• last year
After the death of her best friend Izzy, Anna focuses all her attention on Booger, the stray cat which she and Izzy took in.
00:00:21Hey, what look who has decided to join us today?
00:00:30What dude
00:00:34Here wait hold this i'll get him
00:00:38Is he uh
00:00:42Um, what made you decide to come live in our house and come up our fire escape any any comments concerns?
00:00:49Did they come from the garbage? I don't know
00:00:52Dude, it probably has worms. You probably have worms
00:00:59It's so dirty, you have to give it a bath. Oh a little booger, huh?
00:01:06Little freak
00:01:34Hey, hon, it's joyce
00:01:36I'm, i'm looking for a picture for izzy's memorial. So i'm gonna swing by tomorrow for her photo album. Okay?
00:01:43Hey, babe
00:01:45Just checking in
00:01:46Want me to come by or anything?
00:01:49All right, let me know love you
00:01:52Uh, hello, yeah, this is uh, dennis, um, i'm very sorry for
00:01:57your loss, but I
00:02:00Did only receive half
00:02:02of your rent
00:02:03Anna, hello. It's devon from work. Remember work
00:02:08I need those project files. Can you please respond to my email?
00:02:12This is a friendly reminder from con Edison. Your bill is past due
00:02:17You can't ditch work and screen my calls
00:02:19Seriously, what is up with you?
00:03:15Fucking rat
00:04:48It's easy I don't check my voicemail so
00:04:52Good luck to you
00:05:22Me well, look who's friends with booger now
00:05:29She's he mommy's doing my laundry for me
00:05:42Oh, I just ran over a dead rat. Oh my god. Oh, yeah
00:05:47You guys are so dumb
00:05:57What do you see me for one class
00:06:03Saga begins on a long dark night
00:06:09I'm filming ez being spooky. I'm being spooky. Come on guys. It's been like
00:06:18Well, maybe you should call her back then
00:06:28You know not all penis look alike
00:07:06Look no, it's gonna make you puke
00:07:11Stop licking it
00:07:17Ah, fuck
00:07:21Oh my god, you're a dick
00:07:35Where'd he go bug shit
00:07:44Oh man
00:08:02Oh, come on
00:08:09Where'd you go
00:08:25Have you guys seen a cat
00:08:36Hi anna i'm glad I caught you
00:08:40Yeah, what's up
00:08:42Where are you?
00:08:44Are you outside? No. Okay, cool
00:08:46Um colleen is wanting to have these one-on-one meetings. Do you think you're coming in today?
00:08:52Uh, no, i'm working from home
00:08:54You need to come in. We have the froyo pitch tomorrow
00:08:58Anna hello. I can't see you. Hey joyce. Oh, you're awfully sweaty
00:09:03Yeah booger got out
00:09:06She scared the hell out of me at this age. That's the album you wanted, right?
00:09:11Okay. Well, I should keep looking sweetie
00:09:15Come sit with me
00:09:18Come on
00:09:22I swear oh this kid
00:09:26Should have been on a leash
00:09:28We found her at uh in a another family's hotel room once that's terrifying it sure was
00:09:36Oh god
00:09:38Horrible in this photo that haircut made me look like a mushroom
00:09:46a little bit like
00:09:50Huh like a penis sure would have been nice if you girls had told me you want
00:09:56Hmm. I'm good. Okay, if I let my blood sugar drop i'll pass out on the train. It's happened before
00:10:04And it was not good
00:10:07I mean it was bad
00:10:11Oh here here's the one I was thinking of for the memorial
00:10:21Wait sweetie, what happened to your hand you're bleeding
00:10:34I'm gonna come by later and we'll clean out izzy's half of the apartment
00:10:38Because you have to think about what you're gonna do with the place
00:10:49Successfully stalked and ambushed her prey
00:10:53You put red pepper on the whole thing
00:10:57Must have been a ghost
00:10:58Not funny. That's sort of funny dragging it up to a tree for her cubs to feed away from scavengers
00:11:07How come we haven't talked about izzy can we watch this
00:11:15Everything about getting time off talk to your boss
00:11:18No, I strategically talk to him as little as possible
00:11:22unlike you
00:11:25Wait, are you talking about jerry? Oh my god, jerry's barely a boss. He's just a good communicator. I love jerry
00:11:34Okay, are we gonna watch this or what
00:11:40I feel like something happened to your hand any adventures a lot of blood for nothing
00:12:41Gross thank you
00:13:45I'm worried about bugger
00:13:54He's probably fine, yeah, yeah, he's he's fine
00:14:09I think i'm gonna go home
00:14:14What yeah, I can't I don't know I can't sleep it's so late
00:14:22Love you, okay
00:15:15Please stop that
00:15:21Sorry, i'm sorry. I don't know why she's doing this. Sorry. What are you doing?
