• l’année dernière


00:24Once, long long ago, in a small village, there lived a man and his wife.
00:32They had a small cottage, in a small garden, and a small amount of money to live on.
00:40However, they had just about everything in the world they could ask for, except one thing.
00:48Dear husband, don't you wish we could have a child whom we could love?
00:54And the husband replied, well, yes, if you do.
00:58The husband and wife always agreed on everything.
01:04Now behind their cottage was a beautiful garden,
01:09overflowing with beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables.
01:18Unfortunately, the garden was surrounded by a very high wall,
01:24which no one dared to climb,
01:27because the garden belonged to a bad-tempered witch.
01:36This witch took great pride in her garden.
01:42She spent a lot of time tending the young plants and growing seeds.
01:48But apart from being a keen gardener, she was also very vain.
01:59That is, she was very concerned about how she looked.
02:03She drank plenty of carrot juice, for the vitamins it contained.
02:08She put apricot peel on her cheeks to keep her skin soft,
02:13and she placed slices of cucumber over her eyes to keep them young-looking.
02:18She really was very vain indeed.
02:24Every day the wife looked out of her window into the witch's garden,
02:29and stared longingly at the wonderful salad and vegetables that grew there.
02:35Oh, how delicious that salad looks, thought the wife to herself.
02:40I wonder if I will ever be able to eat some.
02:45Now at mealtimes, her husband would eat chicken, mashed potatoes, roast beef, butter, eggs, bread and jam,
02:54while his wife ate nothing at all.
02:58She was thinking of all the lovely, crunchy, fresh, green, tempting salad
03:04in the witch's garden.
03:08Eventually, her husband noticed how thin and pale his wife had become.
03:14You look thin and pale, he said. What's the matter?
03:20I didn't want to bother you.
03:23But if I cannot eat some of that fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad in the witch's garden,
03:30I believe I will surely die.
03:34The husband thought about this and became very worried.
03:39Oh dear, he murmured, my wife really is not at all well.
03:46What will happen to her if I don't get her some lovely, fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad to eat?
04:00To be continued...
04:30After several days, as he tucked into his great big breakfasts, lunches and dinners,
04:36the husband noticed that his wife was even thinner.
04:41I know what I must do.
04:44I will climb into the witch's garden and bring you some salad, said the husband.
04:51The husband and wife always agreed on everything.
04:56And so it was agreed that the husband should climb over the wall at twilight
05:01and fetch for his wife some of the fresh, green salad his wife so desperately needed.
05:08Once inside the garden, the husband quickly gathered as much of the fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad and vegetables
05:16as he could carry and scrambled back over the wall.
05:21The wife couldn't wait to eat the salad.
05:24It was even fresher, greener, crispier and crunchier than she had expected.
05:29And so she ate and ate until it was all gone.
05:33Dear husband, said the wife, I believe I need more of this fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad, don't you?
05:42Of course the husband had to agree because they agreed on everything.
05:48So, the next evening, he climbed over the high wall surrounding the witch's garden again
05:56and he began to gather some of the salad and vegetables that grew there.
06:03But immediately, he heard from behind him a terrible scream.
06:09It was the horrible witch who owned the garden.
06:13How dare you come into my garden and steal my salad, screamed the witch.
06:19The poor husband couldn't believe what he saw.
06:22He thought it was a ghost.
06:25How dare you come into my garden and steal my salad, screamed the witch.
06:31The poor husband shook with terror.
06:34It's for my dear sweet wife, he whimpered.
06:39If she doesn't have some more of your fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad, she will wither away.
06:50I don't particularly like you, you horrid little man, said the witch.
06:56But if what you say is true, I will let you take as much salad as you like, provided you promise me one thing.
07:06When your wife has a child, you must give it to me.
07:10I will treat it well and look after it just like a mother.
07:15That is my condition.
07:18Either that, or I cast a terrible spell on you, you revolting little creature, and turn you into a miserable worm.
07:26Not that you would notice the difference.
07:30And as for your skinny wife, I will cast a spell on her and turn her into an elephant.
07:39And then she will need twenty times as much salad and vegetables as she does now.
07:51So, you nasty little flea, said the witch in a rather unpleasant tone, what do you say?
08:00The poor man was so frightened, he agreed to the witch's demand,
08:04gathered an armful of salad and ran back to his wife.
08:11And she ate as much as she could.
08:30When she had finished, she said,
08:33Oh, that was lovely. I feel so much better. Do you think, dear husband, I could have some more?
08:44And the husband, remembering his bargain with the witch, said,
08:48Yes, of course you can, dear wife. Besides, they always agreed on everything.
09:00Now, some time later, the husband and wife had their first baby, a beautiful baby girl.
09:09But that very same day, the witch appeared.
09:19Remember our deal, darling? snarled the witch.
09:30Fresh, green, crispy, crunchy salad for this beautiful baby girl.
09:39And so the witch left, taking the child with her.
09:47The witch named the child Rapunzel, and she soon grew to become a beautiful girl with long blonde hair.
09:55The witch, being very vain, did not like the competition,
09:58and despite her beauty treatments, she was sure that Rapunzel was now even more beautiful.
10:08So the witch took the young girl to a tall tower, deep in the forest,
10:13in order to hide her away from the rest of the world.
10:17The tower had no doors and no staircase.
10:20The tower had no doors and no staircase.
10:23There was only one small window, way up at the very top.
10:29When I bring you your meals, screamed the witch,
10:32let down that pretty blonde hair of yours, and I will climb up to the window.
10:40And she left.
10:42Rapunzel was all alone in the tower, with nothing to do,
10:47nothing except sew a silly old tapestry that the witch had given her.
