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El Precio de Amarte Cap 12 Completo - El Precio de Amarte Ep 12 Completo

El Precio de Amarte Cap 12 Completo:


00:00What's wrong with you, you idiot?
00:02Don't hurt Melo again, you hear me?
00:04You damn traitor!
00:06I told you, son.
00:08I told you not to get Cesar involved in this.
00:11Now he's got you because he can tell Eduardo too!
00:14Let me think, please.
00:16No, no, no, don't think.
00:18Whenever you think, you get us into trouble.
00:20I'm going to take care of this.
00:22No, no, I'll take care of it.
00:24I brought him, I'll take care of it.
00:26I'll take care of it.
00:28I brought him, I'll take care of it.
00:30I told you.
00:32Rodrigo, I told you!
00:34I saw you drawing the horse,
00:37and you did it with your left hand,
00:39but as far as I remember, you're not left-handed.
00:42No, no, I didn't tell you that
00:44when they threw me into a ditch,
00:46my right hand broke.
00:48And it healed itself,
00:50but I didn't have the same skill,
00:52so I used my other hand.
00:54I see. I thought it was very strange.
00:56Well, see you tomorrow.
01:00Get some rest.
01:04What have you found out?
01:06According to Tina,
01:08Don Francisco is the client of the tropical bear.
01:10I saw him come in a while ago,
01:12and he hasn't come out of there.
01:14Hey, what's up?
01:16Damn traitor!
01:18You're blackmailing Eduardo
01:20with the information I gave you about my life!
01:22Wait, relax, relax.
01:24I don't want to hurt you, but yes,
01:26I really want to get the hell out of all this.
01:28You're not taking anything!
01:30You're going to get out of here, you hear me?
01:32Well, no.
01:34I'm going to get Eduardo out of here as much as I can.
01:36And if you get involved, I'll report you.
01:42I know, Nana.
01:44It also seemed strange to me.
01:46And I know you're going to say
01:48that instead of thinking about this blessing,
01:50I'm thinking nonsense.
01:54No, it has to be.
01:56Everything he tells me matches.
01:58Yes, but he doesn't like to talk about his past, does he?
02:00And there's something about his look,
02:02about his behavior,
02:04that tells me he's not the child I raised.
02:06How many times have I covered my back?
02:08I thought our friendship was real!
02:10I just want to ensure my future,
02:12then you'll have yours!
02:14Are you listening to the nonsense you just told me?
02:16What about you, Rodrigo?
02:18You're cheating on the woman you love
02:20and you don't admit it!
02:22Besides, you have no other choice.
02:24Or do you want me to tell Eduarda
02:26that you want to take revenge on her
02:28for your father's death?
02:30When you get what I want,
02:32I'll leave and you won't see me again.
02:38Yes, the whole area of La Cañada
02:40is almost bought.
02:42Of course I know
02:44we need the permits.
02:46No, no, no.
02:48I have a problem.
02:50I'm on it.
02:52We're still in touch.
03:00What are you doing here?
03:02How did you get in?
03:04I brought a locksmith and took a copy of the key.
03:08I'm not going to sleep somewhere else, Amelia.
03:10I miss you.
03:12And it's time for you to be my wife,
03:14do you understand?
03:16No, don't even dream about it.
03:18Get out of my bedroom now.
03:20I don't want to.
03:22Let me go!
03:26What's wrong?
03:30Where are you going?
03:32To look for my wife.
03:34What's wrong?
03:36My daughter wants to sleep with her son
03:38and he doesn't want to.
03:40Ivan, Martina needs to feel safe
03:42and if Amelia wants to sleep with him,
03:44she has to.
03:50Yes, but...
03:52I'll take care of it.
03:54Get some rest.
03:56Oh, Ivan, Ivan.
03:58Are you feeling better?
04:00How do you see me, Eduarda?
04:02Do you think I'm feeling better?
04:06I want to ask you a favor.
04:08What do you want, Eduarda?
04:10A good friend of mine bought a lot of land
04:12and you know that's a very bad deal, right?
04:14Because this is a protected area.
04:16For the moment, but now that your father
04:18is the director of construction in the municipality,
04:20he can help you get some permits.
04:26But please,
04:28please pay.
04:30What are you going to ask me?
