• last year
The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, speaks in an exclusive interview with TeleSUR journalist Patricia Villegas about the letter of former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia. teleSUR


00:00Hi, everyone. How are you? Welcome. Thank you for being with us today. The Multi-Platform
00:14Telescope. We are live in English and Spanish. And let's start with our transmission. As
00:22you know, this Wednesday, there were released proofs and evidence due to the departure
00:29of Edmundo González Urrutia from Venezuela to the Kingdom of Spain a few days ago. The
00:35President of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, lawmaker, revealed details about
00:40a reunion that he had with Vice-President Elsie Rodríguez and the help with González
00:45Urrutia in the diplomatic headquarters of Spain in Caracas, Venezuela, due to the departure
00:52of the leader to Spain. There was also released a letter signed by Edmundo González Urrutia.
01:00And also, he acknowledged the results of the elections held on July 28th, where the President
01:09Nicolás Maduro was victorious. Let's reveal more details about how those talks, those
01:16previous talks, were held. And also, we welcome lawmaker Dr. Jorge Rodríguez. Thank you
01:24so much. Thank you for the invitation. There's a huge audience at this moment. Let's start
01:31with what happened today. You gave details about it, but there are a lot of stories that
01:39are interesting. The first that is very interesting is how this letter became public. The letter
01:54was released in opposition news media. I heard about it at Verte News. There was no official
02:01voice about this important document. Why? What do you know about this? Why the opposition
02:08media, local and foreign, were the ones who released this letter? I believe, thank you for
02:15the invitation to this space with a broad public. I think that we are in a moment of long nights,
02:25in the extreme wing of Venezuela. All of the signs of leaking that happened from September
02:38to today come from opposition sectors. For example, pages dedicated to fascist propaganda,
02:50founded by Jorge Rodríguez, called Gran Aldea, published a chronicle of how these events of the
03:00departure of Elmundo González happened. It was absolutely fake and manipulated. And we,
03:07since we made a commitment to be reserved about this letter that Elmundo González delivered to
03:18the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, it was an important moment,
03:24since that doesn't recognize the Guaido Assembly, the Bremen Assembly, and the lady that is there
03:34in Valencia. But it recognizes the National Assembly voted by the people of Venezuela
03:40in December and recognizes the five powers of the state. And we agreed to keep this reserved
03:47because this was demanded and we didn't have any problem in keeping this private. But obviously,
04:00there was not agreement with this. He and his lawyers, they were worthless, as my grandma said,
04:10because they are lying all the time and they are all the time contradicting themselves. There
04:17was an article of Gran Aldea and after an article of El País that tries to sweeten this,
04:29with more journalistic features. Some pictures of the journalism and also the extreme wing of
04:45the world, of Spain specifically, headed by the former President Aznar, who contradicts
04:57international law for the asylum law. And the letter he signed, he gathered with a whole and
05:05promoted the fake event of the Congress of Deputies, that aggression against the peoples
05:13of Venezuela. Approving the Congress of Deputies, that Venezuela gave response to this and gathered
05:21with a lot of people and held a conversation with the director of this orcast, the head of this
05:30movement. And after the interview, he came out threatening Venezuela as if he was Donald Trump
05:41or any of the officials that are on the television. However, you were aware that this was happening,
05:49that was public, but you had the letter gathered. We were saying all the time, let's keep this
05:56peaceful, let's have patience. Until today, we realized that this is taking different
06:07characteristics. And I have no doubt that from the extreme right wing of Venezuela,
06:14this publish arises some kind of transcription, since it is not the original letter written by
06:25Edmundo González. And ahead of this situation, and because we have a responsibility with the
06:29people of Venezuela and also with the public opinion of the world, no matter if they try
06:35to manipulate it, for that reason, we did. We said the letter was signed and sent and delivered
06:43by Edmundo González. This is a copy, the original is back there. This letter, written by him and
06:54signed by him, if I demanded something, it was that please put his signature to all of the pages
07:04of the letter to avoid intentions of saying that it was modified, this letter that he sent.
