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01:00想你永藏不忘 I want to keep you in my heart
01:03天地为魔 万物为童 酩酊成谈 Heaven and earth are for demons, all for nothing, but for the same goal
01:06爱者不悔 与你成钢哪怕会受伤 Lovers will not regret, even if they are hurt
01:09无垣华山那道烟火烧尽奔向你耳旁 I will burn that firework to burn it to you
01:15几岁黑暗破月而亡 How many years have I been through the darkness
01:18跨过生命荆棘的墙 Across the wall of life
01:22与你肩如花般倔强 I'm as stubborn as a flower with you
01:24相伴着一场絢爛 I'm with you in this moment
01:27风雨飘到我骨一燃 The wind and rain are still floating
01:31或许从此终有相拥 Maybe we'll meet again
01:34终生计较不朽的冲刹 与你执手 I'll fight with you with a smile
01:40听梦的回响 Listen to the sound of dreams
02:01优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:03我们的目标是救人 Our goal is to save people
02:04没必要跟他们分生死 There's no need to fight with them
02:06而他们的目标是杀了我们 And their goal is to kill us
02:08寒梦之剑 The golden dream
02:10所以,我们可以利用云露的幻化之术 So, we can use Yun Luo's illusion
02:13玩一出妙计一身 To play a game of magic
02:15你竟敢杀了圣女 How dare you kill the Saintess
02:17云露之法 The magic of Yun Luo
02:19铁熊,拖住她 Iron bear, hold her
02:24冤家,我快抵不住了 Yuanjia, I can't resist anymore
02:27寻魂破阵 Break the formation
02:42该死的仁阳 Damn Ren Yang
02:47总算是有惊无险 It's finally over
02:50你刚刚挨了蒙充一击竟然没事 You just got hit by a magic attack and you're fine
02:52我练化了她大量魔气 I've trained her with a lot of magic
02:54破了那一击 But I didn't break the attack
02:56紫玉,这次真是多谢你了 Ziyu, thank you so much
02:59既然你没事,那就好好休息吧 Since you're fine, have a good rest
03:01期待你们人族圣地崛起 I'm looking forward to the rise of your Human Clan
03:03我先走了 I'm leaving
03:06下一步就是对魔族宣战了 The next step is to declare war on the Demon Clan
03:08我要尽快拿下魔族圣地 I want to take over the Demon Clan as soon as possible
03:10通过传送阵回天眼大陆 By sending the formation back to the Eye of Heaven
03:14我,人族圣地之主罗战 I, the leader of the Human Clan, Luozhen
03:18向魔族圣地宣战,不死不休! I, Luozhen, declare war on the Demon Clan!
03:22宣战确认人族魔族两大圣地保护机制于一日后实效 The declaration confirms the protection mechanism of the Human Clan and Demon Clan
03:29双方可进入对方圣地,成功击杀对方圣地之主,即可获得圣地之战胜利 If both parties can enter the enemy's holy ground and successfully kill the enemy's lord of the holy ground, they can win the battle of the holy ground
03:48恭迎老主出关! Welcome the leader of the Human Clan!
04:01莫得身死,以圣地之国为强!莫得身死,以圣地之国为强! You deserve to die, for the sake of the holy ground!
04:06你和仁阳敢向我魔族宣战,废物玩意儿! You and Renyang dare to declare war on the Demon Clan, useless!
04:10劳主恕罪,龙虫毕竟肝脑涂地,三日内涂灭人族圣地,不不,一天就够! Please forgive me, my lord, the dragon worm has just been killed, it will take three days to destroy the holy ground of the Human Clan!
04:17不,不,一天就够! No, no, one day is enough!
04:19此次圣地之战,我一定把坟青、祖赫和那头仁阳送给您下脚,求老祖饶命! In this battle of the holy ground, I will definitely send you Fenqing, Zhuhe and Renyang! Please forgive me, my lord!
04:28崽子们,随我踏平人族圣地,涂灭人阳! Bastards, follow me to destroy Renyang, the holy ground of the Human Clan!
04:36踏平人族圣地,涂灭人阳! Destroy Renyang, the holy ground of the Human Clan!
04:43此次圣地之战,魔族老祖也会参与,它是生死竞圆满,我这具傀儡之身,顶多只能施展生死竞出的实力。 In this battle of the holy ground, the Demon Clan will also participate in it, it is a perfect life and death. My puppet body can only exert the power of life and death.
