• last year
00:00By Joe, a strange... strange indeed.
00:05Well, I suppose we'd better investigate. I'll send word for old Towser to stand by.
00:11Ruff! Ruff-ruff-ruff-ruff!
00:14Please stand by.
00:17What's he mean by that?
00:19I don't know. Oh, maybe that old boy's found something.
00:23Oh, I do hope so.
00:31They say the old place is haunted or bewitched or some such fiddle-faddle.
00:36Fiddle-faddle and rot, sir.
00:38Just the same, Sergeant. Use extreme caution.
00:41No telling what sort of hocus-pocus you might run into.
00:46Well, blasted old tibs, on the double, men, on the double!
00:50Yes, sir. Right-o, sir. Right away, sir.
01:00Ruff! Ruff-ruff-ruff!
01:32Psst! Over.
01:36Hmm? What?
01:37Are you one of the fifteen stolen puppies?
01:40Oh, no, we're not stolen. We're bought and paid for.
01:43There's ninety-nine of us all together.
01:49How about that bunch of little ones?
01:51They have names and colors.
01:53They're not from the pet shops.
01:55Fifteen of them?
01:56We never counted them.
01:57They're over there by the TV.
02:06Then I'd better count them.
02:07Watch out for the baddens.
02:10Those two blokes, Horace and Jasper.
02:12They're a mean one.
02:15Hey, look, Horace.
02:17Watch me potty's lordship smack on the conk.
02:23How's that for calling them, eh?
02:30One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
02:40One, two, three, four, five, six...
02:43Hey, Jasper!
02:45Come on, now.
02:47You haven't slept.
02:49Just a short one.
02:51Now, Horace, this ear-ongwash ain't fit for a fancy bloke like yourself.
02:55Besides, you'd get crumbs in it, you cabbage-head.
02:59All right.
03:01Dazzle the whole work tonight.
03:03Hope they give you your collie wobbles.
03:05Guess what?
03:08Hey, Jasper.
03:10Did you...
03:14Let's see.
03:15Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven...
03:18Get down, you little runt, and stay down.
03:24Go on!
03:25Get out of here, or I'll hack your other people.
03:29Oh, dear me.
03:30What was that?
03:31Nine, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...
03:36Nine, nine, eleven, three more...
03:39Twelve, and...
03:40One, two, three, four...
03:42That's fifteen.
03:44They're the ones!
03:49You bloody...
03:51What the...
03:52Hey, Horace.
03:53Look what we got.
03:55A tabby cat!
04:01How'd you like a tabby cat, Steve?
04:04Or a cat casserole?
04:08All aboard!
04:34What is it, Pongo?
04:35What is it?
04:37It's the Great Dane.
04:38He has news for us.
04:39He'll meet us at Primrose Hill.
04:41How will we get out?
04:43The back bedroom window.
04:45It's always open a wee bit.
04:46Come on.
04:54Pongos, you've made it.
04:56What's the word?
04:57What's the news?
04:58Have they found our puppies?
04:59They've been located somewhere north of here, in Suffolk.
05:03Oh, thank heaven.
05:04Can you leave tonight?
05:05Yes, yes, of course.
05:06We can leave right away.
05:08I'll go along with you as far as Camden Road and give you instructions.
05:19And when you reach Withermarsh, contact old Towser.
05:22He'll direct you to the Colonel,
05:24and the Colonel will take you to your puppies at the DeVille place.
05:29The DeVille place?
05:30Oh, Pongo.
05:32It was her.
05:33Oh, someone you know.
05:35Sorry, sir.
05:36There's no time to explain.
05:39Oh, I hope we're not too late.
05:42Good luck, Pongos.
05:45If you lose your way, contact the barking chain.
05:49They'll be standing by.
07:08Any news, Colonel?
07:10Not a blasted thing.
07:12They're lost or captured or something or other.
07:15Who knows what.
07:16Colonel, sir.
07:17Colonel, here comes a car.
07:18Oh, come now, Tibbs.
07:19Don't be ridiculous.
07:20They wouldn't be driving.
07:21Yes, I know, sir.
07:22But it's heading for Hell Hall.
07:27It's stopping at the gate.
07:29It is?
07:30Well, blasted old Tibbs, better see what's up.
07:33On the double, man, on the double.
07:35Yes, sir.
07:37Take over, Captain.
07:39Right-o, sir.
07:46I'm sorry, Mr. Simpkins, the answer's no.
07:49No, no, no, no, no.
07:50Six down, four to go.
07:52I've got no time to answer.
07:54I tell you, it's got to be done tonight.
07:56It must be a yes or no question, Inspector.
07:59Do you understand?
08:02But they ain't big enough.
08:04You couldn't get half a dozen coats out of the old caboodle.
08:07Coats? Dark-skinned coats?
08:09Then we'll settle for half a dozen.
08:11We can't wait.
08:12The police are everywhere.
08:14I want the job done tonight.
08:16Are we going to do it?
08:18Any way you like.
08:20Poison them, drown them, bash them in the head.
08:22You got any chloroform?
08:24Not a drop.
08:25And no ether, either.
08:28I don't care how you kill the little beast, but do it!
08:31And do it now!
08:33Oh, please, miss, now have pity, will you?
08:36Can't we see the rest of the show first?
08:39We want to see what's my crime.
08:49Now listen, you idiots.
08:51I'll be back first thing in the morning.
08:53And the job better be done, or I'll...
08:55I'll call the police!
08:58Do you understand?
09:08I think she means it, Jasper.
09:12We'll get on with it as soon as the show's over.
09:18Will you please sign in, sir?