07:14And the other important element was that he wanted, he had to deliver it in my hands.
07:21That's what I want to know.
07:24Even in those first days of September, 6, 7 of September, luckily in my life, I have never...
07:32We didn't know him.
07:33...seen this man. If I see it in the streets, I wouldn't know because he was not in the electoral
07:39campaign. He was bi-dimensional. If we see it...
07:44This for our international audience, it means that many of the political campaigns,
07:50he was not there.
07:51Exactly. They were showing a picture of him and I haven't seen him.
07:57Some people close to him communicate with us, with me, and propose the possibility of
08:07having some exchanges with him due to his intention of requesting political asylum
08:14to the Kingdom of Spain. And that was the proposal. And a psychiatrist said,
08:21that Mr. Gonzalo Urrutia wants to talk with representatives of the Bolivarian Revolution
08:32to request the possibility of asking for political asylum.
08:36And the government, complying with international law, gives this...
08:43That was a phone call? A message?
08:45This was the start. At the beginning, it was a phone call. And then, after that, phone
08:52conversations between Gonzalo Urrutia and me, and between him and the people involved and me.
09:02And then, on Friday, 6th of September, it was proposed the need for a face-to-face conversation
09:15between El Mundo González and Jorge Rodríguez, and President Nicolás Maduro designated
09:22Vice President Delsi Rodríguez. And we went to the headquarters of the Embassy of Spain,
09:30and there we had a conversation.
09:31Those are the pictures that you were showing.
09:35No, those are not. In that headquarters, we had a conversation,
09:41a colloquial and formal conversation, where we analyzed our point of view respectfully,
09:50and where it was also proposed that his intention was leaving Venezuela
09:55through a political asylum that he was going to request to the Kingdom of Spain.
10:03We continued with the conversation, and he proposed the writing of a letter and give it to
10:11me, because it's addressed to the President of the National Assembly. That process, in less than 24
10:19hours after we had a new meeting, the President of the Embassy of Spain, and those are the pictures
10:29I showed. I want to insist to Mr. González Urrutia that lies have no legs, and people are
10:39surprised, and we know that you and your lawyers are liars, and you don't know how to lie. You
10:47do it wrong. You don't realize or even think that we have fundamental problems.
10:54Let's say that there are the pictures that we can show to ask you about that meeting.
11:00The tone of that meeting, was it warm or polite, respectful?
11:07Yes, it was respectful, and we had the feeling that, as they always do, the extreme right wing
11:17because they have control of media, of Western, they do what they want, and as we expected,
11:24that were interpreted by them, and everything that I'm saying proves the evidence that we have.
11:37This, for example, is getting into trouble the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain,
11:43and there we have the deputies of the extreme right.
11:46The Ambassador must have had a permission of the foreign affairs of their country.
11:54It was a negotiation with two sides, by one side the Vice President, and the other side
12:03the Government of Spain, analyzing the legal documents on the safe conduct that Venezuela has
12:10to issue to ensure that people as Gonzalez Urrutia leave the country.
12:19In his case, he had a request by the Prosecutor's Office, and also
12:28approving the landing of an aircraft of Spain, which was also a lie.
12:35They started to say that there was a plane flying and landed.
12:40But it is not like there are sources from Spain that they said that.
12:45Of course, I insist.
12:46They think that we are in the 16th century, when we were a colony of this empire.
12:56I'm not talking about the 19th century, because they are resentful about it,
13:00but it is evident that if that plane lands and is in the Vice Presidency of the Republic,
13:11there's permission approved.
13:15And that's part of the negotiation with the Government of Spain.
13:20That conversation with Gonzalez Urrutia and mine was based in goodwill from him and from me
13:28to deliver a letter with the motives of his request for asylum.
13:37This letter was handed over from him himself.
13:42How did this happen?
13:43Twenty-four hours earlier, you had a meeting.
13:47That's the first moment you met him.
13:49And then we have this moment where there are pictures released, and we showed already.
13:55How did he hand the document to you?
