• 2 months ago


00:38Fientos de Amor
00:46Si los ponemos así lo recordará Dujun
00:49Si está en un lugar conocido le ayudará recordar hagamos lo que podamos
01:00Ha estado mamá que soy el chico de los mandados
01:04Mamá siempre me pregunta por ti y me preguntas por ella deberían llamarse y conversar
01:10Ni siquiera llamas a mamá estos días
01:13Mamá me pregunta cómo estás y también echa de menos a la niña así que ve y llama la de acuerdo
01:20Me regañas igual que mamá
01:39Soy yo
01:42Has comido
01:45y tú
01:47También si estás bien y todo está bien voy a colgar mamá
01:53Tengo algo que decirte
01:59Ya no me reconoce como despierto a ran
02:03Tengo que despertarle
02:05todos los días
02:08Tampoco te reconocerá
02:12Pero aún así estaría bien que vinieras a nuestra casa
02:25A tu casa
02:29Cuando puedo ir para allá hice cangrejos con salsa de soja a Dujun solían gustarle gracias mamá
02:41Lo siento
02:44No pasa nada a ran se durmió si jugó con Dujun y Dujun la ropo
02:51Donde está Dujun está en el almacén otra vez
02:56Si ese es el lugar más familiar para Dujun es donde él guarda sus recuerdos de ti y de a ran
03:03está angustiado por sus recuerdos que se desvanecen
03:06Probablemente sea por eso no te preocupes demasiado
03:11Bueno ya es hora de irme gracias de nada
03:32Ahora de dormir verdad si así es que estás haciendo
03:39Solo paso el rato
03:42Dujun si
03:45Sabes que soy la madre de a ran y también tengo una madre
03:50Soyín tiene mamá así es
03:53estoy pensando en invitarla
03:56para que disfrutemos una rica cena juntos que te parece mi madre es una gran cocinera
04:03puedo invitarla Dujun
04:05está bien
04:07A ran quiere invitar a sus amigos le dije que está bien
04:12En serio siempre me pongo del lado de a ran entiendo vamos a la cama ahora si
04:37He he he he
04:40Ella es mi mamá
04:43El es mi tío
04:46Lizuchul y ella es mi abuela el nombre de mi abuela es mi nombre es
04:52Jo Jung Seok
04:54Jo Jung Seok
04:56Jo Jung Seok
04:59A ran tu abuela
05:02Hace años que no oigo mi nombre
05:05Gracias por decir mi nombre
05:10Bien come un poco pero no hay pastel
05:20pastel para el cumpleaños de susul
05:23debemos comer pastel en los cumpleaños
05:26Dujun vamos a comprar pastel juntos
05:30Yo también quiero ir quiero elegir el pastel adelante cómelo todo
05:39Es delicioso
06:05Esta casa es genial pero no está demasiado lejos a
06:10Evitando el tráfico es un trayecto similar a la casa de seúl
06:17Sujin pase lo que pase desearía que no
06:21Sufras ni quiero verte llorar
06:24Si te mantienes alegre y sonriente no quiero pedir nada más
06:29también tú
06:49Papá si se escribe tío si así es debería papá intentar escribirlo
07:06Listo te gusta
07:11Si tengo una bonita letra yo también quiero una letra bonita
07:16Y que es esto
07:20Este es mi tío
07:21Liso chul liso chul el tío de a ram pronto será su cumpleaños
07:26Comerá pastel y recibirá regalos por eso escribo una tarjeta de cumpleaños para él
07:34Papá también escribió algo en serio si así podremos enviar el tuyo y el mío juntos
07:41Si sería bueno enviarlo juntos
07:43Iré y lo traeré
08:02Papá terminé mi carta papá también la terminó
08:07entonces enviamos las cartas de acuerdo espera traer el pegamento
08:42Mamá ya terminaste ya terminé ahora hay que poner las estampillas quieres poner las estampillas
08:50Lo haré con papá
08:55Papá ven aquí
09:03Papá mira esto
09:11Pégalo aquí esto
09:25Buen trabajo
09:31Como pudieron hacerme esto hicieron una película sin mí no me mal interpretes no es para tanto
09:38No es exactamente una película es un regalo
09:41Y cuando me filmas en una semana que día de la semana el miércoles
09:48Bueno estoy ocupada el miércoles hagámoslo el martes
09:51está bien
09:54Escuché que tu hijo no te reconoce se encuentra bien
10:00Olvida todas mis fechorías y eso es bueno cada día es una luna de miel me gusta
10:07Cariño mira te oye porque no se van de luna de miel cierto deberías intentarlo eso ayudará a Dujun a recuperar sus recuerdos
10:25Este té de hierbas es muy bueno pues si
10:30este té es realmente bueno para la salud si
10:34Dujun si te cuento otra historia
10:38si mucho antes de que harán naciera tú y yo nos casamos después de la boda
10:45recorrimos la ciudad por nuestra luna de miel
10:49y después de ese paseo
10:53la noche en nuestra casa los dos
10:56Es esta nuestra historia?
