• last year
#jumpstreet #americanseries #series #movies


00:00We never thought of finding a place where we belong
00:24You don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall
00:29Don't need permission to decide what you believe
00:34You're gonna learn something when we meet you after school
00:36She said, jump!
00:38Down on Jump Street
00:41She said, jump!
00:43Down on Jump Street
00:47Your friends will be there when your back is to the wall
00:52You'll find you'll need us cause there's no one else to call
00:57When it's hopeless a decision's what you need
01:02You better be ready cause you're running out of time
01:04She said, jump!
01:0621 Jump Street
01:13Mom, would you give me a break?
01:15I mean, come on, I gotta hear this every ten seconds.
01:18What's the difference? You only listen for one.
01:20Come on, Anorexia, dinner.
01:22Real food, remember?
01:25Prehistoric, packed with fat around the old heart.
01:31Do we have to listen to that?
01:33She's your daughter.
01:34Yes, but she listens to you.
01:36Only for a second, the rest is just white noise.
01:39Hey, Dad, did you know Sherry's little man got busted for drunk driving?
01:43Her mom went nuts.
01:45I don't think that's any of our business, Noreen.
01:47Mr. Baumler's a client of your father's.
01:49I hope you don't call him an old man.
01:52Well, he is an old man, of course.
01:55Married to an old lady.
01:57I thought you didn't like Sherry anymore.
01:59Well, I don't, but I think her old man getting busted's pretty neat.
02:03He didn't get busted. Criminals get busted.
02:06Mr. Baumler was arrested.
02:09That guy was a hammer out of his mind.
02:11I saw him a couple weeks ago coming out of that dump on Elmwood.
02:13He needed a compass to find his own hands.
02:15So, tell me, how's the clarinet coming?
02:18Ah, terrific. I'm turning boredom into an art form.
02:21Now, Kenny, that's the same clarinet your father learned to play when he was your age.
02:26Yeah, it must come in real handy when he has to serenade some dupas into a whole life policy.
02:30Just what is it about me that you don't respect?
02:34Nothing. I just think the clarinet stinks.
02:38So does the meatloaf.
02:41Get up! Get up!
02:44Stay quiet. Stay alive.
02:47Diane, please! Do what he says.
02:49Listen, we'll do anything you want. Just don't hurt anybody.
02:53What do you want?
02:55Ask your little no-color choir boy, huh?
02:58He owe me six grand.
03:00Kenny, do you know these boys?
03:02Ma, please!
03:04Look, guys, I'll get it. I just need more time.
03:09Time's up.
03:11There's a new jag in the driveway.
03:13Come on, give up the keys.
03:15Give him the keys.
03:17We take little Sisty here to the prom.
03:25It was nice meeting you folks.
03:28Sorry we can't stay for dinner.
03:58I'm sorry.
03:59Just forget it, will you, please?
04:01I'm calling the police!
04:02No, don't!
04:04They were going to kill us!
04:06No, Devin, no!
04:08Kenny, let's freeze!
04:09What the hell's the end of this thing?
04:13I am calling the police.
04:15You call them and they will kill me!
04:19Never happen, kid, never.
04:21Why not?
04:23Because cops ain't some kind of cowboy
04:25that run into the middle of a shootout and sling lead.
04:28Police work's a science now.
04:30You got your computers, you got your forensics,
04:32and you got your wimpy public defender
04:34who will spit your case out of court
04:36and let you ask his client what kind of rosary
04:38his mother used to pray for him on.
04:40Yeah, yeah, I know, but listen.
04:42Let's say we get a call.
04:44A 415.
04:45We got six guys with knives and chains
04:47who are ready to do some damage on some cops.
04:49Cops who happen to be us.
04:51What then?
04:53We leave.
04:55Get out.
05:04But we can't, because they got some lady with them
05:07and she's screaming for help, huh?
05:09We still leave.
05:10I don't.
05:11You do if you're with me, poncho.
05:13I got six months left in the stage play,
05:15and I'm not going up and smoking a 415
05:17where some little old lady is screaming for help.
05:19My old lady screams for help.
05:21Big deal.
05:22I take it to the movies.
05:24Is that what they taught you in the academy?
05:2630 years ago, there wasn't any academy.
