• last year
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02There's something going on between Mum and that guy.
00:04We're just not going to be able to be friends anymore.
00:06I should have ended things the moment something happened.
00:08Lassiter's now owns the cafe.
00:10What about Paul?
00:11Forget about him.
00:12Trace, can you hear me?
00:13And you'll have to stay for this observation.
00:15We can put Nicola out on the lease.
00:17I thought she was staying short term.
00:19Yeah, so did I.
00:20So now every time Isla wakes up, she's going to expect her mum to be here.
00:23Nick, David and I have an agreement.
00:26I'm not sure I'll still be legally buying them.
00:28Let me legally adopt Isla.
00:58Neighbours, people have been good friends.
01:07So does that mean Nicola's never moving back with Aaron and your mum?
01:10Nah, no idea.
01:11She's dealing with one crisis at a time.
01:13What did Krista say?
01:14Didn't say anything.
01:15She's too busy locking horns with Paul.
01:18Since when are you doing meditation classes?
01:22I don't, but I heard that it reduces stress.
01:25Because things between you and Dad are just so tense?
01:30No, that's not what I meant.
01:32I just have a lot on my plate at the moment with work and uni.
01:36Anyway, I'm about to hand over.
01:39I've got to get out of here.
01:40Do you guys want a coffee?
01:43Ah, yes please.
01:50The whole vibe between her and Dad is just so off.
01:53They'll figure it out.
01:55They're a solid couple.
01:59They were.
02:05And then he put Nicolette on the lease without even asking me.
02:08I was right there.
02:09Yeah, Leo, I've got to go.
02:11Okay, love you, bye.
02:14Welcome to our new office.
02:18There's nothing wrong with the old one.
02:20You are in here.
02:24Finally your own space.
02:27Yeah, it'll do.
02:30How was Trace this morning?
02:32Yeah, better.
02:33But I need to get back there, so come on, let's get on with it.
02:37We need to discuss getting a new manager for Harold's.
02:40Oh, now you want to discuss Harold's with me.
02:44I could advertise for the job online.
02:48Next on the agenda is the fundraiser for the Erinsborough Police Department.
02:52Oh, I forgot that we'd agreed to that.
02:54I don't suppose a raffle's going to cut it, is it?
02:57I've been doing some research lately,
02:59and the three events that have brought in the most funds in the past have been the casino night.
03:03No, I refuse to turn this place into a low-rent gambling den.
03:08Okay, then the fashion parade was also very popular.
03:11There's an idea.
03:12Now, why don't we just bring Montana Marcel back into town?
03:15Well, obviously this time we wouldn't pick a designer who's being chased for tax evasion.
03:19Yeah, well, it's not happening.
03:20Okay, well, that leaves my personal favourite, the male review.
03:24No. No, 100% no.
03:28It's old and it's been done to death.
03:30Yeah, it's a crap-pleaser.
03:32It is cheap and it is tacky.
03:34And that's why people like it.
03:36You know what? If people like Magic Mike that much, let them go see the movie, eh?
03:40Alright, then what's your brilliant idea, Paul?
03:42If you're going to knock down every suggestion that I make,
03:44why don't you come up with one on your own?
03:47I was just making a get-well card for Therese.
03:50Very cute.
03:55What's happened?
04:04Nothing, really.
04:05That's not the most appropriate way to put it.
04:07I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
04:08I don't know.
04:09I'm sorry.
04:10That's not the way to put it.
04:11This is the way I do it.
04:12This is the way I do it.
04:13What's happened?
04:16I've just told Nicolette that I want to start
04:17the adoption process.
04:19I just need some time to think about it.
04:22What is there to consider, Nick?
04:23Well, you've just dumped this on me right this second.
04:25No, no, no, I am Isla's father,
04:27and all I want is the paperwork to make it official.
04:29I feel like you're pressuring me.
04:31Oh, yeah.
04:36Nick just likes having all the power.
04:39And she doesn't want to give it up,
04:39so the sooner I can lock this down, the better.
04:43So, the keg delivery is going to be here in another hour,
04:46but I'm going to need you to sign for it, and...
04:50Um, if you have any problems, you just give me a call.
04:57Um, how was work?
05:00You must be drowning in statements and things.
05:02Uh, no, actually...
05:06everything's pretty good on my end.
05:09What are you up to for the rest of the day?
