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00:30How do you get inside the box box log on to Fox Fox dot TV dot TV
00:42Yes, Fox Fox dot TV
00:44You can keep the Fox Fox fun going all week long turn your computer into a box box by typing Fox Fox dot TV
00:51That's how coming soon to home video and DVD in bubble town. There are less people than there are robots
00:57They're saving robots waving robots bouncing robots pouncing robots barking robots sparking robots showing growing mowing robots dusting robots gusting robots
01:05Cooking robots looking robots hopping shopping topping robots flying robots spying robots disposing robots imposing robots whacking stacking attacking robots pounding robots
01:13Grounding robots spinning pinning grinning robots drilling robots filling robots chewing robots pursuing robots decoding carbo loading exploding robots
01:21But the most astonishing astounding amazing robotics cubics coming soon to home video and DVD
02:00Want you to send me a monster that can get rid of Kirby and a flash a monster that's too massive to download
02:06It's a huge thunderstorm monster called crack
02:11Soon the storm clouds gather and happy town is shocked into submission
02:16It's Kirby vs. Cracko in a dark and stormy night
02:22That kid's a hog not a hero
02:25Next the star warriors appetite for apples leads our friends into a frightful forest by a towering terror
02:32Now I will punish you all for trying to destroy me soon the double-dealing DDD arrives on the scene. I
02:39Just love it when I get D to D destructive, but when the King starts cutting up he best beware of
02:46wispy woods
02:48Rowlett DTV brings TV to dreamland and the reviewers are raving you've got to admit. He's got some funny stick
02:56suddenly a
02:58Giant monster has been spotted stomping and chomping our way
03:02Tune in and you'll flip out with
03:05Unreality TV in Kirby right back at your volume 2 coming soon to home video and DVD
04:26Need a monster to claw what I dare Kirby, that's what we do best at NME
04:31You better get it with a money-back guarantee
04:45He's here
04:59Right back at you
05:55Monster that's ridiculous. There's no monster in this castle. Yes, there is. It's big and it's scary and it eats everything in sight
06:02That's King DVD. There's no monster now go back to your home. So his majesty can finish his supper in
06:14Yeah, like you usually do you have no right to speak to me that way your parents should slap you silly
06:22You might be right if a monster is the kind of thing DDD would love
06:29How dare you accuse his royal highness want me to check him in for a two-week stay in the dungeon sweet King II a
06:35A monster, huh? What the monster happen to look at it then like that
06:44That's it that's the monster it was a hundred times bigger
06:50We can see this ain't no monster it's my new pet octopus and the only thing he likes to eat is sardines
07:01Little fella wouldn't hurt a fly unless was on the end of a fish hook
07:05Of course it wouldn't get out go back to your trailer park so the king can have his dessert go on puff you're gone
07:22Tell me citizens of dreamland for what purpose have you come to consult me?
07:28We seek your wisdom and knowledge Kabu for three nights a giant monster has been stealing our sheep
07:35And it's robbing me of my beauty sleep. He did it
07:38He says it's not his monster, but I don't believe that rascal. You know the truth Kabu
07:44Please tell us where the monster is Kabu and how we can make it go away
07:48The monster is here and all dreamland is in grave danger
07:55Why did he come here it was called here by your own King DDD
08:00Sounds like the big kaboom has got your number crowdy
08:13I'd like to lock both of them up. What could we do to stop them? There is nothing you can do
08:25Can anybody help Kabu there is one home a star warrior traveling through space
08:33Whose name is Kirby?
08:48That's trash you're talking Kabu ain't no such person as Kirby. That's right. You're fella Kabbalah
08:55Kabu can see the future
08:58Then why don't you predict what's gonna happen when I push this here, but I
09:03Predict you will not push it
09:07Well, I predict you're dead wrong
09:52Looks like an alien invader
10:03It's gotta be impossible, but your name wouldn't happen to be Kirby
10:24Some warrior stand back this boy's going into
10:35That seemed unnecessary
10:36Why did you have to clobber that Kirby the King just saved you all from a public menace?
10:41Yeah, Kirby must have been a monster that's been eating up all the sheep. I hope that little pinkies. All right
10:48Good riddance I see
11:19Kirby just saved my life a monster wouldn't have done that tip. You're right. Maybe Kirby is a star warrior
11:27Impossible follow law warriors are big and strong not pink and puffy
11:33Hey Kirby, where you going?
