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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Game-play Part 14 is about interval 7 'Union' mission 'Climax'. After reaching Still Island facility protagonist Sergeant Beckett starts having more hallucinations & starts to feel Alma's presence more strongly. Everything ends here after all but who won? who was defeated? Watch the full video to know the ending :O

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#Fear2ProjectOrigin #Fear2Game #Fear2Gameplay #Fear2Part14 #Fear2Interval7 #Interval5Union #Climax
00:00Hello everyone, I'm CGBD and I'm back with another episode of F2P Origin.
00:06This is Interval 7 Union Mission Climax and it's part 14 of the game.
00:15And this is obviously the end.
00:17So, let's go!
00:19What is this?
00:39I have a gun.
00:44Some kind of hallucination.
00:48What is that?
01:05Link up with the First Legion's trucks.
01:35So, this is the actual place where Elma played.
02:20Let's go back.
02:40Okay, I'm done.
03:06But don't tell me someone's behind me.
03:10Is that...?
03:14But maybe Elma was standing there.
03:18Yeah, I was wrong.
03:46What do you need?
03:48Get a new life.
03:50Who's getting killed here?
03:52Oh, man.
05:18I have something.
05:47Let me take the boons first.
05:54I want to be prepared for...
07:16But it's my guy.
07:29Link up with Stokes and Morales.
07:47Okay, giving you a minute.
08:43Yeah, now I'm liking it also.
09:14Oh, I'm so hungry.
09:16Let me hurry up a little something.
09:19What do you need?
09:20Oh, it seems I can't keep dominating.
09:25Just fucking die.
09:34Come on.
09:44You cannot survive this.
10:11Let me see what can I get.
10:22Okay, a RPG.
10:36Can I vault over?
10:38I don't think so.
10:43Okay, let's get back to the mission.
10:54Good luck, brother.
11:05Injible 7.
11:29Okay, back it is here.
11:33Okay, I'm with little Stokes.
11:36But I'm not gonna go towards you this early.
11:41Okay, a containing Alma.
11:43The field generator is not going to have the effect we are hoping for given the latest insane data.
11:48From the vault, we cannot contain her anymore, but we may be able to destroy her under the right conditions.
11:59Yes, yes.
12:04Do not yell at me, girl.
12:10I'm trying to, like, you know, explore everything.
12:35Okay, so there is a button. I have to press a button?
12:45We're in the same place.
12:47Where is the... Okay, there it is.
13:18Glad to hear that.
13:31Carson, I just wanted to update you on the situation here.
13:34I was able to get one of the Harbinger candidates into the TAC, which has made him a beacon for Alma.
13:40I believe that if I can get him to the containment facility, I can lure Alma there and trap her.
13:45I understand why you are upset about this unfortunate incident, but there is still hope of a satisfactory resolution.
13:54I accept that I must take some responsibility for everything that has happened, but I assure you I'm always active with Aramarkam's best interests in mind.
14:04If you feel that I no longer have any value to the corporation, I will humbly resign, but we can discuss alternatives further once Alma is in my control.
14:16Courtesy, Geneva Artistic.
14:21Okay, why am I having the idea that Geneva Artistic is not the woman she showed earlier?
14:35I'm having the feeling that she is the main culprit here.
14:39She is trying to use Alma.
14:41She tried to use Alma, then woke her up, and when she couldn't control her, now she is trying to trap her and capture her again.
14:51Because the C-11 telestatic amplifier unit can magnify a telestatic signal by up to 11.6 times as much as the small units at our other facilities,
15:03extra precautions must be taken to minimize workplace mishaps.
15:08Make sure the device is fully charged before engaging the healthful delimiter, as even minor fluctuations in power flow during the initiation sequence may trigger the spontaneous discharge of undirected telestatic energy from the subject, causing injury or even death to anyone within the test chamber.
15:32Power flow.
15:34Got it.
15:36Okay, Stokes, you are here.
15:38Okay, we should be...
15:40Okay, we should be going here, right?
15:48Yeah, yeah, I'm doing.
16:06If you know that, you can power up the amplifier.
16:14Okay, there's nothing.
16:16Okay, let's go.
16:46She didn't seem to mind, guess the melody's been stuck in her head ever since she first heard it.
16:52Next time you are over there, can you have it sent to Ms. Artisty's home address?
16:58Thanks, buddy.
17:02So, Geneva, Artisty.
17:04Great, another airlock.
17:12It feels like you are not the right person.
17:24Saving content.
17:34Oh, man.
17:48Okay, I'm gonna power up the amplifier.
18:04I need more power.
18:12Get in the chair and I'll strap you in.
18:26What's wrong with you? We have to stop.
18:28That's exactly what I intend to do.
18:30But Beckett's not strong enough without the amplifier. She'll absorb it.
18:34And then we'll lock them away.
18:38What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?
18:40Without Alma, I don't have any leverage. Without leverage, I don't have a future.
18:48I can't believe this. The city's a smoldering ruin and you're worried about your fucking resume.
18:54No, you listen. We're doing this Halford's way. We're gonna kill this bitch.
19:00I'm sorry it came to this. I really am. I'm not a bad person. I just don't have a choice.
19:12You have a date with Destiny, Sergeant Beckett. Let's not keep her waiting.
19:30Oh man, what just happened?
19:56What just happened in a single moment?
20:12Why doesn't she like me?
20:14I don't have a flashlight. No!
20:26I want a flashlight.
21:40Okay. I've got it.
21:50Why does she only care about you?
21:54Why does she only care about you?
22:06Where are more required again?
22:36Okay, where is it?
23:00She's mine!
23:02You'll never have her!
23:18No, not the chair right now.
23:30No, not the chair.
23:59Okay, okay, press it.
24:01Come on.
24:07And you're dead.
24:28So what was Alma doing with me here? I don't have a clear idea.
24:54It sounds like something else. I mean, it hurt. I heard... It sounded like something else.
25:09Alma's pregnant.
25:15She's pregnant with Beckett's baby?
25:33It just finished.
25:39Like, that is the ending mission. There's the boss fight.
25:54Seriously, seriously, seriously disappointed. What can I say? I don't know what to say actually. I'm really, really disappointed.
26:07The ending fight of the game was not up to date. It was really easy, I'm gonna say.
26:15Not... The more thing... It's not about the easy part. It is quite like... What can I say? It was not well-organized. Not a well-staged fight.
26:30The boss fight should be, like, different. And I don't know how... Like, what they were thinking and...
26:40After that, I don't know. The cliffhanger. The cliffhanger. They've, like, they've ended the game in a cliffhanger and...
26:48I don't know. I don't know. I have no idea what I should say.
26:53But I'm gonna talk about the whole game experience. Yes, I've loved it. It was an excellent, excellent experience. I've experienced the whole game in a different...
27:03Like, I get pretty much scared easily. And it was an enjoyable game for me. And I'm hoping to play the next part pretty soon.
27:14And, you know, get a clear idea about what happened in here right now.
27:22Okay, so, that's how I'm gonna end my episode right now. And I'm gonna see you in the next video with a new game.
27:30Till then, keep your prayers and ciao!
