Get a first look at Splinter Cell: Deathwatch, the highly anticipated animated series coming to Netflix with its official Season 1 announcement trailer. Based on the iconic Tom Clancy franchise, the series brings the gripping, high-stakes world of covert operations to life. Starring Liev Schreiber as the voice of the legendary Sam Fisher, this action-packed adaptation promises intense espionage, intricate storylines, and the shadowy dangers that come with being an elite operative. As Sam Fisher navigates a web of global threats, he’ll need every skill in his arsenal to outwit powerful enemies and complete dangerous missions. Prepare for a thrilling ride as the series introduces a new chapter to the Splinter Cell legacy.
Splinter Cell: Deathwatch Cast:
Liev Schreiber
Stream Splinter Cell: Deathwatch Season 1 in 2025 on Netflix!
Splinter Cell: Deathwatch Cast:
Liev Schreiber
Stream Splinter Cell: Deathwatch Season 1 in 2025 on Netflix!
00:00Don't be afraid, darkness is a good thing.
00:17Once you get used to the shadows, you see bad people for who they really are, and they'll
00:29never see you coming for them.