05:28Just the streets.
05:30You rode in the back seat of a black and white
05:32for a week and a half, and you got to go to grade school
05:34on a couple of guys who were trying to kill each other
05:36or taking stuff that wasn't theirs.
05:38It was simple then, but like I say,
05:40police work's a science now.
05:42From what I hear about you,
05:44the academy must have a new
05:46John Wayne Goes to Cop School course.
05:48There's two guys you rode with.
05:50Both ended up in the clinic with busted noses.
05:52Seems you like to roll in hot and kick tails.
05:55I don't want to kick tails.
05:57Yeah, you do.
05:59Because with that baby face you got,
06:01everybody's been kicking yours since the seventh grade.
06:05I know your dad.
06:07He was a good cop.
06:10One thing for sure,
06:12he was a hell of a lot bigger than you are.
06:14One-zero-six, code one.
06:16Maybe that's why he made such a good target.
06:21One-zebra-six, go.
06:23Two-eleven, report at seven-two-nine Sycamore,
06:25corner of Herman.
06:27One-zebra-six rolling, over.
06:31Wait, wait, wait, we're on the train.
06:33I got this.
06:41You say you never saw these guys before?
06:44Well, no. I'm in insurance.
06:47Well, then at this point,
06:49I hope that Jaguar of yours is covered.
06:51Because unless I get something to go on,
06:53it's going to be prime of gray
06:55and sold in pieces by tomorrow noon.
06:57He won't tell me anything.
06:59He's locked himself in his room.
07:01Last time he did that was when you wouldn't let him
07:03go to the Eurythmics concert because he got a D in gym.
07:05What a star my brother is.
07:07He can't even throw a baseball.
07:09Hey, are you old enough to be a cop?
07:11You look just like that kid in Pretty in Pink.
07:15But we don't let him wear pink anymore.
07:21Do you think there may be the possibility
07:23of your older brother Kenneth
07:25having previous knowledge of the suspected perpetrators?
07:27In other words, princess,
07:29did he know these jerks ripped off your dad's car?
07:31Oh, they said they knew him,
07:33but I doubt it.
07:35They're pretty hard guys.
07:37Can't even be schooled band.
07:39Thanks. Milk is mine.
07:41I've been on Elsa big enough to have its own zip code.
07:44Anyway, we let Clint Eastwood here
07:46drink coffee up until 10 o'clock.
07:48Did you get through to him?
07:50I'm scared, Bill.
07:52You're the one who just finished
07:54domestics, partner. You're up.
07:56Kid graduated top
07:58in his class at the academy.
08:02But personally, Bill, if Kenny were my kid,
08:04I'd unscrew the hinges on his door
08:06and beat it out of him.
08:08Please forgive my partner.
08:10He went to grade school,
08:12and the back seats were black and white.
08:14Is your son a good student?
08:16Except when it comes to gym, yeah.
08:18You flunk that,
08:20you don't get to go see the Eurythmics.
08:24Kenny, the police are here
08:26to help you.
08:28Yeah, sure.
08:30Kenny, get down here!
08:32Give me a second, all right?
08:46You're pretty scared, huh?
08:50Did you know the guys
08:52that stole your dad's car?
08:54I won't tell you, spit.
09:00It's not against the law to be afraid.
09:02So why don't you just
09:04leave me alone, all right?
09:08But what happens
09:10if they come back?
09:26Great work, Doctor.
09:28You got Diddle in the splash can.
09:30He wasn't gonna tell us a thing.
09:32Why waste time?
09:34Look, we turn it over to juvenile
09:36and he'll enroll Kenny and his old man
09:38into a tough love program or something.
09:40Like you're the expert, right?
09:42Hey, pal, domestics graduate
09:44atop of the class.
09:46Anyway, that kid was too scared
09:48to tell us anything but what wasn't true.
09:50Three weeks in the field
09:52and I'm riding with a child counselor.
09:54Here, let's see what they taught you
09:56about driving one of these
09:58Maybe your old lady should have you put to sleep.
10:00My old lady
10:02does put me to sleep, kiddo.
10:04That's what makes the marriage work.
10:08Shut up!
10:10And you do exactly
10:12what I tell you.
10:14Open it up.
