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Here Now Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: 'Here Now' follows Sophie (Elena Kampouris), a twenty-year-old American who has lived her life in isolation, cut off from the world. While on vacation in Palermo with her sister, she meets Giulio (Saul Nanni) and his group of Sicilian friends during her final 24 hours before returning to California. Eager to break free from her sheltered past, Sophie embarks on a whirlwind romance with Giulio, but her adventure quickly spirals into Palermo's dangerous criminal underground. Caught between love and survival, Sophie faces life-changing decisions in a fight for her life.

Releases October 31, 2024

Stars: Elena Kampouris, Saul Nanni, Lorenzo Richelmy, Enrico Inserra, Francesco Garilli

Directed by: Gabriele Muccino
00:00In the next episode
00:07Nice to meet you, I'm Giulio.
00:08Where are you from?
00:09Estados Unidos
00:10These are my friends
00:13Jump with us, America, come on!
00:14You want to see the caves of Spiri?
00:15What do you do?
00:20Everything can change in a moment
00:21In the next episode
00:29You'd rather go around with four guys you just met?
00:33A lot of bad things are happening
00:36We're going to leave tomorrow
00:47Hey Giulio, I'm here!
00:48Let's stay here!
00:50I have to go somewhere to fix something
00:51Listen to me, you should go back to your chair right now
00:53Then I'm coming with you!
00:55Tell me what is happening!
01:07Go, go, go!
01:19In the next episode
01:34Drop the gun!
