• 3 months ago
NoG NoA 001 Esp Audio Latino


00:00:00Subtitulado por Jnkoil
00:00:30Subtitulado por Jnkoil
00:01:02¡Esa es la regla! ¿Qué no oíste?
00:01:07Por cierto, maestro. ¿Por qué las niñas siempre juegan voleibol y los niños al fútbol?
00:01:13¿Por qué? ¿Te gustaría boliche?
00:01:15No, pero el fútbol ocupa casi todo el campo. El voleibol solo un poco. ¡Ellos tienen todo!
00:01:24Necesitan ese espacio para jugar. Si no, sería un partido de jogú, no de fut.
00:01:30Entonces, ¿por qué son los únicos que usan ese espacio?
00:01:33Nosotras pagamos lo mismo que ellos, y nos toca menos patio que a ellos.
00:01:38¡Ay! ¡No seas tan prejuiciosa, niña!
00:01:41Los niños juegan al fútbol porque les gusta, y las niñas voleibol porque les gusta.
00:01:51¿Cómo saben cuál es mejor si no lo juegan?
00:01:54A mí me gusta más ganar y patear la pelota, así que jugaré fútbol.
00:01:58¡Qué necia! ¿Por qué tienes que complicarlo todo?
00:02:01En la vida, casi nunca salimos ganando. Si te esfuerzas tanto por no perder, tus amigos te van a odiar.
00:02:08¿Te gustaría eso?
00:02:10Yo pienso que no.
00:02:15¿O quieres que te odien? Nadie quiere que lo odien, así que ya deja de entorpecer el juego y hazte a un lado, niña.
00:02:24Bien, vamos a seguir jugando. ¡La pelota! ¿En dónde está?
00:02:26Pero, sí ellos me odian.
00:02:30¡Ay! ¿Y ahora qué?
00:02:32Sí me odian. Ellos pierden más que yo. Yo no pierdo nada si no me quieren.
00:02:40A ver, ¿cómo te llamas, niña?
00:02:43Sonje, ok, ya entendí. Por favor, solo dime tu nombre, tu nombre.
00:02:47Me gusta elegir y hacer porque no me gusta perder nunca. Me fascina ser un ícono.
00:02:59Saluda. Este joven va a vivir aquí un tiempo.
00:03:02Y ella es un ángel sin alas.
00:03:06Saluda. Esta joven va a vivir aquí con nosotros.
00:03:15Saluda. Vivirá con nosotros por un tiempo.
00:03:20Todos me decían que creciera para ser buena como mi mamá.
00:03:24Pero la verdad, lo que estaba siendo buena era yo.
00:03:27Ella solo traía problemas.
00:03:36Todo esto para que nadie les come más, hijo.
00:03:40Y me robaban el amor y la atención de mi mamá.
00:03:45¡Ya quedó!
00:03:47Ay, qué bonito.
00:03:51Todos ellos me robaban el tiempo y la energía de mi mamá.
00:04:08Nunca me preguntaron si quería compartirla.
00:04:11Más bien, me la quitaron.
00:04:13Así que yo salí perdiendo.
00:04:15Ok, eso ya lo entendí. Solo dime cómo te llamas, tu apellido.
00:04:18Es que yo...
00:04:29Muy bien. Por favor sonrían a la cámara.
00:04:32Tres, dos, uno.
00:04:57¡Ahí está nuestra gerente!
00:05:00Jefa, ¿llegó?
00:05:02Quería pasar mi precioso fin en el tráfico de ganán,
00:05:04ponerme algo incómodo y comer algo sobrevalorado.
00:05:07Y además con colegas que aburrecen.
00:05:10Todos menos a ti.
00:05:13¿Cuánto los vas a regalar?
00:05:15Ah... Estaba pensando que si no...
00:05:17Buyera tu compañera a la escuela, ¿correcto?
00:05:20Ah, sí.
00:05:22Ah, ¿qué tal...
00:05:24ciento cincuenta?
00:05:25Ay, la comida debió salir cara.
00:05:28Ciento cincuenta por cabeza.
00:05:31Si costó ciento cincuenta mil,
00:05:34entonces le voy a dar trescientos cincuenta.
00:05:36¿Es una invitación de boda o una factura?
00:05:39¡Esa es la cuestión!
00:05:41Tiene razón.
00:05:44Si cuento todo lo que he pagado en bodas.
00:05:46Yo tenía mucho tiempo que no la veía.
00:05:56¿Podría comprarme un auto?
00:05:58Más bien una camioneta.
00:06:00No olvides el dinero que ponen los papás.
00:06:03Es verdad.
00:06:05Esto debería ser dar y recibir.
00:06:07Pero solo me la he pasado dando.
00:06:08Todavía tienes la oportunidad de tomar si quieres.
00:06:11Yo solo me la paso dando.
00:06:13Y dando.
00:06:38En las bodas, el dinero regalado es un gran intercambio.
00:06:43La regla es recibir como das y dar tanto como recibiste.
00:06:47A primera vista parece justo,
00:06:49pero hay una trampa escondida.
00:06:52No tienen en cuenta la tasa de inflación,
00:06:54ni el costo del transporte
00:06:55y el alojamiento en función de la ubicación del lugar.
00:06:59Además, es imposible predecir
00:07:02si aquel que acepte el dinero
00:07:04seguirá siendo un conocido
00:07:06y no cambiará de trabajo
00:07:08o tal vez emigra a otro país
00:07:11o muera sin que vaya a mi boda.
00:07:13El dinero que se da es una apuesta.
00:07:15Tenemos que soportar ese tipo de incertidumbre
00:07:18y aquel que da primero,
00:07:20es el primero que pierde.
