• last year


00:04Know I see don't want to see some fuzzy, but I love it was pretty much a contest
00:07I mean to see this with the pens are no much better. I can pretend this again. Yeah, this is a decision capricciosa
00:13Nadie en el ejercito a podido demostrar que nuestras marmeladas tengan algo que ver con la intoxicación de sus soldados en áfrica
00:19No se ha podido demostrar pero todos los ojos están puestos en nosotros
00:24Esto es solo una burda artimaña para conseguir lo que te propones
00:28Llevas días queriéndome quitar el negocio para dárselo a tu hija para devolvérselo más bien
00:33y si creo que ella está mucho más capacitada que tú para llevar las riendas
00:37gracias padre lo pienso de verdad tú levantaste esa empresa de la nada
00:41con ayuda de pelayo y por eso creo que soy los más indicados para estar al frente y eso porque
00:47tengo que recordártelo
00:50Lorenzo desde que tú estás al mando la calidad de las mermeladas es pésima es lo que pasa cuando se emplea fruta podrida
00:56Se llama ahorrar costes
00:58si también cuando quiso racanear el sueldo de las mujeres que las elaboran
01:02esas mujeres cobraban una fortuna por remover una olla con un cucharón
01:06aquí lo único que importa es que ha incrementado los beneficios a costa de que del buen nombre de la familia luján
01:11avaricia rompe el saco capitán mire señor traficante no me hable de avaricia tenga un poco de vergüenza es más importante hacer un negocio duradero
01:19que no uno que de ganancias una temporada y luego acaba en la ruina eso es
01:24Ya sé lo que está pasando aquí
01:27Los habéis confabulado para quitarme el negocio esto es un complot eso es una infamia
01:31la intoxicación ha sido la gota que ha colmado el vaso y yo como marqués de luján no puedo permitir que mi apellido se vea
01:38envuelto en ese tipo de escándalos
01:40eres un hipócrita de los pies a la cabeza
01:43hablas del buen nombre de la familia pero te olvidas de que cuando tu hija llevaba el negocio el conde de añil utilizó tu palacio
01:49como tapadera para el tráfico de armas de lo cual me arrepiento profunda esa conversación ya la hemos tenido no quiero volver a ella
01:55de lo que no te interesa no se habla verdad la decisión está tomada y es firme
02:01El negocio volverá a manos de catalina y de pelayo no hay más que hablar
02:07Esto no va a quedar así
02:38Si el arco ya se ha despertado santos como te encuentras mejor
02:46Se ha pasado la noche aquí
02:49Sí, bueno el doctor palomino recomendó que se te vigilara la fiebre
02:53aunque afortunadamente no no te subió apenas
02:59El doctor palomino
03:01si es un
03:02reputado médico de la zona que me han de traer porque yo no me quedé tranquila con el diagnóstico de
03:09No no recuerdo nada
03:12No no recuerdo nada es que estamos muy débil cuando el vino
03:19Madre mía siento como
03:22como si hubiera estado durmiendo un año entero
03:25ya le digo que no me acuerdo de nada
03:28bueno algo recordarás no
03:31Sí estaba
03:34Aquí en la cama tenía
03:37Mucha tos
03:39Tanta que me mareaba y
03:45También la recuerda usted
03:48Ha estado siempre aquí verdad
03:55Muchas gracias señor arcos
03:59Sabes que hablas en sueños
04:03No habré dicho algo inapropiado
04:07Tranquilízate que no dijiste nada comprometedor tan solo hablabas de
04:13recoger leña y de lo fuerte que estaba la corriente del río
04:19Tuviste que pasarlo muy mal el otro día
04:23Pues sí
04:28Madre cómo estás hijo
04:33Señor arcos
04:36No sabía que esté usted aquí
04:39Ha estado toda la noche velándome
04:43Alguien tenía que darle la medicación
04:45Bueno de eso me podría haber encargado yo mismo no
04:49No habría podido porque no me refiero a esos remedios sin sentido que le mandó el doctor guillén que se refiere
04:58A qué
05:00Mandé llamar a otro médico que le recetó un específico diferente pero porque hizo eso es que no le quedó claro
05:08como mínimo me lo debería haber consultado por favor padre
05:13No se enfade con ella se lo ruego
05:16Mire señor piger sencillamente no me queda tranquila con lo que dijo el doctor guillén así que pedí una segunda opinión
05:23Por supuesto mi cargo hace falta que se haga cargo de ese gasto se trata de mi hijo
05:29Lo hago muy gustosamente
05:31Insisto en que debería haberme lo consultado dios se ha pasado la noche aquí conmigo
05:35poniéndome paños fríos para que se me bajara la fiebre
05:44Gracias señor arcos no lo he hecho por usted señor perecer
05:54Entonces estás mejor hijo sí
05:59No se preocupe si tiene mucha faena puede marchar
06:17Parece que no que no le ha hecho muchas gracias al verme aquí ya sabe cómo es
06:25Gracias santos
06:27Seguir en mi ayuda
06:30Gracias a usted señor arcos por estar la noche aquí conmigo y cuidarme
06:37Encuentro mucho mejor gracias a usted
06:47Al pie de tu ventana vengo a cantarte
06:51No arrugues el hocico que ayer fue martes
06:54Al pie de tu ventana vengo a cantarte no arrugues el hocico que ayer fue martes
06:59Olé con olé
07:00¿Qué le pasa? ¿Qué te ve tan contento?
