• last year
Wagga menshed has donated $5000 cheque to Carevan with money raised through their recycling project, which has made them the most sustainable shed in Australia.
00:00We have a couple of presentations to make and first we'll hand over to Glen.
00:05Yeah, this one, Care Van is one of our charities we really look after.
00:09We enjoy looking after you people, you do a lot for Wagga.
00:13And we'd like to present you with this cheque.
00:16$5,000 for a care van.
00:23As you all know, the four of us went to Adelaide for the biannual
00:27Men's Shed Conference just recently.
00:30And we put in a submission on our recycling and sustainability efforts.
00:37It must have been sort of fairly well received because
00:41at the big dinner we got called up and Wagga Men's Shed was voted
00:45the best shed in Australia at recycling and sustainability
00:49and we got the two awards.
