• last year
00:00Children, today's topic is preposition or you can say position words. Can you see
00:10these four pictures? You can see a common ball. The question is where is the
00:19ball? Okay children, in the picture number one if you notice you can see the ball
00:28is inside a box and if you see picture number two, the ball is on the table.
00:39Picture number three, the ball is under the table and picture number four, the
00:48ball is near to the table. Children, how are we able to identify the position of
00:59the word? Where is the ball? By seeing the position where the ball lies, we were
01:10able to identify the ball is inside a box, the ball is on the table, the ball
01:20is under the table and the ball is near the table. So these words in, on, under,
01:28near, these are the prepositions. In this video we are only going to talk about in,
01:36on and under, near. Rest of the prepositions I'll make in another video.
01:44Now let us see a preposition is a word that tells us where a person, a place, an
01:52animal or a thing is. As you saw the ball, it was lying inside a box, then on the
02:03table, then under the table, then near the table. Like this we can see the
02:11position of particular thing or a person, where it is. As I told you in this video
02:22we will be discussing on in, on, under and near. So I'll talk about in first. Can you
02:32see three eggs children? Where is it lying? It's inside the nest. The eggs are
02:42in the nest. Can you see the ball children? Where is the ball lying? The ball
02:52is in the box. Can you see the apples? The apples are in the basket. So children
03:06these were the three sentences in which I explained you the concept of in. Now
03:14let's move on to on. The clock is on the wall. Where is the clock? It's on the wall.
03:26The ball is on the table. Where is the ball? On the table. Here on is a
03:36preposition used to identify the position of the thing. That is the ball.
03:43The boy is sitting on the chair. Now we'll talk about under. The boy is sitting
03:55under the tree. Can you see the picture children? The boy is sitting under the
04:01tree. Where is the ball in this picture? The ball is under the table. Where is the
04:14dog? The dog is sleeping under the table. Here under is a preposition. It tells us
04:24where the dog is. Now we'll talk about near. The ball is near the table. The car
04:37is parked near the house. The pen is near the book. Here near is the preposition.
04:50Now children let's do some test your knowledge. These are the MCQs. Out of the
04:59three options given to you, you need to put a tick on the correct one and need
05:04to write it in the given space. Children just look at this image. Where is the
05:10ball? The ball is dash the box. The options are under, in, on. The correct answer will
05:20be in. The ball is in the box. Very good. Now let's do the next one. Where is the
05:30ball? The ball is dash the table. Under, near, on. Yes the right answer is on. The
05:40ball is on the table. Next one. Where is the ball? The ball is dash the table.
05:49Under, in, on. It's under. The ball is under the table. Next one. Where is the ball? The
06:02ball is dash the table. Under, near, on. Yes, right answer is near. The ball is near the table.