05:13Don't laugh, but...
05:16I'm going to give a meditation class a go.
05:19Why would I laugh at that? I think that's great.
05:21I hope so.
05:25Do you mind if I tag along?
05:27I mean, only if it's OK.
05:30You don't need to go back to the station.
05:32I worked so late last night that...
05:34I don't know if I want to go back to the station.
05:37I worked so late last night that I've only got the rest of the morning off.
05:41Oh, God.
05:44You need to get that?
05:45No, just spam.
05:47So, why don't we meet at home and go in together?
05:57Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, great.
05:58Great. Cool. See you there.
06:08Oh, thanks for coming in.
06:11There's a few files to put out,
06:12plus, Therese keeps sending me work emails from the hospital.
06:16Yeah, I think her car crash has slowed her down a little.
06:19I get the sense she's trying not to think about Toadie.
06:21I suspect you're right.
06:22Right, OK, what can I do to help?
06:26Carl Kennedy.
06:28Gino Esposito, my word!
06:32Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:33I'm sorry.
06:34Esposito, my word!
06:37It's been years!
06:41And you are exactly as I remember,
06:44apart from the grey hair,
06:45which I can help cover up if you'd like.
06:48Gino is going to be our newest resident.
06:50Ah, that's wonderful.
06:51He'll really be thrilled.
06:52It'll be good to catch up with the old spunk.
06:54Book us a spot on the next musical theatre excursion.
06:57Are you still in touch with Lynne?
06:59No. Birthdays, Christmases, the occasional hair show.
07:02I am retired.
07:04There's a slight problem with Gino's furniture.
07:07It's like my personality, Carl.
07:10I have a bit too much.
07:12Which is why it's taking up all that space in the courtyard.
07:16I was wondering what that was. It's all good quality stuff.
07:19Don't worry, we'll come up with a solution.
07:21The thing is, Gino, it's actually your responsibility.
07:24You've got to be kidding me.
07:26It's Ralph at the tram. He's got a family emergency.
07:29He's given notice, effective immediately.
07:31I'm going to have to go down.
07:32Ah, Gin, I'm sorry to rush off, but wonderful to have you here.
07:38So, Susie, did darling Lynne tell you about her latest voyage?
07:43Oh, yes, yes.
07:48It doesn't matter what I do.
07:49Aaron's paranoid that I'm out to get him.
07:51So you didn't finish the conversation?
07:53Well, how could I? He ambushed me.
07:55OK, sorry if this is a dumb question,
07:56but doesn't adoption just formalise the arrangement you already have?
07:59It makes it more official.
08:00Which is bad because?
08:01Because he could try and take Isla away from me.
08:03I think he'd know better than to hurt his own daughter.
08:04Well, I'm not going to take that risk.
08:06Can't you see that what you're worried about
08:08is exactly what Aaron is scared of?
08:10Well, I've told him that I would never keep him away from Isla.
08:13So you're expecting him to trust you without giving anything in return?
08:18If only David could see you now.
08:22How are you doing?
08:23Don't even start, Mum.
08:27I just came to ask how you were.
08:29No, you've come to give me a lecture.
08:33What? Why are you always your own worst enemy?
08:36And there we go.
08:38Everyone is just trying to help you,
08:39but if there's a way to make things worse, then you'll always find it.
08:42Mum, now's not really a good time.
08:44No, it's fine. I don't expect her support.
08:46You'll never be on my side about anything, will you?
08:52Welcome, everyone.
08:54Thank you for attending.
08:57Let's all now close our eyes.
09:00And find our moment of peace.
09:07Deep breaths, everyone.
09:16Wend. Wend.
09:20You're too loud.
09:43Thank you. Thanks, mate.
09:45I thought Paul would have been happy having his own office.
09:47Yeah, well, I thought this might be the case.
09:49Well, he used to share that office with Therese,
09:51so he likes having someone close to battle with.
09:54Well, he's certainly shut down every suggestion that I had for the fundraiser.
09:58So back to the drawing board, then?
10:00No. Out of all the suggestions that I put through,
10:02Paul hated the male review the most, so that's the one I'm gonna run with.
10:05Don't you think it might be better to go with the fashion show?
10:08A bit more family-friendly?
10:09Oh, hey, Mel.
10:10Uh, if you could choose,
10:12would you rather attend a fashion show or a male review?
