• last year
Royal Kill List is a three-part history docudrama which tells the epic story of bloody revenge during a pivotal period of English history. This is a story about espionage, revenge, power, loyalty, and the moment that changed the landscape of British politics and society forever. This series follows King Charles II’s hunt for his father’s (King Charles I) killers – the Regicides - as a window into a remarkable and often overlooked historical period to explore how we became the nation we are today.

Episode 2 - Chaos & Rebellion
Seven months into his reign and Charles II is facing backlash for his treatment of the Regicides. Far from bringing Charles the security he seeks, his vendetta only rallies his enemies against him, while he slips further into despotism.


00:00Charles has been on the throne less than a year.
00:24In public he's towing the line and working with Parliament, but behind closed doors he's
00:29taking matters into his own hands.
00:32And right now, he needs the name of the men behind the plot to kill him.
00:36Do you think the people you're protecting give a fuck about you?
00:41Trusting your fellow men is a bedrock of a just society, without it what do we have?
00:50Kings don't normally interrogate prisoners, but Charles just loves an interrogation.
00:57Your fellow man, that's your fellow man over there, cruel, venal, self-servant, he'd kill
01:10his own brother if he thought he could get away with it.
01:14Your fellow man's an animal, White.
01:19We all are.
01:23Me, you, and the bastard Regicide.
01:28It's hunt or be hunted, I'm afraid.
01:34It's kill or be killed.
01:37Just give me a fucking name!
01:59Edmund Ludlow, of course.
02:01The bastard murdered one king and now he thinks he can take down another.
02:05Well, wherever Ludlow is hiding, Charles is going to find him.
02:10Whatever it takes.
02:17Fight my little brains.
02:22Fight my little brains.
02:26Fight my little brains.
02:31Fight my little brains.
02:35Fight my little brains.
02:40Fight my little brains.
02:48Fight my little brains.
03:04Charles has executed ten regicides on his kill list, but nineteen are still on the run.
03:10London has erupted in violence.
03:14Watch it!
03:16That's the sound of the sword going in.
03:18Fifth monarchists, a sect of religious fanatics, terrorise the streets.
03:24Open up in the name of King Jesus!
03:26Do it!
03:31But what the hell did Charles expect?
03:33He cut off the head of their leader, Thomas Harrison, along with nine others, and now
03:37their supporters want revenge.
03:39This means war!
03:41Charles' vendetta is backfiring.
03:52But Charles has other pressing business to attend to.
03:59For the Lord Chancellor, Edward Hyde, this rebellion is a nightmare.
04:05How to distract the public when the country's in trouble.
04:09How about the most ambitious coronation ever staged?
04:15You'll process to the triumphal arches thus.
04:20What's your name?
04:22This is rebellion.
04:25Satan's eldest daughter.
04:28And this is chaos.
04:33You are the Emperor Augustus, bringing peace and stability.
04:40How well you know me, I.
04:43Now, when Charles returned to the throne, Parliament granted him a yearly income of
04:48£1.2 million.
04:50But Charles has almost burnt through it, and every time he needs more, he has to go back
04:55to Parliament.
04:56And with the coronation coming up, costs are spiralling out of control.
05:01Five days of celebration.
05:05Do you realise what that will cost?
05:07Charles' money issues are triggering for Hyde.
05:10Charles first tried to rule without Parliament.
05:13He levied new taxes directly from the people.
05:17It's exactly what sparked the first civil war.
05:21How many do you suggest?
05:24It's customary.
05:31Final offer.
05:34Yeah, fine.
05:37The King's mistress, Barbara Villiers, might be on the make, but more than anyone, she
05:42understands the power of public image.
05:45She's stage-managing Charles' persona as a merry monarch, which she knows is a powerful
05:51weapon in the battle against the regicide's ideas.
05:55Make no mistake, this whole merry monarch act is just that, an act.
06:11Behind the scenes, Charles is crushing the rebellion.
06:16He's using the insurgency to instigate a wider crackdown on religious minorities.
