• last year
The gang travel to Turkey to investigate the truth behind the mysterious sightings of a Tar Monster in the lost city of Byzantius.


00:00Whoa, like these Turkish mountain roads are really rocky.
00:20I don't see anything.
00:27Just hang on, gang.
00:28We should be at Professor Brixton's camp any minute now.
00:31Imagine him discovering a whole city that's been buried for thousands of years.
00:36And we'll be among the first to see it.
00:39Hey, how's about a little Turkish music, Scoob?
00:59Well, this looks like the place.
01:24This area is restricted, no visitors.
01:27We've come at the direct invitation of Dr. Brixton, sir.
01:30Dr. Brixton?
01:32Very well.
01:33His tent is over there.
01:34Jeepers, Professor, this is really exciting.
01:46We're anxious to see what you've discovered in the ancient city.
01:50I'm afraid, my friends, there won't be much to see.
01:54We've had to stop digging.
01:57How come?
01:58Because all my workers were frightened away by the tar monster.
02:03Like, what do you mean, tar monster?
02:07This area has been known for centuries for its tar pools.
02:10The people have always believed the ancient city of Byzantius was under the protection
02:15of a legendary creature that lived in the pools, the tar monster.
02:21Having trouble, Scoob?
02:47The trouble began yesterday, when we finally reached the inner sanctum of the ancient city.
02:53We were about to open this sanctum, when we found an ancient curse carved in the stone.
03:02It said, this city is under protection of the tar creature.
03:07Intruders, beware.
03:08Suddenly, there was a terrible roar.
03:09And then, he appeared, the tar monster, a terrifying sight, tar dripping from its body
03:21as it came toward us.
03:22The workmen ran away.
03:23And that's not the worst of it.
03:30Like I was afraid you were going to say that.
03:33Come with me.
03:34I'll show you.
03:39What happened?
03:40Last night, I heard my assistant, Mr. Stoner, shouting for help.
03:44I ran over here to help, and found this.
03:47His tent, destroyed.
03:50What happened to him?
03:51We don't know.
03:52He's gone, disappeared.
03:53Oh, like the tar monster got him.
03:58Here's a picture of Stoner, streaked with tar.
04:02And look at this.
04:03There's tar everywhere.
04:05We must return to my tent before the creature comes back.
04:08Comes back?
04:10That sure is awful about your assistant disappearing like that, Professor Briggston.
04:17What'll you do now?
04:18We are certain that a priceless treasure awaits us in the Inner Sanctum.
04:23I must carry on by myself, if necessary.
04:31Like it's him.
04:39Scooby-Doo, where are you?
04:48There's no need to worry.
04:55It's only my foreman, Ben Gozzi.
04:57He will take you to your tents for the night.
05:00Thank you, Professor.
05:01Come on, everybody, let's get some sleep.
05:05What a trip, eh, Scoob?
05:06Tar monsters, disappearing people.
05:09It's enough to drive a person batty.
05:12Scoob? Scoob?
05:17GRR, GRRR!
05:42Come on, Scoob, not before a s'morry.
06:03Wake up, Scoob, or I'll never get to sleep.
06:08Oh, boy. Like it's only the tar monster.
06:18Scoob, let's get out of here!
06:22You say something, Shaggy?
06:40The tar monster!
06:42It's time for the tar monster!
06:45Wait a second. Slow down.
06:47You actually saw the tar monster?
06:51He was this tall.
06:53And this wide.
06:56Where did you see him?
06:57He came after us in our tent.
06:59Jeepers. We better have a look.
07:04There's tar everywhere.
07:06For once, you two weren't imagining things.
07:09Let's follow his tracks and see what we can find.
07:12Come on.
07:13Oh, Scooby.
07:15Sometimes I think you have a real yellow streak right down your back.
07:23Quit the clowning, Scoob.
07:25There's no time to waste.
07:30Jinkies. The tracks end at this tar pool.
07:33As if he went down into it.
07:35But that's impossible.
07:37Not for a tar monster.
07:39Hey, look at this.
07:41What is it?
07:42Looks like an ancient piece of pottery.
07:44But what's it doing here?
07:46I don't know.
07:47But I bet the professor will.
07:49Let's go.
07:57Our government agrees with your decision
07:59to recover our ancient treasures without delay, Professor.
08:02I will go with you and your friends to open the inner sanctum today.
08:06After what happened last night,
08:08we're more interested than ever in the mystery of the tar monster.
08:12You can witness what will surely be
08:14one of the most valuable finds of the century.
08:17Hey, you two. How's breakfast coming along?
08:20Terrific. You might say I'm really cooking.
08:23Really cooking, Scoob.
08:33We'll get started right after breakfast.
08:36Why, keep the toast a-popping, Scoob.
08:41Okay. More toast.
08:43Coming up.
08:55I will get my equipment and meet you all
08:58at the excavation in 15 minutes.
09:00We'll be there.
09:02Jeepers. There's a whole city down here.
09:07With enough statues and art objects to fill a museum.
09:11The richest treasures lie as yet untouched
09:14in the inner sanctum of the city.
09:31Funny. Like that statue looks familiar.
09:36Professor, what happened to the mighty city of Byzantius?
09:39Yeah. How come it's buried so far beneath the surface?
09:42Our research indicates there was a giant earthquake
09:46that dropped this entire region hundreds of feet.
09:50And then the surrounding hills collapsed,
09:53burying the city forever.