04:32I want you to kick Rodrigo
04:34out of the ranch.
04:42Look at this.
04:44He broke your shirt.
04:46I have to change the badge, Nana.
04:48Your husband will find a way
04:50to get the key again
04:52and it will be the story of never ending.
04:54This is not going to end well.
04:56What do you want me to do?
04:58Call the police or your father.
05:00I can't do that.
05:02I have reasons not to do it, Nana.
05:04I don't want to talk about that.
05:06My girl.
05:08I'm going to make you some tea
05:10so you can calm down and go to sleep.
05:26I can't fire Rodrigo.
05:28I owe him a lot.
05:30Even though he wanted to kill me.
05:32You can't.
05:34He wanted to kill me, Eduarda.
05:36Ivan, we both know that's not true.
05:38You better
05:40kick him out
05:42before he ends up
05:44running your ranch.
05:46Look, Ivan.
05:48If you don't control your jealousy,
05:50you're going to destroy your marriage.
06:06I'm alone and I'm afraid.
06:12Bring me a bottle of tequila, okay?
06:16And if you share it with me,
06:18it will be much better.
06:20Excuse me,
06:22but the lady is not here to give any kind of service
06:24other than serving the guests.
06:28The bottle.
06:30Do you know if your mother and her friend
06:32Diogo are going to need someone
06:34to follow their horses?
06:36I don't know.
06:38My mom woke up late.
06:40She slept in my room.
06:42Yesterday she had nightmares
06:44because she was moving a lot.
06:46Maybe it was because
06:48she fought with my dad yesterday.
06:50Did they fight?
06:52Yes, I think so.
06:54She came home crying
06:56and she was wearing a torn blouse.
06:58Are you sure?
07:02I'm sorry.
07:04I didn't hear much
07:06because they were talking very quietly,
07:08but I'm going to ask her.
07:12Stay here, okay?
07:14Stay here.
07:16Where are you going?
07:18I'll be right back.
07:20Amelia, here you are.
07:22I was looking for you.
07:24Can you tell me what's going on
07:26between Ivan and you?
07:28Mom, as a result of Martin's accident,
07:30I can't stand his jealousy anymore.
07:32He's questioning me all the time.
07:34He thinks all men are rivals.
07:36He has me suffocated.
07:38I feel like I can't breathe.
07:40I'm going to talk to him.
07:42Tomas says it's because he's afraid of losing me.
07:44Things between you will be resolved.
07:46Martin needs you together.
07:48Mom, the best thing for my son
07:50is for us to get a divorce
07:52so that he doesn't have to be
07:54witnessing our arguments.
07:56No, no, no.
07:58He can't get a divorce.
08:12What's wrong with you, you idiot?
08:14Don't hurt Amelia again, you hear me?
08:16Who are you to do this to me?
08:18You're Amelia's husband.
08:20You have no right to hurt her or rape her.
08:22And if you hurt her again,
08:24I swear I'll break your face.
08:26It doesn't matter what happens.
08:28It doesn't matter what happens.
08:30Let go of me.
08:32Let go of me!
08:34Brother, I'm very proud of you
08:36for staying and fighting for Shana's love.
08:38Thank you very much, Anu.
08:40Although I'm already paying the price.
08:42They already cut my salary by half.
08:46Well, you see, your dear mother decided it.
08:48But I decide that, not my mom.
08:50Hey, where are you going?
08:52Don't argue.
08:54Doctor, the expertise is not ready yet.
08:58Rodrigo Zarate attacked me.
09:00I suggest this be settled
09:02in my complaint
09:04as an attempt at homicide.
09:08he threatened to kill me.
09:10That man is a ruffian.
09:14It's a pleasure to have you here.
09:16Please sit down.
09:18Thank you very much.
09:20First of all, I want to thank you
09:22for all your support.
09:24And trust me,
09:26I will return all the money
09:28you paid for the bail.
09:30Oh, please, it's not necessary.
09:32I did it with great pleasure.
09:34I'm very sorry that my son-in-law
09:36takes things so far.
09:38Oh, well, what are we going to do, right?
09:42trust me,
09:44after talking to Diogo,
09:46far from clarifying my doubts,
09:48I think he broadened them.
09:52I decided to investigate on my own
09:54and I found out that this Diogo
09:56is a ruffian.
