• letztes Jahr
Der 16-jährige George träumt in der Komödie Bonus Track davon, ein berühmter Musiker zu werden, stößt damit in seiner kleinen englischen Heimatstadt aber nur auf Unverständnis. Als er den Sohn eines bekannten Musikduos trifft, will er mit seiner Hilfe die Talentshow seiner Schule gewinnen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/bonus-track


00:00Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
00:06Come on.
00:07What would you say you're passionate about?
00:15Have you done your homework?
00:17Sit down, Mr. Bobby.
00:19This is it.
00:20Final year.
00:21Last chance to learn.
00:23Now or never.
00:24Some of you may have noticed a new student in our midst.
00:35Max, come and save us.
00:37With parents like yours, I'm sure you are a natural.
00:45George, I'm Max.
00:47You're sort of famous.
00:54Talent show at the end of the year.
00:56I can play and you can sing.
01:09This is my friend.
01:13Oh, you're with George.
01:15I guess I'm really hitting it off, aren't you?
01:25I'm so pleased.
01:28That was mortifying.
01:29Just go with the flow.
01:30I don't know what that means.
01:31Do you want piercings or not?
01:32I think you really suit eyebrows.
01:33Let's get in there.
01:36Let's find out why our son is home an hour late,
01:38clearly drunk and wearing all your clothes.
01:41What a big year.
02:05I don't know what that means.
02:06What a big year.
02:07What a big year.
02:08What a big year.
02:09What a big year.
02:10What a big year.
02:11What a big year.
02:12What a big year.
02:13What a big year.
02:14What a big year.
02:15What a big year.
02:16What a big year.
02:17What a big year.
02:18What a big year.
02:19What a big year.
02:20What a big year.
02:21What a big year.
02:22What a big year.
02:23What a big year.
02:24What a big year.
02:25What a big year.
02:26What a big year.
02:27What a big year.
02:28What a big year.
02:29What a big year.
02:30What a big year.
02:31What a big year.
02:32What a big year.