04:53我倒是有个图谋计划。 I have a plan.
04:54罗正! Luo Zheng!
04:59对魔族宣战,你疯了吗? Are you crazy to declare war on the Demon Clan?
05:07我们好不容易才建立起圣地,人族才看到希望,要是输了,就什么都没了。 We finally built the holy ground, and the Human Clan saw hope. If we lose, we will lose everything.
05:21前辈,你也这样想? Senior, do you think so?
05:25在下多谢圣主救命之恩,但人族积弱多年,需要时间休养生息,击败魔族不是一朝一夕之事,还请圣主三思。 I thank you for saving my life, but the Human Clan has been weak for many years, and needs time to recuperate. Defeating the Demon Clan is not a matter of one day and one night, please think twice.
05:37我不想再当这样了,圣主,请求对魔族的宣战吧。 I don't want to be like this anymore, Lord, please don't declare war on the Demon Clan.
05:43我求你了,圣主,请求魔族放过我们吧。 I beg you, Lord, please don't let us go.
05:54只望敌人大发慈悲饶过自己,靠着下跪求饶换取和平,期待强者主持正义公道,那是做梦,唯有强大自身,才能对抗所有的不公和屈辱。 I hope the enemy will show mercy and spare themselves, kneel down and beg for mercy in exchange for peace, and expect the strong to uphold justice and justice. That is a dream, only a strong self can resist all injustice and humiliation.
06:19可就算我们豁出去性命,也无法打败魔族啊。 But even if we risk our lives, we can't defeat the Demon Clan.
06:24优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
06:50魔族并非不可战胜,灵魂是我们最好的武器。魔族并非不可战胜,灵魂是我们最好的武器。 The Demon Clan is not unbeatable, the soul is our best weapon.
07:01人族的性命,人族的尊严,人族的未来,靠的是你们站起来去抗争。 The lives of the Human Clan, the dignity of the Human Clan, and the future of the Human Clan are all dependent on you to stand up and fight.
07:16我愿为人族站起来,与魔族一战,不死不休。 I am willing to stand up for the Human Clan, to fight the Demon Clan, to live and die for it.
07:22与魔族一战,不死不休。 To fight the Demon Clan, to live and die for it.
07:26哥哥,或许他就是你一直想要的传承者。 Brother, maybe he is the successor you've always wanted.
07:34人族放弃防守了,攻入他们的圣地。 The Human Clan has given up defending, and is attacking their sacred place.
07:38遇蝶是我哥哥的贴身至宝。隔二为一,便可解开雪明洞的封印。 The Moon Butterfly is my brother's personal treasure. If you split it into two, you can break the seal of the Snowy Cave.
07:49解封之时,附近的生灵会被传送入洞中,只是御狐蝶覆盖的范围有限。 When it is unsealed, the lives nearby will be sent into the cave, but the coverage of the Moon Butterfly is limited.
08:02污蔑人羊! Slander the humans!
08:08图谋计划的第一步,就是请军入兵。你们和魔族大军且战几回,引他们深入圣地。 The first step in the plan is to invite the troops into the cave. You and the demon army fight for a few rounds, and lure them deep into the sacred place.
08:17等魔族老总和大军都进入传送洞中,就动手。 Once the demon lord and the army have entered the cave, you can attack.
08:38去! Go!
08:46鱼龙,动手! Yunlong, attack!
08:53我倒要尝尝你的骨头有多硬!竟敢挑衅无上魔族! I'd like to see how hard your bones are! How dare you challenge the Demon Lord!
09:00今日之战,人族就要把你们魔族踩在脚下! In today's battle, the humans will trample upon you demons!
09:05动手! Attack!
09:06玉蝶合一,玄冥洞启! Moon Butterfly Merges, Mystic Mind Activates!
09:37我们可以利用玄冥洞复杂的环境,将他们一网打尽。 We can use the complex environment of Mystic Cave to kill them all.
09:44月蝴蝶选择了他?月蝴蝶选择了他?月蝴蝶选择了他? Moon Butterfly chose him?
09:47哥哥,他就是你一直在寻找的传承者吗? Brother, is he the successor you've been looking for?
