The Penguin Episode 2 Trailer_ The Batman 2 & Things You Missed
00:04Have given you everything you have so you do it you mean it cuz you love me say it
00:14See it
00:19I'll do it
00:23Everything you heard about me
00:26It's true
00:30I'm just a poor kid born into nothing. Who's got something to prove like you
00:39I've seen stuff
00:43The whole world they treat us like like we don't matter
00:50I'm on your side
00:53They shook you in there calling the shots you think you know what's best for me
01:00You think you know what I need my little helper
01:06We had a deal we look out for each other he's gonna have to trust me
01:13Was it worth it
01:15What you did to me, you know what I don't regret what I got playing with our family comes at a cost
01:25All those years
01:28He was watching
01:32He knows this game better than you
01:37There's a storm coming you got fighting you baby, I'm ready to take him back got them
01:53We're gonna tell stories about us one day our names are gonna live forever
02:05Welcome back everyone. It's Charlie. This will be my full penguin episode 2 trailer video. There's a whole bunch of Batman Easter eggs
02:11So we'll break it all down this footage from most of the rest of the episodes to not the entire season
02:16But I think a lot of a season if you're brand new to the channel
02:20Be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes and big reminder. This is the episode schedule
02:24It's moving to Sunday nights, but not this coming Sunday the week after Sunday. So they're skipping almost 10 days
02:30The other cool thing is that Matt Reeves just said that they finished the Batman 2 script
02:34It'll take place right after the penguin series during the winter holidays. So everybody make all your mr. Freeze theories
02:39There's also been people talking about them doing two-faced
02:42So there's a number of different villain options that he has to show up in that movie
02:45This was have been talked of him doing the court of owls doing a version of the hush character
02:49There are a number of options of characters that they have not done in previous movies recently
02:53They'll start shooting that movie early in 2025 and releasing in 2026. The trailer jumps all over the timeline of the episode
03:01So we'll just start at the beginning of the trailer and go through shot by shot
03:03It starts with a scene of him and his mother again verbally abusing him
03:07It sounds like forcing him to do something that it sounds like he doesn't totally want to do like promise me that you'll do it
03:12He's like, okay fine reluctantly just after watching episode one
03:15You can see that they had the most toxic relationship ever like worst mother of the year so far
03:21But it does sound like she cares about him in the two of them feel like it's them against the rest of the world
03:26She basically gave him the Scarface pep talk. You take the city with the city is yours
03:31So it sounds like the motivation to become comic-book penguin like this full level that you see in the comics comes from his upbringing with
03:38His mother they cut a couple different scenes together with him walking through this building in the voiceover saying everything you heard about me is true
03:45This building could either be City Hall or it could be the morgue because I do think that they have scenes in front of Carmine
03:51Falcone's but like in front of his tomb
03:53But there are a couple separate scenes later in the trailer where you see him lording around City Hall
03:58That's all part of his grand play to basically get a toehold inside the city's government like that's his real goal here
04:04That's real power being able to influence public policy not sure which apartment he's going to here
04:09But it looks like he's going after someone he could be looking for Victor
04:13They do this cool transition where he goes to the door
04:15But then they go to a scene of him as a young child
04:18We'll probably get flashbacks to explain how he wound up with the Falcone family like what happened to the rest of his family his brothers
04:24In his father when he was younger based on the progression of all the pictures on the wall like first you see pictures of just his
04:30Brothers in his mother then you see just pictures of him in his mother
04:34So it sounds like his father died at some point then his brothers died after that at some point
04:39This looks like a scene of him looking at his brothers in his mother
04:42This will speech about how he came from nothing and he's trying to seize the opportunity is to Victor like he's basically trying to tell
04:48Victor you're just like me you come from nothing
04:51There was this whole talk that they had about
04:53Ambition where Victor was basically trying to save his own life like trying to talk him out of killing him
04:58So at least for most the series he takes him under his wing to make more penguin references in the funny coincidence
05:04Maybe not a coincidence
05:05I mean they probably did this on purpose because they had to pay to write this scene and do all this set
05:09Decoration is that they had him meet Victor while he was trying to steal the wheels off of his car
05:14Just like Batman met Jason Todd and then took him under his wing
05:18He was trying to steal the wheels off of the Batmobile of all cars
05:22we will see if Victor's arc plays out the same way that Jason Todd's arc played out because he was basically a
05:27Casualty of everything the Batman was doing trying to fight all these villains
05:31So Victor might also wind up being a casualty of everything a penguin is trying to do taking over the city
05:37Notice Victor is staring at the cop and the cop seems really pissed off at him
05:41Like it's probably gonna yell at him for staring at him or loitering or something like that
05:43I don't know who this girl is that he's talking to saying I seen stuff
05:47He's probably talking about the stuff that he's done with the penguins so far like seen a whole lot of dead bodies
05:52Did a whole lot of messed up stuff with the Falcons recently, then we see Sophia with penguin at a club
05:58I don't know if this is meant to be the cleaned up version of the iceberg lounge or if that's still in shambles after what
06:02Happened the Riddler's big attack on the city
06:05This could just wind up being some other random club inside the city that the Falcons own
06:09Anytime you see him in the white suit during this does that not scream scarface?