10:16I said open it up!
10:18Hey, hands up!
10:28Where's the rest of it?
10:30Is that all there is?
10:32Yeah, right.
10:54Okay, chief.
10:56What do you think of sticking the kid sideways?
11:00Yeah, seems to be.
11:02Figure he owes his dealer when the guy came to collect.
11:04And I got a dime
11:06that says his old man won't even file a charge.
11:08Might make too much noise
11:10on the first tee.
11:12I mean, it might be drugs.
11:14It could be anything, but Kenny hardly looked like an addict.
11:16What did you expect?
11:18Lonnie Bruce?
11:20Nowadays you find more junkies in pro sports
11:22than you do in a jazz club.
11:24Make a note of where that kid goes to school
11:26and we'll turn it into the desk.
11:30Turn around.
11:34The car back there I want to get a closer look at
11:36and take it nice and easy.
11:54Be cool.
11:56They don't know nothing.
11:58Everything okay?
12:02You sure?
12:08Yeah, what's the problem?
12:10Just wondered why you stopped for a green light or so.
12:16Okay, John Henry.
12:18Lights and sirens.
12:20Four units in the vicinity
12:22and one zebra six.
12:24A two eleven just occurred.
12:26One two six north Kensington.
12:28Suspects are armed and in a late model gray sedan
12:30southbound on Roycroft.
12:32Roger the call, Colonel.
12:34This is one zebra six to control.
12:36We're in pursuit of an early model gray sedan
12:38vehicle in the Dodge.
12:40License plate number is...
12:42Gravity is the key here, kid.
12:44In pursuit. Warrants and warrants.
12:46Dodge lowrider, two Baker Edwards,
12:48one three five. Over.
12:53Jansen, don't kill me.
12:58Just keep them in sight
13:00and remember my condition.
13:16What are you, nuts?
13:18You said we're in pursuit. I'm pursuing.
13:20Get off this one-way street, you idiot,
13:22before you kill somebody.
13:38All right. Don't move.
13:40Don't even blink.
13:42Hanson, take out your gun.
13:46All right, fellas, come on out now.
13:48No fast moves or you're history.
13:50All right, come on, come on!
13:53Put that piece on the hood.
13:55Turn around or fall in the car.
13:58All right, just sprank your legs.
14:00All right, cover them, Hanson.
14:02All right, listen.
14:04I'm gonna find a pay phone
14:06and call in for a backup.
14:08You gonna be all right?
14:10Yeah. Why did you use the radio?
14:12Because I pulled it out
14:14trying to find something to hang on to.
14:16Six months to go to retirement.
14:18I'm gonna be all right.
14:20I'm gonna be all right.
14:22I'm gonna be all right.
14:24I'm gonna be all right.
14:26I'm gonna be all right.
14:28I'm gonna be all right.
14:30Six months to go to retirement,
14:32and I'm riding with Evil Knievel.
14:35What kind of merit badges
14:37they be givin' to Boy Scott for this type of gig?
14:39Shut up, punk. I'm the top guy.
14:41You have some I.D., son?
14:43This is all the I.D. I need. Thank you.
14:45Yeah, I got one like that
14:47for bein' the best playground monitor in school A.T.
14:49Hey, don't move, dirtball!
14:51Just a smoke, Hattie.
14:53Your grandfather's already got my pee.
14:55Give him a break. The kid's new.
14:57He's new enough to blow another hole in your head.
14:59I gotta go to the bathroom.
15:02Dunnegan, what's goin' on with that backup?
15:04Maybe he's died of old age.
15:11Oh, my God.
15:28All right, Hattie!
15:30Okay, I got him. I got him.
15:32Get off. Get off. Get off.
15:34Keep them away from me, huh?
15:37I feel like a child molester.
15:43Oh, nice work, kid.
15:45You're three for three.
15:49Another broken nose.
15:56Hey, Crash Gordon. Nice work, pal.
15:59Good enough that he dug that black and white
16:01for your next paycheck, though.
16:05Oh, hey.
16:07I got a sinus problem, dog.
16:09You think you can straighten it out for me?
16:12Come on, mice.
16:14Hey, I'm telling you, the kid's a liability.
