• last year


00:07Frankly, Mr. Baeza,
00:09I don't understand why, if I had nothing to hide,
00:12you lied to me at first.
00:14I assure you that nothing was calculated, Sergeant.
00:17Whether it was or not, you lied to me.
00:19I guess I wanted to avoid
00:21having to give you too many explanations.
00:23The same ones you're going to have to give me now.
00:25Yes, how fair, huh?
00:27I should have told you the truth from the beginning.
00:29Anyway, let's get down to business.
00:31You told me that Mrs. Adarre
00:33had passed away.
00:34In fact, that's what everyone thinks.
00:36That's right.
00:37How can you tell me that she's still alive?
00:39It's a long story to tell.
00:42I'm a patient man
00:44and I have all the time in the world.
00:47When we learned that Mr. Castillo
00:49had left prison,
00:51it was clear to us that he was not going to give up Mrs. Adarre,
00:54that if he didn't have the opportunity to have her by his side,
00:58he would try to kill her.
01:00How is it that it was clear?
01:02What made you reach that conclusion?
01:04Well, he managed to break the promise without being seen.
01:08He even got to Mrs. Adarre's very room
01:11where he left a bottle of Cicuta as a threat.
01:16The same substance with which he poisoned her the other time,
01:19as I read in his prison entry report.
01:21That's right.
01:22The only way to prevent that man from killing her
01:25was to get ahead,
01:27to make Mrs. Adarre die sooner.
01:31So to speak.
01:32Yes, of course.
01:34Then we simulated the death of Mrs. Adarre
01:37so that man would leave her alone and go forever.
01:41A reverse plan.
01:43But well done.
01:44Well, that's what we thought then.
01:47You say it because it didn't work?
01:49It didn't work, no.
01:50Don't ask me how, but that man didn't bite the bullet.
01:54I don't know how he did it,
01:55but he suspected that Mrs. Adarre was still alive.
01:58And soon after, he let us know.
02:01How did he let you know?
02:03Well, he showed up in Mrs. Adarre's town
02:06where he had supposedly buried her
02:08and there he came out of doubt.
02:12He buried her in the grave.
02:15He dared to do that.
02:17He found her empty, as is natural.
02:20The town's gravedigger can confirm what I say
02:22if you want to talk to him.
02:24And what did you do then?
02:26It is evident that if Mr. Castillo discovered his hiding place
02:31or she left him, she would end up dead.
02:34But this time for real,
02:35which he corroborated by sending us a threat for a letter.
02:39I hope you put that letter at my disposal immediately.
02:43Of course, sir.
02:44We did everything possible to prevent that from happening.
02:51To the point of killing Gregorio Castillo?
02:55No, no, that was not the case.
02:57No, no, we couldn't have.
03:00Because we didn't hear from him again.
03:03I put all my effort into meeting with him.
03:06In fact, I sent him a note of mine in that letter.
03:12And I wonder, Mr. Baeza, how did you get that note?
03:16Well, I didn't know where he was,
03:18but I had heard him say that he stopped from time to time
03:21at the Luján tavern.
03:23So I left the envelope there,
03:24without being sure that it would get to his hands.
03:27And what did he say in that note?
03:30Well, he implored us to meet,
03:32for him to choose the place and the moment.
03:36And why did you want to meet with Mr. Castillo?
03:40I wanted to try to convince him
03:42to leave Mrs. Darre alone.
03:46Based on what you have told me,
03:48there is no doubt that your claim was very optimistic.
03:52Yes, I have never been optimistic, but it may be so.
03:55Did you really aspire to get Mr. Castillo to agree?
03:59No, I guess he didn't want to resign me.
04:02He resisted me.
04:04Besides, that note was of no use
04:06because he never contacted me.
04:10So ...
04:12Mrs. Pia Darre is still alive.
04:15That's right.
04:17A very important and adventurous news, without a doubt.
04:21I'm glad for her.
04:23But this indicates it directly.
04:25What do you mean?
04:26Yes, I mean ...
04:28that she happens to be the main suspect
04:31in the murder of Gregorio Castillo.
04:34Pia Darre would never do something like that.
04:37What conviction.
04:40It seems that you are willing to put your hand in the fire for her.
04:43I am completely sure.
04:45Mr. Gaeza, all that is very good.
04:48But you will understand that I,
04:50as a representative of the law,
04:52do not let myself be guided more than by the facts.
05:08Excuse me, sir.
05:10I need a horse as soon as possible.
05:12Right now I'm looking for a lackey to take care of it.
05:14You bring me careless, who will take care of me?
05:16Yes, sir.
05:17Well, I'll give you orders to prepare the horse and ...
05:20You're taking too long.
05:21The horse ...
05:23is already a very nervous animal, sir.
05:25What do you mean by that?
05:26Why don't you just do what I tell you?
05:28I'm sorry, but I had the feeling that he was very upset to ride.
05:31And what if I'm not?
05:33I just want to point out the importance
05:35that he calm down before riding.
