For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
00:00If you make this shot
00:04No way
00:05You win money and every time someone misses a shot. I add
00:09$10,000 to the prize pool. We are currently on top of a
00:13250 foot bridge drink if you can make that basketball into that hoop down there. I'll give you
00:19$10,000 ten grand all right bet. Oh wait. You're not even gonna think okay. He just
00:26It like changed last second that ten grand. Oh, sorry about it. Here's a dart Adam
00:30Okay, you hit that bullseye this 20 grand is yours. That's some that's enough to buy a house, dude
00:45The bullseyes here the darts here next one Chris this is
00:50$30,000 in cash, and if he hits a half-court shot
00:55Like this I'll give him 30 grand did it go I got this I got this
01:02There's no way he's making this
01:07You have three seconds, what do you have to say?
01:09Yeah, and now we're at a golf course with $40,000 and if Dave here can hit a hole-in-one like this
01:22Give him
01:23$40,000 I know I missed him maybe gonna try to make a hole-in-one you might remember Dave from this video where we gave him
01:27A shot at a million dollars if he hit a hole-in-one. Oh
01:35And you might remember you were six feet away from a million dollars
01:38Which is why for this shot we conveniently move the hole six feet to exactly where you miss before you swing
01:44I want you to look at this
01:46$40,000 you put that in the hole I put this in your trunk
01:49Oh, he hit it. Oh
01:51Wait, wait, let's go. Look clearly. We didn't move the pen far far enough Carl. I'm gonna I'm gonna let you deal with this one
01:58Maybe Jimmy will give you a third time trying to get a hole-in-one
02:00I like a third time but not now not now
02:02We did 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 and now
02:07$50,000 is on the line and for this trick shot. I'm gonna let Carl
02:12Demonstrate it. Oh my gosh. I can't believe you did that first try. That's basically the trick shot and Tariq
02:18Let me hold this camera
02:19You saw what Carl just did Tariq if you can put this soccer ball in that trash can I will give you
02:25$50,000 in cash and here's the thing Tariq Carl literally did it first try watch
02:30Not that one not that one if Carl can do it first try so can you
02:36He missed it lost 10 grand now you lost 50 grand
02:39What is that 60 60 is what we're about to offer the next person. Okay, if you can hit a home run
02:43I'll give you this
02:45$50,000 in cash. Are you serious? And just to show it's possible. I'm gonna demonstrate before he tries literally
02:50All he has to do is hit a home run
02:53Like that right there and he'll get 60 grand Noah. Here is the baseball bat. Your arms are ginormous
02:59I don't see how you don't hit this to Mars. The next person beats for 70 grand. This feels getting crazy
03:07Just we gotta we gotta take the money wait, I get to keep the ones that fell out, right?
03:11And now we're on a football field with 10,000 20,000 30 40 50 60
03:19$70,000 and if our contestants launch a baby doll from this cannon and to that crib, it's a crib
03:25They get this
03:27$70,000 in cash Chris. Can you demonstrate how the baby cannon works?
03:30Can you call me Elon Musk cuz I'm about to send this baby to space
03:35Okay, Elon Musk. Oh, it's still flying. It's still flying
03:38All you got to do is take this baby cram the baby in there
03:44All right. There we go. Let me see that launch the baby when you're ready. All right
03:54Do you not practice shooting babies out of cannon you're not very good at launching babies to be honest
04:00I'd be surprised if you were Chris is sitting over top of a dunk tank and I got
04:04$75,000 here. I think you know where I'm going with this Sam. I'm pretty excited
04:08I'm not gonna lie to you Sam if you can hit that red button from behind this line you win
04:16One baby one red button. Does he hit it? Oh
04:20Thank goodness. I don't get wet. I know you're sad, but we're gonna move on now. We're back in the gym with
04:26$80,000 on the line, but your gym paid him. Would you like a shot at winning this 80 grand?
04:31Yeah, put this blindfold on now put this blindfold on seems a little excessive. Do you know three blindfolds more blindfolds Carl?
04:38You lure him around. Why did you give Carl control? I trust you not Carl in total
04:42There are eight basketball goals. You get one shot. And if you score on any of these goals you get
04:48$80,000 I'm gonna take a page out of the bats book and I'm gonna use echolocation to find the goal. I
04:55Feel like I'm kind of middle. I can't believe this dude just used echolocation
04:59To realize he's in the middle of the court, how is he so smart?
05:05Did I make it take him off
05:08You're directly under the hood. Can you help me package up the 80 grand you didn't win?
05:12That's just insulting to injury. This next shot was supposed to be for
05:16$90,000 but I'm making it a hundred cuz why not and I'm surrounded by ten basketball goals
05:21Carl's gonna go up in the air in this helicopter and demonstrate the shot
05:29Drop the basketball
05:39That was the hundred thousand dollar shot if you can get in that helicopter make a shot I'll give you a hundred
05:46Thousand dollars deal. Let's do this thing while we're waiting on the helicopter. How'd that last hundred grand treat you amazing changed my life forever
05:52I mean, what'd you spend it on paid off the cars put some money away from my kids college funds, really?