10:58Así es
11:00Dujun te gustaría que nos fuéramos de luna de miel como aquella vez
11:07Viajar es divertido
11:10Entonces como cuando nos casamos lo pasaríamos en nuestra casa
11:18Si eso es lo que quieres
11:21entonces iré contigo
11:25Gracias a ti
11:39Oye pequeña sal de ahí hoy te quedas con el tío y la abuela
11:43No quiero voy a ir con mamá y con papá
11:46Juguemos con el tío
11:48haremos el avión cien veces
11:50De verdad?
11:52Encendemos el aire acondicionado antes de que vuelva papá y mamá
11:55Si lo haré le diré al auto que lo haga
12:01Bienvenido en que puedo ayudarle
12:03Enciende el aire acondicionado
12:05Encendere el aire acondicionado
12:09Esta salida es muy buena
12:11Encendere el aire acondicionado
12:15Esta saliendo
12:16Es muy frio
12:17Es muy frio verdad
12:21Mamá y papá buen viaje
12:23No se preocupen tengan buen viaje
12:26Nos vemos nena
12:29Escucha la abuela y el tío
12:33Di adios
12:34Mamá y papá buen viaje
12:41Tu eres cada respiración que tomo
12:45Quiero compartir mi amor con ti
12:48Tus ojos, tu sonrisa
12:52Me hace sentir que mi sueño se está cumpliendo
12:56¿Cómo puedo decirte que te amo?
13:00No puedo explicarlo
13:05Si solo tenemos esta noche
13:09Solo quiero amarte
13:12Vamos a estar esta noche
13:16No te preocupes estoy contigo
13:19Tu eres la única
13:22Quiero pasar mi vida por ti
13:27Déjame ser tu día soleado
13:30Quiero que sepas
13:33Siempre te amaré
13:39No importa donde vayas
13:42Sabes que no estás sola
13:46Cada momento puedo sentirte
13:49Es un regalo
13:54Te ves bella con ellas
13:58Solo quiero amarte
14:04Vamos a estar esta noche
14:08No te preocupes estoy contigo
14:11Puedo sentir tu corazón
14:14Incluso si no dices nada
14:18Solo quiero decirme mi amor
14:22Dugu, mira hacia allá y sonríe
14:24Te ves muy guapo cuando sonríes
14:27Siempre te amaré
14:58La primera vez que vinimos
15:02Los árboles eran muy bonitos
15:05Los árboles huelen tan bien como un bosque primaveral
15:10El aroma del verano también está ahí
15:13Y la brisa se siente cálida
15:17Se siente muy bien
15:21No puedo decir nada mejor que eso
15:25Dugu, no creo...