05:38Where did they teach you that?
05:39In high school? For riders?
05:41No, sir.
05:42But a few years ago I worked for someone
05:43who received a lucrative news
05:45and decided to do the same as you,
05:46go out to ride.
05:48And maybe it was by chance,
05:50but the reality is that he suffered a miscarriage
05:52and his body was returned lifeless.
05:54If you walk for a while
05:56and calm down, it will be good for you.
05:58And in the meantime, I order you to prepare everything.
06:03And of course, sir, if I can do anything
06:05to help you solve this contradiction,
06:08you have nothing more to say to me.
06:10I appreciate it, Mr. Ricardo,
06:11but I'm not able to talk now.
06:13As you said, I'm too upset.
06:15On the other hand, your suggestion to relax
06:18seems right to me.
06:22Well, if you don't mind, sir,
06:23we'll meet at the Caballerizas in half an hour.
06:27Half an hour. Okay.
06:29Oh, and Mr. Ricardo.
06:33I would appreciate it if someone asked about me
06:35and told them that I have received an urgent call
06:37and that I had to leave immediately.
06:38As you wish, sir.
06:39Right now, I don't see myself talking to anyone
06:41in this family without making a serious mistake.
06:43Don't worry, sir.
06:44I'll do what you say.
06:48Good afternoon, sir.
06:55Ricardo, is something wrong with the Count of Añil?
06:57He has received an unexpected news
06:59and had to leave in a hurry.
07:04Let's hope it's nothing serious.
07:08Mr. Ricardo, could you please let Mr. Baeza know?
07:12Mr. Baeza just broke his promise, sir.
07:19I had to give him an important task.
07:21If you don't mind, may I do it?
07:26Of course.
07:27Forgive me, it's not because I'm not worthy of your trust.
07:30As usual, I always resort to Don Rómulo.
07:32Thank you, sir.
07:33Tell me what you need.
07:34Nothing right now.
07:36But tomorrow, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
07:38I'm going to leave the palace and I'm going to need one of our cars.
07:42Take care of it. I'll make sure it is.
07:45Mr. Ricardo.
07:48It is very important for me that no one finds out about my departure.
07:51And when I say no one, I mean no one.
07:54I understand, sir.
07:56Do you need me to give any indication to the driver?
08:00I'll do it. The time has come.
08:28Come here for a moment.
08:36Hanna, I want you to thoroughly clean Miss Catalina's room tomorrow afternoon.
08:41And what is more important,
08:43I want you to tidy up your closet.
08:45Because Miss Catalina, with this press thing,
08:47that interview, yes, that interview,
08:49was not approved until the last dress,
08:51and that closet right now is a mess.
08:53Is Miss Catalina trying on a dress?
08:57That's what I said, yes.
08:58Miss Catalina?
08:59Are you deaf, María Fernández?
09:02And you, do you understand me?
09:04Yes, ma'am.
09:05Well, you know what you have to do.
09:07What happens is that tomorrow is my day off.
09:12Well, maybe you don't mind if I do it the day after tomorrow.
09:15Of course I care.
09:17Because I want that closet to be tidied up tomorrow,
09:19and not the day after tomorrow.
09:22Mrs. Pedro, it's my day off.
09:25I said that.
09:27But you can change it.
09:29Take another day off.
09:31I'll do it myself with the other maids.
09:35I'd rather not change it.
09:43You'd rather?
09:45Did you say?
09:46Yes, Mrs. Arcos.
09:48And who are you to prefer anything?
09:52It's the gentlemen who prefer.
09:55And we agree that they pay us for that.
09:59Don't worry, Mrs. Petra,
10:01I can take care of Miss Catalina's room.
10:04Come on, María Fernández.
10:06You were taking too long to get into the closet.
10:08And if you want, I can tell Teresa.
10:10And between the two of us,
10:12we'll do the cleaning in a blink of an eye.
10:16All right.
10:18Tell Teresa.
10:19And you two take care of it.
10:21But you'd better not neglect your other tasks.
10:26Yes, Mrs. Arcos.
10:29Thank you very much, Mrs. Arcos.
10:31And if you don't want anything else?
10:34Good night.
10:35Good night.
10:37One moment.
10:39If you meet Santos, tell him I want to talk to him.
10:42Yes, ma'am.
10:48I'd rather not change my day off.
10:55Good night.
11:13Good evening, Mrs. Darby.
11:15I know it's not the right time,
11:17but it's a matter of utmost importance.
11:21Let me introduce you to Sergeant Burdina.
11:24You are Mrs. Pia Darby.
11:26Yes, come in.
11:31Nice to meet you.
11:43I see you have a very good appearance
11:45and color on your cheeks,
11:47to be dead.
11:50Would you like an infusion, a tea?
11:52Something that ...
11:53I don't need it, Mrs. Darby.
11:55I won't take anything, thank you.
11:57Can we go to what really matters?
11:59Sure, sure.
12:00Sit down, please.
