• last year
PANDA PLAN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Soon after legendary kung fu star Jackie Chan is invited to adopt a beloved zoo panda named Hu Hu, a notorious international crime syndicate sets its sights on the bear and offers a massive bounty for his capture. Faced with this sudden crisis, Jackie enlists the help of his agent and Hu Hu’s fiercely dedicated caretaker, leading the trio on an outrageous and unforgettable adventure as they seek to outsmart—and outkick—the bad guys at every turn.

Directed by: Zhang Luan
Cast: Hu Hu, Jackie Chan, Wei Xiang, Shi Ce, Han Yanbo & Jia Bing
00:24Would like to take this opportunity to thank Jackie for adopting our very special little celebrity panda
00:39Movie star really fight. It's Kung Fu is incredible. We'll see about that
01:19I'm just a filmmaker. I'm just a friend. Okay, let me go