15:27No creo que ignores algo
15:54No puedo creerlo
15:57No puedo creerlo
16:00No puedo creerlo
16:03No puedo creerlo
16:06No puedo creerlo
16:09No puedo creerlo
16:12No puedo creerlo
16:15No puedo creerlo
16:18No puedo creerlo
16:21No puedo creerlo
16:24No puedo creerlo
16:27No puedo creerlo
16:30No puedo creerlo
16:33No puedo creerlo
16:50Por favor ábrelo
16:53Esta es...
16:54It's a letter that Ran and you sent to your uncle, Sushul, by mail.
16:59I don't think I should open it.
17:01Open it.
17:04Should I open it in secret?
17:20Happy birthday, uncle.
17:34I can hear your breath.
17:37I can feel your loving heart.
17:54Thank you, uncle.
18:23I love you so much.
18:53I love you.
19:23Are you awake?
19:54Forgive me.
20:03Thank you very much.
20:07You drew me very well at our school party.
20:13I have a scholarship and I study economics.
20:16I am a student with Dujun.
20:19And I finished military service.
20:21I am...
20:26Well, I am...
20:28I don't know.
20:29You are very pretty, so...
20:31Li Sujin, third year student.
20:34Visual design.
20:35She lives near the school.
20:37And you are from Gangneung.
20:39Initially, you wanted a specialization in painting.
20:52But now, you want to be a painter.
20:54You want to be a painter.
20:56You want to be a painter.
20:58You want to be a painter.
21:00You want to be a painter.
21:02You want to be a painter.
21:04You want to be a painter.
21:06You want to be a painter.
21:08You want to be a painter.
21:10You want to be a painter.
21:12You want to be a painter.
21:14You want to be a painter.
21:16You want to be a painter.
21:18You want to be a painter.
21:20You want to be a painter.
21:23Please try some.
21:25They are delicious.
21:27Thank you very much.
21:29So, Dujun...
21:43No matter.
21:45Eat slowly.
21:46And eat a lot.
21:50Yes, tell me.
22:12Did you pack everything?
22:13Yes, I'm about to leave.
22:14I'll bring mom when I finish everything.
22:16Don't bring mom.
22:17Come alone.
22:18Nor my daughter.
22:21Is something wrong?
22:22Make up an excuse.
22:23Don't say anything to mom.
22:47What is this?
22:48Did he really get better?
22:50I think his memories stayed in our university days.
22:57That's why he doesn't recognize our daughter.
23:02We should tell mom.
23:04I don't want you to do it.
23:06Don't let her be with your Jun either.
23:08Please, do it for me.
23:18Who are you?
23:22I'm Jin.
23:26I told you earlier.
23:28This boy will stay with you when I can't.
23:33Let me introduce you.
23:34His name is Lee Seo Chul.
23:37Nice to meet you.
23:38My name is Seo Chul.
23:40Nice to meet you.
23:45I have to go out for a moment.
23:48Are you going somewhere?
23:50I'm going to school.
23:52I'll be back when I finish.
23:53I have to go to school.
23:54No, no.
23:55They said that since you have good grades,
23:58you don't need to go to school.
24:00I'm a bad student.
24:02So I'm going to take classes and take exams.
24:05Don't worry, I'll be back.
24:07Don't worry.
24:09I'll have the cheat sheet ready.
24:11When I went to look for cheats with Kyung Sook,
24:14she made me walk on the inside of the sidewalk.
24:17You know, that strange vibe.
24:21I came running after the meeting.
24:23Hello, sir.
24:24Hello, sir.
24:32Why is the boss like this?
24:35I don't know.
24:36I don't know either.
24:38Why is the boss like this?
24:41I think he's mad at you for something.
24:44Why would he be mad?
24:45That's not the case.
24:47Why is he like this?
24:48When he's near you, he always smiles.
24:52He's not always smiling.
24:54Even if he's depressed,
24:56you bring a smile to his face.
24:59That's why I thought you and the boss had talked again.