12:13I think you know why I'm here.
12:16We have a violent death,
12:18that of your husband, Mr. Castillo.
12:21Someone killed him with a single shot.
12:24He shot me in the chest.
12:27And I guess you think that someone
12:31could be me.
12:35He had a good reason.
12:37Yes, I guess the best of reasons.
12:41What I didn't have or have is the gun.
12:43I don't even know how to shoot a man in the chest, Sergeant.
12:46And much less someone who bends me by force.
12:49Even so, you will understand
12:51that my obligation is to question you.
12:54I must clarify the facts.
12:56Of course.
12:58I haven't heard from Gregorio in a long time,
13:00nor have I seen him, but I will help you
13:02in whatever you need.
13:04I appreciate your goodwill.
13:08When was the last time you saw your husband?
13:12Well, as soon as he got out of jail,
13:15he came straight to the promenade.
13:19Did he want to talk to you?
13:24What he wanted was to take me with him
13:27under the threat of death.
13:32And did they talk about your son?
13:39Sergeant, I told him that my son had been born dead
13:43and I did it only to protect him, I assure you.
13:47And how did Mr. Castillo react to this?
13:51Well, he didn't seem to care, really.
13:54What was said was that he would come back.
13:56And that's what he did.
14:00And did they talk again?
14:05How is that?
14:07We didn't even see each other.
14:09I didn't want to see him, I was scared to death and ...
14:12Although they helped me not to let him get close to me,
14:15he managed to sneak into my room when I wasn't there
14:19and leave me a bottle of Cicuta.
14:27And how did you interpret this?
14:33There is nothing to interpret, Sergeant.
14:35The message is very clear.
14:37As you know, he spent many months giving me Cicuta
14:40to spoil my pregnancy.
14:43I understand that this would scare you even more.
14:47Of course.
14:49So we thought that the best thing was for me to die.
14:52I mean, the best thing was to fake my death
14:55so that he would cease his efforts and ...
14:59and go forever.
15:03Mrs. Adarre, do you have a problem with me registering the cabin?
15:11No, of course not.
15:14Although I already told you that I won't find anything.
15:17I warn you that I don't have a gun and that ...
15:19I've touched one in my life.
15:21Don't just take it wrong.
15:23Understand that if I continue to investigate,
15:26it is to confirm your innocence.
15:53Mrs. Arcos, I was told you wanted to see me.
15:56Yes, I was told correctly.
16:02Come in.
16:15What do you want me to do with him?
16:17Leave him where he was.
16:20Has it helped you in any way?
16:22Did you hear what I just told you?
16:25Yes, Mrs. Arcos.
16:27Well, you already know what you have to do.
16:29I will.
16:31Don't say a word to anyone.
16:33I understand, ma'am.
16:36It will be our secret, Santos.
16:42Good night.
17:01Good morning.
17:11Good morning.
17:13Good morning.
17:19It seems that you got up in a very good mood today.
17:22Yes, yes.
17:24I could say that I got up very happy.
17:27And if you can tell, what is it due to?
17:30I wouldn't know how to tell you.
17:33Nothing in particular.
17:35I just feel like today could be a good day.
17:38I'm glad.
17:41I hope the day is up to your expectations.
17:45I hope so.
17:51Manuel, do you remember the Counts of Valvas?
17:56We used to go there a lot.
17:58And I got along especially well with his children.
18:00Especially with Adrian, the eldest.
18:03He was a very funny boy.
18:05And we shared a lot of adventures.
18:07That's what you call the games you used to play together.
18:11Mother, we were very young, keep that in mind.
18:14Yes, I don't miss that detail.
18:16In fact, it is the only reason why his parents and we
18:19were so patient with your little friend and you.
18:23And anyway, why have the Counts of Valvas come to mind now?
18:28Well, you see, they invited me to a snack today.
18:31It's been so long since we've seen each other.
18:33That's an excellent plan.
18:35Isn't it?
18:37I had thought that since you got up in such a good mood,
18:40maybe you would like to join me this afternoon.
18:44It could be an opportunity to see the children again and,
18:47who knows, resume your friendship with Adrian.
18:52You know,
18:55I'd love to.
18:57I'd love to, really.
18:59But I have an essential commitment this afternoon.
19:01So it will have to be at another time.
19:03What essential commitment are we talking about?
19:06Some matters related to the administration of the farm.
19:10But I'm not going to bore you with details.
19:13In fact, the sooner I get to it, the better.
19:18Good morning, mother.
19:20Good morning.
19:27I love you.
19:44What are you doing here?
19:46He said he wouldn't come for the promise in a few days because he had a trip.
19:49You were there. I'm going to ask the questions.
19:52I'll tell the cooks right now.
19:55It's not necessary because the questions are for you.
19:57Or rather, the question, because I only have one.
20:01Where do you have the money?
20:05What money?
20:07Don't play dumb, Mercedes.
20:09And above all, don't take me for a fool.
20:11You know exactly what money I'm talking about.
