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00:00Hey, that's not funny, you scared me!
00:23What are you doing? Stop!
00:32Please, stop! Stop!
00:40I catch you!
00:45What just happened is record on my dashcam.
00:48Your scam is over, I'm calling the police.
00:49No, no, no, please, please don't call the cops, I beg you.
00:53Listen, I know this is wrong, but my daughter, my dear Stephanie, she's sick, and if I don't find money for treatment, then...
01:02Man, there are plenty of other ways to make money.
01:05I know, I know, I know, I've been looking. I've been looking for a job, but no one wants to hire me.
01:10Listen, I've knocked on every door, please don't call the cops, please, I promise I won't do this again.
01:18I can sympathize with you, but you should confess right away.
01:23Asking for money through lying is not the way.
01:26911, what's your emergency?
01:37What the hell are you doing?
01:42Open the door!
01:45Open up!
01:48Open up the door!
02:02So is he right.
02:10Let me...
02:17Let me...
02:38Sir? Are you okay, sir?
02:417-15, we're on location.
03:03Sir? Are you alright, sir?
03:06Sir, we received a call from this parking lot. Is everything okay?
03:11Yeah, yeah, officers, we're fine.
03:13Do you notice anything unusual or any suspicious individuals?
03:19We just came out here about a minute ago. You see, me and my sister, we're going for a walk.
03:27Sir, you can't park here.
03:30I know, I know, my bad. You see, it's easier for me to bring my sister in a wheelchair to the car this way.
03:43Is everything okay with her? Why isn't she answering?
03:47Yeah, that's strange. Give me a minute.
03:51Hey, Michelle. Hey, Michelle. Is everything okay?
03:56You see, officers, she has these moments. She's on the strong painkillers. It's something sedative, I don't know.
04:04She just does off the phone in her hands. You see?
04:09One minute.
04:13Uh, hi, mom. Yeah, yeah, that's me.
04:19Yes, she fell asleep again. She will call you after the walk.
04:24Yeah, okay, bye, mom.
04:27Sir, so what happened here? Did you get into an accident or something?
04:31Uh, no, no, no, it's just, um, just, uh…
04:35Sir, open your car now.
04:43Sir, you gotta open this car now.
04:46Sir, open the car now!
