• last year
Just was not into it. Also checkout https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVkGUmOpgOLOVr_P_XmMnQ/videos and https://www.twitch.tv/tmangaming91 and https://rumble.com/c/c-600175 and https://www.bitchute.com/channel/t5CTeORUE6v6/ and https://ugetube.com/@Tman%20Gaming and https://odysee.com/@Tman:a929ae69bbea30df9a5ef7a4902889eb7eea1227
00:00oh what the fuck I'm am I the dude from the beginning I have the mustache
00:30oh he's fast I'm fast too
00:44he'll try he keep trying to touch me he's got like a fast what is this
00:50okay I still have that power I do
01:08do I have to hold it run fuck
01:22oh he's like trying to cut your ass off oh he's dumb
01:35I have a punch wait
01:44dude fuck yourself how the fuck do I punch
01:59why is it only let me punch like once every 10 hours
02:11I hate you I don't care about where I'm at
02:55I don't understand the punching
03:11four cups of water and why is that not last like at all
03:27what to is to attract enemies how would you want to attract them I know
03:47oh my god I fucking hate you
03:52do I start in the way beginning it's kind of not my favorite I don't know if
04:21I'm actually gonna play this one a whole lot longer
04:35I don't know it sucks that like oh wait I'm going the wrong way
04:39I just I don't like that that controls suck this does nothing I can only punch
04:58once in a while I couldn't before
05:10I punched the one in the other room
05:18like that would be cool if it actually worked
05:40I don't know I just don't like it I'm tired I guess like the punch is like
05:49every hour I get to do it
06:09Am I a test subject?
06:37Is that why they go after me?
06:57I'm one of you!
06:59Oh my god
07:04one of you
07:08oh my god
07:10just don't think about it
07:16at least you can outrun them I appreciate that
07:22I was hoping they couldn't get back there either
07:30yep, okay
07:32Wait, wrong way, right? Yeah.
07:39That music is sucky.
07:41What? I like it.
07:43I mean, it's just loud over everything.
07:45It is.
08:11Fucking come at me.
08:13That was awesome.
08:19Everyone's gonna be like, who's the bitch now?
08:26I see my energy.
08:28Running takes up energy.
08:30Running into them takes up energy.
08:34Punching takes up energy.
08:45So I guess I just gotta walk everywhere?
08:49Come at me, bitch.
08:55Did you see that?
09:00What happened?
09:02I punched his ass.
09:04He shocked me at the same time.
09:08Like, it did nothing to him.
09:14Right here, bud.
09:30Yo, bitch.
10:26If I crowd, he uses energy too.
10:30It kept doing that.
10:32I thought, like most games, it would replenish energy.
10:40I don't give a fuck. Come at me, dude.
10:42I'm right here.
10:54One punch uses all of my energy.
11:00Once for a while?
11:12And do those purple things give you more energy?
11:14They do, but...
11:16I don't know.
11:20Come here, bud. He'll probably be the one that gets me.
11:24Oh, he stopped!
11:26That was bullshit!
11:30This game sucks.
11:32No one else runs and then just stops.
11:34Yeah, I'm gonna play something else.