07:02No lo sé ¿Por qué no le preguntas tú Candelilla?
07:04Olé con olé
07:06¿Por qué estás tan cantarina? ¿Qué viene tanta alegría?
07:08No estoy contento estoy tranquilo
07:10Vaya ¿Y eso por qué?
07:12¿Les parece poco motivo que no esté por aquí la duquesa de Carril?
07:14Bueno que yo sepa esta señora tampoco molesta tanto
07:16Hizo dios y el infierno con mil demonios
07:18Hizo dios y el infierno con mil demonios
07:20Pa unas fanfarriosas que yo conozco
07:22Olé con olé
07:24Bueno ya está bien Lope
07:26Está claro que tienes atravesada la duquesa
07:28Pero hace falta que lo cantes a los cuatro vientos
07:30Buenos días
07:32Otra que viene con la música en el cuerpo
07:34No sé de qué música habla doña Simona
07:36Lo que sí que les he traído es un ramillete de flores
07:38Oye detalle
07:40¿Este de dónde lo has sacado?
07:42He salido a variar los colchones y no he podido no acordarme de ustedes
07:44Voy a ponerlo al agua
07:47Déjelo doña Candela
07:49Ya lo hago yo
07:51Otra que está contenta como unas castañuelas
07:53¿Por qué se va?
07:55Bueno tú lo sabes
07:57Igual tiene algo que ver con que la señora duquesa
07:59No vaya a ser la visita de hoy
08:01¿No les parece que se respira un ambiente tranquilo en el palacio?
08:03Sí eso mismo estábamos nosotras comentando
08:07Que pensamos que igual
08:09Tiene algo que ver con que hoy
08:11No nos visite la duquesa de Carril
08:13Bueno no les voy a decir yo que no
08:15Pero claro que lo es
08:17Y estáis los dos encantados
08:19Una con las flores y la otra con sus seguidillas
08:21Pero vamos a ver
08:23¿Qué pasa con esta señora?
08:25Que digo yo que es un incordio
08:27Tenerla por aquí pero vamos que al final tampoco está siendo para tanto
08:29¿Acaso os ha tratado mal?
08:31Pues lo cierto es que no
08:33Y no tenemos nada en contra de ella
08:35Nada personal, claro está
08:37Ustedes ya conocen el motivo
08:39Tenemos mucha faena en la cocina como para añadirle más
08:41Ya sabéis que Candela y yo no estamos de acuerdo con eso
08:44Además si la duquesa está aquí es porque tú cocinas muy bien López
08:48Tú tienes la culpa solo por ser tan talentoso
08:50Son exageradas hasta en el piropo
08:52Vamos no seas modesto
08:54Y aunque fuera así
08:56¿Por qué Vera tiene que transcribir todas las recetas?
09:00Porque Vera atiende muy bien
09:02Tiene una letra muy bonita
09:04Y es muy talentosa ¿No es así?
09:06Claro, claro seguro que ese es el motivo
09:08Por el que me han elegido a mí
09:10¿Qué cosa iba a ser si no?
09:12La señora Marquesa desde su habitación
09:14Ya voy yo
09:18Tendría que ir Teresa
09:20Que para eso es la doncella personal de la Marquesa
09:22Olé con olé
09:24Olé con olé
09:28Así que hemos decidido
09:30Que este asunto no trascienda
09:32¿Por qué?
09:34¿Por qué?
09:36¿Por qué?
09:38¿Por qué?
09:41¿Por qué?
09:43Porque este asunto no trascienda
09:45Estoy de acuerdo
09:47Creo que la última que se debería enterar es
09:49Tu madre
09:51Si, Hannah tiene razón
09:53Sería el auténtico apocalipsis
09:55que mi madre supiese que no eres hijo de su hermana
09:57Y lo peor de todo
09:59Que yo nací por culpa de una infediría de su marido
10:01Será mejor que seamos discretos
10:05Pero a mi lo más importante
10:07Es que vosotros los sepais la verdad
10:09And I'm really glad that you've taken it so well and that you've assimilated it,
10:14even though it doesn't sound like such a strange relationship.
10:18You know, I've faced easier algebra deals.
10:24Oh yeah? Well, it seems very simple to me.
10:27Both are my brothers. You on the part of the father and you on the part of the mother.
10:34Curro, there's something I haven't told you.