11:41Some warrior
11:52This is happy town and the people are called cappies
11:58My parents work for the king and we live in the castle in case you were wondering my name's
12:17Yes, Kirby must be a baby warrior
12:46You ran into that water
12:56I'm gonna let you hurt our friend. Kirby. Don't tell me what to do. I'm the king wait. I have an idea
13:04That's a good one is cuckoo there's more than one way to skin a Kirby
13:14Wonder where they're off today you kids. All right. Yeah, but where's Kirby?
13:32As mayor of cappy town
13:34I know I speak for everyone when I say that we're pleased and proud to welcome our honored guest the mighty star warrior
13:41Kirby I can speak for myself. Thank you. We all know that chief book him
13:46Let's hurry up and eat Kirby doesn't understand what you're saying. Anyway, then let's dig in shall we?
14:10Knew I should have started eating
14:32Did you do this we can't stay here come on
14:43You are the one who ate all those sheep aren't you if you tell us the truth Kirby maybe we can help you
14:49But if you don't your history, hi, let's check out the shack
15:04Sort high blade, what are you two doing here?
15:08King we're looking for a bloke named Kirby. Hey, that's funny. So are we bloody sure not in here. I
15:16Am not so sure
15:54It is true
16:06Please Mennonite don't tell the king the king is not a problem for now now we have to find the real monster
16:26How am I supposed to fix this thing if I don't have the owners manual
16:30Careful with this starship snail brain. Once we get it fixed. We can send Kirby back where he came from
16:40What's that
16:46Can tack this up in my dressing room sire? We might need that you just take care of business
16:52And I'll take care of this stuff
16:55Why does he have to be so abusive self-esteem issues anyone
17:01Well, this is a pleasant surprise I was just trying to fix your starship for you
17:09Not my fault see
17:18Ought a monster and I wind up with a whip I
17:22Didn't spend my cash for this newfangled online monster ordering system so I could fill my fish tank
17:33Welcome to nightmare enterprises King DDD. How can I assist you? Look pal?
17:37I don't like to complain but I paid you folks a lot of money for an octopus monster and it turned out to be a
17:42Shrimp just give it time your highness and I guarantee that little shrimp will grow on you. All right
18:31Get away
18:52Yes, and if you're seeking control of the King
19:12In your tank you overgrown appetizer on the receipt for this thing
20:06Where did you get that
20:08Drop it why that is the warp star the source of Kirby's power
21:15He sucked them up just like he sucked up that dinner it is Kirby's classic defense inhale
22:01That is Kirby's copy ability after inhaling an attack Kirby can transform himself
22:08Kirby has now become fire Kirby
23:06Goes my refund
23:10Well, it seems their puffy pink visitor is a Star Warrior after all
23:24I wish you could have stayed around a little longer Kirby
23:32I hate long goodbyes. So just get on your ship and go
23:56We'll make sure that don't happen goodbye for good
24:09Hey, I do believe I've been starstruck
24:32Gotta do something. We gotta get rid of Kirby somehow before he gets settled in here
24:38Well King Dedede if you want my opinion
24:41Who wants your opinion?
24:43When I want some monster that's gonna get rid of that little pink pest once and for all
24:54Welcome back to nightmare enterprises online monster site King Dedede as you know, we offer a full line of powerful monsters
25:02Yeah, what that octopus you sent me last time was a weakling now that we know your opponent is Kirby all our monsters have
25:07new improved attack powers
25:13See what I mean, they look like rejects to me I need something strong enough to get rid of that Kirby for good
25:21Kirby Kirby Kirby, that's a name. You should know Kirby Kirby Kirby. He's the star of the show
25:26Oh, there's more do you think you've got maximum pink?
25:29Kirby's the one
25:36Give it all that you got
25:39That's for sure
25:41How can I help you King Dedede? I need a monster to claw without their Kirby. That's what we do best at NME
25:48You better get it with a money-back guarantee
26:02He's here to stay
26:16Right back atcha
26:47Don't know about this
26:50Kirby shouldn't be learning how to jump rope. He's a star warrior. He should be learning star warrior stuff
27:27Kirby does need a place to stay. Yeah, I never thought of that before
27:31Hello there. Tip. Hi, would you and your friends like to come in out of the ring? That's okay, ma'am
27:36But there is something you could do to help us. Sure. Tiff. What's that?
27:40Would it be all right if Kirby came here to live with you?