10:18I want to know who he is.
10:20I'll handle this.
10:22Did you hear me?
10:26Good morning, Rodrigo.
10:28Good morning.
10:30Amelia, wait.
10:32Are you OK?
10:36Are you sure?
10:40Martin was here this morning
10:42and told me you had a strong
10:44discussion with Ivan yesterday.
10:46with Ivan yesterday.
10:48I thought he hadn't noticed that he was asleep.
10:51Yes, yes, it's just that...
10:53he told me that he heard a conversation
10:57between you and Arminda and...
10:59And what?
11:00And he heard something about a broken blouse.
11:02Are you okay?
11:03No, it's not possible. I have to go explain.
11:04No, no, explain what?
11:07That Ivan forced you to do something you didn't want?
11:09Is that it?
11:11Is that what happened?
11:15Ivan came into my room without me realizing it and...
11:18I don't know if he was drunk or what,
11:19but I was able to run away before he got on the plane.
11:22Are you okay?
11:25Are you sure?
11:26I'm fine.
11:27Amelia, you can't go on like this.
11:29You have to get away from that guy.
11:31Ivan is...
11:32Ivan is crazy.
11:34Please don't complain about anything, okay?
11:36I don't want any confrontations between you two.
11:41I'll be right back.
11:46How are you, honey?
11:48Yesterday, when we went fishing,
11:50I thought my dad and you were going to make up,
11:54but you two fought again.
11:57Yes, I know you heard me.
12:00And why were you like that?
12:02Because, honey, I feel like I let you down
12:04every time I fight with your dad.
12:06And I know I promised you I wouldn't fight with him so much,
12:09but sometimes you can't, honey.
12:11And why did you have a broken blouse?
12:15I left the bedroom and it got stuck to the door.
12:19And why did you want to leave?
12:22Because I really wanted to come see you.
12:25Because you're what makes my heart feel at ease.
12:32You know what you have to do.
12:42What happened, Dad?
12:43I brought you here.
12:44How are you?
12:45Good, and you?
12:46Hey, you don't have to worry about Cesar anymore.
12:48He's going to leave town at any moment.
12:51How did you convince him?
12:53I told him Eduardo already knows he's an impostor.
12:56And he believed you.
12:57Why wouldn't he? I told him the truth.
13:00That's very bad, Dad.
13:01Give me the keys to your truck.
13:04It's very bad, very bad.
13:06Hey, what's wrong?
13:08All I wanted to do was help you,
13:10take a penny from you, and...
13:16Hey, today's menu is...
13:18Alfonso in Tierra de Agua wrapped in Xanath's arms.
13:22I'm not leaving.
13:23I'm not going to Boston.
13:24My mom left me and I'm staying here with you.
13:26You've changed my life, honey.
13:28Yes, of course.
13:31I love you.
13:33I love you.
13:38I want to know who you are.
13:43Talk, because my boys don't have good manners.
13:46Hey, Amanda!
13:47What's going on here?
13:48Your dad came to tell me this guy is a swindler.
13:51He deceives people, and I want to know who he is.
13:53I'll take care of it.
13:54Did you hear that?
13:59I told Rodrigo about our argument last night.
14:01It's not true.
14:02Please, Ivan.
14:02It was more than an argument.
14:06I didn't mean to attack you.
14:10I just wanted you to do as my wife did.
14:14Forgive me if I lost control.
14:15It won't happen again.
14:16Of course it won't happen again.
14:19I want you to leave the ranch right now.
14:22I'm not going anywhere.
14:23My family and my reason to live are here.
14:25You can't keep me from doing what I want.
14:27You can't force me to do what I don't want.
14:32I'm going to report your brother.
14:34He's a bastard.
14:36Don't you realize I don't love you anymore?
14:39Let go of me!
14:43It's nothing, Dad.
14:45It's nothing, son.
14:48We had an argument last night,
14:49and I just came to apologize to my wife.
14:53That's all.
15:02I love you, Amelia.
15:05And I'm really sorry about that.
15:15Amelia, are you okay?
15:18Yes, Dad.
15:19If you need anything, I'm here to support you.
15:26I'll do anything.
15:30Talk, you swindler! Talk!
15:32He's okay!
15:36My name is Victor Nava.
15:39I'm here with the intention of getting money out of you,
15:42but I don't know who Diogo is.