20:14Where do you have it?
20:18What does this have to do with anything, mother?
20:20So it's true?
20:22Did you steal the money?
20:23Don't scream.
20:31I didn't know until this morning that your father told me.
20:35You took a lot of palace money.
20:37Where is it?
20:41I told you not to take me for a fool.
20:43And I told him I don't have that money.
20:45Not anymore.
20:46Did you spend it?
20:47No. I wish I had spent it.
20:50So you admit that you have stolen it.
20:53What did you want me to do?
20:55I left home with the opposite. I had to do something.
20:57Something like robbing your own parents?
21:00No. My father.
21:02And a thief who robs a thief ...
21:04You know, mother.
21:06Stop saying things, Mercedes.
21:08What you have to do is return the money I took from you.
21:11But ...
21:13How dare you do something like that?
21:15What were you thinking?
21:16I already told you.
21:17To get ahead.
21:18Get ahead?
21:20And you end up as a maid?
21:22She is not a maid. She is a maid and she knows it perfectly well.
21:24Man, please.
21:25Where are you going to stop?
21:27You left home taking enough money
21:30to live for many years without having to do anything.
21:33And the question I'm asking you is very simple.
21:36Where do you have it?
21:38I'll tell you again.
21:39I don't have it anymore.
21:40And I tell you again that that money was not yours
21:43and that you had no right to touch it.
21:45Very well, mother.
21:46I took it without having to take it and now for avatars of life?
21:49I have lost it.
21:52But you know something?
21:53Sometimes I think things are fine like this.
21:56And it was a matter of divine justice or something like that.
22:00After all, this money has been the result of the misfortune of many people.
22:03Stop being silly, Mercedes.
22:05All this is very puerile.
22:07Money is money.
22:09And no matter how much you think you know everything,
22:11you have no idea how hard it is for your father to earn that money.
22:14When you started coming to the promise, I figured there was something underneath.
22:17And now I know.
22:19What really matters to you and your father is that he brings that money home.
22:24Not that I come back or stay here.
22:27But that's not true.
22:29I've been coming to this house for a long time.
22:32And I haven't known about the money until yesterday.
22:34I don't know if I can believe you, mother.
22:36Maybe he's tired of going for the good ones.
22:39But now what else is there?
22:41I'm telling you, I don't have that money.
22:44And even if I did, being honest,
22:47before giving it to my father, I'd rather burn it.
23:18How did it go with Hanna's exhaustion?
23:22Well, yesterday I tried to assign her a task for this afternoon.
23:27And she got angry, claiming it was her day off.
23:32I see.
23:33And what did you tell her?
23:35Well, that she could change her schedule.
23:38But right away, her friend María Fernández ...
23:41The writer?
23:42Yes, ma'am, the writer. She came to her aid.
23:45And she offered to do the task.
23:47It is clear that they are hiding something, ma'am.
23:50Do not doubt it.
23:54I have proposed to my son a plan for this afternoon.
23:57But he has come up with the most absurd excuse.
24:00Practically taking me for a fool.
24:04Then there is no doubt, ma'am.
24:08Today is the day.
24:10Or there are many possibilities that it is.
24:14The only thing we need is ...
24:17is to know where they plan to get married, that pair of fools.
24:36Come in.
24:42I see that this time you have come alone.
24:44I apologize, Mrs. Adarre.
24:46If I brought the sergeant with me last night, it was because I had no choice.
24:50I can imagine.
24:52I don't know if I could have warned you, but I didn't want to do it either.
24:56I wanted you to see that we have nothing to hide.
24:58Well, nothing or almost nothing.
25:01Well, almost nothing. But when the sergeant told me that he wanted to talk to you,
25:04I thought that the best thing would be to bring him here often.
25:08And so he would get the idea that there was nothing agreed between you and me.
25:13The truth is that it makes sense.
25:16And besides, I don't know him very well.
25:19But that man is cavalier and very methodical.
25:23Mr. Baeza, you have done well. So don't think about it anymore.
25:26It's time to get rid of him, isn't it?
25:29Of course it is.
25:32Are you going somewhere, Mrs. Adarre?
25:35Yes, yes, but it will be a matter of a few days.
25:39Mrs. Adarre ...
25:40Mr. Baeza, I can finally go see my son without putting you in danger.
25:42Please, I need to see him, I need to hug him, I need to kiss him.
25:47And don't make that face, I know you understand it perfectly.
25:50Yes, of course I understand it. Of course I understand it, but I don't know if it is appropriate.
25:54With that sergeant investigating and everyone believing him dead.
25:57Well, I'll be back soon.
25:58And when I get back, I'll give you the necessary explanations.
26:01But now I need to go to Badajoz and I need to see him.
26:03Well, you'll see.
26:04Of course I'll see.
26:06Besides, he will be with me even though he has behaved in an exceptional way.
26:09And he deserves to return to Lujan and he deserves to recover his life, don't you think?
26:13Yes, I have to give you all the reason.