00:15:42Dennis you seen a cat
00:15:46Old rat keeps slipping through my fingers, you know
00:15:49the hardest thing is
00:15:51Rats can multiply man, you know people don't know this but like rats can actually
00:15:57They can decide whether or not to fertilize their eggs during intercourse
00:16:00Right. I've learned a lot about my enemy. Oh
00:16:03That's the crazy thing about it, you know, yeah, they can decide there's a difference
00:16:17My wife said not to do that and then she left me so whatever oh my god, are you serious?
00:16:24Ate a hole right through the can
00:16:26Let me smash this thing with a hammer
00:16:28Oh and uh, hey
00:16:30Don't forget about your mail. Yeah, your box is getting really full it's overflowing
00:18:20Oh my god, wake up
00:18:29Okay, wait, let's do the
00:18:32Our saga begins on a long dark night
00:18:40What you doing
00:19:57No, you can't feed a cat just anything, uh
00:20:01You should say food motivated. Got it. You should get a photo with a little more pizzazz, you know a little more pop
00:20:08Yeah, because i'm sorry to say this ain't it this sucks. This isn't great. Come on
00:20:13Spring for color. I mean do they have blue eyes? Do they have green eyes? No one's gonna be able to tell
00:20:20Right, it looks a little scared here like maybe you see spirits. Does he see spirits?
00:20:27It looks like a spirit cat my little esmeralda she was a spirit cat she always had this look in her eye, too
00:20:32Does he have a hobby of some sort, you know, like laser tag or biscuit making?
00:20:38Uh, no, he's not even my cat toilet. He's my friend's knitting or she's dead. Oh my god
00:20:45I wasn't expecting that twist. Oh, come here
00:20:54You must be a wreck i'm not a wreck oh you're a wreck you're a huge wreck you're you're like a 9-11
00:21:04Okay, well thanks for those
00:21:06Sick suggestions about the flyer. Look look at me. Look at me. Okay, we'll get up to here
00:21:13Need each other more than you know
00:21:16Because he knows where he belongs, you know that is that's right there right there on the horn
00:21:22It's called the heart
00:21:28I'm leaving. Okay, great
00:22:57I'm gonna be one of those people that pees in his subway. That's what you people want. I won't I don't
00:23:07Isn't she beautiful I love my beautiful friend
00:23:11Go away
00:23:15In a bag we go
00:23:20Our saga begins on a long dark night
00:23:43This photo sucks, you should see food motivated. Come on. It's great for color
00:24:18Oh my god, anna, uh
00:24:23Um, this is crazy I I was just gonna call you yeah, no I was just uh popping in to print some stuff so
00:24:31Colleen's finally here. Oh, i'll check if she's free. Awesome
00:24:37Don't move
00:25:21I'm sorry about your cat
00:25:31Yeah, so he always wanted to go to the woods
00:25:35So ricky and I are thinking of doing a castle if we didn't forget his bachelor party
00:25:42If we do like I don't know wood carving what if we would carved right
00:25:50Or do you think whittling and alcohol is a little too dangerous
00:25:58Do you
00:26:00Enjoy what whittling?
00:26:03Who's whittling?
