. this wave is formed from 8 to 12 times in a second.
02:50Our brain produces alpha waves when our mind is completely relaxed, right when we wake up in the morning and are lying on our bed relaxing, or alpha waves are produced when a person is doing yoga practice.
03:05Now let's know about beta waves.
03:07The pattern of beta waves is something like this and its frequency is from 12.5 to 30 Hz and it is until we wake up well and get busy in our work.
03:19In addition to this, beta waves are produced only when we are thinking something or concentrating on something.
03:26The frequency of gamma waves is from 25 to 140 Hz and it is the highest frequency wave in all brain waves.
03:35Our brain produces gamma waves when we are very active and performing some extremely complex kind of work.
03:43Those people who are very intelligent and find the solution to the most difficult problem in a minute, there are gamma waves behind it.
03:51Delta waves
03:52The frequency of delta waves is the lowest in all brain waves, it is only from 0.5 to 4 Hz.
03:59Delta waves are produced during deep sleep in our brain, that is, when we are sleeping very deeply, delta waves produce many hormones in our body, especially growth hormones.
04:10These waves are mostly found in children and as a person grows up, delta waves also decrease.
04:17And at the very end, let's talk about theta waves.
04:19The frequency of theta waves is from 4 to 7 Hz and it is produced during memorizing anything, learning new skills and daydreaming.
04:28Now that we have learned the basics of brain waves, it will be a little easier for us to understand the brain scan of that patient.
04:35As we know that the frequency of gamma waves is from 25 to 140 Hz, there is also another range within its range, which is from 30 to 100 Hz.
04:45And the brain produces gamma waves of this special frequency when we are using our memory, that is, when we are remembering the special events of life.
04:55Doctors noticed a lot of gamma waves in his brain at the time of the death of that Canadian patient, which was especially coming in that range when a person was recalling the memory of his life.
05:06Even before that, the scientists tried to notice the brain activity of people when they died, but they could not record them completely.
05:14But in the case of this Canadian patient, even after his death and even after his death, he had good and bad memories of his life for a few minutes.
05:22Doctors and scientists studied the gamma waves of the dying patient well from 2016 to 2022, i.e. for 5 years, and then found that while dying, a person is remembering the events of his life.
05:35There is no solid proof of the doctor and researchers' findings, but to prove their findings, they also contacted those patients who had survived while dying due to some disease.
05:46Or some patients who were saved by taking them to the hospital at the last moment.
05:51When asked those people, they also had to say that in front of them, as if someone had flashbacked their life, this experience was not faced by a few people, but many people had given the same kind of answer.
06:03Doctors and researchers did not make this brain scan public for 5 years because they wanted to study it well and secondly, they wanted to match the brain scan of another person while dying with the scan of this Canadian patient.
06:18But in the end, they failed in this work.
06:21Now, because doctors have only one person's brain scan while dying, this is why their finding is also very controversial.
06:28The doctor has also written on research papers that the Canadian patient was already suffering from a disease due to which he was taking a lot of medicines.
06:36This medicine also damages brain activity, which can make a difference in the result.
06:41But there are a lot of chances that when a person is dying, then a flashback of his whole life runs in front of him.
06:49And if this is true, then those who have done good deeds in their life will repeat the same things in front of him even when they die.
06:55And it is obvious that the one who has chosen the path of bad deeds, the flashback will also come in front of him.
07:01Yes friends, this was our today's video.
07:03What do you think about this research of doctors?
07:06Do let us know in the comment section.
07:08I hope you all liked the video.
07:10Inshallah, we will meet in the next video.
07:12Allah Hafiz Friends