13:58I want to emphasize in this, because at the same time with your presentation,
14:03the great news media worldwide are saying, are talking about...
14:08There's a phrase that I remember.
14:12If you can see this picture here, he says,
14:16look the way I'm dressed for the travel.
14:20And I get near to him and shake his hand.
14:22How are you?
14:24He gives me the letter.
14:25And I said, please put the signature in the page.
14:30And he gives me the letter signed.
14:33And I put, I ratify it.
14:36And there's a witness that also signs this letter.
14:41But it is curious that he welcomes me.
14:44And the day before, he said, I'm dressed this way because I thought that I was traveling today.
14:53There was an immense desire by Mr. González Urrutia and intention,
15:00which was part of our conversation.
15:03I have no doubt, he said, my intention is moving to Spain and requesting political asylum.
15:10That's also important.
15:11Someone who's in an European embassy can't request political asylum in that embassy,
15:17in the headquarters of the embassy.
15:18He has to be in the territory of that country where he has to request asylum
15:24as the law of Europe and Spain establishes.
15:28I thought I was traveling today.
15:32How can he do this crazy fact of saying that he was obliged,
15:40since this happened in the Kingdom of Spain?
15:43There was the ambassador of Spain.
15:46Of course, the ambassador was there.
15:52He didn't have a good position by this government.
15:57But it's a witness that Mr. González Urrutia was there as a guest.
16:03And we didn't assault the place we entered knocking the door
16:12because we were invited to a conversation.
16:16The ambassador gave us welcome.
16:19We were there and talked for more than 50 minutes in a peaceful, respectful way.
16:30He expressed his desire, his intention.
16:32He wasn't going to change his mind.
16:34And his intention was getting to Spain.
16:37And we said, well, analyzing the laws of Venezuela,
16:41we're going to proceed to ensure your travel and allow this plane to land in Venezuela.
16:50The document you signed, this document that you showed,
16:54then all of these facts then happened after what?
16:58After this meeting?
16:59I would say that minutes.
17:02He signed, gave me the letter.
17:05And I had a tourney of tennis and I couldn't miss it.
17:12I took my letter and I went to the event.
17:14And when I was there, I got information that the vice president had already published on
17:23Instagram that González Urrutia had left the country with the approval of the government
17:31of Spain so that he could travel to Madrid.
17:33That was all.
17:34I was in my internment and I had the letter there handwritten because we expected that
17:43there was no need to show even a fragment of the letter.
17:49If you review our behavior from September 8th to today, we didn't even intend that there
17:58was a document.
18:00We didn't even publish in an account of the Bolivarian revolution or media of the
18:07Bolivarian revolution.
18:09We didn't even insinuate that this was happening.
18:14Everything, every hypothesis ever, ever came from the extreme right because there's a fight
18:21and there's something that is true.
18:26I hope that they don't lie.
18:28What we understood from the things that were told there that day is that the rest of a
18:34part of the opposition didn't have an idea that this was happening.
18:43I understand this is not a speculation.
18:46It's something I heard.
18:48I understand that the day he left is when he called his people and said, I'm leaving.
18:58It was a short conversation.
19:01It was rough and he just cut the line and left.
19:08You gave an important detail during the press conference, which I want to emphasize, is
19:14even you were offered whiskey.
19:18Why do you say this?
19:19When you offer whiskey, this means that it is a delay meeting.
19:24This meeting was extended as a courtesy of the staff of the embassy of Spain and they
19:34put whiskey on the table and they offered us drinks and we continued to the conversation
19:42and it was respectful and this is something that we might say if we talk respectful after
19:50all of the lies they told because I think that what he did was moving on and jumping
19:56because he knew that a letter was written and he makes the mistake of telling his lawyer.
20:03I recommend him to avoid any other TV show because if that story of Pinocchio is true,
20:10I don't know where his nose would reach.
20:13He lies all the time.
20:14Let's show some statements of the lawyer of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia from today, which
20:20we have said before.
20:23From very early in the morning, there was released this letter, released through social
20:28media, news media of the world and the lawyer of Edmundo Gonzalez said that the letter didn't
20:36even exist.
