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00:00What are you doing?
00:10Where's your phone?
00:11Hey, man.
00:14I told everyone to turn their phone off.
00:18It's not my phone.
00:22Get him out of the theater.
00:25Sir, could you please follow me?
00:28Come on.
00:29You can't.
00:30You can't.
00:31You can't.
00:32You can't.
00:33You can't.
00:34You can't.
00:35You can't.
00:36You can't.
00:37You can't.
00:38You can't.
00:39You can't.
00:40You can't.
00:41You can't.
00:42You can't.
00:43Sir, please don't stop in the road.
00:46There's the phone, right?
00:47So, please.
00:49Sir, there you found your phone.
00:50Sir, please.
00:51Just come with me, sir.
00:52Hey, man.
00:53Let me.
00:54Hey, I can't.
00:55Those are the rules.
00:56There's women in trouble.
00:57I watched that movie over 30 times.
00:58You can't.
00:59You can't.
01:00You can't.
01:01You can't.
01:02You can't.
01:03You can't.
01:04You can't.
01:05You can't.
01:06You can't.
01:07You can't.
01:08You can't.
01:09You can't.
01:10You can't.
01:11You can't.
01:12Stay calm.
01:13Proceed to the exit.
01:15He thought he would rescue me.
01:16But he actually led me into a trap and himself, too.
01:18Everything's fine.
01:19You're a safe-dweller, man.
01:30He tried to rescue me, but he actually led me into a trap, and himself too.
01:35Watch out!
01:39Everything's fine and you're safe now.
01:41I'd be safe if I got out of here.
01:44He won't come in here.
01:45He's the only one who can come in here.
01:49You, you'll help me find my wife.
01:51You can't tell me what to do.
01:53Hey, I own this movie theater.
01:56Alright, but there's a fire...
02:01Let's go.
02:18Damn it.
02:19Sir, she's nowhere around.
02:21Turn that off, you idiot.
02:23Oh, sorry.