15:45I just know he was kidnapped and they're looking for him.
15:48Go back to the ranch. Rodrigo will take care of it.
15:54How do you know so much about Diogo?
15:57Rodrigo, do as I say.
15:59You heard the lady!
16:01He's okay! He's in jail!
16:03In prison!
16:04They told me things.
16:07Things? I want names!
16:09I bought the data from another prisoner.
16:11I don't know his name, but that's what I do.
16:14I buy data and get information to intimidate people.
16:17What about the robbery?
16:19I don't know anything about it.
16:21I don't know anything about it.
16:23I don't know anything about it.
16:25What about the robbery at my lawyer's office?
16:31I needed more information.
16:33You sent those anonymous people to the paper
16:35and he ran to my husband?
16:36Yes, I wanted to scare you, but enough!
16:39Leave me alone or he dies!
16:41He dies?
16:43You tried to swindle me.
16:48If you come near me or try to hurt me again,
16:51Rodrigo will find you, wherever you are.
16:54Tell him to get out of here.
16:56I'll tell everyone you're a swindler.
16:58Should I call the police?
17:01The police?
17:02Tell him to leave.
17:04Of course.
17:06Let's go!
17:07Let's go!
17:13Tell me the truth, Darminda.
17:15Is Ivan mistreating my daughter in any way?
17:18Please take a look at him.
17:21Look, boss.
17:23I'll tell you because someone has to put a limit on the doctor,
17:27but don't try to fool me.
17:31It was the fake Diogo who confirmed
17:33that he entered your office and stole your computer.
17:36I was also giving anonymous information
17:38to that reporter from the local newspaper.
17:42What about the mail to your husband?
17:43It was him too.
17:45He's a professional.
17:48Do you want me to file a report? I will.
17:50No, please. I don't want any more scandals.
17:54I already took care of putting him in his place.
17:56He's already left.
17:58If I don't show up, Eduarda's men will kill you.
18:02You came to save me again, and I betrayed you.
18:06Yes, you did.
18:08I didn't expect you to betray me.
18:11Don't worry, I won't tell anyone I know about you.
18:13I hope so.
18:14I hope so because you're leaving today.
18:17You're leaving today.
18:19I promise.
18:20Hey, forgive me for not valuing our friendship.
18:24Let's go.
18:25What's wrong, girl?
18:26They told me to call you.
18:27How dare you talk about me
18:30and sell information about my miserable life?
18:33What are you talking about?
18:34I'll tell you what.
18:35If you don't get me out of here, I'll spill the beans.
18:38Your lawyer is doing nothing.
18:40I know you want to get money out of me.
18:42Be very careful with what you say.
18:45I'm going to withdraw my help.
18:49I'm going to withdraw my help.
19:03What is it, Grandma?
19:05I saw your husband arguing with Rodrigo.
19:09It seems like Rodrigo was trying to defend you.
19:12I think he has feelings for you.
19:14No, Grandma, please don't start.
19:16I don't know why you're still married to Dr. Hija.
19:22He tried to rape you.
19:26You have to get him out of your life.
19:29Otherwise, things will end very badly.
19:36Go to the caballerias.
19:37My daughter Amelia will tell you what to do.
19:40She doesn't want me to tell her about me?
19:42About everything I'm studying?
19:43I looked for a job at her farm.
19:44You're not good at that.
19:46I'm giving you a job because you're the commissioner's son.
19:51Will you please let me work?
19:54Yes, of course.
19:55Excuse me.
20:05You're finally reporting.
20:08I want to teach my sister a lesson today.
20:15Let's go.
20:32You're not sorry?
20:34You lied to me.
20:36You know, I never thought I'd meet a woman
20:38as incredible as you.
20:40I hope you find the real Diogo.
20:43And for your own good, you can't stay on the farm.
20:47Listen, Francisco.
20:49I don't know what the hell Amelia told you, but...
20:50My daughter didn't tell me anything, Ivan.
20:53I realized last night that things between you two
20:55have reached a limit.
20:57I don't want you to stay on the farm
20:58because I don't want to put Amelia at risk
21:00from your violent outbursts.
21:02I assure you, Francisco...
21:03I don't care about your explanations.
21:05You know very well how far you've come.
21:07Don't force me to intervene in any other way.