10:15A review as in hot men getting their gear off?
10:19Oh, how is that even a question?
10:22The last show I went to,
10:24oh, the boys were all dressed in cowboy outfits.
10:27But when I say dressed, I actually mean...
10:29Chaps and hats.
10:30Oh! Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
10:35Well, I am hosting an event right here at Lassiter's,
10:37so I expect you to attend.
10:39Oh, with the cowbells on.
10:42It's a winner. I know it.
10:44Well, I guess Aaron used to be an exotic dancer, so...
10:46There you go. I've got a ready-made consultant.
10:50You know Dad's gonna be furious, though, right?
10:53Ahem. Well, you did say that he likes to battle.
10:58What are you doing?
10:59I don't want Mum and Dad to see me.
11:01This is the first time in ages I've stopped being awkward with each other.
11:05How awkward can it be, sitting silently next to someone?
11:15Shut up.
11:17I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
11:22Stop it.
11:26Everyone, thank you.
11:29For those who would like to take our class seriously,
11:33I hope to see you again.
11:40Come on.
11:42Come on, move.
11:43Come on.
11:46Well, that was kind of fun.
11:48Yeah, of course you think it's fun. You're always like a good fart joke.
11:51I didn't mean it like that. I just...
11:55It was just good to have a laugh.
11:56I mean, we haven't done anything like that lately.
12:00I mean, my cheeks are a bit sore.
12:02Out of practice.
12:04Your cheeks didn't sound out of practice to me.
12:08Shut up. Gosh.
12:15I missed this.
12:18Yeah, me too.
12:24Oh, hey, guys.
12:27What are you doing here?
12:33Well, if the neurologist is positive, that's a good sign.
12:39All right. I'll see you soon, Trace.
12:43I decided to go with the male review.
12:52I've decided to go with the male review.
12:55Well, you didn't get back to me with another idea.
12:57And I've already locked in the dates with the youth outreach.
12:59Fine. So you can get back on the blower and tell them that it's not going to happen.
13:02No. I've done extensive market research
13:04and there's a big community support for the male review.
13:07What do you mean, market research?
13:08What, did you go out in the street and ask some random woman a few questions?
13:11Did you?
13:14Sorry, but the dates are locked in
13:15and I've already started recruiting male performers.
13:19So my objections mean absolutely nothing.
13:21You made a captain's call?
13:22Mm-hmm. And a good one.
13:24You'll see.
13:29Just remember this is a two-way street.
13:46Before I say anything, I just want to make the point
13:48that I always put my daughter first.
13:52I think you're right.
13:55We should make it all official.
13:56For Isla's sake and for yours.
14:04So should we tell Isla tonight at dinner?
14:07Yeah. I guess we can do that, yeah.
14:10We can make a celebration out of it, maybe get a cake.
14:12See as we'll all be living together again.
14:15Excuse me?
14:17Well, now that we've cleared everything up,
14:20I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be here.
14:24Weren't you about to sign the lease?
14:25I haven't signed anything.
14:27Nick, the whole reason we're going down that path
14:30is because I'm scared of what you might do
14:32unless I have everything in writing.
14:35So I've said yes to everything that you want,
14:37but you're still going to punish me?
14:39You're the one who wrote the list.
14:41But I don't think that Aaron is saying that it's... it's forever.
14:45Of course you're backing him.
14:47I just want what's best for everyone.
14:49But I'm the one losing out here
14:51and it would be nice if you cared about that.
15:01I'm sorry about the delay. We're a little understaffed.
15:04Carl? You're not answering your phone.
15:07No, I'm slammed here, darling. I can't find a replacement.
15:11It turns out that Ralph's family emergency is.
15:13He got himself another job. He had to start immediately.
15:16Well, surely you can find someone to fill in.
15:19I could really use your help to sort out Gino's furniture.
15:21We've got to get that courtyard fixed.
15:24I'll close up.
15:26No. No, I couldn't ask you to do that.
15:28It's OK. It's full to raise.
15:29We can't have her coming back to all that mess in the courtyard.
15:34We'll work on a solution together.
15:42Hi. This is a nice surprise.
15:44I thought I'd come see Dad and check out the new space.
15:47Well, your Dad just went to the hospital, but he should be back soon.
15:50Oh, God.
15:51Ray, um, Abby wanted to come see Trevor tonight, if that's OK.