00:07:24Qué bueno que viniste, Heyeong.
00:07:26No creí que lo harías.
00:07:27No creí que vendría.
00:07:28¿Por qué vine a la boda de su ex?
00:07:31Por supuesto que iba a venir.
00:07:33No te iba a dejar solo.
00:07:34Todos nuestros colegas también van a venir.
00:07:37Me vería mal si no viniera.
00:07:39Maldito estúpido idiota.
00:07:44Hace solo seis meses.
00:07:46No me habría imaginado.
00:07:48¿Estarías tan feliz?
00:07:49¿Casarte seis meses después de que te dejaron?
00:07:52Lo supe cuando cumplimos tres meses.
00:07:54Mi dulce Irene es como un auto de lujo
00:07:57y tú solo una chatarra.
00:07:59Una chatarra es lo que te vas a tragar.
00:08:06Con esto termino.
00:08:07Muchas gracias por todo.
00:08:14¿Qué tal? Buenas tardes.
00:08:15Solicité un trabajo en el equipo de ventas.
00:08:17Me llamo Kim Juke.
00:08:19Dos rasgos que me hacen la mejor persona para este puesto son...
00:08:23No escribiste nada en la parte de familia.
00:08:26¿Fallecieron o naciste huérfano?
00:08:28¿Quién en este mundo puede nacer huérfano, mi señor?
00:08:31Mi abuela me crió con mucho cariño antes de fallecer.
00:08:34Y gracias a las iniciativas de empresas como Litter,
00:08:37yo tuve una infancia plena.
00:08:39Si me dan el privilegio de trabajar para ustedes,
00:08:42será una oportunidad para mi desarrollo.
00:08:44No solo para mi desarrollo profesional,
00:08:46sino que también saldaré la deuda que siento que tengo con esta empresa.
00:08:52Un huérfano tiene muchos complejos y es despiadado.
00:08:55Es usted igual, señor Jiuk.
00:08:57Una serpiente torna el agua en veneno,
00:08:59pero la vaca la convertirá en leche.
00:09:01El sentimiento de inferioridad se ha convertido en la fuerza motriz
00:09:04para poder crecer y desarrollarme.
00:09:06Cuando estaba en la universidad, estuve en el cuadro de honor y...
00:09:09Los empleados que hacen ventas internacionales deben hablar dos idiomas.
00:09:12¿Usted puede? Tal vez nunca viajó al extranjero.
00:09:15Los que quieren algo encuentran la forma,
00:09:17mientras los que no encuentran una excusa.
00:09:19En lugar de estudiar en el extranjero,
00:09:21usé otros medios para desarrollar...
00:09:23¿A qué universidad fueron sus padres?
00:09:25¿Al menos sabe eso?
00:09:27Y no ha hecho prácticas en ningún sitio.
00:09:29Adquirir experiencia en la vida es un lujo que no puede dar, ¿cierto?
00:09:37Señorita, tiene buena edad para tener pareja.
00:09:40Dígame, ¿tiene novio?
00:09:42No tengo, señor.
00:09:43Para mí el desarrollo personal es más importante que la cita.
00:09:46Si vive sola, debe ser exitosa.
00:09:48¿Y cuándo piensa contraer matrimonio?
00:09:50¿Seguirá trabajando aunque quede embarazada?
00:09:52Las ventas internacionales implican muchos viajes.
00:09:55¿Cree poder hacerlo mientras cría a un niño?
00:10:00Quería si su jefe la toca por accidente intentando animarla.
00:10:05¿Usted se ofendería?
00:10:09Voy a poner especial cuidado para que esa situación...
00:10:12¿Y si de todos modos acaba ocurriendo?
00:10:20Que le informaría inmediatamente a mi jefe de mi situación y de cómo me siento.
00:10:27¿Eso haría?
00:10:30Señor Bok-Shi-Un, ¿qué haría si una compañera le dijera?
00:10:34¿Qué haría si una compañera le dijera que fue acosada sexualmente y de pronto le pide un consejo a usted?
00:10:41Creo que primero confirmaría si no fue solo un accidente de parte de su jefe.
00:10:48Que ella confundió con acoso y que le dio una idea equivocada.
00:10:52Además, no creo que nadie que trabaje en Litter Electronics sería capaz de hacer algo así.
00:10:58Eso se llama victimización.
00:11:01Yo le aconsejaría que obtuviera pruebas objetivas.
00:11:04Como mensajes, correos, grabaciones o imágenes de cámaras de seguridad.
00:11:12Como yo lo estoy haciendo.
00:11:15La pregunta que acaba de hacerle la señorita Song-Soo-Ah...
00:11:19Es un acto discriminatorio que viola la igualdad de derechos según la constitución.
00:11:24¿Qué? ¿La constitución?
00:11:26¿Insinúa que la pregunta que le acabo de hacer era sexista?
00:11:30¿No aprendió a prepararse para una entrevista con preguntas difíciles?
00:11:33Además, con esa respuesta hizo quedar mal al señor Bo-Kyun, haciéndolo ver como que no tenía moral.
00:11:39¿Cree que su colega es un hombre que no tiene ningún tipo de valores?
00:11:43Aquí, todos somos personas con sentido común.
00:11:50Me disculpo, es que no estaba pensando bien.
00:11:53Si me da otra oportunidad, responderé otra cosa.
00:11:58Está bien, voy a escucharlo.
00:12:00¿Qué pasaría si usted se uniera a esta empresa y una compañera le dijera que ha sido acosada?
00:12:06Que consiguiera evidencia y acudiera a Recursos Humanos.