16:16I got pissed because some punk asked Hanson
16:19to show him his driver's license
16:21before he signed for a speeding ticket.
16:23Didn't think Hanson was old enough to be a cop.
16:25Did Hanson throw the first punch?
16:29Of course not, because he's a good cop.
16:31So he gets sensitive when some jerk pushes him
16:33about how young he looks. He'll get over it.
16:35Hey, who can wait?
16:37He's going through noses in this division
16:39like a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon.
16:41Yeah, well, yours looks better, Summers.
16:43I'll tell the kid to send you a bill.
16:46Come on, Mike.
16:48Let's give the kid a break.
16:55Hey, slugger.
16:57Sorry about the nose, Charlie.
16:59Will you forget it?
17:01I'm Irish. I get worse than this every St. Paddy's Day.
17:04They find our unit? Most of it.
17:06Any suspects?
17:08What's the matter?
17:10Captain wants to see you.
17:12What a surprise.
17:14Listen, kid, when life hands you a lemon,
17:16do as I do.
17:18Make a martini.
17:25Yeah, I know.
17:27We all got trouble lately. Screw lately.
17:29What I got lately is most of your trouble
17:31when you boys don't do the job.
17:33Get it right, Lenny. Take it to the chief.
17:35Good morning, Captain.
17:37I'm sorry, sir. I didn't want to get on his vice.
17:39All they want to do now is wear pink sport coats and drive Ferraris.
17:42How you doing?
17:44When it comes to what, sir?
17:46When it comes to you.
17:50No kidding.
17:52Look, there's really no other way I can say this,
17:54so I'm just gonna say it.
17:56I gotta make some changes.
17:58I figured you were probably gonna say that, sir.
18:00I only got about an hour of sleep.
18:02Somewhere between the farmer's report
18:04and sunrise exercise.
18:06Don't take it so hard.
18:08The Korean conflict, I got tossed out of the Navy
18:10because there's only 16. Outside, there's still one.
18:12I'm 21, sir.
18:14We're 22.
18:16Look, when one of my officers rolls in hot on somebody,
18:18he's got to be able to control the situation.
18:20Him and his partner.
18:22They gotta be able to scare the God out of whatever scumball is messing up.
18:24No offense, but sometimes you're not so much scaring them
18:26as you're making them laugh.
18:28Tony can tell you that?
18:30Nobody had to tell me.
18:32Look, Tommy, even Sugar Ray Leonard
18:34can't climb in the ring with Muhammad Ali
18:36until he makes the weight. It's like that.
18:38I mean, you're good, but...
18:40Well, if I keep putting you out in the field,
18:42I'm putting my other men in danger.
18:44Something goes down, we don't know if the perps will get goofy.
18:46No one will ride with you anymore, Tom.
18:48You make them nervous,
18:50come in too pumped,
18:52too ready.
18:54Maybe too angry, I don't know.
18:56Maybe too young.
18:58I'm not angry!
19:00Not a lot, anyway.
19:04Okay, so what does this mean?
19:06I'm out?
19:10Six months at the academy,
19:12now I can go manage a donut shop.
19:14Or maybe when my face clears,
19:16I can become one of those
19:18rent-a-cops who checks proof at a teen club.
19:22But I got something else I think you'd be good for.
19:24You want to stick it out, you'll be a hell of a cop someday.
19:26Just come back in ten years.
19:28Ten years, you'll be too old for this kind of assignment.
19:30Sit down.
19:32Sit down.
19:34Let me lay it out for you.
19:36What am I doing? I don't even smoke.
19:38The department's got an undercover program.
19:40It's the mayor's baby.
19:42Nobody on the force knows about this
19:44except Silver Shields and Up.
19:46It's called Jump Street Chapel.
19:48Now the reason it's called that
19:50is because this particular undercover unit
19:52works out of an old abandoned chapel
19:54in the corner of Jump Street and Sixth.
19:58Not yet.
20:00The department takes younger-looking officers,
20:02at least the younger-looking ones we think can handle the pressure.
20:04Teach them how to be teenagers again.
20:06Then we send them up to various high schools
20:08where we can use a good man undercover.
20:10Kind of like, uh,
20:12fast times at Bust Your Buddy High?
20:14Kind of.