10:43Well, you see, Manuel and I...
10:48Hanna, I think I got ahead of myself.
10:53You told him about us.
10:56Well, don't blame him. It was a confession of brothers.
11:01Well, what do you think?
11:06I think it's great news that you and Manuel are together.
11:11My two brothers together. What else could I ask for?
11:14And you don't think there's any complication?
11:18Well, yes. There's something that bothers me a bit.
11:24And it wasn't you who told me.
11:28Curro, I couldn't reveal it to you because the secret belonged to both of us.
11:31I know. Don't worry. I'm lucky, little sister.
11:36The important thing is that now I'm aware.
11:40Now that I see you, yes, you make a very good couple.
11:46I'm very happy that you're getting married.
11:50And have you also told them that we're getting married?
11:52You haven't left anything in ink, have you?
11:54Well, nothing concrete either. Nothing concrete either.
11:57Well, that's better.
12:00Because if at some point the storm breaks out, I guess you'll miss it.
12:05Hanna, as if I couldn't stand it.
12:07Something tells me that when this storm breaks out, there will be no place to hide.
12:13I know you are aware of this, but I have to tell you.
12:19You know that your wedding will not be well received.
12:22Not by the Marquises, not by the family, not by friends ...
12:25We know.
12:31Well, remember that you will always have me for what you need.
12:36You have my unconditional support.
12:41What I really regret is that you are going to celebrate the happiest day of your life in this way.
12:49So ... stealthy.
12:52And above all, that I will not be present.
12:56I wish you could be there. I wouldn't like anything else.
13:00And me.
13:04But you know something?
13:07I think that if there is one thing we can make clear of all this,
13:11it is that there are finally no secrets between the three of us.
13:15And there will never be.
13:18Together forever.
13:27Understood, ma'am. I'll bring you the tea right now.
13:29Put the orange drops on it.
13:31Of course, ma'am.
13:32By the way, Vera.
13:34Tell me, how are the visits of the Duchess of Carril going in the kitchens?
13:38Fine. Fine, ma'am. The Duchess shouldn't have any complaints.
13:42Well, I guess if she had, she would have told me. I'm not asking about that.
13:46I want to know what happens in those painstaking meetings in Petra's office.
13:51Well, nothing strange.
13:53The Duchess asks for a recipe, Lope dictates the steps,
13:56and I dedicate myself to writing down everything Lope says, with the best calligraphy possible.
14:00What I don't understand is why you don't write down those recipes directly in the kitchens.
14:05The Duchess was in the kitchens the first time, but she is much more comfortable in the office than in front of the stoves.
14:11Anyway, in my opinion, the office of the Lady of Keys is not the right place for those meetings.
14:16Why don't you go to the library instead?
14:18I guess what the Duchess is looking for is discretion.
14:20Discretion for what?
14:21I wouldn't know how to tell the truth, ma'am, but I imagine that, as you know,
14:26the Duchess doesn't want anyone to find out that she is making a recipe.
14:29In case someone copies her idea.
14:31I see. I guess it makes sense.
14:35And tell me, is there anything else you should tell me about those visits?
14:38No, no. I've already told you everything I know.
14:41Apparently, the Duchess is satisfied and we are delighted to serve her in the best possible way.
14:46You see, Vera, I, as the owner of this house,
14:51am aware of all the virtues of my employees and also of their weaknesses.
14:56I know you have good handwriting and that you express yourself correctly, but ...
15:00I don't know what you mean, ma'am.
15:03Well, I don't understand how that came to the ears of the Duchess.
15:06Ma'am, I don't think the Duchess knew about my skills.
15:09Oh, no?
15:10I think she just found it funny the day she came to Mrs. Margarita's snack bar.
15:14Yeah, that's what she said.
15:16But you had to impress her a lot to make her remember you so much.
15:21Even so, I think Mrs. Amalia is rather interested in Lope and his culinary art.
15:26Yeah. I guess a man in the kitchen produces a certain curiosity and even admiration.
15:32Come on, like a fair monkey.
15:34Rather, the taste of your dishes was what attracted the Duchess.
15:37I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it.
15:40Very well, then, continue serving her and don't complain.
15:43Yes, ma'am.
15:52Ma'am, I heard you called.
15:55Yes, but you came before, Vera.
15:58I'm sorry.
16:00Lately, you have been coming to my complaints a lot.
16:03What's the matter? Are your legs weakening?
16:06No, Mrs. Marquesa.
16:08But as Amadía from La Promesa, I have many matters to attend to.
16:13More important than me?
16:15Don't be offended, Mrs. Marquesa.
16:17But I had understood that you preferred that I attend to Teresa.
16:25Can I throw you out?
16:34Seriously, don't you feel bad that I left the language with our relationship?
16:37I don't feel bad, Manuel.
16:40I'm glad that Curro already knows the truth.