09:55No wonder everything looks almost untouched.
09:57As if people were still living here.
10:02And here we are.
10:03The very spot where the workmen ran away.
10:05And, like, there's the curse of the tar monster.
10:11This is a great moment in history.
10:16Professor, the treasures have been stolen.
10:19The city is in ruins.
10:22Professor, the treasures have been stolen.
10:25Look, the tar monster.
10:37Run for your lives!
10:40Relax. It's only a statue.
10:46It's been here for centuries
10:48to guard the inner sanctum treasures.
10:50Some guard. Like there's nothing left to steal.
10:55Professor Kareem, look.
10:57Jeepers, the tracks of the tar monster.
11:00But that's impossible.
11:01No one could get past my guards at the entrance.
11:04Which means we must have found another way to get down here.
11:08I must sound the alarm.
11:09I'll come up with you.
11:11Like that's a swell idea.
11:12Let's get out of this creepy place.
11:15Hold it, you two.
11:17We've got to track down the tar monster.
11:19Oh, boy. Wouldn't you know he'd say that.
11:23Looks like our tar monster has been here several times.
11:27There are tracks down both corridors.
11:30Which means we'll have to split up to look for clues.
11:33Split up?
11:35Oh, Scooby, what could possibly happen to you?
11:40Shaggy, you and Scooby go that way and see what you can find.
11:44We'll head down this way.
11:46Why, careful, Scoob.
11:48There's a lot of tar along here.
12:23Shaggy, wait for me.
12:26Scooby? Scooby-Doo?
12:29Where are you?
12:44Scooby, I can't help!
12:47Oh, boy.
12:49I'm coming, sir.
12:51I'm coming, sir.
13:03Look, Scoob, like this is the same kind of lid we found back at the tar pool.
13:08Yeah, maybe it's a clue.
13:12Jeepers, this underground city is a maze of corridors and tunnels.
13:17It's a good thing we have the tar tracks to follow.
13:20We could be lost down here forever.
13:23Look, I had a hunch we'd find this, another tar pool.
13:27And the tracks end here, just as they did at the pool above ground.
13:32Hmm, it looks like we're finally on to something.
13:36Right, let's find Shaggy and Scooby to see if they came up with anything.
13:43Like the trouble with following these tracks is we might run into the monster that's making them.
13:48Oh, boy, if I live to be a hundred, I'll never forget that tar monster roar.
13:56Pretty good, Scoob. You sound just like him.
14:01I mean, that's terrific, Scoob.
14:12In here, Scoob.
14:14This calls for a fast make-up job.
15:32Looks like no sign of Scoob or Shag.
15:34What's that?
15:36It's a workman's tool kit.
15:38What's it doing way back here?
15:40Look at this.
15:43A map of the underground city streaked with tar.
15:47And there's the inner sanctum.
15:49This map is just the clue we needed.
15:52Right. Now this mystery is starting to make sense. Come on.
15:58Faster, Scoob, like he's gaining on us.
16:08Welcome, welcome, welcome to our photo studio, sir.
16:11We've got a special today for monsters only.
16:14Three pricks for a dollar.
16:16Say cheese.
16:41Very good. We'll mail you your print, sir.
16:52Hey, wait! I got one of them!
17:11Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo!
17:17Zoinks! The tar monster!
17:23It's Shaggy.
17:25Are you okay, Shag?
17:27Yeah, but the monster's got Scoob.
17:32Oh, woe is me, woe is me.
17:34I'll never forget you, old buddy.
17:37Oh, my old buddy, my old pal.
17:42Oh, he was like a brother to me.
17:44Oh, this is unlawful.
17:53Thanks a lot, Scoob.
17:55Take a look at this, Ned.
17:57I think we found another clue.
17:59It's an air compressor.
18:01Huh? Like what's an air compressor doing in a city that's thousands of years old?
18:06Now we know what's been happening.
18:11Give me a hand with this compressor, Shag.
18:13We're going to use it to capture the tar monster.
18:17Like what's going on?
18:19This is set up so the compressor won't start pumping air
18:22until we get back up to the surface.
18:33Gee, I sure hope this works.
18:36Look, it is working.
18:38Right, that ought to force our monster friend to the surface.
18:52There he is.
18:54Yikes, like he's getting away.
18:57Jeepers, we got him.
18:59Wait till the professor sees this.
19:03Now let's see who the tar monster really is.
19:08Why, it's Stoner, my missing assistant.
19:11That's right, Professor.
19:13He posed as the tar monster to frighten off the local workers.
19:18That way, he could sneak into the inner sanctum
19:21and steal its treasures before you could find them.
19:25But how did he get past my guards?
19:27The answer to that begins with that ancient piece of pottery
19:30we found at the tar pool after following his tracks.
19:33The pottery had to come from the ancient city below.
19:36So when we found the connecting pool down there,
19:39we realized how he was getting into the city.
19:42I get it.
19:44Like he used his scuba gear to dive down through the tar.
19:48All that's left now is to find the treasure.
19:51Stoner, where have you taken the treasures?
19:54Ah, I'll never tell.
19:57I think this map we found will show us where he hid everything.
20:04According to the map, there's a secret room behind this wall.
20:09There must be a way to open the wall, but how?
20:12Like maybe there's a hidden door.
20:28Hey, look! Scooby found it!
20:33The treasure of Byzantius!
20:36How can I ever thank you?
20:38Our government will always be grateful to you.
20:41Hey, and don't forget Scooby!