00:12:24¡Claro que sí!
00:12:37Oigan, quería disculparme con ustedes por lo que pasó allá.
00:12:42¿Disculparte? ¿Con nosotros?
00:12:44Fue presuntoso entrometerme cuando tú misma te contuviste. No me correspondía.
00:12:49Además, no respondí así porque sea más ético o más valiente que ustedes.
00:12:54Sino porque estoy mucho menos desesperado que ustedes dos.
00:12:58Solo vine aquí porque mi maestro me dijo.
00:13:01Eso explica la ropa y el cabello.
00:13:06Tal vez sea mi culpa si ustedes dos no terminan siendo elegidos. Lo siento mucho.
00:13:11¡Guau! En serio eres increíble. Si te disculpas, nos estás haciendo ver peor.
00:13:18Ah, en ese caso vuelvo a disculparme por disculparme.
00:13:23Pero qué tan amable puede ser.
00:13:26Oye, gracias a lo que hiciste, no voy a estar marcada en ese lugar. Muchas gracias.
00:13:34No voy a trabajar para esta maldita compañía. ¡Nunca!
00:13:38¿Me perdí? ¿Aceptan mis disculpas o no?
00:13:42¡Claro que sí!
00:13:48Una duda. Si no vas a trabajar, ¿qué es lo que vas a hacer?
00:13:53Ahora estoy trabajando en algo que nadie conoce.
00:13:59¿Qué misterio? ¿En qué?
00:14:04Y recibamos a los dos.
00:14:08¡Ay, apesta mucho dinero!
00:14:11Supe que los papás de Irene eran ricos. Seguro lo escogieron con cuidado.
00:14:16Ya sabes lo astuto que es un...
00:14:23Permiso, ya vuelvo.
00:14:26Mamá, soy yo, Hei Yong. Ya comiste, ¿verdad?
00:14:31Tengo hambre. Dame de comer.
00:14:35No se preocupe. Acaba de comer. Por suerte comió todo lo que le traje.
00:14:40¿Se ha sentido bien?
00:14:42Por supuesto. Pero veo que está muy ocupada. No vino a verla la semana pasada.
00:14:48Ah, es que hoy tenía que venir a una boda. La próxima semana seguro iré.
00:14:53Sí, por favor. Su madre no la deja de esperar, aunque parezca que no.
00:14:59Ah, sí, por supuesto que iré. Gracias.
00:15:06Entonces, las madres de la pareja, por favor, enciendan las velas en este momento.
00:15:13Y los invitados, por favor, denles un caluroso aplauso.
00:15:21Aquí viene la novia.
00:15:43Ay, qué pareja tan bonita hace, ¿no crees?
00:15:48Sí, así es. Muy bonita.
00:15:55Querente Dan.
00:16:02Sí, Directora Song. Ya, y le envié el itinerario del retiro por correo, ¿no?
00:16:07¿Y hoy no tenemos una cita?
00:16:09Tengo algo que decirte.
00:16:10¿Es urgente?
00:16:13Quiero terminar.
00:16:18Ay, ¿eso qué? No es divertido.
00:16:25¿Y eso por qué? ¿Por qué quieres terminarme?
00:16:28No creo que tenga que haber una razón.
00:16:30¿A lo mejor hice algo mal? ¿Hubo un malentendido?
00:16:32Ya no me siento igual.
00:16:34La verdad es que...
00:16:37creo que ya no te quiero.
00:16:42Esto se termina aquí.
00:16:45¡Geyon! ¡Son Geyon!
00:17:04Son Geyon.
00:17:30Son Geyon.
00:17:32¿Por qué tenías que terminar conmigo aquí?
00:17:34De todas formas ya no tienes auto. ¿Pero por qué?
00:17:37Cada vez que me estacione aquí, voy a recordar este momento.
00:17:45Pues estacionate en otro lado. Conduce con cuidado.
00:17:59Ahora vamos a proyectarles las fotos de grupo.
00:18:02Vamos a empezar con las familias inmediatas.
00:18:04Cariño, lo haces muy bien.
00:18:07Vamos a cavarnos una botella cada una.
00:18:27¡Me da tanta envidia, Irin!
00:18:29Hoy cumplen su primer aniversario.
00:18:31¡Ay, qué envidia!
00:18:36¿Pero él y yo rompimos hace seis meses?
00:18:44Salía con las dos.
00:18:54Yo preocupado de cómo se lo iba a decir.
00:18:57¡Qué bueno que se me adelantó!
00:19:08La novia y el novio deben hacer un corazón.
00:19:10¿Pueden las, los papás hacer lo mismo?
00:19:13¿Todos listos?
00:19:14¡Tres, dos, uno!
00:19:16¡Ah, otra vez, otra vez, otra vez!
00:19:18¡Sí, maravilloso!
00:19:19¡Tres, dos, uno!
00:19:23¡Ay, no!
00:19:30Nena, ¿y qué? ¿Subirás a la foto?
00:19:33Sí, debería, ¿no?
00:19:46¿Qué pasa?
00:19:47¡Ay, no, no! ¿Qué está pasando?
00:20:17Song Hye Kyo, ¿qué crees que haces?
00:20:20Hazte a un lado.
00:20:21Hoy cumples un año con Irín, don novio.
00:20:23Y hace seis meses que rompí contigo.
00:20:26Pero hoy es su aniversario.
00:20:28¿Qué? ¿Me engañaste?
00:20:30¿Y eso qué?
00:20:31Eso ya no viene al caso.
00:20:33¿Por qué no?
00:20:35Hoy es un lindo día.
00:20:38¡Sonrían para la foto!
00:20:40¡Tres, dos, uno!