16:43And actually, you have taken a weight off my shoulders because I didn't decide to tell him.
16:49I guess you were worried about how he could take it.
16:53Well, you see, he is delighted.
16:56It's wonderful that he took it too.
16:59And that you have also taken it so well that he is your brother.
17:09If I'm honest with you, my head still spins.
17:16It's totally normal, Manuel.
17:22I could never imagine that my father could have been unfaithful.
17:26Although I can understand such a feeling.
17:30But it's a bad story.
17:33Yes, a little.
17:35But it's not exactly the same as ours.
17:37I already know that.
17:41Hanna, my mother can have a thousand flaws.
17:44But she doesn't deserve to suffer for such a painful truth.
17:47Not after so long.
17:51And less, given how things are in her marriage.
17:55I see.
17:58If this infidelity reached my mother's ears, her marriage would be broken.
18:03And both would be devastated more than they already are.
18:07You can rest assured.
18:09We are not going to hurt them.
18:13Yes, but then how are you going to get to the origin of what happened to your mother?
18:19Can we not talk about that now?
18:22I remind you that we have a wedding pending.
18:29Yes, you're right.
18:32I know you have a lot of complicity with Curro since you've been together in the front.
18:38I also know that there are things that you only tell him.
18:43And you have the doubt that if I have made him my ally and I have told him things about our wedding that you do not know.
18:55And if I have?
18:58Don't worry, he doesn't know anything you don't know.
19:02The fewer people are aware, the better.
19:06And you can't tell me anything else?
19:09Do you want to know something else?
19:24I've been talking to Father Samuel.
19:29What did he tell you?
19:31That we will get married in five days.
19:34But Manuel, that's ...
19:37Wonderful, fantastic, incredible.
19:45In five days you and I will be husband and wife.
19:59What was Mrs. Arcos doing in your son's bedroom?
20:02She spent the whole night watching him.
20:04And in passing, she administered the medicines.
20:06The ones prescribed by Dr. Guillén?
20:10Mrs. Arcos called another doctor behind my back.
20:13And she turned off the minute.
20:15And that?
20:16Well, I don't know.
20:17I don't know.
20:18She didn't even let a hair get close to my son.
20:20Well, no.
20:21From what I see, all she was doing was taking care of him.
20:23She wasn't doing anything reprehensible.
20:25I know.
20:26I know, I know.
20:27But I have the feeling that she is displacing me.
20:30Not in the affection of your son.
20:32Well, Santos hasn't felt much affection for me either.
20:35At least that's how I perceive it.
20:37But I am his father.
20:38I still am.
20:40And it's my job to take care of him.
20:42Well, she was just a good companion and nothing reprehensible.
20:45Yes, I admit that. That's why I left.
20:47But you still don't like what happened.
20:49That's right.
20:51Can I shed some light on this?
20:54You don't know anything about Mrs. Arcos' past.
20:59Her son died of an infection when a doctor operated on him.
21:03Yes, well, I know the story, but I'm not aware of the details.
21:06That was the worst thing that has happened to her in her life.
21:09Her son died in her arms without her being able to do anything to save him.
21:15No, but Santos is not that serious.
21:19Yes, but her son also had an improvement before he died.
21:24She has that on record.
21:27Probably what she wants to prevent at all costs is for that to happen again.
21:32I didn't know. Thank you for telling me.
21:36She didn't want to displace you. She was just worried.
21:41Yes. Maybe I reacted badly.
21:44Well, now that you have the information, think about it.
21:48Changing the subject, how is Mrs. Villamil's husband doing?
21:53Well, he's not doing well.
21:56And to be honest, he's still not very good.
22:00Is he giving you so many problems?
22:02I just receive complaints from everyone because of him.
22:06And mainly from Captain De La Mata and Mr. Hidocurro.
22:08And it's true, it's true that Lorenzo doesn't have the best of characters, but he's his son.
22:13No, no, no. His son, Mr. Hidocurro, was feared in his life for all his service.
22:19It is true that now he is kind and considerate.
22:21And even more so since he returned from the war.
22:24That's why I can't do anything else but consider my son Santos' warnings.
22:30He insists that Marcelo is not prepared to perform the functions of a lackey.
22:35What do you think?
22:37I think we should give him another chance.
22:40Do we trust that Mrs. Villamil knows how to conduct him?
22:43I would like to believe you.
22:45Also trust your son. As soon as he recovers, I'm sure he will know how to instruct him properly.
22:51I don't know. I'll follow your advice.
22:55But I get the feeling that over the years, you are becoming more confident, Romulo.
23:01It is possible that I am softening.
23:04Softening, you say?
23:06Who has seen you and who sees you, dear friend?
23:10I don't know.
23:16What's going on, Teresa?
23:18Do you want to lower your tone?
23:22What have I done this time?
23:24That's exactly what you should have told me.
23:26And not go finding out by third parties.
23:28By third parties? What have they told you?