06:14Victor has a speech to him talking about how the world treats them like crap because they come from nothing
06:19They treat them like they are nothing during episode 1. He said that he also has ambitions
06:23That is he's trying to prove himself to penguin as well
06:26There's a bunch of the partiers taking the drops remember penguin had this whole special shipment that Alberto Falcone was so excited that would
06:33revolutionize the drug trade in the city a lot of people think that it might have something to do with venom because we're talking about
06:38Bane Easter eggs in the distance
06:39I don't know if Matt Reeves has plans to do the Bane character anytime soon
06:43But it could be another drug based on the comics and venom is just like the big one
06:47Penguin goes to another meeting with the Falcons. This seems like her older brother Luca Falcone
06:53I don't know why he's not trying to take over the family just like she's trying to take over the family to like you think
06:58That they all try to take over the family all the surviving family members
07:01But the idea is that he's pretending to side with Sophia Falcone, even though he himself is trying to take over
07:07It's not clear if ultimately he would plan to betray her and kill her then take power
07:12Or if he just tried to cozy up to her and have a relationship with her and rule that way like rule from behind the
07:18Throne, but if you haven't read Batman dark victory, they're loosely basing the character on that version. She is so nuts
07:24She is so unhinged
07:26There's no way penguin would actually be able to rule over her shoulder without her trying to kill him
07:31It looks like the family tries to push her out like the family itself doesn't want to have anything to do with Sophia Falcone
07:37Like you go stand over here. You don't matter
07:39She then has her own power struggle separate from that
07:42It seems like penguin is trying to use this to his advantage like he's pretending to help her like you should be in there with
07:48The family you should be the one leading this meeting
07:51You should be the one leading this family when we know his ultimate goal is completely different
07:55This is another scene of them having dinner with all the surviving family members
07:59Even though it seems like he was successful in fooling her that he did not kill Alberto Falcone at the end of episode 1
08:04Thank you very much Victor for the assist with that body
08:07She still seems like she's wary of him doesn't trust him and doesn't think that she needs him
08:12So a lot of the next couple episodes will probably him also scrambling trying to alter his plan to sort of worm his way next
08:18To her probably by doing something else
08:21That's really messed up saving her life or doing something to get her to trust him more
08:25Usually that's the easy way to do it is to save someone's life
08:28It definitely seems like he tries to kill John Beatty
08:31Don't know if he winds up surviving past whatever this episodes winds up being it might not be episode 2
08:35This could be like much later in the season
08:37but it seems like he catches him naked in bed like he's getting ready to get it on with the person that he saw in
08:42The photos that Carmine Falcone was keeping in his safe
08:45Remember there were files on a bunch of different people in that safe
08:48The reason why those were the only things in the safe next to the jewels is because they are as valuable as the jewels
08:54They're his power over the most powerful people in the city. Now that penguin has the files
08:59They are his to try and use to Lord over these other people
09:02There's a scene with Eve Carlo where they talk about looking out for each other
09:06It seems like their girlfriend boyfriend like that's kind of their relationship, but she's a working girl
09:10So like she has a ton of John's so it's not like they have an exclusive
09:13Relationship because it also kind of seems like he has something going on with Sofia Falcone back in the day
09:18Until he theoretically betrayed her and she wound up getting thrown in Arkham. There's a lot of theories about that
09:23They even mentioned it during the trailer here
09:25Like do you feel good about what you did and it sounds like penguin informed on her to Carmine Falcone
09:30Maybe she accidentally killed someone or she did something really crazy flying off the handle
09:34He told Carmine Falcone and maybe Carmine is the one that put her in Arkham her father
09:39And it sounds like whatever he did to betray her because of that event it wound up gaining him a bunch of power like Carmine
09:45Rewarded him with more power for that
09:47So that's why she resents him like you feel good about all these things that you got because of what you did to me
09:51Not sure where they're headed here
09:53But it seems like he's driving her somewhere in his Maserati