20:16Yeah. No, thanks.
20:18See, I hated high school the first time.
20:20You know, swimming in gym without trunks,
20:22health films,
20:24not getting the girl you wanted
20:26because you don't wear groovy enough shoes.
20:28And I don't think I'd get off
20:30cuffing some kid who threw a spitball at his chemistry teacher.
20:32I've had 11 homicides
20:34in high school since December.
20:38I went to the academy to go on patrol,
20:40to be a police officer like my...
20:44to enforce the law.
20:46Tom, it's either this or I assign you to desk
20:48at Parker Center until you look old enough to be a cop.
20:50I am a cop.
20:52Hey, genius. Why do you think I'm making this offer?
20:54Think it over.
21:00You know, I used to ride with your dad.
21:02I know.
21:04He'd be proud of what he did that night.
21:10if we catch those guys that lifted you black and white,
21:12I'll, uh, I'll give you the collar.
21:14Give it to Dunigan. He's the one who got his nose broken.
21:16Got your dad's sense of humor, too.
21:46Oh, yeah.
22:10Oh, hi.
22:12This is Tom Hanson, Sr.
22:14Hey, Dad? I got it.
22:16Wait, don't hang up. Hello? Hello?
22:18Howdy, sport. Mom home?
22:20No, I had to go to school.
22:24I got into a fight with some kid.
22:26Gee, Tommy, not again.
22:28You shouldn't do that. We talked about it.
22:30Even when he says my old man's a fascist
22:32and all cops are pigs?
22:34Mom's real mad, though. She says I should grow up.
22:36Your mom's right.
22:44Oh, my God.
22:46Oh, my God.
22:48Oh, my God.
22:50Oh, my God.
22:52Oh, my God.
22:54Oh, my God.
22:56Oh, my God.
22:58Oh, my God.
23:00Oh, my God.
23:02Oh, my God.
23:04Oh, my God.
23:06Oh, my God.
23:08Oh, my God.
23:10Oh, my God.
23:12Oh, my God.
23:14Oh, my God.
23:16Oh, my God.
23:18Oh, my God.
23:20Oh, my God.
23:22Oh, my God.
23:24Oh, my God.
23:26Oh, my God.
23:28Oh, my God.
23:30Oh, my God.
23:32Oh, my God.
23:34Oh, my God.
23:36Oh, my God.
23:38Oh, my God.
23:40Oh, my God.
23:42Oh, my God.
23:44Oh, my God.
23:46Oh, my God.
23:48Oh, my God.
23:50Oh, my God.
23:52Oh, my God.
23:54Oh, my God.
23:56Oh, my God.
23:58Oh, my God.
24:00Oh, my God.
24:02Oh, my God.
24:04Oh, my God.
24:06Oh, my God.
24:08Oh, my God.
24:10Oh, my God.
24:12Oh, my God.
24:14Oh, my God.
24:16Oh, my God.
24:18Oh, my God.
24:20Oh, my God.
24:22Oh, my God.
24:24Oh, my God.
24:26Oh, my God.
24:28Oh, my God.
24:30Oh, my God.
24:32Oh, my God.
24:34Oh, my God.
24:36I'm Nathan Hansen.
24:38You look like Richie Cunningham.
24:52Hey, what's happening, man?
24:54Hey, what's happening, man?
24:58I'm here to see, uh,
25:00Captain Jancho.
25:04Is he here?
25:07Yo, autograph.
25:14Well, uh, could you tell him Patrolman Hanson is here?
25:20I, uh, don't want him to think I'm late.
25:22Hey, you ain't late.
25:25You like that sound?
25:27Not really.
25:29Me neither. Praise God, hallelujah, maybe I'm saved.
25:33You've been a deadhead since Woodstock.
25:35I didn't go out with only five.
25:37Look, I've really got to check in with Captain Jenko.
25:41Yeah, well, where can I find him?
25:44Hey, you're looking at him, Hanson. I'm right here.
25:47Except on Saturday nights I play lead guitar with some bunk old dudes in my garage band.
25:53You're Captain Jenko?
25:54Gets better, doesn't it?
25:57Hey, can you believe that guy, huh?
26:00He could squeeze more music out of a Stratocaster
26:03than Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Alvin Lee put together, man.