20:40I'm not saying this.
20:42The lawyer is the one who's saying this.
20:44Let's present his statements that were released today in the conference, the news conference
20:51today in Telesur Studios.
20:54We have another one but we are going to show it in a little bit, a few seconds.
20:59Let's show it.
21:02A conversation that I had with him later after that he arrived in Madrid and having
21:11the tranquility to talk, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia ratified directly that he didn't
21:21subscribe any document where he recognizes the electoral resorts of the CNE and the number
21:33one and two voting and the certification and verification of the electoral results
21:40established by the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela in the electoral room on August
21:4922, 2024.
21:52That information was published by some communication media and social networks and due to his
22:03request, I must inform that that information is not true and ask please that in this subject
22:13related to Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, we need to be wise and verify information, use
22:23information from reliable sources because there are a lot of conversations going on
22:28about it and speculations that hurt the image of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia and his political
22:39leadership and also the purpose that he has been a leader of as a head of the Venezuelan opposition,
22:52the unified platform of this party of a new time and the movement for Venezuela.
23:00That's what I can say about it and finally state that Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia until now
23:09wanted the freedom of political prisoners of Venezuela and that's a request that he made
23:18and about that will depend on the Venezuelan authorities to comply with this for now,
23:27but he also asked for the freedom of political prisoners as he always has done since
23:40as being a candidate for the presidency.
23:43As you say, from one side there are declarations but the facts are going in another direction
23:50and as we have made it clear, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia has allowed for you
23:59to show the real truth. How many how more details you can show to us?
24:04Before answering the question, it's important to adjust ourselves chronologically to this day.
24:12From the early morning after a.m. I got a call from a journalist of a news agency of the United States
24:25saying that this is true that there's a letter and I said I don't know what you're talking about.
24:32I've seen in some social media that some websites were publishing. I'm saying because
24:42it's important that this person declares this immediately then the media of the extreme right
24:49that justified the aggression against women and innocent men of Venezuela that are all the time
24:56and ordered by these people. Those extreme right media were the ones that published this.
25:05I understand that media close to the revolution or official media were careful because all of
25:13these publications were from media of the right wing. When he goes out he couldn't know that we
25:23had the intention to release the information because the declaration he gave was so fake.
25:31We were standing meetings with human beings that we consider part of the worst aggression.
25:42Unfulfilling of the letter and every day I was seeing the letter and seeing the things that
25:51this person did and I was thinking he has no word and I think this is one of the worst
25:58characteristics that a politician might have. Chavez taught us that the only thing we have
26:04is our word to face the people and if we make a mistake recognize it and if we don't obtain the
26:12results we wanted say it to our people. That's what Chavez taught us and day after day and these
26:2010 days they have passed he was not complying with the elements that he stated in the letter
26:30and then according to his lawyer it said he didn't deliver. The letter was already
26:39became known publicly not officially confirmed but it was published everywhere. When I see
26:49his statement there I summon my team and to carry out a press conference.
27:00When there's a gossip the best way to end it with it and everywhere it's clarified
27:10and that day and today this gossip will go we have an end because what else can my can say them
27:19then to complicate themselves more he said that he was like forced forced to do this.
27:31Well this happened how the vice president of the assembly of Venezuela
27:39and go to the embassy are welcomed by the ambassador and he leads them to the meeting
27:45with Consuelo. We had a first meeting where we talked a little bit about the intentions that he
27:51had that he started to find the messages he sent to you previously. Absolutely I have proofs that
28:01there was certain desperation on his side to leave the country as soon as possible
28:09as he stated from the first day I'm ready to go but I said let's talk because there are some
28:16elements that we need to talk about and some elements that the government of Venezuela has
28:21to talk with the government of Spain. This is not automatically happening and said well let's wait
28:30until tomorrow but if he had to take this decision he would have left the country before.