10:55She also grew very hungry, and looked forward to her mealtimes.
11:01So, whenever Rapunzel heard the voice of the witch crying,
11:06Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!
11:14She would go to the tiny window, and throw her long plait down to the ground.
11:20Using the plait of hair as a rope, the witch climbed up to Rapunzel's window.
11:30And when the witch had given the girl a little meal,
11:34she slid down the plait of her hair again,
11:38and returned to her castle.
11:42Rapunzel was all alone in the tower, with nothing to do,
11:46she slid down the plait of her hair again,
11:49and returned to her castle.
11:58Rapunzel would sadly pull up her hair, and return to her sewing.
12:06And as she sewed, she sang to herself for company.
12:10One day, a prince was riding through the forest.
12:16He heard Rapunzel singing,
12:19and he stopped at the base of the tower.
12:24Where in the world is that amazing voice coming from?
12:28He said to himself.
12:31But seeing no one among the trees, he shrugged his shoulders and said,
12:36Oh well, and rode on.
12:44But the prince was so fascinated by the beautiful singing,
12:49he returned the next day, and hid behind a tree,
12:54so that he could hear the sweet sound of Rapunzel's voice.
13:00From here he could see the tower, and Rapunzel's tower.
13:03From here he could see the tower, and Rapunzel's tiny window.
13:12Suddenly, the witch appeared,
13:16and shouted, Rapunzel! Rapunzel!
13:22Let down your hair!
13:25And Rapunzel came to the window,
13:28and threw her long blonde plait down to the ground.
13:39The prince watched as the witch climbed up to the top of the tower.
13:56After the witch had gone,
13:59the prince emerged from behind his tree,
14:03and stood beneath Rapunzel's window,
14:06and shouted, Rapunzel! Rapunzel!
14:13Let down your hair!
14:17The girl came to the window,
14:20and threw her long blonde plait down to the ground.
14:23And the prince climbed up to Rapunzel's window,
14:26and went into her room.
14:32Hello, said Rapunzel, rather shocked.
14:36Who are you?
14:38I was passing and heard your singing, said the prince,
14:42and I just had to meet the person who had such a wonderful voice.
14:46I hope you don't mind my coming up here.
14:49Not at all.
14:50Not at all, replied Rapunzel, who was very pleased to have a visitor.
14:55You're very welcome, I'm sure.
14:58That's good, said the prince, who was still rather puffed out after his long climb.
15:05I hope you don't mind my asking, but
15:08this is a very weird place to live.
15:13Rapunzel explained how the witch had imprisoned her in the tower,
15:16and that she had no way to escape,
15:19because she obviously couldn't climb down her own hair.
15:22The prince felt very sorry for her indeed,
15:25so he promised to return the following night,
15:28bringing a rope ladder with which to rescue her.
15:32The prince returned home feeling very much in love with the young girl.
15:39The next day, the witch came to the bottom of the tower as usual.
15:42Rapunzel! Rapunzel! she shouted.
15:46Let down your hair!
15:49And Rapunzel came to the tiny window,
15:52and let down her long blonde plait.
16:02And the witch climbed up to the top of the tower.
16:06Rapunzel was surprised to see her,
16:09because she was still thinking about her prince.
16:12Oh, she said, you're much lighter than him.
16:16Oh, I mean...
16:18What did you say? screamed the witch.
16:21You've had someone up here?
16:24In her rage, the witch took a pair of scissors and cut off
16:28poor Rapunzel's plait.
16:30The witch hung the plait by the window
16:33and took Rapunzel down from the tower
16:36and dragged her through the forest.
17:01Soon she returned
17:04and climbed back up into the tower
17:07and waited for the prince.
17:12That evening, the prince came to the tower as he had promised
17:19and shouted up to her.
17:25Rapunzel! Let down your hair!
17:31And the witch dropped down the plait of hair.
17:35She watched as the prince began to climb.
17:49He was halfway up.
17:52The witch unhooked the plait of hair
17:55and the prince fell to the ground,
17:57tearing his trousers and banging his knee quite badly.
18:01The witch roared with laughter until she suddenly realized
18:05that now she had no way of getting down from the tower.
18:09She sobbed and sobbed, but of course no one could hear her.
18:14The prince limped through the forest.
18:17Suddenly he saw on the ground in front of him
18:20a trail of Rapunzel's golden hairs.
18:23He followed the hair
18:31until he came to the edge of a lake.
18:34He could hear Rapunzel's beautiful singing
18:38coming from an island in the middle of the lake.
18:48The prince rode out to the island
18:50in the witch's boat.
19:04He rushed up the beach and found poor Rapunzel.
19:20They rode together through the forest
19:23until they came to the prince's palace.
19:32He took her home to meet his parents.
19:37And, sometime later, they married.
19:50As for the witch, she tried to entice someone
19:54to rescue her from the tower.
19:57Anybody there? Here I am! Come and get me!
20:02she cried.
20:21The husband, seeing the witch's garden become overgrown,
20:27climbed over the wall and looked after it.
20:50He weeded it, watered it and planted new young plants.
21:51And so he was able to grow lots of fresh, green,
21:55crispy, crunchy salad for his wife.
22:36Of course, they were invited to Rapunzel's wedding.
22:40The wife, feeling much better and stronger
22:43from all the fresh food her husband grew for her,
22:46looked forward to going.
22:47But she said to her husband,
22:49wouldn't it be a good idea if you stayed behind
22:53and looked after the garden?
22:58Well, I suppose so, said the husband.
23:04After all, they always agreed on everything.
23:17To be continued...
23:47Translation & subtitling by Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe q.dewaghe.com
24:17Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