26:15Because that woman has left everything for that creature.
26:17And as for the second ...
26:19Well, maybe nothing happens either.
26:21You can wait a few days to reveal that you are alive.
26:24I count on your good taste, then, when it comes to leaving in a few days.
26:27Why do you want my good taste if you are going to leave anyway?
26:30Well, yes, but that way I'm going to be calmer, Mr. Baeza.
26:33Of course, you are the one who doesn't exist.
26:35You are my good taste, yes.
26:37The only thing that bothers me about postponing all this is that we are going to prolong Mr. Pellicer's suffering.
26:44Does it bother you that much?
26:46He does everything possible to hide it, but since you passed to a better life, he has not raised his head.
26:52Well, maybe it's like that for some other reason.
26:55Mr. Pellicer and I have always been very good friends. I know him.
26:59Besides, he could be more honest with me than he usually is.
27:04He told me that you had been a very special woman for him.
27:08He even offered to do everything possible for you.
27:12And you didn't tell him anything then?
27:14No, nothing. He suspected that I was hiding something.
27:19He asked me for explanations and I didn't want to give them to him.
27:21I told him that as soon as I could, I would tell him everything.
27:25Yes. I do ask for permission to talk to him before telling the others.
27:32Well, you have it, Mr. Baeza. After what he told me, it would be a nice gesture towards Mr. Pellicer.
27:38And if I am honest with you, it is true that before all this happened,
27:42Mr. Ricardo and I were getting closer, so to speak.
27:49Well, don't worry. Don't worry. I'll talk to him.
27:53Thank you, Mr. Baeza.
27:55By the way, I hope this doesn't get to the sergeant's ears.
28:00I don't want him to think that you are running away.
28:03Well, if that happens, tell him the truth. Tell him where I've been and that I'll be back soon.
28:09Let's hope it doesn't.
28:24Have you seen a little bird around here, Mrs. Amalia?
28:30Well, it's strange that you haven't even stopped by to say hello.
28:33I was on a trip. What happened? Have you been here?
28:35He just came back from the trip.
28:38And he has made a visit to the doctor to clarify something.
28:42What thing?
28:45Well, something about the recipes I wrote down.
28:48Well, something about the recipes I wrote down.
28:52Doubts, let's say.
28:54How much do you know about cooking to clarify the Duchess's doubts?
28:58You only know a little bit of what López teaches you.
29:00No, they are not culinary doubts, Mrs. Candela.
29:03Stop being culinary doubts. If they are the recipes, what you don't understand?
29:06It is that what the Duchess does not understand are not the steps she has to take, but rather my letter.
29:12Your letter is very precious.
29:14That's true. If you are helping the Duchess, it is largely thanks to your letter.
29:19Well, it was just a few lines. The rest I understood perfectly.
29:22Let's finish.
29:23A few lines, a few lines. Be more careful and wait longer.
29:28And how do you want me to do it, Mrs. Candela?
29:30With how fast López speaks, I try not to leave anything unnoticed, but that is already difficult.
29:35And well, my calligraphy resists me a bit.
29:38Calligraphy resists me? I pass it to Canuta when I have to write Islamic calligraphy,
29:41so that later it does not come out that every day I have the letter, I see.
29:45Woman, that's what it's like to have a boyfriend who is a school teacher.
29:48What do I say? If you understand what you put, what else will you give me?
29:51The letters are prettier and uglier.
29:53They even say that God writes straight, but with the wrinkles twisted.
29:57Candela, that has nothing to do with calligraphy.
30:00It's because you say so.
30:08And who told you that I'm not going to be your personal teacher?
30:12Mrs. Hanna this, Mrs. Hanna the other.
30:15Does the lady have her ass refreshed or does she need a seat bath?
30:20Well, that's it.
30:22Let's see.
30:23Closed so that no one can see, how beautiful you look.
30:27No one does this except me.
30:29Thank you for everything, María.
30:32Mr. Manuel is going to stay hidden for you.
30:38Look at me, I'm shaking. How is it possible that I am more nervous than you?
30:42I'm not going to do it.
30:43Well, well.
30:46Have you put it on already?
30:48Of course you put it on me.
30:52What a great excitement.
30:55Well, and after the priest comes home, what?
30:57What about what?
30:59What do you have in mind, Mr. Manuelito and you?
31:03We are going straight to Madrid.
31:06What happened?
31:09Since you are so close, you can show me the vertigo.
31:13María, you don't have to worry about anything because Manuel has prepared every detail.
31:18And besides, everything is going to be fine.
31:20Everything has to go well.
31:22Of course, I hear you.
31:25And it will all be thanks to you.
31:27You have also put on Mrs. Petra's face for me.
31:30Man, she's not going to miss your wedding day for ordering a closet.
31:34Because she has made us stupid, right?
31:38Today you have to give your life's love, Hanna.
31:42And I wish you all the happiness in the world.
31:46And I wish you were there.
31:49Because I'm going to miss you a lot at church.
31:51I work for you.