09:56Love the way he was trying to justify how the Maserati was cool to her like she could not care less about the car
10:02You know, it's actually plum there couple flashback scenes of her in Arkham getting into all kinds of fights
10:08So it seems like we will get flashbacks to explain what exactly went down between the two of them during dark victory
10:13Sofia Falcone becomes the hangman and kills a whole bunch of people like the big antagonist of the story
10:19She mentioned the hangman name during episode 1 but they use it as sort of like a nickname while she was inside Arkham a while
10:25Ago, there were all those memes about finding someone that matches your own freak
10:29She definitely matches penguins own freak and surpasses it. There's some kind of flooding going on in this building here
10:36That could be a flashback to the Riddler blowing the dams at the edge of the city
10:39Then his mother says all those years he was watching that's probably a reference to Carmine Falcone himself
10:45We'll see like what penguins relationship was with him growing up like how he got tied up with him
10:49This is someone maybe penguins staring at black cape penitentiary probably something to do with Sal Maroni
10:55I don't know who Francois Chao is playing most you remember him from lost
10:58He's been on a bunch of other series and movies, too
11:01So you probably remember him from somewhere at least I'm guessing he's part of one of the other rival crime families in town
11:06It sounds like his mother's trying to give him some counsel
11:09Someone is out maneuvering him in his bid to take over the city
11:13You probably recognize Shourei Agudashu she's playing the wife of Salvatore Maroni
11:17I'm guessing that even though he's been in black cape penitentiary for years now
11:20He's still technically the head of the family calling the shots
11:23But she's like the face of the family while he is inside these old cars make it seem like a flashback
11:29So we'll see more penguins history. This actually looks like Sophia winds up capturing John Beatty in interrogating him
11:35Maybe she suspects he had something to do with Alberto's death
11:38This is back at penguins drops
11:40operation like the main warehouse where he does all his stuff from
11:43Him driving his Maserati to a plane hangar not sure where he's headed here or if he's picking someone up
11:48Maybe he's picking Sophia Falcone up just because she was driving in the car earlier when he says to taking back Gotham
11:54This is him inside City Hall behind Bella Ray all's position where she sits presiding over the government because she's mayor of the city right now
12:01Can't really tell why things are exploding behind him here, but he's in his white suit
12:05So as part of that same scene where he's at the club with Sophia Falcone
12:08Some kind of crazy knockdown drag-out fight where he shoots the hell out of this group of people in this place
12:13This looks like Victor hiding on the ground trying not to get shot
12:17These scenes of the flooding just seems like it's connected to what Riddler did during the events of the Batman movie either
12:22It's a flashback to the events of the movie when the dams actually broke or it's just like further dams breaking in more damage happening
12:29Penguin blowing something up big-time trying to get away before it blows up in his face
12:33Then I love the line that he goes out on in this trailer now
12:36It's voiceover combined with a completely different scene where he says they're gonna tell stories about us one day and true enough
12:42They did they'll be writing Batman comics till the heat death of the universe making Batman movies till the heat death of the universe
12:49So yes
12:50The Penguins name other Batman villains Batman characters names will live forever
12:54Through that little bit of winking from behind the camera like yes
12:58This is him becoming comic book penguin that iconic version of the character
13:01There's a bunch of stuff going on in the trailer here
13:03So if you spotted any other Easter eggs or references that I didn't talk about in the video
13:07Just write them below in the comments overall. I think that the first episode was pretty fantastic
13:11It's a good start to the series just because Marvel has their Agatha series right now
13:15There's the Lord of the Rings rings of power series
13:17I think penguin currently is the best running series right now just after episode 1
13:22We'll see how it plays out the rest of the season though
13:24My full episode 2 video will post next Sunday after they release it big reminder. This is the actual schedule
13:30So they'll be like a week break before episode 2
13:32Everybody click here for my full penguin episode 1 video and click here for all my other Batman videos
13:38Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one