23:31Yesterday you left the captain of the Mata very unhappy.
23:34Well, he was also very unpleasant with me.
23:36For God's sake, Marcelo, gentlemen don't have to be nice to service members.
23:40You just don't get it.
23:42Tell me exactly what happened.
23:44They haven't told you in third person.
23:47It's okay. I introduced myself to him with all the courtesy in the world to serve him the snack.
23:53And I asked him if he wanted coffee with or without milk.
23:55He always drinks it with a cloud of milk.
23:57Yeah, but I didn't know that.
23:58Not if he wanted it cold, hot, or how many floors he wanted.
24:01In any case, you are forgetting the most important thing.
24:04Wasn't the captain talking on the phone?
24:06So that third person did tell you something else.
24:08But how dare you interrupt him?
24:10It wasn't like that either.
24:11The captain hung up the phone and started yelling at me like a madman.
24:14You can't interrupt gentlemen.
24:17They weren't difficult questions to answer.
24:20Besides, it doesn't seem like an important call either.
24:22And how do you know that?
24:24His tone of voice gave me that feeling.
24:26But he made a scene out of nowhere.
24:28For God's sake, Marcelo.
24:29He was in a dog mood.
24:30If I find out, I won't upload the video.
24:32Do you really think you can choose whether to attend or not to the gentlemen?
24:36What happened with Mr. Curro?
24:38They also told you the story.
24:39Everyone says that Mr. Curro is kind.
24:41But with me it was a mess.
24:43Explain yourself.
24:45I went to help him get dressed to ride a horse and everything was a mess.
24:48Those boots seemed like they didn't want to fit in his foot.
24:50It's the skin that has to fit in the boots and not the other way around.
24:53And I sincerely doubt that Mr. Curro was rude to you.
24:56He was.
24:57And even so, you must attend to him.
24:59I know.
25:00In addition, I admit that I forgot to tell the ladies to prepare their set.
25:05But that's the first thing to do.
25:07I'll take it into account for next time.
25:08Well, if you keep doing this, I don't think there will be a next time.
25:11This is not working, Marcelo.
25:13If you don't pay attention to your tasks,
25:15the only thing you're going to get is for the truth to come out and for everything to come out.
25:24I don't know.
25:25Do you really think he's very daring?
25:28It's just to go to the beach.
25:30He won't pretend he's going with his ankles covered.
25:33I don't know what my parents would think if he wore something like that.
25:36Well, luckily you don't have your parents' age, do you?
25:39At least they put gloves on him.
25:42Yes, very useful to play with sand.
25:44Yes, sir.
25:46It's true that it seems scandalous to us,
25:48because it seems to me that it is simply made to ignite the imagination of men.
25:55Well, here we have a man we can ask him.
25:59Curro, what do you think of that image?
26:04Well ...
26:06At the risk of being outdated,
26:09it seems to me that it shows more.
26:12What a disappointment.
26:13No, don't bother with the boy because he has simply said what he thinks.
26:17And this drawing?
26:21Look, this is fun.
26:27Not like the ones they published.
26:32Well, let's see how Catalina and Pelayo are doing with that journalistic chronicle.
26:37Do you think they will talk about us?
26:39I doubt it.
26:40Because journalists are only interested in the flesh.
26:43Well, it's a shame.
26:44Because Julia and I would be having a great time in the garden.
26:49Oh, I just remembered that I have to go to Wuhan.
26:52Yes, I have to send a letter to the merchant.
26:55The one who sold me all the badminton equipment.
26:57Have you bought a badminton game?
26:59That's right.
27:00And I don't know why, it's being delayed.
27:02And that's why I want to go.
27:03To ask if something has happened.
27:05And why?
27:06Don't you tell Mr. Rómulo or Mr. Ricardo?
27:08I mean, so you don't mind getting close to the town.
27:11No, I prefer to go myself.
27:13Do you want me to accompany you?
27:16Well, I warn you that I had planned to go for a walk.
27:20It's better. I've been sitting all day and I'd like to stretch my legs a bit.
27:25Well, in that case, I'd be delighted.
27:29Shall we go?
27:31If you'll excuse us.
27:32Of course.
27:39Well, I see that you were right about our guest having a special interest.
27:47Do you think so?
27:48Oh, please, Martina.
27:50You just confirmed it in front of our eyes.
27:53But I also tell you that I think it's a nice couple.
28:04How dare you?
28:06I'm working, Cruz. That's how they come.
28:08Don't pretend to be innocent now.
28:10You know perfectly well why I'm like this.
28:12No, I don't.
28:14Lorenzo just told me that you have withdrawn him from the jam business.
28:17Oh, that. Yes, that's true.
28:20Alonso, it's unacceptable that you give your daughter the control of that business.
28:24It's a very meditated decision.
28:26Lorenzo has been imprudent and he has exposed us all.
28:29Or don't you know that there has been an intoxication because of our products?