25:02Give me a break.
25:08Is something wrong?
25:10What do you mean?
25:12Well, you seemed to be in a bad mood this morning.
25:16It's not like that.
25:17I'm in a very good mood.
25:19Is something wrong?
25:21What do you mean?
25:22Well, you seemed to be in a bad mood this morning.
25:26It's not like that.
25:28I'm in a very good mood.
25:39Are you sure about that?
25:44Of course I am.
25:46You're so cute.
25:56Hello, Unni.
26:01Unni, are you okay?
26:02Do you want some hot tea?
26:04No, thank you very much.
26:07Nona, are you here?
26:09Meeting, now!
26:35Dohun, are you looking for something?
26:37Did Sujin go somewhere?
26:40She was here a moment ago.
26:42Well, wait a second.
26:44She'll be here soon.
26:46I don't think so.
26:47I have to go with Sujin.
26:49Wait, wait.
26:50Come on, give me a second.
26:53Let me check.
26:55Give me a minute.
27:05Good, this is good.
27:07Is the poster available for Abuela Jisoo?
27:11There are three versions.
27:13And all three are fine.
27:17As I was saying.
27:26Listen to me.
27:27She was about to go look for you.
27:29What should I do?
27:30I can't let her go there.
27:32Just stay calm.
27:33Or else you'll make Dohun more nervous.
27:36I'll talk to him on the phone.
27:38I'll call him.
27:40I'll call him.
27:42I'll call him.
27:44I'll call him.
27:46I'll talk to him on the phone.
27:48Give him the phone.
27:49And have him call me.
27:51I'm in a meeting.
28:09Okay, number one is Sujin.
28:11Number two is your friend Hanseo.
28:13Number three is me.
28:14Nice and smooth.
28:16If you press number one, you'll be calling Sujin.
28:21Number one is Sujin.
28:24Can I do this?
28:26Do you want to try it?
29:14Good morning.
29:18I'm Jim. You're number one.
29:23Really? I'll keep you as my number one.
29:29When will you be back? Can we meet later tonight?
29:34Why? Is there a place you want to go?
29:37No, I just wanted to see you.
29:41Please, come later.
29:44I'm curious to know what we'll do.
29:49I think you'll be very happy, Jim.
29:54Okay, I'll be there soon.
29:57Thank you, Doohom.
30:00Thank you very much.
30:03How did this happen?
30:12For now, it's important that Doohom is calm and stable.
30:17The doctor said that we shouldn't pressure him and that it's important to agree with what he says.
30:25It will be difficult for him to remember the past.
30:33He'll be in complete shock.
30:36I must protect Doohom's world right now.
30:41Just as you know it.
30:44I understand, Nona.
30:48As for the shoot, let's see what happens.
30:52I can't focus on work and I'm bothering you. I'm sorry.
30:57No, I never thought that.
31:01Umi, we're not very helpful, but let us know if you need anything.
31:07Thanks to you two, I feel calmer.
31:23You need more of this.
31:26But this is salt. If it's still bitter, add more.
31:31Can you try this?
31:37Wait a second.
31:44I'm busy. What's going on?
31:49We'll talk later.
31:52This is for Sujin. She must like it.
31:57But that's full of sugar. Sujin will like it.
32:02She'll like it.
32:12It's delicious.
32:19Doohom, I'm back.
32:27Did you make that yourself?
32:32Liz O'Shul's recipe isn't good, but mine is delicious.
32:38It looks good.
32:40Just the two of us?
32:42O'Shul, won't you join us?
32:46No, I'm fine with this.
32:54Thank you for the food.
32:56You're welcome.
32:58I'm going to the bathroom.
33:03Thank you for the food.
33:05Please enjoy.
33:24It's delicious.
33:26It's good, isn't it?
33:32It's much better than what I cook.
33:35Thank you, Doohom. I'll be waiting for the next time.
33:40Eat, eat.
33:48It's delicious.