26:08Jimmy was the best.
26:11Too bad he had to throw it all away on a short ride getting high.
26:15I'm not, uh, familiar with him.
26:20Who did he, uh, play with?
26:25No, thanks. I'll grab an omelette later.
26:28No, you won't.
26:29When was the last time you saw a teenager have a cup of black coffee
26:33and an omelette for breakfast?
26:36From now on it's potato chips, soda pop, french fries, and pizza, man.
26:40It's a Pepsi generation, sport.
26:44Don't call me sport, okay?
26:46Hey, part, I'm your boss.
26:49Don't call me sport, okay?
26:51Hey, part, I'm your boss.
26:53I'll call you anything I want.
26:55Have a seat.
26:59Look, Anthony.
27:03While you were out in the field
27:05getting your butt kicked by all the bad grown-ups,
27:08me and my guys here were training to do some real battle.
27:12You see, the way I look at it,
27:14a child is the father of man.
27:17I mean, these bad grown-ups are coming from somewhere.
27:19They don't just hatch that way.
27:21That's why we're trying to yank them out while they're still in high school, dig?
27:27Hey, spare me the rap about how I talk, okay?
27:29Yeah, I know. You went to Woodstock, right?
27:31Right on, brother.
27:32Now, we're about four weeks ahead of you here, Hanson,
27:34so I'm gonna have to rush you through some of the training.
27:37What kind of training?
27:39Gonna teach you how to be a teenager again, sport.
27:42How does that grab you?
27:43I'm talking about the bad kind,
27:45the kind that gets into trouble,
27:46the kind you're gonna have to be like
27:48so as to think you're one of them, dig?
27:50Hey, Hoffs, wake up!
27:52Relax, relax, I'm up.
28:03Jude, run this cat down to wardrobe
28:05and see if you can take some of the cop out of his presentation.
28:08And for God's sake,
28:10do something about the Jack Kennedy haircut, too, will you?
28:13Go with what Officer Hoffs tells you, Hanson.
28:16Been real, bro.
28:19Stick with Hoffs here
28:20and she'll hook us up with a little field training tonight.
28:27Are you kidding me?
28:28Oh, so Jank's a little bit of a hang-on hippie.
28:31Big deal.
28:32Because when it comes to going undercover,
28:34the dude is the best.
28:36I'm Judy Hoffs.
28:39Um, that's okay, honey.
28:40My people don't do that anymore.
29:13I said they knew all the answers of a big big
29:17I said they held up above all my psychology
29:23I don't know what you should be
29:26I'm just trying to live my life
29:28But it's not easy being me
29:32Why can't they live their way
29:34And I live mine
29:36Don't hurt your brother's feelings
29:38And we'll both be fine
29:40Now I don't want to tell you
29:42Right from wrong
29:44I'm just trying to get my point across
29:48I don't know what you should be
29:51I'm just trying to live my life
29:53But it's not easy being me
29:57Why can't people just all believe
30:00I'm just trying to live my life
30:05So don't try and tell me
30:07What you think my life needs
30:09And if you've got opinions
30:11Give them up this way
30:13That's what the school of life has taught me
30:15You just might agree
30:17And when it comes to living our lives
30:20We all have our own to be
30:23I don't know what you should be
30:26I'm just trying to live my life
30:28But it's not easy being me
30:31Hey hey hey
30:34Don't hurt your
30:36Hey hey hey
30:38Don't hurt your
30:40Hey hey hey
30:49I don't know
30:51Baby baby
30:53Hey hey
30:57I don't know what you should be
31:00It's showtime, folks
31:04Whoa! Big deal now!
31:07Hey, okay, who's the clown?
31:10Hey, what do we got here?
31:12Rock star or something, huh?
31:14Come on, punk, come on, you the wise guy?
31:16Yo, Chase, who's got here some kind of killer hippie?
31:19Peace, love, pal
31:21What tribe are you from?
31:23Extraterrestrial, man, like Pluto
31:26You threw that bottle at my van, didn't you?
31:28Hey, what if he did?