00:20:43Bien. A continuación, hagan un corazón.
00:20:45Sí, ya todos saben.
00:20:46Ahora, ¡tres, dos, uno!
00:20:49¡Sí, perfecto! ¡Qué bonita foto!
00:20:51¡Un beso! ¡Ánimo! ¡Eso!
00:20:54¡Más! ¡Más! ¡Más!
00:21:13I heard there's a problem with the menu.
00:21:18We have to reduce the budget.
00:21:20Our nutrients are a bit excessive.
00:21:24That's impossible.
00:21:26It was very difficult to meet the budget.
00:21:28I don't play with food.
00:21:32But I play other games.
00:21:39Let's eat, Chaon!
00:21:41You eat first, okay?
00:21:43I want to eat with you. I don't like to do it alone.
00:21:47I know you're in a hurry,
00:21:49but are you going to do it on top of the vegetables?
00:21:57It's very organic.
00:21:58Organic has bugs.
00:22:00Have you ever done it in a field?
00:22:02You can't concentrate because you don't know if it's your partner's hand or a spider's.
00:22:08Don't tell me you did it there.
00:22:12I'm leaving. I'm starving.
00:22:14Who came up with the idea?
00:22:16You? Or the producer?
00:22:29You barely have time to bathe.
00:22:31And I wanted you to see what normal people eat.
00:22:34He's on.
00:22:35It's a bribe.
00:22:36If your story becomes an audio drama, don't forget me.
00:22:40And when is Hei Yong coming?
00:22:42He went to the wedding with his friends, so he'll be late.
00:22:45He only went to the wedding to make sure no one finds out.
00:22:48Going out with a colleague is a bad idea.
00:22:50What's wrong with the president?
00:22:51Work proposal?
00:22:52And my boss's favorite menu?
00:22:54Everything is in the office.
00:22:56I want people to read about sex at work.
00:23:00Even if it's just an illusion.
00:23:04He's here.
00:23:06I forgive everything.
00:23:07How was your ex-boyfriend's wedding?
00:23:09He's my boyfriend.
00:23:23That idiot lied to me.
00:23:26He went out with her six months before I left him.
00:23:30He proposed to her the day I didn't finish.
00:23:34I told you he was very suspicious,
00:23:36that he couldn't get married after so few months.
00:23:38And what did you do?
00:23:39You forgave him and that's it?
00:23:51I see you brought it here.
00:23:53Before it gets cold.
00:24:01Are you crazy?
00:24:02You didn't have to do this.
00:24:04Why did you go to your ex's wedding?
00:24:05And bring the bouquet here?
00:24:08I don't know.
00:24:13And now, a picture with the bride's friends and groom's friends.
00:24:16Please come up to the stage.
00:24:18When you come up, please wrap yourselves around.
00:24:20We want everyone to enjoy this moment.
00:24:22Thank you for your help.
00:24:23I'm not going.
00:24:24Do you want to?
00:24:27I should, right?
00:24:32Please line up in an orderly fashion.
00:24:34And now, ladies and gentlemen, that's it.
00:24:40Ladies and gentlemen, please stand next to the bride.
00:24:43No, but I...
00:24:44No, on this side.
00:24:46Ready for the photo?
00:24:483, 2, 1...
00:25:05I shouldn't have given them money.
00:25:08Oh, my money.
00:25:10Oh, my money.
00:25:12That's the only thing that worries you, right?
00:25:14You get that back by marrying anyone on the street.
00:25:17Do you think he would come to the wedding?
00:25:19And I hope he doesn't go alone.
00:25:20Take some friends.
00:25:22He owes me $300,000.
00:25:25In the end, I lost.
00:25:27One question.
00:25:28Why did you break up with him?
00:25:31Why did you break up with him?
00:25:35You never told us why you broke up with him.
00:25:37You don't know either?
00:25:38Why do you ask?
00:25:39Probably because I don't win anything.
00:25:41It's always been like that.
00:25:42Don't you remember?
00:25:54How come you live in my house and always come empty-handed?
00:25:57Why don't you buy the things you run out of?
00:26:00As we agreed, I'm spending twice as much.
00:26:02Are you my boyfriend or my baby?
00:26:04Do you remember Manager Gu, who was also stingy?
00:26:06He left him anyway.
00:26:07Manager Gu was very stingy.
00:26:09He ate all the fruit and even took my things.
00:26:11I fed him and gave him a place to sleep.
00:26:13At least he would have paid me for a year's expenses.
00:26:18Who did he go out with after Manager Gu?
00:26:21Pac, the manager.
00:26:23Sub-manager Pac?
00:26:26Answer me.
00:26:30Is this all you have?
00:26:33I gave you so many opportunities.
00:26:37And this is all?
00:26:41Did you at least make an effort?
00:26:45Think about your answer.
00:26:47If this is the best you can do for me, then...
00:26:52You have no choice.
00:26:59Oh, it's just that...
00:27:01At least he did feel pretty.
00:27:03It was fair that I also felt pretty.
00:27:06Yes, okay.
00:27:07Asking three times is too much.
00:27:09But at least once.
00:27:11I just wanted once.
00:27:12Not once?
00:27:13Not once.
00:27:15I mean, my house looks like a public bathroom.
00:27:18It looks like he just came to take a shower.
00:27:21Still, Pac was very kind.
00:27:23Isn't that more important than the other thing?
00:27:32Make sure it's straight.
00:27:34Those guys aren't even scary anymore.
00:27:35At least for people to recognize them.
00:27:39Our saint has arrived.
00:27:42You helped me a lot in the interview.
00:27:43Thank you very much.