21:10Tell me something, Francisco.
21:13Does Eduarda agree with me leaving?
21:17I'm not going to ask you.
21:19I make these decisions in my own house.
21:23I want you out of the farm right now.
21:29A bachelor's degree in environmental sciences.
21:33Very interesting.
21:35Very good.
21:36What do I have to do?
21:38Well, for now, you have to clean up the mess.
21:40I'll let you know if we need more help.
21:45I'm not studying to just clean up horse dung.
21:51Where do you think I started?
21:53It doesn't matter if you're the owner of the business.
21:55You have to start from the bottom.
21:57Be humble.
21:58So, please,
22:00clean up the horse dung.
22:06Excuse me.
22:13Who's that guy?
22:14He's the commissioner's son.
22:16My mom just hired him,
22:17but I don't think he'll last long.
22:22Hey, do you know anything about Diego?
22:26Didn't your mom tell you?
22:30Diego Covarrubias turned out to be...
22:37an impostor.
23:00Let's go.
23:30No, that's not true.
23:33That can't be true.
23:35Apparently, he found out about Diego's case,
23:39saw your posts on the Internet,
23:42and looked for more information about the family.
23:44And with that, he set up his scam.
23:46I'm a fool.
23:49Yes, I saw what I wanted to see.
23:51I believed what I wanted to believe.
23:55I needed to get rid of this pain
23:56of not knowing if I was okay.
23:58Yes, my friend was okay,
24:01but now I feel so much worse.
24:04I'm sorry, baby.
24:05You don't know what I expected him to do.
24:10You really don't know what Diego meant to me.
24:13I'm sorry, please.
24:14I'm sorry.
24:16Why are you apologizing?
24:17You had nothing to do with it.
24:18Because I had to investigate at first
24:22to avoid your suffering.
24:26I'd do anything to avoid your suffering.
24:28I'd do anything.
24:29Tell me if there's anything I can do for you.
24:34How did he tell me?
24:37How did he make me feel like I didn't know anything?
24:40I don't get it.
24:45Who told him?
24:47How did he know? I don't get it.
24:49These guys use their ingenuity to get information
24:51from anywhere,
24:53just to get rid of their scam.
24:56I'm really sorry.
24:58I'm really sorry.
24:59Who told you?
25:02My dad investigated him yesterday.
25:05Tell me if there's anything I can do for you.
25:11For a while, I was able to sleep at ease,
25:13thinking Diego was here, that he was close.
25:20I assure you that wherever the real Diego is,
25:26he's fine.
25:30He's thinking about you.
25:49Hi, Lia.
25:51I'm calling from La Fortuna Farm.
25:56I started working here today.
25:58That's great! I'm so happy for you.
26:00Yes, but they made me sweep the farm.
26:05If it wasn't for the money, I wouldn't be here.
26:09I'm glad you called.
26:12I'm taking online classes
26:15because I'm going to study the same as you,
26:17but I don't understand anything.
26:21Which page are you on? I'll help you.
26:26I left Victor Nava on the bus in Jalapa, ma'am.
26:29It's clear to him what's going to happen to him
26:32if he comes back here.
26:36I've talked to Amelia.
26:37I don't know how to tell you.
26:40I think I got ahead of myself, ma'am.
26:43I already told you.
26:46That's fine.
26:48Poor thing must be devastated.
26:51I always knew that guy was a swindler.
26:54I hope it's clear to Amelia that Diogo isn't coming back.
26:59That he's dead.
27:02By the way, Amelia already has an assistant,
27:06so you'll spend more time with me now.
27:09I don't know, having you close makes me feel
27:12safer and calmer.
27:20You can have the afternoon off. I won't need you anymore.
27:23Of course. Excuse me, ma'am.
27:30I was waiting for your call.
27:32I'll see you at the same place later, okay?
27:35Hey, Dad, you haven't told me.
27:38Are there pretty women in the biblical circle?
27:41Some of them, but most of them are widowed or married.
27:47I don't know why,
27:49but I feel like your ideal partner would be a nurse.
27:53Hey, do you think I'm that old to need care?
27:58No, I don't know. I feel like you have a good profile.
28:02That's a shame, because I'm not looking for a girlfriend.
28:06Your mother was and will be the only woman in my life.