31:30The whole crowd of us is only one of you longhairs
31:33Yeah, well, you got a point there
31:35Hey, you better ease up on the dude
31:37Look like he got a lot of flower power
31:39I hate flowers
31:41Come on, let's dance
31:44Thanks, but you might step on my toes
31:47Whoa! Nonviolence, man
31:50Chief, don't hit me in the face
31:52Hey, ease up, ease up
31:56Buy your beer
32:01Okay, Hanson, that's your guy
32:04Well, if that's the guy, why don't we just take him in right now?
32:07Because all I wanted to do was make sure Penhall was cool and I.D. the creep
32:11Gonna have plenty of chances to bust you
32:14You know what to do?
32:17Yeah? What might that be, sport?
32:20I'm gonna make a buy, no big deal
32:23No big deal? This isn't my first assignment, you know
32:25I was on patrol
32:26Ooh, patrol
32:28Gotta eat a lot of donuts, right?
32:30Don't act like you do it all the time, Hanson
32:33I think it'd be hard for you to buy a case of beer, man
32:36Now, you ought to talk, Ioki
32:38First time out, he bought a gram of baby laxative for a hundred bucks
32:42Okay, cootlet, now here's what's going down, Hanson
32:46Now, you're Penhall's cuz
32:48You've been around the block a few times
32:50So don't come on like Dick Clark
32:52These cats will make you port faster than Gale Sayard used to run for the Chicago Bears, you dig?
32:59Don't worry, we got you backed up
33:01Just remember, no bust
33:03The only reason we're doing this is so you don't look like some geek
33:06The first time you try to make a buy for real, comprendi?
33:09Okay, all right
33:11I mean it, Hanson, no bust
33:16Yo, cuz!
33:17Hey, my cuz's here
33:19Yo, Tommy, this is James
33:23Is that who you was telling me about?
33:29Come on
33:37Your cuz says you're cool
33:39What do you want?
33:40A lid
33:41A lid?
33:43Where you from, man? Omaha?
33:49This freakin' place must be stuck in a time warp
33:52It's $200 an ounce
33:54You give me the money
33:56I want to see it first
33:58No, you don't look at it
34:00For $200, I want to see it first
34:07Let me smell it, too
34:09Man, you must be from Omaha
34:20What's your problem?
34:22No, the thing is, uh, what's yours?
34:25I think you're a cop
34:28All right, I don't need this scumbag
34:30I can get my drugs from anybody
34:34I still think you're a cop
34:40Then pull the trigger
34:50No, you ain't a cop
34:52Cops have to be old enough to drive after dark
35:05You're gonna have to learn how to trust those instincts, Jace
35:16You're under arrest
35:19You have the right to remain silent
35:21Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
35:25You have the right to an attorney
35:27If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you
35:30What the hell are you doing, Hanson?
35:32Making an arrest
35:34Suspect threatened to kill me
35:36But not until I made the purchase
35:38Open and shut, he solicited sale and we made the exchange
35:41Didn't we, Jace?
35:42Didn't we, Jace?
35:43Hey, save it
35:44Save it, man
35:46What the hell you gonna charge him with?
35:48Illegal sale of a pair of smelly socks?
35:50What are you talking about?
35:52What's this? What's this?
35:54Panama Brown, huh?
35:56Hey, why don't you save him, pal?
35:58I like to wear the ones with little turtles on the ankle pockets
36:02He was burning you, pal
36:05Good work
36:06Good work, Hanson
36:08Good work, man, good licks
36:10He just used up a bunk we've been watching for six months on an ATW
36:15Which will be knocked down to Branishing by noon tomorrow
36:18Even a boot like you should know that
36:20Take him in, Artie
36:21Captain Jenko, look, I'm sorry
36:23I was trying to save it
36:24And please don't call me captain
36:26Look, I was just trying to do my job here
36:27Trying to what?
36:28Trying to cowboy the deal is what?
36:30Make a big collar, be a real cop
36:32And with you being a real cop, I gotta pull Penhall out
36:35Because every puck that's been hanging with Jace
36:38I'll be able to make him easier than Elton John in a hat shop
36:41Come on, let's get out of here, man, like Splitsville
36:46Good licks, good licks, Hanson
37:40Okay, try that now
37:46It's a nice car you got there, Doug
37:48It's not mine
37:50It's Hoff's
37:58Yep, try it again
38:00This is your car?