15:56Not a good time?
15:58It's just really tense over there with Nicolette.
16:01Mm-hmm. She keeps snapping at everybody.
16:03I'm just trying to avoid her if I can.
16:05OK, well, we can make other plans then.
16:07Hmm. OK.
16:13I'd made the furniture myself, but those pieces are sturdy.
16:16Made in Florence.
16:18And where will I put them?
16:19Well, do you know, maybe you could look at putting them into storage.
16:23Carl, any suggestions?
16:24Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'll put an ad up to get more workers.
16:28I would have thought I'd have more interest by now.
16:30Is it how much you're paying people?
16:33Well, yeah, it's legal.
16:34If I pay more than minimum wage, I can't turn a profit.
16:37And how are those profits gonna look
16:38if you can't get the staff to keep the place open?
16:40Well, the ad has barely been live for an hour.
16:43I don't think there's any reason to pay now.
16:45There's a labour shortage, Carl, in case you hadn't heard.
16:48If you don't pay to sharpen your scissors,
16:50you can't offer a good haircut.
16:57After our chat, I asked Nicolette if I could legally adopt Isla.
17:02And she agreed.
17:03Well, that's great, isn't it?
17:05Yeah, well, legal clarity certainly leaves less scope for disagreements.
17:09Yeah, the only thing is that Nic thought that it meant
17:11that she'd be living back at Jane's again.
17:13That's a bit awkward. Mm.
17:15Not ready for that?
17:17Oh, look, for Isla's sake,
17:19I know that having all of us under the one roof is the best thing.
17:24But I just don't trust Nic.
17:27And today is case in point.
17:28I mean, I tried to ask her something
17:29that I didn't think was that unreasonable.
17:32And she immediately tried to leverage it for her own advantage.
17:37I just can't see us getting back to where we were.
17:41I never said I was gonna sign up for ASIO, OK?
17:44Oh, but why not? I mean, you'd be so good at it.
17:47I'm not sitting here making fun of you trying to meditate, am I?
17:51Excuse me? Who's trying?
17:54Oh, don't back me up.
17:56No way. I am not saying a thing.
17:59Well, you don't need to worry,
18:00because I won't be going back to that class any time soon.
18:05Oh, don't.
18:09This is what I needed to see.
18:10This is why I was hiding out, OK?
18:13Things have been so off between you two lately.
18:18Sorry, you've been so worried about us, Said.
18:21Yeah, but you don't have to be.
18:25Mum, your phone's going off.
18:27Oh. Oh, sorry.
18:34More spam?
18:37Um, just some uni stuff.
18:58Uh, Howard's feels like a second home today.
19:00I know, right?
19:02I guess Paul wanted to meet me here.
19:03Probably to give me another lecture on why I shouldn't have bought this place.
19:08Why don't you crash at mine tonight?
19:10Dad's out and there'll be an eclectic free zone.
19:14Can I take your order?
19:17I'm back. I'm the new manager.
19:20Yeah, and now that you've signed the contract,
19:22I'll shoot it across to HR as soon as possible.
19:24Yeah, perfect. Paul.
19:28Coffee, Cesar?
19:29Yeah, thanks. Thanks.
19:33What are you doing?
19:34You know the job hasn't even been advertised yet.
19:37No, but Nicolette's managed Cheryl's before,
19:39and I don't think we're going to find a better candidate.
19:41How would we know that unless we give other people a chance?
19:45It's also a nice thank you to Nicolette
19:46for letting Aaron go ahead with the adoption process.
19:50That shouldn't have any bearing on the decision at all.
19:53Hmm. I made a captain's call.
19:58Right, so, in other words, this is payback.
20:02I hired the best person for the job.
20:06And the fact that it would annoy me is just all part of the fun.
20:09I mean, that's why you wanted to meet me here, right?
20:12You're not liking it so much now that the shoe's on the other foot, are you?
20:22I told you your parents would sort it out.
20:24No, they couldn't.
20:31Hey, Sades, um...
20:34Yeah, I gotta go. Can I call you back?
20:50Coming up on Neighbours...
20:52What are you doing here?
20:53Carl? He's up to something.
20:55He might even be planning another job.
20:57It's just I saw Wendy and Quinn together.
20:59I don't really know what to make of it.
21:02Should I tell Sadie?
21:04What's wrong?
21:09I don't know.