27:54I'm afraid not test. Why can't Kirby work here chef Kawasaki. He has no prior experience. That's why he'd work for free
28:02You'd have to do is feed him and let him sleep here your whole family lives up in King Dedede's castle
28:07Why can't Kirby just stay with you?
28:10Kirby is that so?
28:12Well any enemy of the king is a friend of mine
28:27Doesn't seem right for a warrior to work as a waiter
28:33Where's a menu your majesty, it's an honor to have such a regal can it fry boy
28:40Let me see here I'll have the Chateau Briand for two for my entree and I'll start off with some snails
28:46Don't have snails. They take too long. King Dedede never eats out
28:51Must be up to something maybe
29:00Have a nice trip there boy. Try to keep the food on the menu and not on the floor. Watch what you're doing Kirby
29:15Kirby sure striking out with the plates. Let's see if he can
29:26Think my restaurant
29:31Yeah, they made Kirby mess up that may be true tough, but I can't fire the cake
29:42That curb is nothing but a troublemaker to Kory so we gotta make sure you don't make trouble here if they find Kirby a place
29:49To live pretty soon. Every face in town will be pink
30:00I suppose I could use an assistant, but all the items here are extremely valuable
30:08I've got artifacts from ancient dreamlandian civilizations 20,000 years old. So Kirby would have to be very careful
30:22Think I'll lie down for a moment
30:28Did Kirby ever pump gas before
30:34Pumping gas can be tricky. There could be trouble if he goes pushing the wrong buttons
30:52Let me have that Kirby I'll push his buttons
30:57But they've tried all over cappy town and nobody will let Kirby live with them not my problem
31:01They're just me folks around here. Got good judgment. I
31:05Think let Kirby go back where he came from
31:08Sorry, tiff to Kory's a tough old bird. Maybe you should try to find another tree another tree
31:35Might you must be Gabby. My name's Rick. I believe you head in this direction
31:44You're Josh you were supposed to make sure Kirby didn't find a place to stay that's right lousy brats
31:56Well, if I can't get rid of Kirby a sneaky way I'll just have to do it a freaky way
32:30King DDD we have a special monster. We can send you today good get it online
33:08What is this a paperweight no King it's a monster a super high-density monster
33:14We like to call him blocky
33:15What am I supposed to do drop it in the road and wait for Kermit a trip over it?
33:19Just let me give you a little demo
34:15This thing's even heavier than you are yeah big enough to crush
34:28Thanks to you and all your hard work our new friend finally has a place to live the star warrior has a home at last
34:34Now let's give a housewarming. Welcome to Kirby
34:46This is the perfect place for Kirby, yeah, it's out of town
34:53This here's a legal gathering so if you rioters don't want to get incarcerated cease and disperse immediately
35:01Rioters hey, we're just having a party. Oh goody. They're resisting that I am forced to use force
35:26Look it's the ringleader. Yeah. Now. Let's show him who his new challenger is
37:11Something's the matter Jeff. Yeah, but what Kermit can't handle a heavyweight
37:46Already told you this is my nest now get your big pink butt out of here
38:06Hey, what's the big idea Buster I was on your side you told my tree
38:13Now where's that Kirby I don't see him sire then let's find it
38:24We won't be safe here for long I thought for sure Kirby would have been able to beat that block
38:31Yeah, I wonder why I couldn't I can tell you why
38:46Your opponent is made of a super high-density matter super high-density
38:51What's that mean? It is too heavy to be sucked up by Kirby
38:54Oh, no, but if you can find a way to turn your opponent's strength against him Kirby can triumph
39:05If Meta Knight works for King Dedede, what's he want to help Kirby for we don't have time to think about that now
39:11We have to get Kirby in shape for a rematch
39:20He does great with regular rocks now, let's try something bigger
39:38It's too heavy Kirby doesn't have the strength to suck up something the ways that much
39:52I know I heard the sound of sucking over here somewhere Kirby must be nearby
40:01Do what you want to but you're not gonna run Kirby out of Capitown
40:05Kirby won't be running nowhere with block against over him time to say bye-bye Kirby. Bye. Bye
40:11Okay, Kirby, you know what to do
40:17Back this thing up you got a triple D that puny little puff ain't strong enough to suck up my big old bucket
40:25Sire no
40:41Their opponent's weight was it straight now they have turned it to their advantage
41:16Don't be too happy Kirby only sucked up a piece of luck
41:41Kirby transforms into whatever it inhales. Lucky. You're still three times the size of Kirby crush him into gravel
41:52Yeah, now Kirby's a rock star warrior
42:20Curvious get away quit messing around and pull yourself together
42:24You dumb blockhead!