38:02What's left of it, yeah
38:04Yeah, really
38:06You see, they were just all out of those purple caddies
38:08You know, with the mud flaps and the fur around the mirrors
38:11You know what I'm saying?
38:13Well, must raise hell with your image
38:22Try it again
38:30The boat was stuck in the car
38:37What are you looking at?
38:39Okay, let's run this down
38:41Hoffs, once we get an A-plus in your book report
38:44We'll catch you in the rye
38:46Well, everything's pretty steady over at Bennett High
38:48I had time, might even make honor roll
38:53You know, it's very unusual for honor roll students
38:55To hang out with felons
38:57Like, watch your profile, peaches
38:59Penhall, what's shaking with you, bud?
39:01I figure with Jace out of the mix
39:03And my cover blown
39:05Well, I could play golf for the rest of the semester
39:07Yeah, we'll figure again
39:09Bob Hope plays golf
39:11But don't sweat it, bud
39:13I'm sure we'll find a place for you
39:15Ioki, what's happening on the hill, Harry?
39:17Well, um, I got my due set up at Cleveland High
39:20For some quantity
39:22But I'm still waiting for clearance
39:23From that six grand from Parker Center
39:25Hanson, we're gonna let you get your feet wet at Amherst High
39:28Put you in there for a couple weeks
39:30Hanson, you're a disciplinary transfer from Wilcox
39:33With a suspected drug problem
39:35And a very bad attitude
39:37Dig, everything you need to know is in this deal
39:42Read it carefully, Hanson
39:44And please, do me a favor
39:46Try not to blow your cover on the first day
39:49Okie dokie
39:51There's absolutely nothing heavy going on at Amherst
39:55That we know of
39:57So just, you know, keep your eyes open
39:59Stay out of trouble
40:01And remember, you're still in training
40:03Let's go do it!
40:07Buddy's my son
40:11Put my feet on the floor
40:13I can't take it no more
40:15It's six a.m., I think I'm insane
40:19It's like a jungle out there
40:21I can't hide, don't know where
40:24Just need some space to do my thing
40:27You gotta know where to run to
40:30You gotta know where to hide
40:35You gotta know where to run to
40:38You gotta know where to hide
40:48Sorry, boy
40:51But you can't park there
40:53Oh, yeah? I knew, I didn't know
40:55Yeah, well, if you wanna get old, you know now
40:58So move that ragged piece of tin
41:00I don't want it stinking up my spot
41:12You don't wanna park it there
41:14You might get hurt
41:16Me or the car?
41:18You hurt the man
41:20Move it!
41:23Thanks, man, I'm trying to quit
41:37Move it!
41:56Come on!
42:01You're dead, boy
42:16Break it up!
42:18Let him fight!
42:20All right, who started it?
42:22Started what? That guy's a friend
42:25Is that right, Tyrell?
42:29Who are you?
42:31My name's Tom Bauer, I'm new here
42:33Like a hell of a first impression
42:36Come on, who started it?
42:43All right, both of you
42:45Jake Schaefer's office
42:47Move it!
42:53Just minutes into the first quarter on a Monday morning
42:56I already got two players out of bounds
43:01Gonna have to throw the flag on you, Tyrell
43:05Two weeks in detention
43:07And I gotta send a report in to your probation officer, too
43:12He's not gonna like that
43:14Might even make you park that Ferrari out in the bullpen
43:19You get your hands off me, boy
43:25Now you get out of here
43:45This is not a real impressive completion record, Bauer
43:50Seems like that Will Conti threw a lot of interceptions
43:54Real tough guy, huh?
43:57Oh, not to mention a couple of notes here about a whiff problem
44:01You know, when I was your age, getting up for the game was a spiritual thing
44:05I don't, uh, play a lot of sports
44:09We got a tough love program here in Amherst
44:13I expect you and your old man to make it tomorrow night
44:17Or I throw you out of the league
44:19Well, thank you, sir
44:21But my father works nights and, uh, can't make it
44:25Make it, make it
44:34Come on, Waxer!
44:36Leave me alone, man!
44:42You're gonna like it here at Amherst, boy
44:45You're gonna like it a lot if you like dying
45:42You're gonna like it here at Amherst, boy