00:00Paul, a dominant 7-0 win against Binfield tonight and a pretty dominant performance
00:06throughout there.
00:07You must be pleased with that?
00:08Yeah, really happy.
00:09Like you say, we dominated from start to finish.
00:12I thought we passed the ball really well and it was only really the last 10 minutes that
00:17it became like there's a non-contest but the game just switched off and it got a bit scrappy.
00:23The boys deserved that, you know, they stuck into it on Saturday and then we managed to
00:28play our football back tonight, which was really pleasing and, you know, Shea's off
00:32the mark and I'm real happy for him.
00:34You said dominance throughout from the first minute pretty much all the way to the end
00:37really, wasn't it?
00:38It was, yeah.
00:39Yeah, I thought, you know, the warm-up was good and, you know, I think there's a few
00:43eyebrows raised obviously with Varun on the bench at the start he's had but, yeah, Shea's
00:49come in and put in a real good performance and, yeah, it's a happy night tonight.
00:54So you've obviously got a good squad and obviously with all the Tuesday games the last couple
00:58of weeks, a few changes and Shea comes in and scores five goals, I mean, he can't do
01:02much more than that when he comes in, can he?
01:04No, he can't, no.
01:05I thought, you know, on Saturday I thought he was a little bit unlucky, he made some
01:07great runs in the first half and we just didn't find him and then, obviously, we had to change
01:11it in the second half and he got sacrificed and, yeah, I stuck with him tonight because
01:16I thought, you know, his runs in the first half justified another chance tonight and
01:20he took it with both hands.
01:22Joe Jackson, three assists as well, I mean, he was just putting seven up on the plate
01:26there, wasn't he?
01:27He was, yeah.
01:28You know, he was really good.
01:29You know, we pushed him into midfield tonight, obviously, he was carrying a couple of knocks
01:32in the squad so we pushed him into midfield and he showed his versatility, you know, that's
01:36his natural position and when he was playing two free touch, you know, they couldn't get
01:41near him.
01:42And a couple more goals for Sam for St Croix, continuing his good start?
01:45Yeah, you know, he's had a good start coming in and he's showing, you know, his real qualities
01:51now with both his goals, you know, the first one he's just guided it in using the defender
01:55and then the vision and to chip the keeper from like 35 yards for the second is, yeah,
02:01it's what he's about and it's good to see.
02:03Yeah, as I say, the vision and the execution on that is real quality, isn't it?
02:06Right, yeah, just the, you know, the power on it, the precision on it, it was, yeah,
02:12it was a great goal to watch.
02:14And quite a few times you were able to exploit their high line and sort of just thread passes
02:19through and you were in and scoring pretty much, weren't you?
02:22Yeah, it was, it's one not to get carried away with because, you know, it was strange
02:28all night how high they played, you know, if we're being fussy, we should have really
02:33had double figures with how high they played, but, you know, that's the way they played
02:37them, we had to punish it and they punished it really well.
02:40And so four and a half times, Shaver Hattrick in the first half and Sam with one, yeah,
02:45a half time just more the same, presumably?
02:47Yeah, it's, you know, it's a little bit repetitive in there, but, you know, just keep
02:50pushing that bar and, you know, the game was done at half time, but we've seen it so many
02:55times, how many times you switch off and then it comes, you know, it comes scrappy, like
02:59you give them the last 10 and then the message was to, you know, raise the bar and really
03:04kill this game with some good football and I thought the boys for 25 minutes done that
03:09and then, you know, switched off for the last 15, but they weren't, they earned that.
03:13I'd say it's only really the last 15 really, I mean, other than that, it was just, you
03:17know, could have been more really again.
03:19Yeah, it could have been more, yeah, I think, you know, a little bit of the execution, you
03:22know, Jaco really should have been coming away with two or three assists tonight and
03:26a couple of balls across the box, we should have punished a bit better, but, you know,
03:30that's picking out and being fussy.
03:31And obviously it was such a big lead, able to sort of get the subs on early as well
03:34and sort of flatten back from his ban and just sort of manage minutes and that sort
03:37of thing.
03:38Yeah, it was good, you know, Joe Jackson's come back from a groin injury, so it's good
03:42to get him off early and, yeah, like you say, getting the boys on, you know, after
03:4650 minutes or so, so they've got 45 in the tank.
03:49Yeah, for a squad night, it was good.
03:52Max Meaton went off just a knock, was that?
03:53Was that just a precaution?
03:54Yeah, just a precaution, he just felt his hamstring go a little bit tight, so, you know,
03:57at the stage of the game, I think it was 3-0 up at the time in the first half, so he just
04:01come off, just protect that.
04:03And obviously got three points clear tonight and obviously keep the 100% record, 6-6.
04:08Yeah, you know, that's what we talked about in there, you know, we're top and, you know,
04:11can we extend that lead and, you know, people have got to catch us, you know, we'll have
04:15bumps in the road, but we've got to just keep putting these points on the board while we're
04:18in a good place.
04:20Just roll the momentum forward now to Saturday and Met Police.
04:23Yeah, yeah, we're back here again Saturday, so after that performance, you know, good
04:27turnout again on the Tuesday and the fourth in a row, you know, we ask for one more push
04:31on Saturday and then we'll have a little trip away to Guernsey.
04:35Yeah, that'll be one to look forward to for everyone when that comes around, yeah.
04:38Yeah, we'll be, yeah, we get Saturday out of the way first though and put on another
04:41good show hopefully and, you know, enjoy Saturday as well.
04:44Yeah, just look to make it seven, seven from seven really.
04:46Seven from seven, take the next one as it comes and, yeah, we'll see where we are Saturday