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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Game-play Part 2 is about Interval 2 'Isolation' mission 'Awakening'. After the explosion sergeant Becket & the team woke up in a hospital. Sergeant Becket keep finding files on his team members lying here & there. He is also seeing something about 'Harbringer project' in every file. Watch the full video to know more about it :D

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#Fear2Gameplay #Fear2Part2 #Fear2Interva2 #Interval2Isolation #Awakening
00:00did that okay oh hello i'm cgbd and i'm back with another episode of fear 2 project origin
00:12this is interval 2 isolation mission awakening and it's part two of the game enjoy
00:20boy eyes are still dilating he's reacting to the meds check the dosage it shouldn't be happening
00:30if that doesn't work what's going on one moment
00:33hold the line again and check his pressure damn it grab the crash cart
00:43it could be in beefus charges are 200 no no make that 300
00:48he's alive but we're moving too fast we need to get it down
00:57that did it stand by with that morphine
01:00formax we need to stabilize before progressing
01:10he's unstable progressing now would be a mistake
01:13you're putting
01:16except for you you'll feel a little pinch now
01:31i finally woke up and that was scary
01:41okay so that was some kind of a surgery okay interval to
01:47isolation yes yes i'm in the hospital after the surgery or operation whatever that was so
02:01okay so okay there is something okay okay okay don't make me scared don't make me scared
02:10that much not in the beginning of the game i've just started the second interval
02:19okay there is nothing else also what can i do here
02:29oh so i can also make this to use as a cover nice that is great
02:39okay who did that not me and i don't want to know
02:44oh okay so there is nothing here and i don't have okay what is that
02:57okay i'll also do that okay great
03:01okay who is that okay don't knock do not tell me for real huh oh man i don't want to do another
03:09oh oh man okay okay she's gone she's gone i like that i like that i definitely like that
03:17but i'm not gonna go there first okay there's a health kit i mean a med kit or whatever that is i
03:22don't know okay okay okay i thought maybe someone will be standing here oh man okay open that
03:33okay nothing nothing nothing here okay
03:47they do not tell me when i go outside there will be a jump scare no i'm fine
04:04i'm fine till now
04:08do i need to go there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
04:15i think i'm not gonna go there first close the door close the door
04:21okay i'm safe oh man
04:25oh man oh man oh man not gonna open also not gonna open great
04:39who's that i don't know
04:44okay what is happening what is happening what is happening okay don't do this don't do this to me
04:55is just now getting his information
05:01but you have to go to the place there's no other way okay move forward oh man blood
05:09blood and blood everywhere fire shots so maybe okay okay okay okay okay so maybe this is not
05:23doing of elma so oh man so much blood too much blood so maybe elma didn't do it do i need to go
05:35there i don't know what is oh man oh man oh man
05:50there's absolutely nothing here but i don't know why they
05:55let me come here because of a jump scare maybe no no jump scares nice
06:04okay i think okay where am i i'm gonna go first to the left yes
06:17i'm not going there first i'm gonna go to the right okay can not open that
06:24okay i can go there can i open that no oh man so much blood
06:40okay run then run for your lives okay let's go forward
06:46oh man i knew something that happened oh man oh man don't tell me there's someone in the
06:56balcony nothing on to the balcony
07:02okay there's nothing here also nothing here let's go oh man oh man oh man
07:17oh man oh man let's move forward i'm not liking the scenario of the hospital
07:23i also hated the scenario in the previous okay don't tell me okay i knew it i knew it
07:40i don't want to go i know i get scared easily but
07:43i want to have the full
07:47anyway that is scary a human did that yes i can see bullet holes in the wall so
07:57i think a human did that
08:02okay oh man i wasn't expecting that
08:07oh man oh man okay not gonna open not gonna open not gonna open
08:13okay let's go here okay man get the fire there oh man
08:19okay bullet holes there bullets there but no dead body okay not like this hospital at all i'm not
