• 3 months ago
ChatGPT is a text-based generative AI tool that can do various tasks. In this course, you will learn how to write prompts, generate content, generate codes and utilise its powerful features.

In this video lesson, we will learn about Managing Shared Links in ChatGPT.

You can access the entire ChatGPT Course in the following playlist:
00:00So if I were to go around and share some particular link right here, so let's just go around and
00:09then create a link for this right here, just like this.
00:13And what happens is that it becomes discoverable.
00:15Similarly, I'm going to go around and share this particular link as well.
00:20So I may not know which links has been shared and which has been not.
00:24So if you want to go ahead and manage them, then you can go around onto your profile right
00:28here and then go around onto your settings.
00:31And then from over here, what you can do is you can go around onto, let's say, for example,
00:37onto data controls right here.
00:39And here you can see that shared links are an option.
00:43So if I were to go around and manage this out right here, then these are the shared
00:46links as you can see right here.
00:48So you can go around and access that particular shared link to see how it looks right there.
00:53And this is what you have.
00:54As you can see, you can also go around and delete out the shared links right here.
00:58For example, you can view the source chat right here, just like this as well in your
01:01particular account.
01:03Or you can delete out the particular shared link right here, just like this as well.
01:07Or you can go around onto the three dot button and click on delete shared, all shared links
01:13as you like as well.
01:15And that is how you can work around with the shared link options inside of ChatGPT.
01:20So if you found this video useful, so be sure to comment on what you think about it.
01:25Be sure to hit the like button and don't forget to share this out with your friends
01:29and family.
01:30And for more contents like these, do follow Simple Tutorials.