42:52You're sunk and so is he!
43:35Oh my Kirby!
43:44I'm gonna miss my little blocky!
43:50Well Sire, it just goes to show you shouldn't take your monsters for granted!
43:56We think a Star Warrior deserves a nice place to live, so we pitched in and built you your very own house!
44:02Welcome home, Kirby!
44:09It isn't very big, but neither are you!
44:12Check out the bed, Kirby!
44:15Can't a bird get any peace and quiet in this town?
44:20I came in here to see what the place was like, and I took a liking to it, so I'm moving in!
44:24You tried to get Kirby thrown out of Cappy Town, and now you want to throw him out of his own house?
44:28That kid can take care of himself. He'll find a place.
44:35I guess Kirby got his treehouse after all.
45:07Well, maybe he's still sleeping.
45:10Whatever you're selling, I ain't buying, so put an egg in your shoe and beat it!
45:15Hey, what are you doing in Kirby's house?
45:17Well, your little pink pal and I made a trade. I moved into his house, and he moved into my tree.
45:24Rise and shine, you got company!
45:30Wake up, Kirby! Trouble's coming!
45:32We just came from King Dedede's castle.
45:36You see this morning...
45:37Well, there's the fella I'm looking for.
45:40We're kind of busy here, Mr. Melman.
45:42Sorry, tough, just doing my job.
45:44Got a special delivery letter here from... let's see...
45:52It's from Meta Knight!
45:54Honorable Kirby, as a fellow Star Warrior, you are required to accept my challenge.
45:59I hereby request a battle with you.
46:02We're fired!
46:04What are you so happy about? Meta Knight challenged you to a duel!
46:31How can I help you, King Dedede?
46:33I need a monster to claw what I dare, Kirby!
46:35That's what we do best at N.M.E.
46:38You better get it with a money-back guarantee!
46:48Oh, Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, saving the day!
46:51Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, he's here to stay!
46:53Don't be fooled by his size, he won't believe your eyes!
47:02Kirby, Kirby, Kirby's the one!
47:06Right back at ya!
47:10A challenge?
47:11From Meta Knight?
47:12For a duel?
47:14I don't believe it!
47:15Believe it, Bluster Gas! I saw the letter with my own eyes!
47:18But why would he want to battle Kirby?
47:20And where's Kirby now?
47:22Tiff and Tough took Kirby to Kaboo Canyon!
47:31Kirby, there's something we have to tell you.
47:35We know why Meta Knight challenged you.
47:39Tough and I were leaving the castle to come visit you
47:42when we saw Meta Knight going up to King Dedede's throne room.
47:46So we decided to stay and see what was going on.
47:50You want me to challenge Kirby to a duel?
47:53That's right! Beating Kirby ought to be a piece of cake for you!
47:57Just make sure you give that little crumb his just desserts!
48:00But if you want to eliminate him, why don't you order another one of your monsters?
48:04Monsters? What makes you think I've been ordering monsters?
48:07I have heard rumors, your majesty.
48:10I have even heard that the delivery system is located in this very room.
48:15Keep your nose out of the king's business!
48:17If you even have a nose...
48:19It's a knight's job to do what I say and I say get rid of Kirby!
48:22I understand, but...
48:24Forget your but!
48:25Why don't you just do what the king orders?
48:27Listen, mister, if you're in cahoots with this Kirby, that's treason!
48:32Are you going to take care of Kirby or not?
48:35If you command it, I must obey.
48:42You're in a lot of trouble, Kirby.
48:45There's no way you can beat Meta Knight!
48:47The best thing to do now is to run and hide someplace!
48:50It is too late for that.
48:56If you wanted Kirby to escape, why did you come here?
49:00Well, because we wanted to talk to you!
49:07We thought you were on our side and Kirby's side too!
49:10We heard you tell Dedede you'd get rid of Kirby!
49:13I am in his majesty's service. I cannot disobey his commands.
49:26Kirby, my king has commanded me to challenge you to a duel.
49:30Prepare for battle and prepare to be defeated!
49:51This duel is about to end.
49:55That's what you think!
49:56Kirby! You can win, Kirby! Just use your Snack-Up Power!
50:21Who's winning, sire? Meta Knight or Kirby?
50:23I can't tell. There's too much stone and sand sailing around.