08:28liking it okay life's flickering
08:52why is there a gate i can do nothing here i don't know why it is a gate
09:00what's this okay
09:07nothing's here okay let's get going
09:13i cannot take that
09:20sergeant beckett thank god you're okay i'm sure you have a lot of questions i'll explain
09:25everything later right now we need to get you to the tac lab hurry and be careful van
09:32x men are attacking the facility i can't believe he'd go to this extreme to cover up evidence
09:38okay got it get to the lab but i don't know i don't have any guns
09:44i don't know without guns how long will i survive this god forsaken hospital
09:55that i don't like i don't like the enjoyment of the hospital being a horror game i know this
10:02is not totally a horror game but it has horror elements in it so careful sergeant
10:11stumble into an ambush this is a secure channel identify yourself
10:17he must be monitoring us on the security cameras
10:25how much of this junk we gonna burn
10:32what kind of information are you talking about
10:35i don't know
10:48okay i'm not gonna waste any time looking for that i'm gonna move forward
11:05who the hell are you you can call me snake fist
11:23okay are you kidding me
11:31i'm in the sub machine gun not a machine gun
11:34okay ammo acquired i think this is not the way okay that is the way there's no other way that i can go
11:43what is that okay
12:20come on
13:04okay you open the door without my permission that is not good
13:10open the door without anyone's permission in the room is bad so
13:22so it was inevitable we had to die that is bad manners
13:33and i don't like bad manners
13:37okay good have a good night's sleep okay
13:44okay let me get there okay let's see i cannot go there
13:50i'm guessing i have to move forward yes
14:03okay i'm gonna die oh man that was close
14:32not bad not bad not bad
14:36not bad
14:42i'm playing pretty good
14:50i don't know okay this is no there's no other way to go
14:59okay saving content
15:13okay i didn't see you guys first like when i took the decision to break the glass oh man
15:46do you wanna know where did i go
15:57oh man
16:02this was not a good thing to do
16:05okay it's opening no opening oh man this is opening oh man oh man oh man oh man
16:20Oh man, oh man, ok, ok, ok, ok, no more jumpscares, no more jumpscares, no more jumpscares, no
16:29more jumpscares, no more jumpscares, no more jumpscares, ok, got it.
16:39Ok, got it.
16:41Let's move forward and I think I need to call the elevator, yes, and they're gonna be enemies.
16:48Guess not.
17:10Oh man, he's coming too close.
17:25I was like, my machine gun ammo was empty.
17:40That was close, real close.
17:42Ok, let's get to the elevator.
17:44Oh man!
17:48I was not ready for that.
17:52Absolutely not ready for that.
18:03Oh man, come on, don't make it too hard.
18:18Ok, there's gonna be a fire, oh man.
18:20Ok, so there he is.
18:22Let's go.
18:24Only leaf went down.
18:29I don't know, what would have happened if I didn't.
18:35Locate a working elevator.
18:37Got it.
18:48Do you like my support?
18:53How do you like my support?
19:05Nice support, I guess.
19:08That was a good support.
19:10I don't know.
19:12I don't think anybody could give a support that good.
19:16But you cannot open that.
19:21Ok, ok, ok.
19:25Oh man.
19:27Oh man.
19:29Oh man.
19:31Oh man.
19:32Oh man.
19:33Oh man.
19:34Oh man.
19:35Oh man.
19:36Oh man.
19:38Oh man.
19:39Oh man.
19:40Oh man.
19:42Ok, cannot go there.
19:45Can I access that?
19:48Ok, I don't have a card to go there, so I need a card.
19:52Where can I get a card?
19:54In here?
20:02Submission of ammo.
20:03No card is here.
20:06So maybe a card would be lying here.
20:10Did I get a card?
20:11I don't know.
20:12Let me check again.
20:15No, I didn't get a card.
20:26Ok, find a more card.
20:29Is this a card?
20:31Ok, let me go and see if I can...
20:35Who's in here?
20:45Can I open that?
20:50Ok, what's that?
21:01Oh man.
21:03Ok, come on.
21:04Come on.
21:07Ok, let's go from here.
21:09I don't want to be here anymore.
21:20Oh man, Elma is here.
21:22She's not gonna leave me until I die.
21:25I think so.
21:26I think so.
21:27I know so.
21:29North or the right?
21:31Oh man, she's on the left.
21:41Oh man, I don't like it.
21:44I don't like it at all.
21:47Oh man, let's go.
21:52Ok, what?
21:54Ok, he was trying to save me.
22:00So, I couldn't save that guy because I fired first but the bullets did not...
22:20Ok, I'm not using the slow-mo that much.
22:31But I need to.