00:26:05Everybody will be whittling
00:26:07I'll be whittling ricky will be whittling scott will be whittling keith will be whittling. Jerry will be whittling
00:26:13Everybody every single person in that cabin will have a small carving knife for whittling. I have a headache
00:26:20So you can have a headache in a conversation. I'm not trying to talk to a wall. I just feel
00:26:26kind of awful
00:26:30Oh, hey
00:26:32You and izzy's karaoke songs
00:26:35And getting caught in the rain stop you sure
00:26:40Yoga, come on singing if you have half a brain
00:26:46If you like making love at me stop
00:26:51Nice memories, I guess
00:27:04You know what I have an idea
00:27:06I'm gonna read you something. Oh my god, you're gonna read me your diary in a bar. I'm gonna read you my journal in a bar
00:27:12So you start off with the prompts like today i'm really missing izzy
00:27:17I miss how easily she laughs
00:27:19Even when my jokes are stupid
00:27:22I even miss how late she was every night that she would always bring snacks
00:27:27I miss all the stupid videos she took
00:27:30But most of all I miss how good she was at talking to old people like remember that dude with the beret
00:27:36Yeah, I remember that dude. Okay. All right. Well
00:27:39Just try to stay on that page. All right
00:27:45You can't journal about izzy. Why not?
00:27:48It's messed up journaling is the opposite of messed up you're like
00:27:52Co-opting my feelings. No, those are my feelings. You don't get to own sadness. Okay max
00:27:58Yeah, you don't get to feel this for me and like perform it at happy hour. What are you talking about? She was my friend too
00:28:03your friend
00:28:05She thought you were annoying. Everybody knows i'm not annoying at all
00:28:11Where are you going
00:28:48Oh, what the fucking hell man
00:28:55You okay in there go away
00:29:04Are you vomiting no
00:29:14There's a line
00:29:37On a quick tip a ketchup doing a french fry
00:31:36Just a sec choice
00:31:59Oh your little box can only hold so much
00:32:02No, there could be important documents in here slow down
00:32:04Okay, there could be like, uh, I don't know bills coupons even for electronic toothbrushes
00:32:09Maybe panties and all kinds. Are you reading my mail? Am I uh
00:32:13It is so i'll list your apartment next week or
00:32:16No, no, I I live here, okay
00:32:19I am living
00:32:21Here. Yeah, so go. Oh, I just what insensitive asshole
00:32:46Anna it's joy
00:32:51Thought i'd save a stamp
00:32:56I know i'm i'm, you know, i'm not a graphic designer or anything. No, it's nice. Oh good. I'm glad you like it
00:33:13Did you ever come across her phone
00:33:15it's so bizarre, I thought I had it but
00:33:19No, haven't seen it
00:33:22I keep thinking that she's lost her phone again, and this is all just a
00:33:27blip in communication
00:33:30I keep waiting for her to call or something, you know, yeah
00:33:37I feel so horrible. Hey
00:33:43You didn't do anything
00:33:45I mean, you know how she always has the
00:33:48Next big thing. Thanks, you know her next move and we'd all
00:33:54Her next move and we'd all
00:33:59We'd all be like come on izzy get real
00:34:04And this time it was um an art therapy master's degree in new mexico
00:34:12Deep down I
00:34:14I didn't even want to hear anything about it. You know, she's never been
00:34:19More than a few hours away from me
00:34:21And she was all excited
00:34:26But I had to talk
00:34:28To the lady at sabars because you never know if there's more smears or that's it in the fridge
00:34:37I told her that i'd have to call her back when I was sitting down at my computer
00:34:42And by the time I called I
00:34:46She didn't answer
00:34:51She never answered obviously
00:34:55Wow, yeah
00:35:00She wanted to move
00:35:08Oh, whoa, okay here here here here you're okay
00:35:18I'm sorry
00:35:21I'm i'm sorry
00:35:23Do you want to um, you want to get dinner my treat now? Yeah now i'm starving aren't you?