00:27:44And how did it go?
00:27:45Did they hire you?
00:27:47It's just that...
00:27:49You should buy yourself a new suit.
00:27:52Nowadays, it's hard to get hired.
00:27:54Even if you dress very elegantly.
00:27:58It's another poster of someone missing.
00:28:00Why don't you give it to me and I'll hang several?
00:28:03Maybe you won't get a job.
00:28:05But you'll always be a saint.
00:28:07It's not that.
00:28:08If the neighborhood is safe, it's good for all of us.
00:28:10But you don't live around here.
00:28:14Oh, that's true.
00:28:15See you later.
00:28:17Take care.
00:28:20Is he the one who spoke to me?
00:28:22The one who reported a criminal,
00:28:24made a citizen arrest,
00:28:25and stopped many phone scams?
00:28:27The citizen police officer named Kim Ji-wook?
00:28:30He's a great young man.
00:28:31I say he's a saint.
00:28:33Although he would be a bad son-in-law, right?
00:28:35Why does he do so much without getting anything?
00:28:39He's pretty ugly.
00:28:45If we take the car with that,
00:28:47all the paper scraps from the store,
00:28:49can we keep them?
00:28:50Yes, exactly.
00:28:51Since we walk a lot, people know us.
00:28:53And in our cars, they see criminals and lost children.
00:28:57And they give us that paper.
00:28:58The truth is like killing two birds with one stone.
00:29:02One more thing.
00:29:03If you ever find a criminal,
00:29:05don't do anything and call the police.
00:29:07Keep calm.
00:29:08Your safety is the most important thing in those situations.
00:29:11Did you hear that?
00:29:12Of course.
00:29:13You're an angel.
00:29:15Your parents raised you well.
00:29:16He's a good boy.
00:29:17Thank you, sir.
00:29:18He's an angel.
00:29:19He's just a boy.
00:29:25Chaon, she's leaving.
00:29:27Take care.
00:29:29What are you going to do, Elphine?
00:29:30Are you going to see your mom?
00:29:32Do you want us to go together?
00:29:34I think I haven't seen her in over a year.
00:29:37Oh, but...
00:29:38The house is too old.
00:29:40It's not very pretty.
00:29:42I've never cared about that.
00:29:47Does your mom mind if we visit her?
00:29:50Oh, no.
00:29:51Of course not.
00:29:52I think...
00:29:53She's just embarrassed.
00:29:55Let's go when they fix the house.
00:30:00Oh, no.
00:30:01Don't be silly.
00:30:02I'll buy you some sweets.
00:30:05Do you still like those things?
00:30:09It's harder to leave that than a cigarette.
00:30:12Hey, is that boy still there?
00:30:14The mean Rottweiler?
00:30:19To me, he's an angelic puppy.
00:30:21He's just a mean Rottweiler to you.
00:30:23I don't know.
00:30:24He just barks at me for no reason.
00:30:26He must have one.
00:30:27Well, he doesn't.
00:30:29He hates me since the first time he saw me.
00:30:31And why don't you change that store?
00:30:33To give him reasons to hate me.
00:30:35Because he doesn't have one yet.
00:30:39If he hates me, he'll lose it.
00:30:45Let's go.
00:30:58Buenas noches!
00:31:14Ah, no tienes de las que compro?
00:31:16Las descontinuaron.
00:31:20Ni siquiera sabes lo que quiero.
00:31:21Ya no venden gomitas, pan-pan, sabor mostaza.
00:31:27¿Por qué no buscas...
00:31:28Solo hay 3 gusanos gigantes, 7 Molangs, 6 Jayballs, 6 Goldens y 13 podongs, podongs de la venta.
00:31:38La computadora con piernas.
00:31:40¿Y el AIME?
00:31:42Wow, the computer with legs. You're very smart.
00:31:47Sell me some cigars.
00:31:52Ah, they're heal. And...
00:32:01Smoke just your hope of life.
00:32:03One milligram, three milligrams, light, thin and super thin.
00:32:06There are others much softer. And you give me the strongest ones.
00:32:09Do you want to kill me?
00:32:10You lose if you pay the same for less alquitran.
00:32:12Do you think I don't want to live long?
00:32:14Do you want to enjoy a long life?
00:32:18Don't you...
00:32:19You started talking to me ugly.
00:32:23Prepare interviews to find a job?
00:32:25Get another job. How long have you been here?
00:32:28I'm going to do it as soon as you get married.
00:32:40The boss' menu, 97 and 98, send.
00:33:10Hello, Bora. Very good job.
00:33:12You must be tired.
00:33:13You'll see the comments later.
00:33:14Sleep a little more.
00:33:28It's obvious that the author doesn't work in an office.
00:33:30What president has lunch in a cafeteria?
00:33:32It's so unrealistic.
00:33:33Who's talking about love?
00:33:34It's obvious that the author doesn't work in an office.
00:33:36What president has lunch in a cafeteria?
00:33:38It's so unrealistic.
00:33:39Who's talking about love?
00:33:40It's obvious that the author doesn't work in an office.
00:33:42How much experience does she have to write that?
00:33:44She must be a pervert.
00:33:45Another protagonist crazy for men.
00:33:47Let her write.
00:33:48She gave up her name and she doesn't even try.
00:33:50If you don't pay me, I don't want to write a diary.
00:33:54These haters.
00:33:55What do you think?
00:33:57Miss Bora, I enjoyed this chapter a lot.
00:33:59My heart goes to a thousand per hour.
00:34:01I can't wait for the next one.
00:34:02I love you a lot.
00:34:03I'm going to reread it.
00:34:04I'm dying of excitement.