22:36The slow-mo is awesome.
22:54Ok, I don't have any health kits?
22:56Oh yeah.
23:00I'm gonna be a problem right now.
23:31Oh man, that was great.
23:35That was great.
24:01Ok, not bad, not bad.
24:09I played good.
24:12I played really good.
24:14Ok, the close range, in close range the shotgun is awesome.
24:18I don't know if I can remember the damage of the shotgun was good or not in the previous sphere and DLCs.
24:29But I'm liking the shotgun.
24:34And to be honest I don't like the shotgun that much in any game because I always try to kill the enemy from long range.
24:44Because that's how I play.
24:47Ok, I think this is the way I need to go, but before that I'm gonna check here.
24:53Because that is what I do in a game, even if I'm scared or not.
24:58I have to do it because...
25:01Or I will miss the whole experience of the game and you guys will also miss the whole experience of the game.
25:07So I don't wanna do that.
25:15I'm not sure what is Elma doing here.
25:19And I'm not sure about her purpose.
25:23Ok, I'm not gonna move forward, I'm not gonna move forward.
25:29Ok, she's checking.
25:31She's checking the dead bodies.
25:36Ok, I have to hide.
25:38Oh man.
25:41Oh man.
25:42Oh man.
25:44Oh man.
25:45Oh man.
25:46Oh man, I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad I was here.
25:49I'm glad.
25:50I'm glad.
25:53What can I do with it?
26:04Locate the working elevator.
26:14Ok, come on.
26:18Press E and hold.
26:28Saving content.
26:33Ok, do not go there.
26:36The door is locked, as usual.
26:42Ok, there's some...
26:51I don't think...
26:55I'm gonna go here first.
26:59To check.
27:02Ok, nothing here, absolutely.
27:31Not gonna lie, that was great.
27:36Ok, he just came from the...
27:38Oh man, he just killed this guy.
27:40Right now.
27:42That was bad.
27:43That was brutal.
27:45These guys are brutal.
27:47These guys are worse.
27:50Ok, I'm glad that was not opening.
27:58Ok, not gonna go there.
27:59Ok, that is the way I should be going.
28:02So, it's gonna be tough.
28:15He wasted so much of my bullets.
28:25Not bad.
28:40Ok, ok, not playing bad, not playing bad.
29:06Ok, I cannot see anymore.
29:19But, I'm guessing there will be.
29:25When Frigid gets into action mode, it's just action, action and action.
29:33Ok, that's what I'm talking.
29:48Ok, I'm not using the grenades that much.
29:52I have only one kind of grenade.
29:55That is a frag.
29:57And I should use the grenades more.
30:15Ok, it's locked.
30:16The elevator.
30:18The stairs are locked, not the elevator.
30:22Ok, I think...
30:34Ok, there is nothing here.
30:43Ok, let's move forward.
30:57I cannot go there. Yes, I cannot.
30:59So, I have to move forward.
31:02Ok, game saved.
31:04I'm going to go to the TSC lab.
31:09Ok, gotta make it.
31:14Ok, I got some guns.
31:16Or whatever.
31:20I'm going to press something here.
31:23Ok, there is nothing else.
31:27Ok, nice, nice, nice.
31:32Do I need to go inside? I think so. Yes.
31:47Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.
31:50Oh please.
31:53Ok, I'm losing all of them.
32:00Ok, there is no one here.
32:02Ok, you can kill him.
32:46Good morning, chickpea.
32:57You must be part of Project Harbinger.
33:00Only way to explain why Aristeid would have brought you here.
33:03Commander, we've spotted them heading for the main entrance.
33:06Roger that.
33:07On my way.
33:08Don't let them escape.
33:09Samuels, finish up here.
33:10This sucker's not going anywhere.
33:12Okay, I knew it.
33:13But now...
33:14I can get out.
33:54That must've been hurt, right?
34:05Oh man.
34:08That went well, but...
34:15Okay, so I got a boost in my slow-mo when I upgraded.
34:19Okay, oh man.
34:23Oh man.
35:04Not bad.
35:05I'm doing not bad.
35:08I'm not gonna say pretty good, but I'm doing good.
35:13Okay, so the stairs...
35:21I think it's locked.
35:23Yes, I cannot even try to open it.
35:29Okay, Samuels.