33:51Doohom, I'm leaving now.
33:57I'll see you later. What do you think?
34:01You should come again.
34:05I promise.
34:08I promise.
34:11Go to bed early.
34:17See you later.
34:25Take care.
34:31Take care.
34:41No way. How did this happen?
34:45What should we do?
34:47That's why we need your help.
34:49I think you should go see him tomorrow.
34:52You're the person he remembers the most.
34:56Sujin must have been surprised. Is she okay?
35:00No, she never shows it.
35:03She always says she's okay.
35:07I'm worried.
35:14Mom, why isn't Dad coming?
35:19Arran, you must miss Dad a lot.
35:24But he's...
35:28You already told me that.
35:31Arran, do you remember Dad in the hospital?
35:35You wore the shoes he gave you for the visit.
35:40Dad put a pretty flower in my bag.
35:45Is Dad in the hospital again?
35:50That's why he can't see you for now, my girl.
35:56Can I go visit him?
36:00I want to help him get better.
36:03But Dad is very sick.
36:06It won't be easy for you to help him.
36:09In the hospital, they told Arran to help Dad recover.
36:14I know you miss him, but can we wait?
36:18But I really miss Dad.
36:22I know. Dad knows that too.
36:27...has to be strong and healthy again...
36:30...so you can play together, Arran.
36:35Isn't that better than Dad being sick?
36:40That's right. My girl is strong.
36:43Mommy has to stay strong too.
36:48Go to sleep.
36:51Good night.
37:18Is Arran sleeping?
37:23I don't know when he grew up so much.
37:25Kids grow up so fast.
37:28You know, it looks like it was yesterday...
37:30...when you and Xochitl were playing and arguing.
37:36I think Xochitl is finally growing up.
37:39He went to your house to take care of you and Dujun.
37:43You know he's always nagging, and he's not trustworthy.
37:49How's Dujun?
37:51Is everything okay?
37:55Give it to me. I'll do it.
37:57Leave it. I'll do it.
37:59You're tired. Go to sleep.
38:13Good night.
38:31Let me see. Is your hand good?
38:34It's good.
38:35And Sujin?
38:37She's great.
38:38Is she better than me?
38:39Of course.
38:40Does she have a tongue?
38:41You shouldn't have said that.
38:43Look at this.
38:45Dujun, you have to pay her double.
38:47Let's be careful.
38:49We should eat this.
38:55Yes, yes, yes.
38:57He's a zombie.
38:58Let's see now.
39:01That's it.
39:04Very good.
39:10He's ruined from the start.
39:12He must feel great.
39:13Then I'll do this.
39:15No, don't take that one out yet.
39:17He doesn't have any Pi.
39:19When he has one, you can take it out.
39:21Is this chess?
39:22Why are you meddling?
39:25Well, let's do this, and...
39:29It's incredible. We have a yin-yang.
39:32Stop being silly.
39:33You're driving me crazy.
39:34How did he do it?
39:36Give me luck.
39:39I give up.
39:41Dujun, the true personality always flourishes in games.
39:46Look at the example.
39:48It's your true self.
39:53Go make ramen.
39:55Yes, quickly. Don't stay with Dujun.
39:58Dujun, let's play again.
40:00But I'm not done yet.
40:02Yes, fortunately, Dujun still remembers me.
40:05Look, he seems to be stable when he remembers someone.
40:10Yes, I'll stop by often.
40:12I should also play with Ram.
40:16Okay, bye.
40:25It doesn't matter.
40:26I know.
40:27Let's go see the second place tomorrow.
40:29Second place?
40:32Were you looking for places without telling me?
40:34Of course I did.
40:35I told you I would make you proud.
40:37Let's go see it before opening tomorrow.
40:39Do whatever you want, boss.
40:40What am I going to know about your friend and the restaurant?
40:44Well, you're not interested in real estate, are you?
40:48I'll go see it alone.