00:34:09I'm going to reread it.
00:34:37What are you reading, love?
00:34:38Is it very funny?
00:34:39A fantasy novel.
00:34:42A fantasy.
00:34:43And what is it about?
00:34:45It's about a couple.
00:34:46A man who loves a woman.
00:34:48And does he have superpowers?
00:34:50I don't think so.
00:34:51So, is he an alien?
00:34:54He's rich, nothing more.
00:34:57And why is it a fantasy?
00:34:59Your life is surrounded by millionaires.
00:35:02It's just that all his life,
00:35:04that man
00:35:06loves only one.
00:35:12Jung, focus on the food and that's it, okay?
00:35:15Yes, of course.
00:35:17And you focus on your family.
00:35:19That was years ago.
00:35:21And the boy is present.
00:35:26Thanks for the food.
00:35:27You're an educator and you don't even know the minimum label?
00:35:30You don't leave the table before your parents.
00:35:33Sit down, we have to talk.
00:35:35Oh, what a shame, but I have a meeting.
00:35:38Someone who goes to that stupid meeting
00:35:41is more important than me?
00:35:46What do you think you're doing?
00:35:57Follow him.
00:35:59Maybe he wasn't a good parent,
00:36:02but he wants the best for the company.
00:36:18How many times have I told you not to throw away the study newspaper?
00:36:21I'm going to hire another client.
00:36:23If you have something to tell me, just say it and that's it.
00:36:26Here it is.
00:36:34Aren't you ashamed?
00:36:35Why do you have so many meetings?
00:36:37To be second?
00:36:39We have a good reputation
00:36:40and it's clear that all the people die for going to work with us.
00:36:44Of all your grandfather's insults, the worst was
00:36:46at least it's someone kind.
00:36:48So you're just a useless person.
00:36:50You only have a good image and your coffee shop is the best.
00:36:53What will shareholders say?
00:36:54What a nice company.
00:36:55Although it's sad that we don't make money.
00:36:59Since you're an only child,
00:37:00you're not afraid of losing your job.
00:37:02But someone who's going to collect everything he worked for,
00:37:04at least he gets a receipt.
00:37:06What are you going to get?
00:37:07Your birth certificate?
00:37:08Taran, I'm here.
00:37:10I promise I'll improve sales.
00:37:15You'll never be the first.
00:37:17Instead of demoralizing your son, you should encourage him.
00:37:20Accept it.
00:37:21You'll never reach the top.
00:37:22You're a president who used everything on a silver platter.
00:37:25I'll find a woman for someone who's always second.
00:37:28So, marry if you want her to inherit you.
00:37:31I won't do it.
00:37:35You don't want to marry?
00:37:37In that case, you'll be number one.
00:37:40In a year?
00:37:46A year.
00:37:47If the company doesn't take first place, you'll marry.
00:37:50This is a deal you make with the president.
00:37:54It's recorded.
00:37:56It's recorded.
00:37:57So, everything is clear.
00:38:00No, that's not fair, Mr. President.
00:38:14For the present reason, I request to be part of the development team of...
00:38:19I request...
00:38:23I request...
00:38:31President, what a beautiful morning.
00:38:35I don't think so.
00:38:42As I see it, today is not the day.
00:38:46See you tomorrow.
00:39:24Secretary, I...
00:39:26Sir, I want to code.
00:39:27What do I do now?
00:39:28If I go back to the development team, President, I promise you and I...
00:39:35B-C-D-E-R, you idiot.
00:39:40I improvised.
00:39:42I just didn't understand what you meant.
00:39:44The president said that either our company takes first place in sales,
00:39:48or we go bankrupt.
00:39:50Or our company takes first place in sales,
00:39:53or I get married.
00:39:54Is that possible?
00:39:56I'll tell you the truth.
00:39:58It's totally impossible.
00:40:01How can we increase sales?
00:40:02Get married.
00:40:04Secretary, what is impossible is that I get married?
00:40:07It's that...
00:40:09You don't have a girlfriend.
00:40:10Not even an adventure.
00:40:11Not even an app to flirt.
00:40:13Even so, it's totally impossible.
00:40:15My family has a conglomerate.
00:40:17And I'm the president.
00:40:18Ah, settled.
00:40:25do you think the sales net
00:40:27can improve in a year
00:40:29and make money?
00:40:31I think so.
00:40:32How do I do it?
00:40:33What do we do?
00:40:36Because you and I have to worry about that.
00:40:38And tell me who should.
00:40:50Did you sell again for mustard?
00:40:52Yes, they were...
00:41:00Where are they?
00:41:03Where are they? I don't see them inside.
00:41:05He came in without listening.
00:41:07There were some, but not anymore.
00:41:09And what is that?
00:41:10This bag?
00:41:11I don't know.
00:41:12I don't know.
00:41:13I don't know.
00:41:14I don't know.
00:41:15I don't know.
00:41:16And what is that?
00:41:17This bag?
00:41:19The last one.
00:41:26what happens
00:41:27is that I used the gummies
00:41:28to stop smoking.
00:41:32I'm taking a break.
00:41:35Oh, you're an idiot.
00:41:37I saw her, huh?
00:42:08Mrs. Anne
00:42:09is back from her honeymoon.
00:42:12These days,
00:42:13weddings are very young.
00:42:14I'm very young. What happens to everyone?
00:42:16The company gives special treatment to those who get married and have children.
00:42:20If they get pregnant, the children also receive everything.
00:42:27You don't know because you're single.
00:42:30First, when you have your wedding, the company pays you three million as a congratulation
00:42:35and gives you two weeks of vacation for your moon.