28:39Look Patricia this person before that the national electoral council informed the result
28:49was hidden in the embassy of the Netherlands. I'm not stating this this is what the ambassador of
28:58the Netherlands in Venezuela stated he was hidden there but he said that he was hidden from
29:09the July the 28th to be there in the morning of the 29th when the extremists and Maria Gordina
29:17Machado called for violence burning hospitals burning transportation units burning everything
29:25that was related to chavism and even symbols related to president Chavez and Maduro to burn
29:36buses just for anger that they had since Maduro delivered hundreds of buses
29:47and this was accompanied by several bots and psychological manipulation and social manipulation
29:56so that they could unleash a situation of violence that the government of Venezuela could
30:05stop but if you analyze it this person was hidden since the 29th when women of Venezuela were being
30:17murdered in that moment he was hidden in the embassy of the Netherlands when I think that
30:27when or twice in those activities summoned by Maria Gordina Machado he was leaving the embassy
30:36of the Netherlands there he spoke or not and then was hidden again in the car while the people in
30:46the streets when he met with started fighting themselves I didn't tell him anything else
30:54because I didn't know that when he released the by the foreign ministry when he travels to Madrid
31:01the ambassador of the Netherlands he said I have it I have him from the 28th probably they don't
31:08get along since the truth is that he leaves the embassy of the Netherlands I think on September
31:205th and then goes in to the embassy of the king of Spain he was not even an hour in a house to
31:33be the protagonist of this fight and I will say more the reason why the
31:40prosecutor's office issued an order against Gonzalez Urrutia has nothing to do with the
31:47electoral results or his performance in the electoral campaign it has to do with one
31:54the fact that he faked certain telly sheets and also the fact that he was coerced
32:04because he publishes a document through his lawyer you see here it's the same signature
32:11here's the original they said that the journalists we are very gossiped so it's like a psychiatrist
32:18want to make sure that this is the original one of the letter you presented today but that you
32:23are holding that's from the attorney general's office that after he didn't present himself
32:31appeared before the court let's ask for our wish camera please can you show the audience both
32:38signatures from the original one and the copy one in the best shot we can make this is you can see
32:48both signatures that are exactly the same above this one we have no doubt about their the truth
32:55and their veracity but this one we are showing today is the first time we are showing this is
33:02the original one which already already exists and but also the tone and some of the contents
33:10of this letter of the prosecutor's office has the date of september 4th it was received that day
33:22there some of the elements present in this letter were already in this press release
33:31here here the
33:35prosecutor's office recognizes the public powers of the states now we know that he didn't attend
33:45since he was a coward they don't comply with the constitution and here it reads i was always
33:56being and i will be willing to comply with the constitution it's almost the same
34:07phrase as the one that he put in that letter he gave me before leaving the country and this letter
34:13he gave to the attorney general of the republic here he talks about the tallish sheets and he says
34:21that he complies which is fundamental i'm not gonna judge the personality of this person
34:31but in the best of the cases he's a coward because he was coerced by
34:40uh not that important which
34:46and by me who is going to believe that and if that was true
34:54and in supposing that that was true why are you so coward that allow yourself to put elements
35:02of your way of thinking that then turns out to be uh someone forced you to do it
35:13and the terms are the same i can't even assert when he was already and the arms
35:22he was in spain
35:26he used the same terms of the letter he gave statement was conceded by many of the opposition
35:33leaders because they didn't know the letter this communiqué that is very broad has the same tone
35:41of the letter but in the letter he established the elements of his way of thinking regarding
35:48the elections of july 28th which are one he recognizes that the president of the national
35:55assembly of venezuela is no weather but those elected there's no other parliament but the one
36:02elected on december the 6th 2020
36:09and it will end it's um
36:18um next year president of the national assembly the other element says that there was a
36:25conscientious appeal imposed by the president of the bolivarian republic of venezuela
36:32nicolas maluma models this is the first time since 2018
36:40a representative of the extreme wing recognizes as constitutional president of the republic
36:48nicolas uh to nicolas maluma models i said it here
36:54and also in the letter to the prosecutor's office you're making links between the tone
