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00:00He put the poison in the cup and wrote on the cup that the drink had poison in it.
00:06I imagined what he was going to say to me.
00:08He asked me if I was joking or not.
00:10I said no, I wasn't joking.
00:12The drink had poison in it.
00:14I asked him why he put the poison in it.
00:16He said that he didn't think about it.
00:18I told him that he should think about it.
00:20I told him that he shouldn't say anything because he would die in 4 minutes.
00:24The poison takes effect in 4 minutes and kills a person.
00:28I told him to think about it.
00:30I went to the bank and told him that my sister had a heart surgery.
00:34I told him that he shouldn't doubt my words.
00:38He gave me a stamp of refusal.
00:40I didn't know why he gave me that stamp.
00:42My sister died.
00:44She didn't have a heart surgery and died.
00:46I told him to think about it.
00:48I told him to go to the airport.
00:50I told him to go to the airport.
00:52I told him to go to the airport.
00:54I told him to go to the airport.
00:56I told him to go to the airport.
00:58I told him to go to the airport.
01:00I told him to go to the airport.
01:02I told him to go to the airport.
01:04I told him to go to the airport.
01:06I told him to go to the airport.
01:08I told him to go to the airport.
01:10I told him to go to the airport.
01:12I told him to go to the airport.
01:14I told him to go to the airport.
01:16I told him to go to the airport.
01:18I told him to go to the airport.
01:20I told him to go to the airport.
01:22I told him to go to the airport.
01:24I told him to go to the airport.
01:26I told him to go to the airport.
01:28I told him to go to the airport.
01:30I told him to go to the airport.
01:32I told him to go to the airport.
01:34I told him to go to the airport.
01:36I told him to go to the airport.
01:38I told him to go to the airport.
01:40I told him to go to the airport.
01:42I told him to go to the airport.
01:44I told him to go to the airport.
01:46I told him to go to the airport.
01:48I told him to go to the airport.
01:50I told him to go to the airport.