05:57Yeah, you know when he's not chasing me and trying to tackle me. He's a pretty nice guy
06:02This ball right here. It's crazy. It's not a regular ball anymore. It's got the chance to change my life forever
06:15Why are we going up if you can see the look on the bounty hunters face
06:19It looks so confused. No way. This isn't fair
06:30If we leave before the helicopter lands, we don't have to see him when he said
06:36This is 100 bowling pins and if Nolan bowls a strike he gets a hundred and ten grand
06:41The reason why he's doing is because in the island video he lost a hundred thousand
06:44I'm because he starts a boy I can hear you
06:47And before I have known attempt to knock down the 100 pins. I'm gonna give it a try cuz it looks fun
06:52This is my first try. I
06:55Miss I miss I'm gonna show you guys a trick
06:59Editing it's cool Nolan
07:02Here is your bowling ball
07:04Nolan's bowling
07:06All right, he did it and left his hand
07:16Bowling also hates you he lost an eight hundred eighty thousand dollar island to bowling in this video
07:21He lost a hundred and ten thousand dollars to bowling in this video
07:23So if you lose another ten grand to bowling you have lost a million dollars to him
07:28If you knock this pin over with that pin, I'll give you ten grand. I literally couldn't mess this up
07:36All right, I'm satisfied next bit every single challenge we've added a ten thousand dollar briefcase and look at how many we have and you
07:44Might be wondering why do we have a bathroom and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in the middle of the woods?
07:48Well, that's because we're gonna lift this contestant right here
07:51100 feet in the air for this toilet paper trick shot. Don't ask questions. The boom let's start to get a little shaky
07:59Hey a little bit more my hands. My palms are sweaty. My knees are weak. I don't see no spaghetti. Oh crap. He's right
08:13I felt kind of bad that her toilet paper. Mr. Toilet. I can't say that with a straight face
08:18So I gave her one more try for $10,000
08:21And she still missed jury. Can you confirm ten grand is in this briefcase? Yes, it is. Okay $10,000
08:29$130,000 close the trunk and this is a hammer smash that window Chris
08:36And Chris if you wouldn't mind could you also smash this one?
08:40Which leaves this tiny window here remaining if you can smash that tiny window, okay with that hammer
08:45I'll let you keep the car in the hundred and thirty grand in the trunk. You look a little nervous pal
08:50It's not that I'm nervous. It's that my arms are little boy arms. Yeah, I guess you back up as hard as you can. Oh
08:59I broke some window though. I felt really bad for waddle. So I decided to give Nolan a chance to redeem him
09:10What I feel bad just take the car with the shattered windows
09:13I'm gonna take the money and we're gonna just head to the next place
09:15We are now adding another ten thousand dollars bringing the total to a hundred and forty grand
09:20This is our contestant Neal and this is my bodyguard Sean who happens to be ridiculously good at basketball
09:25If you can score on Sean, I'll give you a hundred and forty thousand dollars
09:30You get one shot. He's standing at the free-throw line and his his checkup hand is right in front of me
09:35He's a giant. No one said winning a hundred and forty grand was supposed to be easy. This is it
09:43Forty grand on the line
09:55Since Sean literally ripped that money out of Neal's hands
09:58I wanted to give him a chance for a bin if Sean can score on him. He'll get $10,000
10:08Did you for a second think he was gonna score on you no
10:13Next we put an apple on a mannequin's head and if our contestant can shoot the apple off
10:18There you go, then he gets a hundred and fifty thousand dollars
10:23You can literally win more money than you are tall quote that I'm like on a scale one to ten
10:27How badly do you want a hundred fifty grand? I'd say about twelve twelve
10:31So you really want it like it would probably change your entire life. Yeah, I can maybe even get taller Freddy 150 grand
10:37Oh my gosh, 150 grand on the line by a lot of chicken nuggets and a lot of Beast Burgers. You should order a beast
10:48Oh, yeah, have a good night
10:50Thanks. Since he missed we're gonna throw another ten grand up here
10:54It's now officially taller than me see that mannequin. Mm-hmm. Go stand where it is and get rid of it. Roger
11:02Next contestant we're back in a gym for the five millionth time this video instead of one contestant
11:08We're gonna have five here is $40,000
11:13The next number was 200 grand and since there's five of them
11:16They're just gonna split it. Basically if one of you can hit a half-court shot you all get 40 grand
11:20Wait, how many chances do we each get a shoot one shot if all five of you miss I take the briefcases back
11:26Can you go home with nothing?
11:34Who's shooting first I'm taking it first is he clutch let's find out
11:47Off the back of the room one down four to go. Come on, Tyler
11:54And it's off
11:58Over to hey, let's go. Let me out. Let's go get high. Come on three more remain
12:11It was literally it was like in the rim
12:14$200,000 on the line shoot when you're ready, you're gonna make this believe in yourself
12:23For the boys
12:29I do not envy the pressure you're feeling now. I'm not gonna say anything. Let's let him do his thing
12:39And it's in the air
12:58That was the most hype thing I've ever seen oh my gosh, that was clutch like the sign says is
13:05$200,000 each of you grab four briefcases throw it in your cars. Thank you for watching subscribe