31:54Well, don't worry about that.
31:56Today you are important.
31:58And everything will be perfect.
32:08Before your mother, what has come?
32:10Now I know.
32:11Now I know what all this mess comes from.
32:13From the kitchens, the recipes and the notes, López.
32:18But Vera, we know that from the beginning.
32:21Your mother wants you to come home.
32:23No, that's what you and I believe.
32:25What my mother wants back home is the money she takes from me.
32:29The suitcase?
32:32The suitcase.
32:35Well, it won't be easy.
32:37Much less knowing where that money comes from.
32:40I don't understand you.
32:42Well, my father got that money at the expense of the suffering of other people, López.
32:46And what does that have to do with it?
32:48Neither my mother nor my father can go to the Marquis and claim it.
32:52What are they going to tell you?
32:54Before you stole the money from my daughter, we had stolen it from others.
32:57So please give it back to us.
33:02But then your mother knows that you took the money.
33:07But why did you tell her?
33:08No, she already knew.
33:10She just found out, she told me.
33:13No, maybe that's the truth.
33:15López, but it was obvious.
33:18It's not that I was very upset to deny it when she asked me.
33:22My God.
33:24Vera, this could end very badly.
33:26As bad as it started.
33:28What do you mean?
33:31When I reported my father, they came looking for him at home.
33:36Yes, well, you've already told me that.
33:38Yes, but you have no idea how it went.
33:41The Civil Guard came, took him to the barracks and locked him up.
33:45Which meant a relief for you at first.
33:47Yes, but for a short time.
33:49Because after a few days they set him free.
33:52And when I found out that he was coming home, I also found out that he was sentenced.
33:55And that as soon as my father set foot in the palace, he would come for me.
33:59To hit you.
34:00Until he killed me.
34:02You don't know that man.
34:03No, I don't even want to know him, Vera.
34:05After everything you're telling me, I have no interest.
34:08The fact is that I came to fear for my life, López.
34:11And you left.
34:13I was in a very desperate situation.
34:15I just found out that my father was coming home
34:17and I knew it was going to be the first thing I did when I got to the palace.
34:20How strange.
34:21I had very little time, so I either emptied my suitcase
34:24or invested that little time in something much more profitable.
34:30I entered my father's office and I didn't think twice.
34:33And you didn't feel bad?
34:34Not at all.
34:36I knew perfectly well where my father had taken all that money.
34:39You took it like that, without more?
34:42I took it and left.
34:44Without looking back.
34:45I was scared to death, but I didn't have time to look back.
34:49And then I found you in the woods.
34:53Shortly after.
34:56You looked like a vagabond and you took the money to buy Lujan and the surroundings.
35:00Money that lasted very little in my hands.
35:03At least I could have spent something, don't you think?
35:09The fact is that now my mother wants that money and I don't have it.
35:12And if you had it, would you give it to her?
35:13Of course not, Lope.
35:17And what's this?
35:18Well, this is my afternoon off.
35:27And where are you going?
35:33To the bar.
35:43You look very pretty.
35:49Are you going out?
35:54I'm going to ...
35:56The Counts of Valba's house.
35:58An informal lunch.
35:59Well, I think it's a good way to spend the afternoon and yet you seem displeased.
36:05I asked your son to accompany me, but he, as always, has many matters to attend to.
36:09And as always, any of them has priority over his mother.
36:14If you want, I can go with you.
36:16No, Alonso. I haven't invited you.
36:19And frankly, I prefer to go alone than badly accompanied.
36:22Neither the count nor the countess will miss seeing me.
36:25In fact, sometimes I do business with him.
36:28So while you talk about your things, we can get to work.
36:32Don't insist, Alonso. I told you I don't want to go with you.
36:35How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to know about you?
36:39Many, Cruz.
36:41Because I'm not going to resign myself to losing you.
36:45I think you don't understand. You've already lost me.
36:48What if I hadn't thought it over better before seducing my intimate friend?
36:51It's just that I didn't seduce her.
36:54Why do you give credit to that scum you have for a brother-in-law?
36:58You've been convinced by someone you've never trusted.
37:02You can't condemn me for something Lorenzo says.
37:04Yes, I can.
37:06He's deceiving you.
37:09I didn't do what he says I did.
37:12Not like he says I did.
37:15Cruz, you are the woman of my life.
37:19And I'm not going to let you leave my side because of the infamy of a miserable man.
37:24We have to get back what's ours.
37:28We have to be ourselves again.
37:30Those are just words, Alonso.
37:32And they're worthless.
37:34What matters are the facts.
37:36And you did what you did.
37:38You did it the way you did.
37:43And now, if you'll excuse me,
37:45I don't have time for this nonsense right now.
38:16I've heard the music.
38:18And I figured you were the one who was listening to it.
38:22I hope I'm not bothering you.
38:24No, no, no. Of course not.
38:28Look, Martina has proposed to me to go for a walk in Lujan.
38:33And I haven't told you about it yet.