28:09I'll take care of the store.
28:14I was right when I said that Diogo was a swindler.
28:18What hurts the most is Amelia's disappointment.
28:21I think you're making a mistake
28:23by asking Ivan to leave the ranch.
28:25I think the best thing for both of us is to keep our distance.
28:29I demand that you respect my decision.
28:32I have things to do.
28:34Are you going to be late again today?
28:44Amelia, it's me. Listen to me.
28:46Don't hang up.
28:48I'm calling to apologize.
28:50I'm sorry I lied to you and...
28:55You don't have forgiveness?
28:57You lied to me.
28:59You know, I never thought I'd meet a woman as incredible as you.
29:03I hope you find the real Diogo.
29:06I know you still have that affection you have for each other.
29:09I'm sure he loves you.
29:11Shut up! How dare you mention him?
29:14You're a swindler!
29:18You have to do something, Eduarda.
29:20Francisco overheard us arguing.
29:22He wants me to leave the ranch right now.
29:25Listen, I'm sorry my husband thinks
29:28that's the solution to his problems,
29:31but if he gave the order, I can't go against it.
29:34I can't give him the authority.
29:40how do I look, Eduarda?
29:43You look great, Eduarda.
29:46Why don't you leave for a few days?
29:48I'll make him change his mind.
29:52And think of a strategy to get closer to my daughter.
29:55Why don't you start by trusting her?
29:57How many years did you study outside of the specialty?
30:00You never lacked that.
30:02Listen to me, dear son-in-law.
30:04Change that attitude.
30:07I've done enough by telling you that in this family,
30:10divorce is unacceptable.
30:16But I don't understand.
30:18How can I forget that you're...
30:20Son, that friendship you have with Rodrigo
30:25is the only thing that's going to keep us together.
30:28I'm sorry, but I can't do this.
30:31I can't do this.
30:33I can't do this.
30:35I can't do this.
30:37I can't do this.
30:39I can't do this.
30:41I can't do this.
30:43I can't do this.
30:45We're breaking up.
30:46The good news is that we sent our new songs to the studio
30:51and you loved them.
30:54And I know which one I want to release first.
30:58It's a super realistic song,
31:01and at the same time, with a rhythm.
31:04Bride, you're not the one talking about me, right?
31:06No, obviously not.
31:08Who do you think I spent the whole night talking to?
31:12Huh? Who?
31:14With Bartolito.
31:17I just wanted to let you know.
31:19He was really sick.
31:21I admit that I need to calm down.
31:24That's why I decided to leave the farm for a few days.
31:29Besides, I'm going to take therapy.
31:32I know I really need it.
31:36That's great.
31:37Maybe this will make you a better person.
31:41I don't know if you've noticed,
31:42but lately you've become someone I don't know.
31:46You blackmail me, you were able to rape me.
31:53I know, Amelia, and I'm very sorry.
31:57It was my jealousy for Rodrigo and Diego's idiot.
32:01Diego was nothing more than an impostor.
32:03A swindler.
32:04I knew it.
32:06I never believed that story about the surviving child.
32:12How did you find out?
32:14Rodrigo's father found out.
32:16It's not the first time he's swindled a lot of people.
32:21I'm very sorry, Amelia.
32:24I really know how much it must hurt.
32:29I'm very grateful that you're leaving the farm for a few days
32:32so you can work on your jealousy.
32:35But, Ivan, if you really want to show me your regret,
32:41please give me the evidence you have against my sister.
32:51Stop blackmailing my sister, okay?
32:53And please give us back the evidence you've promised me.
32:59I need to talk to Martin.
33:02Will you come with me?
33:11I just found out that Diego's story is a lie.
33:16I'm very sorry.
33:20What's wrong with Ivan?
33:22He's leaving the farm.
33:25I'll be right back.
33:30It's a shame that Diego turned out to be a bastard.
33:34Yes, but God sees everything, son.
33:37And I'm sure he'll see it too.
33:39I was looking at the credit payments and...
33:42Don't back out, Dad.
33:44I swear I'll do my best. You can trust me.
33:47Okay, but on one condition.
33:51Forget about the artistry.
33:54And try to dress a little better, son.
33:57I can buy you some shirts.
34:01Quineco, your dad needs to talk to you.
34:05What do you mean, Amelia?
