• last year
Researchers say one in seven young Australians have dyscalculia, a learning disorder which affects a person's understanding of number-based information. But as Madeleine Rojahn reports, experts are worried not enough is being done to investigate dyscalculia and support those who have it.


00:00Northern Tasmanian artist Alfie Barker has dyscalculia.
00:06Basically anything to do with numbers, my brain just can't grasp.
00:12I've heard people describe it like dyslexia, but for maths.
00:17So he makes good use of technology to run his art business.
00:21The disability affects daily tasks like counting money,
00:24gauging distances and reading time.
00:27It's not something I share with people often or speak up about
00:30because to someone who doesn't have the disability
00:34or know anything about it, it does seem like very odd
00:38not to be able to imagine, you know, two centimetres.
00:43Teacher and advocate Jodie Clements has dyscalculia too.
00:47So missing appointments, missing flights, I've missed many flights.
00:51She says it's important to check whether students struggling
00:54with numeracy may have an underlying condition.
00:58Is it ineffective instruction or do they really have an inherent difficulty?
01:02For those with dyscalculia,
01:04a multi-sensory hands-on approach to teaching can help.
01:08Breaking down concepts, establishing base skills
01:11and giving kids more opportunity to improve.
01:14Researchers say as many as one in seven Australians live with dyscalculia,
01:18but many people don't know they have it.
01:21Some are also concerned a lack of research into the condition
01:24means many are unaware of it and so don't get the help they need.
01:28Part of the reason I think we don't know as much about it
01:31is that there hasn't been as much funding put in to understand it.
01:34Dr Paul says research into dyslexia gets more than 20 times
01:38the amount of funding of dyscalculia.
01:41Alfie Barker thinks more understanding is needed from the community
01:46and by the people who have the condition.
01:48The more you can learn about yourself and the way your brain works,
01:51the easier life is to manage, for sure.