00:35:31I gotta work. Ah, yeah deadlines and too bad
00:35:41I'll get the rest of these things later
00:35:45I guess I just I won't see you until the memorial then. Yeah, I guess although I could um
00:35:52Maybe you could come over early because I I could use a hand, you know, because we have to you know
00:35:57Have something to eat
00:35:59Right, and obviously that has to be plated. Of course. Okay, so, um, all right. Thanks, honey
00:37:38What's up, baby
00:37:41Get me out of here
00:45:47Anna you home you had the joyses
00:45:54Anna you there? Okay, guess not
00:47:06Knock knock heard we had a leak in here
00:47:15Uh, hello
00:47:36Okay, well
00:47:42There's the water
00:47:45And that's what i'll always remember about izzy, how you feeling, okay
00:47:52Wonderful, thank you. Uh, would anyone else like to say something?
00:48:02Maybe anna is is anna here. Um
00:48:07Are you? Yeah, she's here. Oh
00:48:09There you are anything you'd like to share. Oh
00:48:16I'm fine. Yeah, i'll be right back
00:48:23I I can I can say something. Oh, wait. Uh, thank you max
00:48:32I guess i'll just read something from my journey. I miss how easily she laughs
00:48:45I miss all the stupid videos
00:48:49I even miss how late she was to everything because she's always buying snacks
00:48:59But most of all I miss how good she was at talking to old people
00:49:08Sorry, that's all the older people in the room
00:49:33Honey what happened? Oh you fainted there's blood. Oh, no
00:49:44I don't know what's happening to me. Have you eaten sweetie? Your blood sugar is. Oh, we have milanos
00:49:52Could you get the cookies?
00:49:59Hey, you can't keep it all inside. Okay, you'll just rot
00:50:05You'll rot
00:50:08I'm mad at her. I know you are sweet. She was gonna leave me paul the cookies
00:50:17I just you can't think like that. Okay, what's the point of paul?
00:50:24Where is he?
00:50:28Oh lovey
00:50:32Thank you, it's nothing
00:50:44Anna um, do you think maybe you could call me sometimes?
00:50:53I'm very fond of you and I couldn't I can't
00:51:01I can't lose you, too
00:51:11What took you so long she hasn't eaten all day
00:51:41Yep, I think we should do something to celebrate izzy, you know, just the two of us. What do you mean? I mean
00:51:50It's karaoke time
00:52:00Are you serious? Yeah, i'm serious
00:52:05Max I don't want to sing
00:52:10I was tired of my lady
00:52:13We've been together too long
00:52:17Like I want I recorded
00:52:20Our favorite song
00:52:24So while she laid there sleeping
00:52:27I read a paper in there
00:52:30And in the personal columns there was a letter I read
00:52:37If you like me
00:52:41It's a tribute for our friend
00:52:44Thought it would be nice. I don't know. I just want you to get better. You can't make me better from izzy dying
00:52:50Hey, i'm just trying to help. How is this helpful? Oh
00:52:54Chill, don't tell me to chill. This whole thing is so fucked up something
00:52:59Right. I can't not try. Oh you not trying would be like a million times better than whatever the fuck this is
00:53:06Okay. Well, how's that working out for you? Fuck you. You're refusing to feel
00:53:15i'm telling you
00:53:16To stop you're sitting there like this wall and something happened to me not to you
00:53:21How could you say that you're so fucking far away? What was that for the memorial? You can't say anything
00:53:26That's supposed to be your best friend and you can of course I can people appreciated it
00:53:30No, you don't know what people thought you don't know anything
00:53:33You're you're you're trying to recreate this whole thing that you were never even a part of it's it's pathetic
00:53:45Oh, i'm so done
00:54:02Is this only shit the fuck
00:54:26Dennis you gotta kick me out. This is illegal
00:55:10What devon anna
00:55:13I'm calling because I have to fire you
00:55:18Yeah, you're fired today. This is the end and
00:55:23Before you even think about it
00:55:26No, I will not be giving you a referral
00:55:32So you'll have to turn in your laptop i'll go over all the details
00:55:38Anna are you there? Hello?