28:32As far as I know, that has not been proven.
28:35Because if so, we would have a much more serious problem.
28:39The business is better in the hands of Catalina and Pelayo, no matter what.
28:42You don't believe that, do you?
28:44You do this just to take the opposite from me.
28:46That doesn't make any sense.
28:49Why did you make this decision without consulting me?
28:52Because I knew your opinion about it.
28:54And you have decided to skip the bullfight.
28:56Cruz, please, let's leave it. I'm working.
28:58To hell with work, Alonso.
29:00You have made this decision exclusively to punish me.
29:03For the distance between us.
29:05This decision has nothing to do with what is happening between us.
29:09I don't intend to punish you, Cruz.
29:11It's not a personal matter, it's business.
29:14Well, you are making a very serious mistake.
29:16One more on the list.
29:18Nothing new under the sun, dear.
29:20And that comment is not personal either, is it?
29:23Don't fool me, Alonso.
29:24Besides, you have made this decision since your daughter threatened to take advantage of that chronicle to speak ill of me.
29:44Are you happy?
29:50I don't know if it's a lot to ask at this point,
29:52but I would ask you to be a little more polite and pay attention to me.
29:59What do you want, Captain?
30:03It's curious.
30:06You used the business of your daughter as an excuse
30:10You used the marmalade business as a cover for arms trafficking
30:15and yet you insist on claiming it as if you had the right.
30:21You know what's curious?
30:23You always say it as if you had never participated in that same business.
30:28You and Catalina left this business to your luck.
30:32If it weren't for me, there would be no marmalade.
30:35Aren't you tired of repeating that chant?
30:37And aren't you tired of being so ridiculous?
30:39I am not the one who has lost this duel.
30:41You would never beat me in a real duel.
30:46What are you going to do, challenge me?
30:47You are not a rival to me.
30:49In nothing.
30:52I bet you have no guts to even give me a pulse.
30:55Please, Captain, don't be a puerile.
30:58And you are not a coward?
31:00In the face?
31:01And for once you don't shield yourself from others?
31:04I don't shield myself from anyone.
31:05I don't agree. You shield yourself from my niece Catalina.
31:10All right, Captain. As you wish.
31:14Let's do that pulse.
31:40You don't know how to run a business.
31:43I'm not the one who is about to lose one.
31:47All I've done is meet the demands and needs of the market.
31:50You know, I don't think the Marquis thinks the same.
31:53I recommend you enjoy this little triumph as long as you can.
31:57What do you mean?
31:58Well, just as I have managed to get the army as a main client,
32:02I can make them fall back.
32:03They will lose the only client they have.
32:05Do what you deem appropriate. We will look for new clients.
32:09That's very arrogant, young man.
32:12I would recommend a little more humility before being defeated.
32:17After everything I've done to my niece,
32:20I should be grateful that the doors of this palace have been opened again.
32:27I don't know.
32:28I should be grateful that the doors of this palace have been opened again.
32:33That's none of your business.
32:40And now accept defeat.
32:43And leave us alone for a damn time.
33:25What are you doing with that?
33:31Why do you want a gun?
33:34I'm going to Gregory's meeting.
33:37I'm going with you.
33:40Hanna, you're not coming with me.
33:42You're staying here.
33:45I've been confirmed that I've received the note I left in the tablet.
33:48Manuel, you can't go alone.
33:50Yes, I can.
33:51And that's what I'm going to do.
33:53Do you really think you need the gun?
33:56It's for security.
33:57I took it the last time, too.
33:59It's better to be careful.
34:01Okay, then let me go with you.
34:03Under no circumstances.
34:10For better or for worse, I'm used to handling these situations.
34:13I'm not going to see anything I haven't seen in the war.
34:16Manuel, don't underestimate it.
34:19This really scares me.
34:21I know.
34:23And I understand you.
34:24But that's why I need you to stay here.
34:28Please, promise me you won't go this time.
34:33Promise me.
34:39I promise.
34:46But promise me...
34:49that you're going to take care of yourself.
34:52And that you're not going to lower your guard, Manuel.
34:55Because we're fulfilling a dream.
34:58And soon we're going to be husband and wife.
35:01So if anything happens to you, I'm not going to get over it.
35:06Trust me.
35:16I love you.
35:21I love you.
35:34It took you a while to get back from Wuhan.
35:37Yes, I had to show Julia a few places.
35:41Did she like them?
35:43Yes, I think so.
35:45I bet it's not the only thing she liked.
35:49What? What do you mean?
35:52Don't be naïve.
35:54It's obvious that Julia is interested in you.
35:59Yes. And if you're not reading between the lines, I mean a romantic interest.
36:05What are you talking about, Martina?
36:07The only thing she showed interest in was the war in Europe, as far as I know.
36:11Well, maybe that makes you more interesting in her eyes.
36:15Look, I don't know where you get all this from, Julia.
