HITPIG Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Hitpig (Jason Sudeikis) is a clever bounty hunting pig who catches escaped animals and returns them to their owners. His next job is his biggest yet: return a dancing elephant named Pickles (Lilly Singh) to a maniacal Vegas showman (Rainn Wilson), for a million bucks. The mission quickly escalates into a wild adventure around the world. When danger looms, it is up to Hitpig to save the day but he can’t do it alone. He must realize that some things are more important than a paycheck and finds the greatest bounty of all, friends.
HITPIG! will release only in theaters nationwide in the U.S. on November 1, 2024.
HITPIG! will release only in theaters nationwide in the U.S. on November 1, 2024.
Short filmTranscript
00:00When your kitty's left the city, when your moose is on the loose, when your cow has said
00:11chow, you need me.
00:13Hit big.
00:15Bounty hunter.
00:16I hear you're the best.
00:17What'd you lose?
00:18My elephant!
00:19Someone pilfered pickles!
00:20Who steals elephants?
00:21I mean, besides me.
00:33Make me an offer I can't refuse.
00:35One million bucks.
00:36Oh, hey, you know, that's about a hundred times more than I was thinking, so, uh, yes!
00:41Catch her!
00:43Activate propulsion booster.
00:45And pump up the rock and roll.
00:46Well, well, well.
00:59No more cages for me.
01:00The leaping lord wanted a cute little elephant for his show.
01:04I've been locked in a cage ever since, until you rescued me.
01:08Now I've never felt more free, all thanks to you.
01:12It seems you've lost your way.
01:15I'm finding it, actually.
01:17Hey, pickles, we gotta go!
01:19Don't ever run away again!
01:21Where's pickles?
01:22The leaping lord took her, and I need to save her.
01:26We're going with you.
01:28Lafayette, a little help?
01:30Is this part of the plan?
01:34Fasten your seatbelts!
01:41Gear boy nine!
01:43And that is why Taylor Swift would be a great president.
01:49Seize your heart out, Dumbo!
01:51Five, four, three, two, one!
01:56You got a plan, Porkchop?
01:58I already called for backup.
02:00Super kakadoodle!
02:04Hey, this is really about saving an elephant, eh?
02:08I'm in.
02:09Plus, you know, you said something about a million bucks.
02:16Could you sign one more?
02:17To my nephew.
02:18Yeah, what's his name?
02:19My, uh, his name?
02:20Yeah, uh, Hit-Pick.