Pinresenta ni Sen. Risa Hontiveros ang video ng isang testigo mula sa Jomalig, Quezon na posible umanong naging jump-off point ni Guo Hua Ping alias Alice Guo paalis ng bansa.
00:00Attorney, do you consider the return to Quezon as a possible jump-off point?
00:07I'm asking because I have a video that I would like to play that might support this theory.
00:14Yes, ma'am.
00:45My name is Yanvin.
00:51I live in Bamban, in the North of Quezon.
00:58I was informed that my name is Junio Contex.
01:06Junio and Yanvin are friends of A.K. Ipilay, who they consider to be the big boss of Baupuat Junio Contex Company.
01:19I can say that they are friends or associates of the Pogo Company.
01:27I can say that they have a connection because he often uses the villa that he owns in Punta Analasia Park, in Pampanga.
01:38Villa 713 and Villa 714, when they are there, there are events like the celebration of Chinese New Year, Mooncake, and Buddha Festival.
01:52The Pogo owners are always together in Villa 713.
01:56But Yanvin and A.K. Ipilay are the only people I can see.
02:00And the other Pogo owners.
02:03One of the people I was with at work, he said that when he and I went on vacation in Umali,
02:14he said that there was a British resort that he wanted to build for his property.
02:23Based on my observation, most of the people, including Yanvin's drivers, security, bodyguards, are from Umali.
02:37Based on my knowledge, most of Yanvin's drivers are from Umali.
02:48And he is the brother of the current mayor of Umali.
02:53Thank you very much.
02:55That is all I know about Yanvin and A.K. Ipilay.
03:01I will provide this video to the members of the committee.
03:06But the basic testimony of A.S. Renato is that Hwang Ziyang, also known as Pilay, is going to Umali.
03:18And the people of Hwang Ziyang and Yanvin are from Umali.
03:27So, Attorney, apparently, one of Yanvin's business partners is married to...
03:46He is married to the sister of the incumbent mayor of Humalig.
03:52And this is a screenshot of the warrant with Yanvin, the subject of this warrant.
04:01Attorney, when your assets were seized, Mr. Yang Jianxin or Tony Yang,
04:15were there any officials of the government who tried to speak on his behalf?
04:22In other words, Mr. Yang was arbored.
04:26And can you tell us who these people are?
04:30Your Honor, yesterday, as committed, I spoke to one of the immigration officers who was present during that time.
04:38There were two of them.
04:40Mr. Sipo, the head of our Fugitive Search Unit, who is currently in London attending a conference on intelligence on immigration.
04:47And Mr. Rubio. I was able to talk to Mr. Rubio.
04:50He mentioned that he did not notice any official of the government who tried to intervene on behalf of the subject, Mr. Tony Yang.
05:00And he did not notice, did not speak, or did not see, Your Honor.