50:54Kirby is very powerful, but he cannot suck up opponents who are extremely large and heavy.
51:01But you're not big or heavy, Meta Knight!
51:04I have other ways of defending myself.
51:07You know way more than Kirby does. He can't beat you.
51:11How can you pick a fight with him when he can't even defend himself?
51:14Sword Knight, give him a way to defend himself.
51:23There. Now we can battle as equals.
51:26Kirby! It's a trap!
51:28Run, Kirby!
51:45Now the battle begins!
52:05Fine then. I will save enough power to defend myself, but still move on to more intense attacks.
52:13Keep your wits about you.
52:16The best offense is a good defense, my friend.
52:30Kirby loses by a landslide!
52:32Come on. Let's get to the castle.
52:34Now we know what Kirby's weakness is.
52:36Kirby's no swordsman, and that gives me an idea.
52:48A true Star Warrior would stand up and fight.
52:51Kirby, don't listen to him!
52:53Run away, Kirby!
53:00Your spirit is willing, my friend, but your pink flesh is weak.
53:08Look, Tiff. Kirby's fighting back. If he keeps this up, maybe he can beat Meta Knight.
53:13Or maybe Meta Knight's just acting like Kirby has a chance to win the duel.
53:18Not bad.
53:20You have a lot of heart.
53:23Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of reach with those tiny arms you cannot touch me.
53:29But if you truly focus your powers, nothing is unreachable.
53:35And I will prove it to you.
53:38The steel of my sword is hard, but the steel of my will makes it harder.
53:49If you allow your power to flow into your sword and then release it, you create the sword beam.
54:08Sword beam allows you to use all of your power in one concentrated attack.
54:13When the spirit is focused, energy leaves the body and enters the sword.
54:17If you focus, perhaps you can defeat me.
54:21Try it. It is your only hope. If you fail, my sword will defeat you.
55:08Oh! Kirby just fell asleep! Kirby!
55:17Kirby is free of all anxiety. That is how he focuses his power.
55:21He will be difficult to defeat. But for the sake of honor, I must try.
55:34Look out!
55:39Where are you?
55:42Tom! Kirby got knocked out! What are we going to do?
55:45Let's get him out of here!
55:47Yeah! Come on!
55:58Ow! I'm okay!
56:20I know how to beat Kirby! I need a monster that's good with a sword!
56:24We've got just the thing you're looking for, King.
56:27But unfortunately, we haven't received payment for the other monsters Nightmare Enterprises sent you already.
56:32You'll get the money. Just get me the monster.
56:35No problemo, Triple D. We always give credit where credit is due.
56:40Ha ha ha ha...
56:59I landed on my...
57:04Allow me to introduce our sword's model extraordinaire...
57:08The Big Beetle, Bugsy!
57:12Ha ha ha ha! That's one ugly bug! Now go get Kirby, Beetle Boy!
57:21Kirby, where's Aurora?
57:23Not another night in Cerberus, son of Kirby!
57:26With a little more time, you could have taught Kirby to master the sword beam!
57:31Yes, and now I fear King Dedede will offer a monster skilled in swordplay.
57:36Kirby is in danger. We must find him.
57:39Huh? Now they sound like they're trying to protect Kirby!
57:42Boy, Tuff. This is real confusing.
57:54Med and I came here to see you, didn't he, Kabu?
57:57He came here to consult with me about the threat to our planet.
58:02Threat to the planet? What do you mean, Kabu?
58:06There is a secret empire of evil ruled by one known as Enemy.
58:12It is his plan to control the entire universe.
58:16He creates monsters and delivers them to customers like Dedede who do not know their true purpose.
58:24But Enemy made one grave mistake.
58:27One creature was produced that will not obey his orders, and Enemy fears it may defeat him.
58:37The creature must be Kirby!
58:40Yeah, and that must be why Enemy is trying to get rid of him!
58:43That is the likely explanation.
58:46Well, we better get going, Kabu. Thanks for the information.
58:49Hey, Kabu! How'd you find out about all this stuff?
58:53I learned it long ago from Meta Knight.
58:56Say what?
58:58From Meta Knight?
59:01This job's gonna be a walk in the park!
59:04Yeah, Kirby's been bugging us, so now we're gonna bug him big time!
59:13He's still very weak.
59:15Hang in there, Kirby.
59:17Come on! We gotta try to get him out of here and back to his house!
59:28Now you're in the spotlight!
59:30But it's curtains for your little friend!
59:32What do we do?