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Watch the latest Frostpunk trailer to learn 11 facts about the upcoming city-building, society survival sequel. The trailer dives into some of the hardships the inhabitants of the city of New London will face, along with features of the upcoming sequel and changes from the first game. Frostpunk 2 launches on PC on September 20, with Advanced Access for Deluxe Edition owners starting on September 17, 2024.
00:00Oh, finally, a break and a hot meal. It's good to have something hot in your belly,
00:13eh? It wasn't like this when the old captain was in charge, I tell you. Now, this city's
00:20bigger than it used to be. Where there were buildings, districts stretched as far as the
00:26eye can see. Can you remember how, back then, we were only required to keep the generator
00:36running? Now every factory eats twice as many resources. We need coal, oil, heat stamps.
00:50Yes, life was a bit warmer back then, but bloody more complicated if you ask me.
00:57That's only one side of the coin. We're still sick, hungry, and cold. Yet some things come
01:08back to us from the past. A man cannot even walk outside without the fear of being mugged,
01:18or even worse, killed in cold blood.
01:26It's the people, dear sir, they are the problem.
01:31Now everyone belongs to a faction of some sort. I understand the technocrats want machines to
01:38make our lives easier, but what Iceblood say about evolution is true madness.
01:44I guess that's why Stuart built the council hall.
01:51Long time ago, captain just said what to do and we did it. No questions asked.
01:59Now every law has to be discussed, negotiated, but in the end, someone's always unhappy.
02:09Did you hear that some delegates come to council hall from outside the city?
02:19Why not? We're all in this together, but that idea is risky if you ask me.
02:26But that's not the only place where scorn and defiance have sneaked in.
02:31It took over the research institute as well, making work on each project a matter of support
02:37and rejection. I dread to think where this city is headed.
02:44It's pretty obvious, ain't it? What's obvious?
02:47Why some hardshack legionnaires was sniffing their butts with the overseers.
02:53Tyranny is upon us, I tell ya. If the Stuart won't do anything about it,
02:58they'll take over all districts and take out any rivals.
03:02If any future awaits us at all, it lies beyond the city walls and the vast frostland.
03:11How many places that are richer resources are there? One can only wonder.
03:18We need the Stuart to guide us outside and reclaim what's rightfully ours.
03:24In order to grow, we have to expand. I can already see it.
03:31New, vast colonies sprawling from the snow, connected with our city,
03:39with those magnificent skyways, pumping oil and food like lifeblood.
03:46Maybe this will satiate the ambitions of those windbags in the council hall.
03:53I doubt that, ma'am.
03:55Meanwhile, the tension in our beloved city rises.
04:00Let's hope the Stuart's instincts won't lead us astray.
04:05Leaders should be made of stunner stuff, I tell you.
04:09Especially now when we're all faced with never-ending White House riots in the street,
04:16crime, industrials, fumes, people are st-
04:25Can you hear that?
04:30There's sound in the alarm!
04:35I've heard stories about the distant places.
04:40Some of them seem real, others, well, pure fantasies.
04:49The city is like a human body.
04:53Has its limits, or at least that's what they say.
04:59Yet maybe you have other ideas.
05:04Care to take a sip and tell us about them?