36:19Well, maybe you do.
36:22I think what's wrong with you is that you're jealous.
36:29I'm telling you this to open your eyes.
36:33Because it's clear that Julia is interested in you and my mother told me that.
36:37Ah, your mother.
36:38Yes, she told me that you make a very good couple.
36:41Enough nonsense, Martina.
36:44From now on, I'll make the differences with Julia.
36:47And if necessary, I'll talk to her and tell her that I'm not interested.
36:53Are you sure?
36:54Yes. Very sure.
36:57And I'm so sure because my heart belongs to another woman.
37:05Are you seriously asking me?
37:07Give me a clue.
37:11Well, it's a girl.
37:14Very pretty.
37:16She has eyes that you can get lost in.
37:20And she has lips that every time I see them, they ask me to kiss them.
37:26Well, that girl is shameless, isn't she?
37:30Well, no, Petra.
37:31None of these dresses convince me.
37:34Well ...
37:36You tell me, miss.
37:41I already have it.
37:43I already know how much you love me.
37:46And I know how much you love me.
37:49And I know how much you love me.
37:52And I know how much you love me.
37:55And I know how much you love me.
37:57I already have it.
37:59I already know which one I'm going to wear.
38:00I will wear the same one that I wore at the reception that Alfonso XIII gave in the gardens of the farm.
38:05But miss, that was a sound event.
38:07And it could even be in the press.
38:09They're going to think you don't have any more suits.
38:11And I will also wear the same hat and the same shoes.
38:14Are you sure?
38:17Well, in that case, I will order them to iron it and have it ready.
38:21And have you already thought about where you want me to take the photos?
38:24Because we should make sure that they shine in all their splendor.
38:28I think the gardens will be a good place.
38:31Excellent idea, miss.
38:32I understand that natural light is the most suitable.
38:36Well, in that case, I will also propose the greenhouse and ...
38:39And I don't know if the living room, where the piano is.
38:42Very well.
38:43I will order those spaces to be prepared and ...
38:46That the maids and maidens take special care of their cleaning.
38:50We will put fresh flowers and we will slide the curtains.
39:08I see that you are consciously preparing those photographs.
39:12We all want them to come out well, don't we?
39:15But more than the photographs, I'm worried about what you can say in that interview.
39:20What do you mean?
39:21Come on, daughter.
39:22I witnessed the threats you launched against Cruz.
39:26I see.
39:29Do you think I exceeded myself?
39:31Well, I want to think that you were not serious.
39:34And that you don't want to take revenge on your stepmother in such a vile way.
39:38Wouldn't it be bad for her to have her own medicine?
39:41And are you going to lower yourself to that, Catalina?
39:44You are not like that.
39:46Dirty rags are washed at home.
39:48Father, please.
39:51I'm just asking you to think about what you're going to do.
39:56Will you do it?
40:41Santos, look.
40:43I brought you a slightly more succulent snack.
40:47Because I imagine that you will be more than fed up with so much broth.
40:51Thank you very much, Mrs. Arcos.
40:53You are always so attentive.
41:01This is delicious.
41:03Although, to be honest, I feel like something sweet.
41:09You've become greedy.
41:10That's a sign that you're recovering.
41:12If you bring me a chocolate-filled cake, I'll make it right away.
41:15That you are able to make jokes is a good sign.
41:18You'll see that nothing keeps me down the stairs, two at a time.
41:21I hope so.
41:22But be careful.
41:23Don't fall down the stairs now.
41:26Don't worry.
41:28How do you manage services without me?
41:33Marcelo doesn't give the size as a substitute.
41:36He would have to be born twice to be able to do it.
41:39He is a complete incompetent.
41:42And the service doesn't stop receiving complaints because of him.
41:47First, it was Mr. Curro.
41:48And then, the captain of the battalion.
41:50Is he stupid?
41:52I have to get out of here as soon as possible.
41:54What are you saying?
41:55Don't even think about getting up.
41:57Everything that's happening is my fault.
41:59No, that's not true.
42:01It's Marcelo's fault.
42:02If he hadn't fallen, you wouldn't have been behind.
42:05And the important thing now is that you recover.
42:07Yes, but I have to attend to Mr. Curro.
42:10What you have to do is heal.
42:13Besides, the more time Marcelo spends without your help,
42:18the easier it will be to leave it as evidence.
42:22And then?
42:23Will it be a matter of time before they kick him out?
42:29And I hope his wife's pharisee goes after him.
42:33Sometimes you just have to sit on the threshold
42:37and wait to see your enemy's corpse pass by.
42:46Pray for us sinners.
42:48Now and at the hour of our death.
42:58I have to thank you, Virgin.
43:03The wedding is going great.
43:05If God wants, Manolo and I are getting married in five days.
43:09But I'm also very worried because ...
43:13Today he is going to meet with Gregorio.