38:36No, no, no.
38:38I'm sorry.
38:40Martina has proposed to me to go for a walk in Lujan.
38:44And I didn't want to accept without knowing if you were coming.
38:48Very considerate of you.
38:52It's just that after everything that has happened, I don't ... I don't want to leave you alone.
38:58You don't know how happy I am to have met you, Curro.
39:02Our conversations these days have done me a lot of good.
39:05I'm glad to hear that.
39:07Yes, but for me they have also been ...
39:09How to call it?
39:13I had a thorn stuck in my heart.
39:17And thanks to you, it's not there anymore.
39:21I had my own thorn stuck.
39:24I had heard so much about you that ...
39:26I had created an image ...
39:28not very good.
39:30Full of prejudices.
39:32But now I know it was an unfounded idea.
39:35I have discovered that you are a good and generous man.
39:38With a noble heart.
39:41I didn't need to overcome any prejudice with you.
39:46I have only been able to confirm everything good that I had heard about you.
39:51In fact, I think I can add something about my own harvest.
39:57You are wonderful.
40:05I love you.
40:16I have brought the last ones that were ...
40:18at dinner.
40:19We'll have to ask for more.
40:22Miss, what a joy!
40:25I'm sorry.
40:26No, no, no, no.
40:27Leave it, leave it, miss.
40:29That's where they come from.
40:32How can I help you?
40:39I come to accept your offer from yesterday.
40:43And what did I offer you?
40:45A piece of heaven, a tortellini, a Maddalena?
40:53You offered to listen to me, Simona, which is what you always do.
40:56And I think that's what I need, for you to listen to me.
40:59Well, here I am.
41:01I'm all ears.
41:04If I told you that yesterday, it was because ...
41:07I think I really know you.
41:10And I'm sure something is happening to you.
41:17I'm very worried.
41:19That's the truth.
41:22And more ...
41:24because you ...
41:26And more ...
41:27because you ...
41:29you have always trusted me to tell me your secrets.
41:33And the fact that I didn't do it, well ...
41:36made me think that ...
41:39that it was your doing.
41:46I'm in a very tight spot, Simona, and ...
41:49and I don't see how to get out of it.
41:53And the worst thing is that it doesn't affect me alone,
41:55but it affects other people in a bad way.
42:01But miss ...
42:06Tell me what it is.
42:11I know I'm just a cook who can do little.
42:15But if you tell me what's going on,
42:17you can count on that little.
42:20Also ...
42:22that you will feel much better if you undress.
42:27Miss ...
42:50Miss ...
43:15Has anyone seen you leave the palace?
43:17It doesn't matter, it's my day off.
43:24Wait a minute.
43:26Is this what you do on your days off?
43:28Cover yourself up to your chin and marry the first one to pass?
43:31Well, everyone has their weaknesses.
43:35And what about you? Has anyone suspected anything?
43:39No, my mother is having a snack at a friend's palace and ...
43:42Don Ricardo knows it's something, but he doesn't know where.
43:45And the driver has given him such a tip that he doesn't even know who I am or where he's taking me.
43:49Well, he has to take you to the station.
43:51Yes, that's all I remember.
43:53But he will forget as soon as I tell you here.
43:55Powerful gentleman.
43:58He's Mr. Minero, yes, I know.
43:59Well, that phrase may sound unfair, although in this case it is true.
44:07You don't know the vertigo that all this gives me.
44:11And me?
44:14But that's it.
44:17That's it, my parents will find out when they receive the letter and by that time you and I will be husband and wife.
44:23So much so that when they see us on the street they will say, look what an unhappy marriage.
44:41For a moment I have had a very bad time.
44:45I was all the time thinking about the possibility that something would happen at the last minute and you could not come.
44:54I feel the same.
44:58But I feel that all the difficult things have already happened.
45:02And now all that remains is that Father Samuel gives us his blessing.
45:10By the way, shouldn't he be here?
45:16Ah ...
45:18Yes, you see, that's my fault.
45:21At the last moment I asked him to go looking for the photographer of the place.
45:27Ana, you too, abusing the trust of that poor man.
45:31Well, what did you want me to do?
45:33I couldn't go, the photographer knows me and I didn't want to stir up trouble and my parents found out.
45:38But on the other hand ...
45:42You wanted to have a memory to show our children.
45:50And our grandchildren.
46:02But don't you want to go out in the picture with that cape covering all the dress you're wearing underneath?
46:36What's going on?
46:40What are you doing?
46:47You can't imagine how much I love you.
47:05I love you too.
47:13I've been looking for you all over the palace.
47:16I've been in Miss Catalina's room for a long time, cleaning and ordering her, along with María Fernández.
47:22What do you want?
47:23Nothing, I wanted to talk to you.
47:26Did you want to talk to me like that in general?
47:29There is something that worries me and I think I owe you an explanation.
47:32Marcelo, don't drive me crazy, for God's sake.
47:36Yesterday I saw you talking to María Fernández and Hanna.
