• last year
A woman claims to have been abducted from her bedroom in Manhattan. This docuseries explores whether it was an elaborate hoax — or proof of alien life.


00:00They saw me hanging outside my window in a beam of light.
00:05There were 23 witnesses.
00:07I thought it was a movie, special effects.
00:10I don't know why they're keeping it from the public.
00:12But we're not alone.
00:14It would become the greatest abduction case ever seen.
00:20But was there any evidence that this thing had actually happened?
00:25I moved to Manhattan to make a film about alien abduction
00:29with my husband, Bud Hopkins.
00:31The existence of an extraordinary phenomenon
00:34demands an extraordinary investigation.
00:36Bud believed that she was very, very credible
00:39and the audience loved her.
00:41When people hear this, do they tell you you're nuts?
00:43I'll tell you, Jay, I wish I were psychotic.
00:45At least there's treatment for that.
00:47Linda is simply telling the truth. It's as easy as that.
00:50She was pulling the wool over Bud's eyes.
00:56How could she say the things she said
00:59after what my family and I went through?
01:02What do you want from me?
01:04One, we're going to end all this.
01:08Two, we're moving back now.
01:10You're not dying.
01:13Three, you'd have to be a sociopath or a genius
01:18to commit a hoax like this.
01:22To me, it began to seem almost too perfect.
01:25After a while, I started to get paranoid
01:28and not just about aliens.
01:31Keep coming.
01:33This is f***ing mind-blowing.
01:36How could Linda possibly be orchestrating this enormous hoax,
01:39if that's what it is?
01:41How do we know what's real?
01:43It's not easy to believe, let's face it.
01:46But these aliens, if they want you,
01:51they're going to get you.
01:55I will continue to ask questions, Linda.
01:59And I won't stop doing that.
02:01Bring it on.
02:16Thanks for watching.