43:16That person is a very dangerous man,
43:18so please, I ask you to protect him.
43:30Well, when you finish your prayer, help me with this.
43:33Forgive me, Maria, I ...
43:34That's more like it.
43:36I needed a moment alone to pray.
43:40Repenting of a sin?
43:43What happened?
43:45What hasn't happened, you mean.
43:49Well, in favor of telling me.
43:51Starting at the beginning, Manuel and Curro already know the truth.
43:57But all in all?
43:59Didn't you leave one in the inkwell?
44:00I've told both of them.
44:03And have they reacted well?
44:07Well, that's good news.
44:09Well, yes, the truth.
44:10Now there are no secrets between us.
44:14But ...
44:15The most important thing is that Manuel has told me ...
44:18That we are going to get married in five days.
44:23But that's all around the corner.
44:25But don't ask me anymore because I can't tell you.
44:38I don't understand why you're not jumping with joy.
44:40Were you talking to the Virgin to thank her?
44:42Well, I don't know, partly yes, but ...
44:47But what?
44:49That Manuel is going to meet Gregorio today.
44:53And you haven't gone with him?
44:54I swore I wouldn't follow him.
44:56But he's a criminal, Hanna.
44:58And you think I don't know?
45:00The worst part of all this, Maria,
45:02is that I've seen Manuel taking a gun from the library.
45:07Now I don't understand everything.
45:09As soon as he goes to call the dormitory,
45:11we're going to pick up that little virgin and we're going to kiss her together.
45:14This matter is being brought up.
45:16Well, the sooner the better.
45:52Don't you look like her?
45:54Yes, I went to my appointment.
45:56I'm glad you went too.
46:00Don't be so formal with me.
46:03Don't be so mysterious.
46:05I don't have all day.
46:07Calm down, Gregorio.
46:09Let's talk.
46:11Doesn't the house have any curiosity
46:12to know what I have to say about Pia Carre?
46:15It depends on what it is.
46:18If you're going to reveal your whereabouts to me,
46:21I'm all ears.
46:23I'm not going to do such a thing.
46:25In fact, I'm here to demand that you get out of your life once and for all.
46:29Well, we're off to a bad start.
46:34You're not the one to intervene in our marriage.
46:38I remind you that you're talking about my wife.
46:42Enough nonsense.
46:45If you value your life in any way,
46:47tell me where I can find you.
46:49Or I'll have nothing to do with you.
46:53You understand, don't you?
47:01I'm afraid of the reprisals they might take.
47:04Especially my uncle.
47:06Forget about the captain and focus on something adventurous.
47:09For example, what are we going to wear
47:11to look good in the news?
47:13That's another matter I wanted to talk to you about.
47:15I'd like to cancel it.
47:16With your permission, ma'am.
47:18This postcard has just arrived.
47:27I'm sure you're more excited to read it to yourself.
47:29It's from Maria Antonia.
47:31Don't you realize it's always the same?
47:33I read the letter to you, I yell at you,
47:35and you swear and swear that you're going to correct yourself.
47:37And I'm not saying it to say it.
47:39And what's the point of saying it?
47:41If the next day you do exactly the same thing again.
47:43So today I don't meet with the cooks?
47:46Neither today nor in the next few days.
47:48I'm going on a trip.
47:50Well, I could have told you.
47:52The cooks have organized to take care of her
47:54and I assure you it's hard for them to manage everything.
47:56Yes, I'll take care of it.
47:58And that's why, as a displeasure,
48:00I've brought you a gift.
48:02Here you have the rules of the very noble sport of badminton.
48:05I'm sure you'll be able to read it
48:07and that Curro will explain how it's played.
48:09I know him better than you,
48:11but I'm sure you're an expert.
48:13You're not going to like what I have to tell you.
48:15Beyond the contingency,
48:17I have to tell you, Mrs. Villamil,
48:19that your husband was not up to what was expected of him.
48:23You don't know how sorry I am, Mr. Raida.
48:25I wanted to talk to you about another matter.
48:28These last few days I have noticed
48:30that you have a certain interest in me
48:32and I would like to clear things up before it goes any further.
48:36I thought you were no longer sick as usual,
48:38like when you were a child.
48:40Come on, father.
48:42I have never hidden my feelings.
48:44I was never there to see them.
48:46I always did it to be aware of what was happening to you.
48:48You don't have to lie.
48:50That's why I'm so grateful for what Mrs. Petra has done for me.
48:52It may be that Marcelo is a little confused,
48:55to put it mildly.
48:57What do you mean confused?
48:59I've seen him a few more times
49:01worried about making the maids laugh
49:03than at his own work.
49:05I'm tired and I'm also worried
49:07that I'm going to deceive him.
49:09Worried about what?
49:10Well, all this is almost beyond me
49:12and now that it seems that everything is going to be resolved,
49:15I don't know,
49:17I'm afraid that it will get twisted at the last minute.