• letztes Jahr
Ein Meeresbiologe erforscht in einem Küstenstädtchen in Oregon ungeklärte, tödliche Angriffe auf Fischer, die sich in letzter Zeit häufen. In Bad Fish findet er heraus, dass die Schuldige eine Meerjungfrau ist, die umhergeht und Leute ermordet.


00:00How's it going out Ben Burns was perch fishing hooked into a leg organized a search party
00:13You're not gonna believe this one
00:16What could do this something mean?
00:19What the hell is going on sheriff?
00:26You have any idea what did this
00:30There has to be something out here driving these fish away every 10 years they return
00:35Who stay daughters of the sea?
00:38Mermaids sirens calling what you will but they're bad fish


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