King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" (1992) is an animated TV series that aired in the early '90s. The show follows a football team from the future, led by quarterback Arthur King, who gets transported back in time to take on the roles of King Arthur and his legendary knights. They are tasked with defending Camelot and rescuing the real King Arthur and his knights from the evil sorceress Morgana. The show is a mix of action, adventure, and medieval mythology, appealing to fans of fantasy and animation. #90sCartoons, #RetroCartoons, #ClassicAnimation, #NostalgicCartoons, #KnightsOfTheRoundTable, #SaturdayMorningCartoons, #CartoonNostalgia, #AnimatedSeries, #FantasyCartoons, #90sKids, #CartoonHeroes, #CartoonHistory, #Cartoons, #RetroGaming, #Animation, #Fantasy, #Nostalgia, #90sTVShow, #ActionAdventure, #CartoonNetwork, #OldSchoolCartoons, #ChildhoodMemories, #ClassicTV, #Throwback, #RetroTVTrivia, #LegendaryHeroes, #EpicAdventures, #Medieval, #TimeTravel
00:00And then, from the field of the future, a new king will come to save the world of the past.
00:30The heroes in an evil town.
00:35Arthur and the knights of justice, putting evil down.
00:41Right through the storm with the knights of the devil round.
00:46Well, come on, come on!
00:48King of the Red!
01:18King of the Red!
01:39King of the Red!
01:56Why aren't you lowering the drawbridge?
01:59What am I thinking of? You can't see her.
02:02See who?
02:03Crislin, of course. She's almost here.
02:06I must find Arthur. The gate must be opened immediately.
02:09But there's no one there.
02:13Lower the drawbridge and be ready to close it as soon as I tell you to.
02:18There must be something terribly important for her to allow mortals to see such a thing.
02:27Stand back, Arthur, so she can get past.
02:30What are you waiting for? Raise the drawbridge. Close the gate.
02:33You heard the man.
02:37Thank you for letting me enter Camelot, Your Majesty. I'm Crislin.
02:41Welcome to Camelot, Crislin.
02:43Tell me, have you come because my dear good friend Rikus is in trouble?
02:47Oh, Merlin, this is terrible.
02:49He's being held prisoner by an evil sea serpent against whom my magic is powerless.
02:56Your Majesty, I beg you to help rescue him.
02:59You must help Rikus.
03:02We took a pledge to help all subjects of the kingdom.
03:04Give me a few moments to gather my knights and we will go and save your father.
03:07The songs the people sing of King Arthur's courage are true.
03:11Thank you, Your Majesty.
03:14Get the guys and we'll meet in the round table room.
03:32I don't know. It seems like an awful big risk to take just to help one guy stuck in a cave somewhere.
03:37Hey, Lug, you'd think it was a big risk even if we had a fleet of stealth bombers with us.
03:44It is a risk, Lug, but just because it's only one person we're rescuing doesn't make it less important.
03:50King Arthur, knights and sailors of Camelot,
03:53I have a message for you.
03:55It is a risk, Lug, but just because it's only one person we're rescuing doesn't make it less important.
04:00King Arthur, knights of justice, speak the oath.
04:07I am King Arthur.
04:09And we are the knights of justice.
04:12We pledge fairness to all to protect the weak and vanquish the evil.
04:25To protect the weak and vanquish the evil.
04:56To protect the weak and vanquish the evil.
05:16My magic will bring you and your knight invisibly through the warlord's lines.
05:21You telling me you can make us all invisible?
05:23Yeah! Now that's cool!
05:26You already are invisible to everyone but your friends here, Sir Breeze.
05:31Man, could we have used her on a fourth-in-one plane.
05:34I don't suppose you'd like to go with us, Everett?
05:37Ah, no cavities. You can close your mouth now.
05:40Come on board, future knight.
05:53Hmm, that's the second time the drawbridge has lowered and no one came out.
05:57If it is a trick, I do not understand its purpose.
06:02This is one great opportunity to cut this gas to ribbons.
06:06It cannot be, Sir Tone.
06:08Just as the warlords cannot see or hear you, you cannot strike them.
06:12It is the way of the veil of invisibility.
06:19Hey, this is great!
06:29Quiet! The knights are among us!
06:39Excalibur, be my strength!
06:50Knights, your weapons!
07:26Gallop, your staff!
07:37Chrysalis, get down!
07:53You all right?
07:54I am now.
08:24After them!
08:34They're not giving up!
08:36Turn and prepare to fire!
08:44Wait? Wait?
09:07Let's get to that village and regroup!
09:16Look! It's King Arthur and the Knights of Justice!
09:19And the warlords are after them!
09:21They're coming our way!
09:22Come on! Let's help the king!
09:24Maybe they'll make us knights!
09:34Looks like we've got reinforcements!
09:36Turn and fight!
09:56Well done, especially for one so young!
10:00Come back!
10:03Enjoy your brief victory!
10:06When we return, we will burn the village to the ground!
10:20What have you done?
10:21Now the warlords will destroy us all!
10:24Hold it! Hold it!
10:26You should be proud of your children. They've shown great courage.
10:29Courage will not help us long against the warlords once you've left, Your Majesty.
10:33He's right. We can't desert them now.
10:35The warlords will show no pity, even for the kids.
10:37I'll go with Chrysalis and handle the sea serpent.
10:39You guys stay here and protect the villagers.
10:41No! I can't let you do that. You saved my life.
10:45You're loyal and courageous.
10:48I... I'm leading you into a trap.
10:51If you come with me, you'll never return.
10:53The serpent wants you.