37:00and the way of writing of this text this document that was handed over to the attorney general's
37:05office this letter that we found out today he signed before leaving the country and asking
37:12for political asylum in spain but let me ask you about the let's say that
37:24let's ask about the declaration his lawyer did at the moment when he is going to
37:31to speak on me on his behalf before the supreme court of justice let's
37:35let's present these statements to find simi similarities
37:43solicitude request of political asylum by gonzalez urrutia towards some of the
37:53embassies of venezuela the asylum hasn't been requested and that's a matter that has not been
38:03proposed by the families or gonzalez urrutia himself at the moment he gave those statements
38:11to for our clarity for our audience's clarity those who are watching this transmission at this
38:19hour the mr gonzalez urrutia was already hidden in the netherlands embassy
38:31he has had to he has declared two times in eight days and both declarations have been fake
38:39when he says this he's not only he was not only hidden in the embassy of netherland
38:45but he started to contact us to ensure the mechanism to leave the country and i will say more
38:55he left the country he left the embassy of the netherlands hidden and he got into the embassy of
39:04spain since he was having contacts and exchange with them to get the safe passage
39:17to travel to spain and then there as his letter states
39:37consequently being in the headquarters of the kingdom of spain i have changed my intention
39:47requested political asylum to their government and there's something fundamental here that reads
39:57i'll be willful to comply with the decisions adopted by the judicial bodies in the framework
40:07of the constitution but he also highlights including the hasty sentence of the prosecutor's
40:15although i don't share it i don't agree with it i comply with it since it's a resolution
40:20of the supreme court of justice i comply with it that's all nothing else to say because saying
40:28as he said knowing what was going to happen he does not only anything else but causing more trouble
40:40since um he could cause problems with the king of spain and he will have trouble to
40:49solve these conflicts and there's something else in venezuela there have been
40:56people awful people like carlos perez he was an evil person but he was not a coward
41:07republic and there hasn't been president of the republic that might have had
41:13different characteristics but cowardice is something that the people of venezuela don't
41:20forgive and even someone who wanted to be president of the country you can't be anything else but a
41:31coward it was so much that in these times when i saw auto saying what he said i called some people
41:41to ratify if this was true or was i want to say let's move a little bit backwards
41:49about something that happened today in some way you qualified edmundo gonzález rutia
41:56but he during the electoral campaign i in during different interviews to
42:03social media i want to show you what edmundo gonzález said for a colombian news media
42:13let's recall we're going backwards before the july 28th election let's see the statements well it
42:22was a decision when i was proposed this i said them that i will accept this with two
42:31conditions first that it was going to be a professional situation that was fundamental
42:39and second i asked them that it had to be unanimous of all of the electoral powers
42:48and i'm pleased to say that here we need the efforts of everybody to start this path of
42:56the building democracy in venezuela what means the what is the meaning of you accepting this
43:04candidate candidacy of the opposition of venezuela as provisional
43:11well provisional until july the 28th when we held the elections there you can see the statements
43:20that he that configure this scenario that follow in the following weeks it seemed like it's the
43:29only time that he complies with his words because the july the 28th he was hidden in the embassy
43:38the only time when he seemed to be
43:44reliable was that time and this what shows is the huge fight for power that is happening
43:54in the extreme right wing i wouldn't want to say it but or mention those times that he didn't
44:05answer the phone to marina colina machado when he was in the embassy of spain
44:11when he moved to the embassy of spain he had already had conversations and stopped answering
44:19the phone to margarita machado and there was only one call minutes after leaving the country to the
44:27spain the screams of this lady when he realized that this was true but the extreme right is always
44:36uh had uh media that is uh changing reality in their favor unless uh showing what is being what
44:47has been proven i said to him today and i didn't know that he had declared because this is something
44:53that we have seen he arrived in marie and published this communique that has the same
45:00of the one he delivered to the prosecutor's office when he publishes this as some people
45:09thought that he was giving up he forced the the supposed audio had to be published which was
45:20um published by this lady who took an audio by gonzalez rutia and licked it again to put pressure
45:31on him and also the supposed letter read by the daughter that included all these elements similar