00:42:37When you are married, they pay the medical expenses of your spouse
00:42:40and give you three days of vacation every five years.
00:42:43When you get pregnant, they give you a million won as a congratulation.
00:42:47A cake for the baby and a cake every year for your birthday.
00:42:51Single people don't have all that.
00:42:53And we also work a lot.
00:42:55Do married people have more benefits?
00:42:57But no.
00:42:58Men work more.
00:43:00Those who are married have more holidays than single people.
00:43:04The subdirector got married, divorced and remarried.
00:43:09No wonder he invited us again.
00:43:11He didn't even know he had divorced his wife.
00:43:14When you get married, if you and your husband live happily ever after,
00:43:18the company doesn't even know.
00:43:20Anyway, the subdirector got married twice in a year.
00:43:23He had a month off with a salary of six million.
00:43:26When have you had your salary raised like this?
00:43:28I don't know.
00:43:29He had a month off with a salary of six million.
00:43:31When have you had your salary raised like this?
00:43:34So that they seriously increase you.
00:43:36Marriage is much more effective.
00:44:13Did you have fun on your honeymoon?
00:44:16Yes, thank you very much.
00:44:18Can we talk for a minute?
00:44:32How childish.
00:44:34And when you left at the same time with both, what did you do?
00:44:37Mr. Don Maduro.
00:44:39Didn't you tell me you were still in love with me?
00:44:41And in the end, that I was cheating on you?
00:44:45Don't tell me it wasn't in your favor anymore.
00:44:47Sorry, what?
00:44:48Of course, think about it.
00:44:49If you had been the only one, you would have felt bad for my pain.
00:44:52You left me and I didn't give you any problems.
00:44:54Don't pretend, you also won.
00:44:57Am I supposed to thank you?
00:44:59Don't say stupid things and give me my money right now.
00:45:02But what money?
00:45:06The money I gave you.
00:45:08I only went to your wedding so that no one would know about us.
00:45:11I wouldn't have given you anything if I had known you were a disgrace.
00:45:15Give me my three hundred thousand.
00:45:20Don't make me think that you do all this just for the money.
00:45:23Just for?
00:45:26Hey, what? Money is nothing for you?
00:45:29If not, why don't you give me my money?
00:45:32For me, it is something.
00:45:33And you're not curious to know if I love you?
00:45:36Why don't you get angry and ask me to kneel?
00:45:38You're just an idiot who doesn't know how to love.
00:45:41What good is an apology?
00:45:43And I don't need you to kneel.
00:45:46Just give me my money.
00:45:47Three hundred thousand.
00:45:50How can you?
00:45:53Money is all you care about?
00:45:55What about you? You really didn't love me?
00:45:57What did you say?
00:46:12Yes, this is not a good time to talk.
00:46:15If it's not very urgent, I'll call you in a little while.
00:46:18Yes, goodbye.
00:46:21How has your mother been?
00:46:24And what do you care, idiot?
00:46:27Don't even think about asking about her.
00:46:34In light of the fact of your deception,
00:46:36this relationship was not even close to the point of balance,
00:46:39and I lost a lot more.
00:46:42But I'm going to forgive you.
00:46:44I just want the money I spent.
00:46:46Three hundred thousand.
00:46:48Three hundred thousand.
00:46:54Yes, I'll give it back to you.
00:46:56But when you get married.
00:47:00Although I don't know if someone so calculating could do it.
00:47:19Manager Son.
00:47:21Manager An.
00:47:23Director Son He Yong.
00:47:26Manager An Uyep.
00:47:31Don't shout.
00:47:33Director Son He Yong.
00:47:36Are you really so happy?
00:47:40Come here.
00:47:49If you are as happy as a manager,
00:47:51imagine when you become a director.
00:47:53By then,
00:47:55we will not only be dating,
00:47:57but we will be married.
00:48:06By the way, He Yong.
00:48:10You are the only one, okay?
00:48:13I know, I'm the only one for you.
00:48:16No, I mean your mother.
00:48:19You are the only person
00:48:23who can take care of her.
00:48:26An Uyep.
00:48:28I'm not the calculator, but you.
00:48:31I left you because I didn't want a husband
00:48:33who felt that he was losing with me.
00:48:37And yet you dare to deceive me?
00:48:39You will regret having messed with me.
00:48:42You will regret having messed with me.
00:48:50Give me my money.
00:48:52I don't want it. I refuse.
00:48:54Oh well.
00:48:55So be it.
00:48:57Miss Irene!
00:48:59Here I am.
00:49:02Is this serious?
00:49:04Miss Son!
00:49:05Excuse me, I've been waiting for a long time.
00:49:07No, nothing.
00:49:08Did you have a lot of fun in Celuna, Daniel?
00:49:10It was a lot of fun.
00:49:14No, don't hang up.
00:49:15Answer me.
00:49:40I'm sorry.
00:50:09How can this be possible?
00:50:11I never expected...
00:50:12No, Irene, no.
00:50:14Listen to me, please.
00:50:15This is not like that.
00:50:16I'm so moved.
00:50:18Look at this.
00:50:23And this?
00:50:24What is this?
00:50:25Well, it's an arrangement, isn't it beautiful?
00:50:28Miss Son did it with my bouquet.
00:50:30I did it with the wish that her future
00:50:33and her husband's are divine.
00:50:35I knew they both started here on the same day,
00:50:38but I didn't know they were so close.
00:50:40Miss Son, do you want to be my friend?
00:50:42Oh, I'd love to, Irene.
00:51:04Oh, Jeyong.
00:51:05I'd love to give it back to you.
00:51:07I'd really like to.
00:51:12But she manages everything.