00:56:00Love that sculpture
00:56:04It's so punk
00:56:07It's not a sculpture it's a memorial
00:56:12That's dope
00:56:15For a dead person
00:56:24It's from a bike accident
00:56:35That sucks
00:57:01You got a little uh, I don't
00:57:12Got something something like beautiful
00:57:21That's cool
00:57:46You're crazy you're fucking crazy
00:58:31Is he
00:58:39Anna replace the toner. Thank you
00:58:56Can't smoke in here. No, they allow you to smoke in here
00:59:32What the fuck tough through my fucking mouth fuck occupy
01:00:14How's your night going that oh, yeah cool
01:00:23Thanks, thank you
01:00:41Hey, hey, hey, yo, yo leave me alone
01:00:44Yeah, I would love to but I can't let you walk into traffic just because we're fighting or broken up or what?
01:00:49What are you wearing?
01:00:56Oh my god, are you okay? All right, you're gonna oh, oh god. Yeah, you okay?
01:01:04Yeah, yeah, i'm fine, okay
01:01:09Oh god
01:01:13Yeah, just let it out get it out. Yeah
01:01:25You done? Yeah, you want to sit? Yeah
01:01:40I need help. Yeah, no shit. You just threw up in the fucking playground
01:01:46not okay
01:01:48I don't I thought I could find him before anyone knew he was gone, but
01:01:53I still need
01:01:59I get
01:02:03What's happening, okay. All right, take it easy. Oh
01:02:09I lost booger
01:02:11I lost him booger
01:02:14What are you talking? Why are you bringing up booger?
01:02:17It's all my fault
01:02:20Okay, you're going through a lot but I can tell you that happened a long-ass time ago
01:02:27What are you fucking talking about boogers been gone? Yeah, I know for like two years
01:02:40I left that stupid window
01:02:42Yeah, the window was open and then me you and izzy went out to look for him for hours. You have to remember
01:02:57Doesn't make sense. Are you serious? Anna? Look at me
01:03:02Boogers been gone and yeah, I hope he's okay, but
01:03:07I don't know. I feel like if he wanted to come back he would have by now
01:03:12You're kind of scaring me
01:03:15Okay, let's go you are confused and drunk and you are looking for a cat that doesn't exist
01:03:27Don't follow me or i'll get very mad
01:04:34You came back
01:04:47I'm putting a lot of money
01:04:49into this
01:04:51Yeah, yeah, and I don't I I don't have a regular job. I mean, this is my job. This is my life
01:04:57I go home every day
01:05:00Having to drink a fifth just to fall asleep because my heart can't take it
01:05:04It's just continual agita and she was supposed to be here because we have that new shipment of pigeons coming from guatemala
01:05:11I would I don't know
01:05:13I got this great feeling around cheryl. I just got a feeling
01:07:00Bugger buggy bugger
01:08:08What was that
01:08:13Okay, but um
01:08:24Our saga begins on a long dark night
01:08:33What are you guys doing filming is he being spooky i'm being spooky come on guys
01:08:37It's been like two hours and it's dark now. Yeah, it's only been a little bit. He's just being
01:08:42a crazy little guy
01:08:44Having an adventure. We have all the good treats at home. So he'll be back in no time. Don't worry here kitty kitty
01:08:50Okay, let's look
01:08:52We're done being spooky. Let's go look for bug. Yeah, cool
01:10:47Hi, you've reached joyce, please leave a message
01:10:55Hi joyce, it's anna. Um
01:11:00I'm calling like you asked
01:11:03and I also
01:11:05I have something that should be yours
01:11:11Maybe we could get that dinner
01:11:15Okay, bye
01:13:09I'm getting caught in the rain
01:13:16And the taste of champagne
01:13:19If you like making love at midnight
01:13:23In the dunes on the cave
01:13:26You're the lady of the bar
01:13:30Write to me and escape
01:13:44If you like pina coladas
01:13:47And getting caught in the rain
01:13:51And the feel of the ocean
01:13:54And the taste of champagne
01:13:58If you like making love at midnight
01:14:01In the dunes on the cave
01:14:05You're a lady at the bar
01:14:08Write to me and escape
01:14:41If you get caught in the rain
01:14:45If you're not easy, oh god, if you have