47:39And what?
47:41I assumed that María Fernández had told you everything.
47:44The one who told me what? Marcelo, I don't know what you're talking about.
47:47So María Fernández didn't tell you the story?
47:49What story? For God's sake, Marcelo, I don't know what you're talking about.
47:53María Fernández saw me flirting with a maid.
48:00What a surprise.
48:02She caught my attention for not respecting myself.
48:06You're the worst.
48:08Anyway, María already told me that you weren't where you had to be.
48:13Woman, I know I should have been more cautious.
48:16But I let myself go and my nature is what it is.
48:24I'm sorry, but this is over.
48:27What do you mean it's over?
48:28Yes, Marcelo, it's over.
48:30I'm going to tell the truth and God willing.
48:36I'm tired of pretending you're my husband.
48:43Teresa, wait.
49:00Where have you been?
49:02We've been looking for you for a long time.
49:03Well, I've been here all the time.
49:06In the end, I went with Julia.
49:08I see.
49:09And she's excited about the walk.
49:12It's a very good afternoon.
49:14We could even walk to Luján and have a snack in the square.
49:17I don't feel like going to Luján or walking or having a snack there.
49:22And why is that?
49:25Because I've been thinking.
49:28About what?
49:30Well, how things have been these last few days.
49:35What things, Martina?
49:39Well, I think it's time for Julia to go home, right?
49:46And why is that?
49:48Well, because her parents are back.
49:50Because the painting is already restored.
49:52Because the family needs to regain their privacy, too.
49:58Of course.
50:00If that's what you want, I'll leave tomorrow.
50:03You've all been quite generous with me.
50:06The last thing I want is to abuse your hospitality.
50:12I swear I'm going to be full of gratitude.
50:20You're not going anywhere.
50:22Not until you feel that it's really time to leave.
50:28Martina, Julia is also my guest.
50:39Can I open my eyes now?
50:41One second.
50:43You told me that three minutes ago.
50:46Three minutes later.
51:07A bride can't go to the altar without her bouquet.
51:11Even if it doesn't sound like your wedding from far away.
51:15It's the most beautiful bouquet I could have.
51:22You're beautiful.
51:25Stop saying that, Manuel.
51:32Of course, María.
51:33And you managed to make this dress look like a glove to you.
51:37What we may not have achieved is that it's not the same as the original.
51:41Hanna, with you, nothing is the same as it was before.
51:47Although the truth is that you haven't done much to it.
51:51I don't know, if it was just to reassure María
51:54about the fact that her boyfriend would have seen it.
51:58About the curse, right?
52:00That he didn't want to kill the illusion, nothing more.
52:04Well, that's why you don't have to worry.
52:06Because angels are not affected by curses.
52:11And you are an angel.
52:14Well, this angel is so nervous that he wouldn't be able to fly even if he wanted to.
52:20We'll solve that in due time.
52:24Now I can only tell you that the topics are being fulfilled.
52:29Because I feel like this is the happiest day of my life.
52:32Mine too.
52:51You know, I think this cure is a bit peculiar.
52:54You imagine that it has been there all the time, but it has made us wait for consciousness.
53:00I don't care.
53:03The important thing is that we are going to get married right now, at last.
53:10We are getting married.
53:39I don't remember ever seeing a boyfriend on the altar without his godmother by his side.
53:48Did you really think you were going to be able to do something like that?
53:51Without me finding out?
54:02It was the most wonderful day of his life.
54:05It was the most wonderful day of his life.
54:08Together they were going to start a new life in which they would be happy and eat pernicious.
54:14Don Manuel.
54:15Yes, Maria. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
54:16But you, at this time, should be at home with Hanna, it's very far from here.
54:19I know, everything has gone wrong, really wrong.
54:22But is Hanna okay?
54:23Without a doubt, he took advantage of a poor, vulnerable man.
54:27My son is a victim in all this.
54:29You need to be twisted to do something so miserable.
54:31Why are you talking about Feliciano now?
54:33I'm sorry to hear this.
54:35But I can't compete against a ghost.
54:37And less against one who did everything right and who was perfect.
54:41At least in your memories.
54:43It's just that if I said what I said, it was because ...
54:45It was because I felt that I was overdoing it.
54:48I confess that ...
54:50I was jealous.
54:52Of the wedding of Miss Expósito and Don Manuel?
54:55You didn't know everything, did you?
54:58It must be that no.
55:00But how long are you going to keep torturing me?
55:02That's exactly what you're doing with Lope.
55:04Torturing him.
55:05The poor man is not to blame.
55:07Ah, look.
55:09I see that it has given you where it hurts the most.
55:11Give me back the money and leave that cook alone.
55:14By your face, it seems that it is not a good thing.
55:17Not only something that is not good, but that is worth a very fat one when it is known.
55:22I have realized that the other way around will not make me abandon my purposes.
55:27Because if there is something that I am clear about in this life,
55:29it is that I am going to fight for love.
55:32Until its last consequences.