09:51我去引开魔族老总。 I'll lure the Demon Lord away.
09:54我和云洛去引魔族大部队,我带大家隐匿。 Yunlong and I will lure the Demon Army away. I'll lead them away.
10:07我先去吃了那头敢逃跑的人羊,你们去抓那几个小家伙。 I'll eat the sheep that dares to run away first, and you go catch those guys.
10:13是。 Yes.
10:15我曾误食过一株仙草,血肉特殊。天徽老总当初留我性命,便是对我的血肉诚意。 I once ate a plant, a special kind of flesh. The Demon Lord left me alive because of his love for me.
10:22他只要发现我,肯定会第一时间赶过来。 As soon as he finds me, he'll be here as soon as possible.
10:26灭魔计划的第二步,就是请前辈你,引魔族老总单独行动,拖延住他。 The second step in the plan is to ask you to lead the Demon Lord alone, and stall him.
10:31我们先解决魔族大军。 Let's deal with the Demon Lord first.
10:36这次,我一定要把你吃干磨净,一点杀都不剩! This time, I'm going to eat you dry and kill you all!
10:48那两头该死的人羊真能跑!等老子逮住他们,先打断他们的腿! Those two damn sheep can really run! I'll break their legs when I catch them!
11:01想靠玄冥洞的怪物来解决我们?太天真了! You want to deal with us with a monster from the Mysterious Cave? You're too naive!
11:19我最擅长的,就是隐秘气息和各种盾术。我就是靠着这门本事,才能在草原上抑制和魔族周旋。 I'm best at hiding my breath and all kinds of spells. It's thanks to this ability that I can control the Demon Lord on the grassland.
11:28血肉隐秘术,解! Blood and Shadow Magic, release!
11:40翱翔就是图谋计划第三步的关键,唯有靠他的术法才能让大家神不知鬼不觉地接近魔族。翱翔就是图谋计划第三步的关键,唯有靠他的术法才能让大家神不知鬼不觉地接近魔族。 The翱翔 is the key to the third step of the plan. Only with his magic can we get close to the demons without anyone knowing.
11:50急阵? Urgent Formation?
11:57我心不灭,我魂不屈! I won't die, I won't give up!
12:28星威阵魂阵,是由我哥哥独创的人魂之阵,可将异族之魂震慑出身体,湮灭其魂。 Starlight Soul Formation, is a human soul formation created by my brother. It can illuminate the soul of the Ghost Clan and destroy its soul.
12:42我争,受死! I fight, to die!
13:47I'll show you what I'm made of.
14:20The cave contains the energy of the True Source.
14:23If you detonate the True Source,
14:25the energy will explode together.
14:27The heavens and earth will be destroyed.
14:30Ha ha ha!
14:33The Saintess is dead.
14:34I can't live either.
14:36All of you will die with me!
14:39Ha ha ha!
15:04No happiness.
15:05No fate.
15:07No worries.
15:08No thoughts.
15:10No sadness.
15:11No fear.
15:24Who are you?
15:26I am...
15:28Wu Qi.
15:29Wu Wu.
15:33Who am I?
15:44this brutal sword
15:46is the sword of the Supreme God
15:48forged by the genius treasure of the upper realm.
15:52With it,
15:53I can light up all of my dragons.
15:56I'll eat you alive today!
15:59Yuan Yang!
16:21He can move the Supreme God's soldiers!
16:35Damn it!
16:37I'll smash him to pieces!
16:44I'll buy you some time.
16:45Hurry up and refine the sword.
16:48How did you know?
16:50The old dragon in your realm told me.
17:22Dragon King!
17:32Supreme Dragon Formation!
17:47Supreme Dragon Formation?
17:50I've finally found my true form.
17:55Supreme Dragon,
17:56kill them.
17:59It's been a long time
18:01since I felt like a dragon.
18:20Scan this QR code.
18:22I can give you
18:24everything you want.
18:28The most evil place outside the tower
18:30contains the power of the curse.
18:32Are you planning to use the wind of the curse
18:34to kill Musu Laosu?
18:36You disgusting human!
18:38Burn these evil things to ashes!
18:44Oh, no!
18:45Once I destroy all of the Difficulties,
18:48I'll wake up.
18:52Go get my brother, Hai Guo.
18:53I'll stop him.
19:48优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
20:18优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
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