• last year
00:00alright guys this is called man scary story to tell let's check it out
00:30I don't need anybody
00:46let's see if this works
01:30check it out
01:53dude what is this
02:00I thought it said scary I thought they said gore I don't see any of that in here
02:14all right let's check it out again bag
02:22where can we go
02:30dude it's a ripoff it's a ripoff it's nothing in here nothing period blood
02:59gore all that stuff they promised you where is that can you tell me that where
03:05is the gore it's not in here right let's read the sign again what does it say man
03:19it's a liar oh dude dude maybe I do so many candles
03:29uh-oh uh-oh
03:48all right player number one you gotta have all the players here you can't even
04:00act like you're a player I have all the players here
04:05can we no guys sorry about that all right I'm gonna make it up to you right
04:21now we're gonna go someplace else it's gonna be scary to hopefully to make up
04:36for that one
04:39there's murder trolls all right check it out let's do this one just for the heck of it