00:51:15She gives me $200,000 a month,
00:51:16and I only have a debit card.
00:51:18Irene manages all my accounts.
00:51:20What about me?
00:51:21You surely have more hidden.
00:51:23I gave everything to Irene when I made a commitment to her.
00:51:26She's very sensitive,
00:51:27and she dies if she knows I gave you something.
00:51:29For you, I'm just an idiot.
00:51:32But I swear I want to be a good husband.
00:51:34Someone who's trustworthy.
00:51:36I swear I love Irene so much
00:51:39that I don't want to disappoint her.
00:51:41I'll give you that money back when you get married.
00:51:45For giving me time until then.
00:51:50Jeyong, but you're going to apply, right?
00:51:55They're going to work with the president.
00:51:57Do you have any idea how much that money would be?
00:52:00He doesn't say?
00:52:02A company grows with its people,
00:52:04and people make their company grow.
00:52:07And our staff will devote time
00:52:09to solving their problem of growing sales.
00:52:12Since he has no ideas,
00:52:14you have to do this kind of contest
00:52:16to squeeze the ideas out of his head.
00:52:22A bright future.
00:52:23The first position in sales.
00:52:25To reach the top.
00:52:27You'll see in a year.
00:52:28Everything will get better.
00:52:30will that be enough?
00:52:32They're not as desperate as I am.
00:52:36the worst thing that could happen
00:52:37is that he marries the daughter of a rich family like his.
00:52:39But for them,
00:52:40there will be performance,
00:52:43Their life depends on this.
00:52:44They're more desperate.
00:52:47Do you know how to summon the rain?
00:52:49I'll take care of everything
00:52:51until it rains.
00:52:56where did you get all this wisdom?
00:53:04And now,
00:53:05will you let me return to the development team?
00:53:08You said you were going to transfer me.
00:53:11what do I have for this afternoon?
00:53:14I'm not made to be a secretary.
00:53:16No, he is.
00:53:17He's the perfect secretary.
00:53:18I swear I'm very bad.
00:53:19I don't even know what he has for this afternoon.
00:53:21I do know.
00:53:22Being punctual in my exercise routine.
00:53:25Mr. President.
00:53:27Damn Junior.
00:53:30Did you call me Junior?
00:53:33I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:53:34Come here.
00:53:35I swear I'll do anything.
00:53:36I heard you clearly.
00:53:37Come here.
00:53:42did you see this?
00:53:45A company contest?
00:53:47And whoever wins
00:53:48will work in the president's team.
00:53:50Directly with the president?
00:53:52That is, whoever wins the contest
00:53:54will become the team leader
00:53:55and will be promoted.
00:53:57Go out with someone
00:53:58and then marry me?
00:54:00I don't need that.
00:54:01I'll win that contest
00:54:03and I'll get to the top.
00:54:05Are you interested?
00:54:07Oh, cutie.
00:54:09I don't think it's for you.
00:54:11But I hope so.
00:54:13But boss...
00:54:14I know.
00:54:16Your performance has been excellent.
00:54:18You do a lot of projects
00:54:19and even your physical exams are great.
00:54:27They never hire women
00:54:28in the president's team.
00:54:30That's not true.
00:54:32In the legal team...
00:54:33Are you talking about Kank?
00:54:34Lawyer Kank is already married.
00:54:36But directly with him.
00:54:38There's no way
00:54:39there's a woman in his team.
00:54:42Yes, now that I think about it...
00:54:44All secretaries are men.
00:54:48It must be a coincidence.
00:54:50There aren't that many coincidences like that.
00:54:53Dad used to have a lot of problems.
00:54:56Some say
00:54:57it's an order from his wife
00:54:58who's fed up with her.
00:55:00And others say
00:55:01the president chose pure men
00:55:03to cut off any hair.
00:55:07because of the president's lower half
00:55:09and the stupid director's lower half
00:55:11I won't be able to get a promotion
00:55:13because I'm not married?
00:55:15Isn't that discrimination?
00:55:17Of course it is.
00:55:19But what's the secret
00:55:20to keep the job?
00:55:22Get down.
00:55:23Get down.
00:55:27If you were married
00:55:28I'm sure
00:55:29you would've gotten that promotion.
00:55:39Well, no.
00:55:41I won't work.
00:55:43And I won't get promoted.
00:55:45It would be better if I just quit.
00:55:49Good morning, boss!
00:55:51Good morning.
00:56:47Let's see.
00:56:51Good morning!
00:57:09You can enter your card now.
00:57:36Yes, I'll give it back to you.
00:57:38But only when you get married.
00:57:41If you were married
00:57:42I'm sure
00:57:43you would've gotten that promotion.
00:57:51Damn marriage.
00:57:53If I could do it
00:57:54I would do it now.
00:58:09I love you.
00:58:11I love you.
00:58:13I love you.
00:58:15I love you.
00:58:17I love you.
00:58:38I love you.
00:58:43I love you.
00:59:09Ser el novio.
00:59:12¿Te gusta la idea de ser mi novio?
00:59:15Para entonces, no solo estaremos saliendo, sino que estaremos casados.
00:59:44Por cierto, Heeyoung.
00:59:47Tú eres la única, ¿ok?
00:59:51No me refiero a tu madre.
00:59:54Eres la única persona que puede cuidarla.
01:00:13No me refiero a tu madre.
01:00:38No me refiero a tu madre.
01:01:08No me refiero a tu madre.
01:01:32No me refiero a tu madre.
01:02:00No me refiero a tu madre.
01:02:30No me refiero a tu madre.
01:02:40No me refiero a tu madre.
01:02:50No me refiero a tu madre.