34:07I thought things would be easier with you here.
34:13I'll leave you two alone.
34:22Son, I'm going to your grandfather Tomas' house for a few days.
34:28Is it because you had a fight with my mom?
34:31Or was it because I talked to my nanny last night?
34:34I'm sorry, Martín.
34:36Things aren't going well with your mom.
34:39Since the accident, right?
34:41It's all my fault.
34:42No, no, no, Martín. On the contrary.
34:45Look at me.
34:46That's not much more than the problem here, Rodrigo.
34:51Ever since that guy came to the farm,
34:53your mom's been so interested in him,
34:56she's been trying to get him to talk to her.
34:59But how? I don't understand.
35:01How can she forget that you're...
35:03Son, that friendship you have with Rodrigo
35:08is separating us.
35:10But to avoid more fights between us
35:12and because of the immense love I have for you
35:15and I have for your mom,
35:17I'm going to give you a little more time
35:19to think things over.
35:21I don't want you to leave.
35:23I don't want you to leave.
35:25I don't want you to leave.
35:27I don't want you to leave, Dad.
35:31I don't want to leave either, son.
35:37Eva says she's going to leave the farm for a few days.
35:39She's going to get therapy.
35:43Do you think that can save your marriage?
35:45Well, she's going to have to do something extraordinary
35:48to prove to me that it can happen.
35:52Sorry, it's my dad. I'll be right there.
35:54Yes, don't worry.
35:58What's up, Dad?
36:03You're a genius!
36:05When are we going to upload it to the platforms?
36:08To the label?
36:10Today. I'll send it today.
36:14Don't feel bad about Shanna.
36:17Look, my sis will understand
36:19that we became super famous thanks to her.
36:28Yes, honey?
36:29Why did you let my dad go?
36:32Honey, you know better than anyone
36:35that our relationship hasn't been good for a long time.
36:39Maybe we'll stop loving each other.
36:42And when two people stop loving each other,
36:45it's better to take separate paths
36:47so they don't hurt anyone.
36:51Honey, I've done everything I could
36:54to have a good relationship with your dad because of you.
36:58But this marriage can't go on like this.
37:01And that...
37:04That doesn't mean we should stop loving you.
37:10Are you going to get a divorce?
37:12Mom, tell me no, please.
37:14Honey, I don't know.
37:22How can I not be with Chico, boss?
37:25I promised my son to buy the stationery
37:28and the bank denied the loan.
37:30Don't worry, Norberto.
37:32I'll lend it to you. You'll pay me later.
37:35I won't let you down.
37:36You'll pay me later.
37:38Do me a favor.
37:39Come with me to see the new vanilla plants we planted.
37:51I'm sorry, boss.
37:52I'm not in the mood.
37:54I'm sorry, boss.
37:56I won't be able to do it.
37:58I'm sorry.
38:00I won't be able to do it.
38:21things with your mom got to this point.
38:26Maybe she got interested in someone else.
38:29But why do you say that?
38:31Did she tell you something or what?
38:34Is there another man?
38:36Is there another man, daughter?
38:37No, dad.
38:38Why did you bow your head?
38:39Why did you bow your head?
38:41If you know something, tell me, please, daughter.
38:43I don't know, dad.
38:45Yes, I promise you, but I don't know, I don't know.
38:47I'm going to bring you something to eat.
38:50Excuse me, Silvia.
38:51You haven't seen my cell phone.
38:53No, Mr. Francisco, not at all.
38:55But there's your wallet.
38:56Maybe he left it there.
38:57How strange, because I've been looking for it all over the house and I can't find it.
39:01It can't be here.
39:03I think I'm going to look for it.
39:09Let's see.
39:21He's here, but how strange.
39:30Silvia, I'll see you later.
39:32Excuse me.
39:43Here you are, Katia!
39:44What's going on?
39:45What are you doing here?
39:46Tell me the truth.
39:47It's because of another man who's ruining our marriage.
39:49Tell me the truth!
39:50Tell me!
39:51I want to know the truth!
39:52Yes, it's fine!
39:53It's fine!
39:56I fell in love with someone else.
40:00What took you so long?
40:02Some things got complicated, boss.
40:03Here's part of the money we agreed on.
40:05What the hell is this? What's going on?
40:07Eduardo, are you okay?