45:40to what he published today then we're in the present of a case of dr yick and mr high what's
45:50happening is that mr high that i'm showing i'm showing him with proofs they are trying to show
45:56um dr yaki's of the right wing like in this oscar wilde's novel uh dr yagis that is going to get to
46:05the end he said before as you have showed that he will be there on july 28th and he was hidden
46:12that day in the embassy of the netherland and moved to the embassy of spain back then he was
46:17already talking with us and he might have been talking with those who put pressure on him all
46:25that time there's someone who has been putting pressure on you all this time and you know how
46:31was doing it and the things that he or she made you do it and we also know it you have until
46:38tomorrow to um change your mind because we have proof of the conversation we had where the decision
46:48to move to spain was yours that desire was yours you came to us and said that you had the intention
46:55to go to spain and we as officials uh sent by president maduro agreed that that was going to
47:06be the way and started other proceedings to ensure the travel of the plane from madrid to
47:15dominican republic and then to caracas so that there has there has been said that tomorrow
47:23according to edmundo gonzalez behavior can you advance a little bit
47:28what we have is the record of the conversations we had the first time we saw each other
47:33and the embassy of the king of spain two more questions
47:39anything we will be very aware we will be aware of it
47:45it will depend on gonzalez urrutia and aro you made a reference to the political class of
47:52venezuela this sector of the political spectrum in venezuela but there are citizens of that country
47:58that are voted for him those citizens had many impressions and personal opinions regarding
48:07what edmundo gonzalez did and what is happening at this moment so at this moment there's also
48:12this credit towards to legitimize this evidence that you have shown we are at the moment of the
48:21truth that despite you are seeing the evidence you cannot recognize them there are citizens
48:28what would you say to them that again we're alone they are alone and throw them under the bus
48:38due to the irresponsibility and disrespect that they have towards the venezuelans
48:46that are in the street working looking for better conditions for the children the same
48:55they always do the same and go to social media and communication media to expose their lies
49:04this case we are in the presence of a brutal fight and they are looking for ways to get out of this
49:15fact that they were the ones who leaked this audio and information i don't know if the magali
49:24did it with your authorization but she was the one who leaked the whatsapp audio where you were saying
49:33things hours after that communicate was published who's putting pressure on who
49:39who is coercing who why are you forced to record a whatsapp audio which is different from the one
49:47you published a few hours before why are you saying such thing as barbaric as the officials
49:56of the venezuelan state went to an embassy to put pressure on you if you know what happened there and
50:03we have evidence of what happened there i invite anybody to analyze the signature of
50:16we're also showing the picture of signing and i will tell another story
50:23so i had no pen that time and i asked uh i had to borrow his pen
50:34in my signature i did it with uh a final question to the governments of the world
50:41to foreign ministries of the world in latin america in europe especially in spain and the
50:48parliament of europe what does this letter represents what is the meaning of this letter
50:56inside this huge story that has been releasing since july 28th
51:02as that song states no matter how they no matter what they do they always be exposed
51:09because this is an example of a way of giving up what it has been showed here
51:16that is why they had tried to hide this also there is a fundamental element that is the letter
51:25of the sentence of the supreme court of justice that not only recognizes the powers of state the
51:31president of the republic when he says i comply the sentence of the supreme court of justice you
51:38know what he's saying i agree with the winner of the elections um who is nicolas maluto what the
51:47sentence of the supreme court stated was that the numbers after the investigation
51:56the international media try to minimize the investigation carried out by the supreme court
52:02of justice but if you read the electoral search results and you said i comply with the sentence
52:08of the supreme court of justice and president maduro i comply with the sentence and el mundo
52:15when he says i comply with the sentence of the supreme court of justice what he's saying is
52:21governments of the world parliaments of the world that he accepts that the winner of the elections
52:27we will be very aware of in the upcoming hours of every detail thank you for your time hearing
52:33from the south this simultaneous transmission we hope to have been giving you details of how
52:40this fact unfolded this is a very high impact information thank you very much for joining us
52:48here in telesur
