Wah is a mob enforcer who primarily deals with debt collection. His subordinate, Fly, is less successful and not as well respected as Wah. Fly frequently causes trouble and borrows money he can't pay back. Out of the blue, Wah receives a call from his aunt, informing him that his younger cousin Ngor, whom he has never met, will be coming to stay with him in Hong Kong for the next few days. Ngor, who works at her family's restaurant on Lantau Island, must come to Hong Kong for a medical procedure.
Soon after Ngor arrives at his apartment, Wah has to leave to help Fly collect a debt. After the job, Wah goes to see his girlfriend, Mabel, who dumps him. Because he had been so distant and unresponsive, she had aborted his baby. Wah had not even been aware she was pregnant in the first place and reacts badly. Wah stumbles home angry and drunk, but when Ngor tries to console him later that night, he becomes very aggressive and threatens to throw her out. The next morning, Wah apologizes to Ngor and offers to take her out to a movie to make up for his behavior.
阿華(劉德華 飾)和烏蠅(張學友 飾)是旺角两个情同手足的黑帮成员。阿华较早涉足黑社會,為烏蠅的老大,為人做事沉稳有分寸,他已经厌倦了江湖的打打杀杀;而小弟烏蠅则为人衝动莽撞,一直梦想着有朝一日能干一番大事让人对他刮目相看,因此阿华一直照顾着经常惹麻烦的烏蠅。阿華原先的女友因知道阿華並不會跟自己結婚,已懷孕的她於是打掉兩人的孩子,導致兩人分手。
一天,阿华的表妹阿娥(他二舅父的女儿,張曼玉 飾)从大屿山来旺角看病(可能是肺部有问题),並於獨居的阿华家中暫住。短暂的相处让二人互生情愫,不过阿华在外面的行事也让阿娥非常担心。几天后经过检查,阿娥證實没有患病後,便回去大嶼山(她在老家邓伯的餐厅裏做事)。走之后她告诉阿华,因為不想让他家中的玻璃杯全部被打碎,所以自己藏起了一只,等阿华需要那只杯子的时候,可以去找她(意思是说如果阿华想过正常人的生活,可以去找她)。
Soon after Ngor arrives at his apartment, Wah has to leave to help Fly collect a debt. After the job, Wah goes to see his girlfriend, Mabel, who dumps him. Because he had been so distant and unresponsive, she had aborted his baby. Wah had not even been aware she was pregnant in the first place and reacts badly. Wah stumbles home angry and drunk, but when Ngor tries to console him later that night, he becomes very aggressive and threatens to throw her out. The next morning, Wah apologizes to Ngor and offers to take her out to a movie to make up for his behavior.
阿華(劉德華 飾)和烏蠅(張學友 飾)是旺角两个情同手足的黑帮成员。阿华较早涉足黑社會,為烏蠅的老大,為人做事沉稳有分寸,他已经厌倦了江湖的打打杀杀;而小弟烏蠅则为人衝动莽撞,一直梦想着有朝一日能干一番大事让人对他刮目相看,因此阿华一直照顾着经常惹麻烦的烏蠅。阿華原先的女友因知道阿華並不會跟自己結婚,已懷孕的她於是打掉兩人的孩子,導致兩人分手。
一天,阿华的表妹阿娥(他二舅父的女儿,張曼玉 飾)从大屿山来旺角看病(可能是肺部有问题),並於獨居的阿华家中暫住。短暂的相处让二人互生情愫,不过阿华在外面的行事也让阿娥非常担心。几天后经过检查,阿娥證實没有患病後,便回去大嶼山(她在老家邓伯的餐厅裏做事)。走之后她告诉阿华,因為不想让他家中的玻璃杯全部被打碎,所以自己藏起了一只,等阿华需要那只杯子的时候,可以去找她(意思是说如果阿华想过正常人的生活,可以去找她)。