10:55He wants me?
10:57But what about your father?
10:58The monster agreed to release my father only if I would bring him you and Excalibur.
11:03Did you hear that, Excalibur?
11:05I think we have to teach this serpent a lesson.
11:07Tone, build as many traps as you can around the village.
11:10The rest of you set up a defensive perimeter while I go with Chrysalis.
11:13Don't worry. I'll be back.
11:15I hope so. I don't dig playing without a team captain.
11:22Slasher, be ready to battle.
11:25I'll fly to Casamorgana and return with Lord Viper and enough of us to reduce this village to ashes!
11:53Are you ready with that stake, Will?
11:55Yes, Sir Tone. But do you really think your traps will stop the Warlords?
11:59I hope they work as well as you did against Warlord Slasher.
12:02You fight well for a young boy.
12:04You sure impressed Chrysalin.
12:06Everett, see if you can show Will some pointers on how to use a staff.
12:11Sure. I'll show you everything there is to know about staff.
12:23So villagers have dared to battle against my Warlords.
12:27These peasants must be punished!
12:30We will make good on your threat to destroy their village.
12:43Here's the entrance to the cave.
12:45I pray my father's still alive.
13:00Father! I brought King Arthur!
13:04What have you done, my daughter?
13:06Master Ricus! I chose to come! Soon you'll be free!
13:31Take the old man! I care not about him!
13:38Arthur and Excalibur are what I want!
13:42Excalibur, be my strength!
13:50If you think you're going to get Excalibur, then you've got water on the brain!
13:54Go! Now!
14:01King Arthur, finally you're mine!
14:04Queen Morgana will be proud of me!
14:21Strike me again, Arthur, so I might have more of my kind to battle!
14:34Nowhere to go! Nowhere to hide!
14:38I hide from no one! Neither man nor beast!
14:41Then your end has come!
15:07We've decided to surrender to the warlords. Maybe they'll show us mercy.
15:11Hey, look! We've already turned back the warlords once today.
15:15There's no reason why we can't...
15:17We're simple farmers, not knights!
15:19But pitchforks and hoes are no match for the warlords!
15:22Yeah, I agree.
15:24We've got to get out of here!
15:27Our pitchforks and hoes are no match for the warlords!
15:33Come on! The kids in this village did pretty well against them with their pitchforks and hoes, huh?
15:38Now, why don't we work together and...
15:44Viper's here!
15:48He must have thirty warlords with him!
15:51We can take them if we stick together!
15:53We've nothing to fear! The knights of justice are with us!
15:56Will, this is foolish! Please, in the name of your late father, please give up!
16:02Everyone inside! Lock your doors before the warlords slaughter us!
16:06Wait, wait, wait! Listen to Will! We did it before and...
16:09Hey, what's going on here? I thought you were organizing the villagers?
16:14Nah, they took off when they heard Viper showed up.
16:17You know, maybe if you were here instead of out in the town, it might have inspired a little confidence in them.
16:22Out on the town? Hey, where do you think we've been to, a disco?
16:26Don't lay it on me just because you can't lead these guys.
16:30Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, guys, take it easy here.
16:33We're all just a little uptight because Arthur's not here. That doesn't mean we gotta...
16:37Hey, how about we battle the warlords instead of each other?
16:41Sounds good to me.
16:42Well, let's hope those traps of yours work.
16:45First destroy the knights, then the village!
17:16Get out of here!
17:49Hold back! Hold back!
17:54Hey, not so bad if I say so myself.
17:58Yeah, but the trouble with traps is they only work once. The dude gonna be back!
18:07I will not go further.
18:09Lean on me, Father. You must be weak.
18:12I am not weak, Chrislin. I am ashamed.
18:17But all I wanted to do was save you from the beast.
18:21What good is saving me from the beast if I die of shame?
18:25King Arthur is all that is good in this world. If he perishes, then we'll all perish.
18:33Dragon of the Shield!
18:46A shield!
18:47Dragon of the Shield! Your master bids you help him!
18:58Not with your blade, Arthur!
19:03Fire is the only thing that can kill it!
19:06Dragon! Your fire! Toast him! Use your fire to kill it!
19:22Good work, my friend.
19:24Let us leave this place.
19:27Man, why don't they attack? What are they waiting for?
19:30I'm ready to fight, Sir Knights.
19:32Too bad the rest of these people don't have your courage.
19:35Well, unlike me, they have either parents or children to worry about.
19:39You're an orphan, Will?
19:40Yes. My parents were killed by warlords.
19:44Whoa, here they come again.
19:46Well, let them come.
20:01You boys picked the wrong knight to fight!
20:08In this village, you meet your end.
20:15This time, I'll finish you off for good, boy.
20:22Leave him be, warlord. And try fighting a man.
20:31They're coming! Everyone's coming!
20:42You inspired us, Will. It was your courage that gave us courage.
20:46Forward, knights!
20:49Arthur joins us! Let's show these warlords whose village this is!
21:01Your men are still no match against my warlords!
21:06Care to take on us and the whole village, Viper?
21:15But we'll come back.
21:30You brought us courage. We were living in fear before.
21:34As long as evil beings like the warlords run free in our world, there will be no safe place.
21:39But if they know that you're courageous and ready to fight, they will think twice before attacking.
21:44Especially if the village is invisible.
21:46King Arthur, Krislin and Rikus say they'll stay with us and make our village invisible if the warlords return to attack us.
21:53You see? Sometimes out of a wrong, something very good can come.
22:00To be continued...
22:30To be continued...
23:00To be continued...