• last year
(Adnkronos) - Nel 2023 in Italia si sono registrate circa 44 mila nuove diagnosi di tumore al polmone che si attesta tra le neoplasie più frequenti, particolarmente tra gli uomini. I decessi nel 2022 sono stati quasi 36 mila. Numeri che raccontano quella che nel nostro Paese è ormai diventata una significativa sfida sanitaria e sociale. Se n'è discusso a Roma, presso la Sala Stampa della Camera dei deputati, all’evento istituzionale di presentazione del Position Paper “Tumore al Polmone: la Via Maestra è la Diagnosi Precoce” realizzato con il contributo non condizionato di Johnson & Johnson MedTech. Un documento che sottolinea l’importanza e la necessità di promuovere programmi di screening destinati alla popolazione target.


00:00In 2023, in Italy, about 44,000 new lung cancer diagnoses were registered, which stands out as one of the most frequent neoplasies, particularly among men.
00:16The deaths in 2022 were 35,700, numbers that tell what has now become a significant health and social challenge in our country.
00:26It was discussed in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies press room, at the institutional event of the presentation of the position paper
00:34Tumori al polmone, la via maestra e la diagnosi precoce, realized with the non-conditional contribution of Johnson & Johnson MedTech,
00:42a document that underlines the importance and need to promote screening programs for lung cancer intended for the target population.
00:52The aim is to increase the background of the national health system dedicated to all screenings,
00:59and in particular to promote the awareness of the population at risk, therefore smokers and genetically predisposed,
01:08because even familiarity today represents one of the multifactorial stimuli that can affect lung neoplasia.
01:1945% of patients with lung cancer diagnoses already have a locally advanced disease.
01:26We must identify patients who are currently healthy, but who have high risk factors and on those our efforts converge.
01:34And do what? The thing to do is to do a high-resolution chest attack and low dosage, so little radiation for the patient,
01:44but many results in image quality, so with these images we can above all find the lungs in the initial phase
01:50and also find associated pathologies, pulmonary pathologies, cardiac pathologies, so do an important job.
01:55La via maestra is therefore the early diagnosis, also for the benefit of the national health system.
02:01It is absolutely necessary to identify people, so-called healthy subjects at risk.
02:08Who are the healthy subjects at risk? They are smokers who reach the age of 50,
02:14it is as if they were crossing a door and this door is the subject at risk.
02:20At the risk of what? Of developing a primitive lung neoplasia, of having very serious coronary damage,
02:30of having significant parenchymal damage and therefore becoming bronchitis, chronic and emphysematosis.
02:37So with these screening programs it is possible to identify these three pathologies that are very important
02:45and impact on quality of life and public spending.
