• last year
summary of An Artist of the Floating World, a powerful novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. This novel, set in post-World War II Japan, follows Masuji Ono, a retired artist reflecting on his past and the role his work played in the war. As Ono looks back on his career, including his nationalist propaganda art, the story dives into themes of guilt, personal responsibility, and the transformation of society after the war. We explore the key moments of the book, such as Ono’s struggle with his legacy, his family’s shifting views, and his encounters with former colleagues and students.

If you’re interested in a breakdown of the plot, characters, and themes, this video will help you understand the essence of An Artist of the Floating World. Whether you're reading the book for school or looking for a thoughtful analysis, this summary will guide you through Ishiguro's exploration of art, memory, and the impact of personal choices during a time of war.