06:21The people asked for stability.
06:23They can't complain when he gives it to them.
06:25They've forgotten what strong leadership looks like.
06:31Charles sends soldiers door to door, breaking up meetings, arresting prominent Republicans
06:35like Henry Vane, looking for the 19 regicides who signed his father's death warrant, and
06:42who are still on the run.
06:45But the guy Charles really wants to find is Edmund Ludlow.
06:51Where's Ludlow?
06:53No-one knows.
06:54Some say he's in the east end of London.
06:57Others say he's gone to America.
07:00Between you and me, he's in Catholic France, and, um, he hates it.
07:08He hates it.
07:20For English Protestants, France is one of the most dangerous countries on the planet.
07:25A Catholic police state ruled by Charles' despotic cousin, Louis XIV.
07:32The deadly conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Europe has defined the last century.
07:41Over eight million people have been killed.
07:51Now there's a bounty on Ludlow's head, and France is crawling with mercenaries eager to cash in.
08:02Jesus' finger.
08:05Very sacred. Excellent price.
08:08Be gone, Hulkstar.
08:11Or I'll have your death to atone for along with all the rest.
08:21If you're the most wanted man in Europe, you need to keep your head down.
08:27I will give you Jesus' finger, and you won't even have to pay.
08:36Oh, Jesus' fucking finger.
08:39It's a special circle of hell reserved for creatures like you.
08:42It's a special circle of hell reserved for creatures like you.
08:55If there's one thing Ludlow hates more than Charles, it's Catholics.
09:00Well, where to start? How about the Spanish Inquisition? Suppression of scientific inquiry? The disenfranchisement of women?
09:09That's rich. The problem with these self-righteous Republicans, they're always blaming someone else.
09:15Ludlow's precious republic massacred thousands of Catholics in Ireland. Make no mistake, his hands are drenched in blood.
09:24Bunch of hypocrites.
09:39Ludlow uses an underground network of Protestant sympathisers to evade Charles' agents.
09:46Criss-crossing France from safe house to safe house, trying to reach Republican Switzerland.
10:01Back in England, his wife Elizabeth, the wife of Charles,
10:05Back in England, his wife Elizabeth, his eyes and ears, coordinates a network of sympathisers to send him the money and intel he needs for his journey.
10:17Together they're a dangerous alliance, and right now they're the best hope for the Republican movement.
10:30Charles has issued a proclamation that any house can be searched.
10:35If there's a genuine fear of revolt.
10:43Seen anything you like?
10:46If you won't tell us where he is, we'll go looking ourselves.
10:51In my drawers.
10:53Prynne's the man who found the King's death warrant, but that's just put more pressure on him to deliver arrests for Charles.
11:01The innocent virgin act won't work with me, although it is rather becoming.
11:11If I knew where he was, which I don't, I wouldn't tell you.
11:18I'm going to ferret out every one of your dirty little secrets.
11:24Once I'm done with you, we'll be the best of friends.
11:43Get out!
11:47Charles has another trick up his sleeve.
11:49The explosion in written communication via the newly established post office gives him access to his subject's private thoughts.
11:59The machine reseals it, and the letter arrives on time. It's undetectable.
12:06How underhand.
12:10This is amazing. Charles is a geek at heart. He loves science, and he's a genius.
12:16Charles is a geek at heart. He loves science and innovation. Who cares if the technology was developed by Charles's enemies to spy on him?
12:25Now he can turn it on them. See how they like it.
12:30Your predecessor told me you can't be a great statesman unless you open people's letters.
12:36My father said that.
12:38I mean, grandma.
12:43Where's that bastard Ludlow? You must have an idea.
12:47There are so many theories it's impossible to know.
12:51Algernon, Sydney. Not a regicide.
12:55No, but a Republican.
13:01Charles has a bold new idea. What if it's not just the regicides he targets, but their Republican friends?
13:13If Charles doesn't know where Ludlow is, why not apply pressure on sympathetic Republicans like Sydney, who surely do?
13:22He'll know you've…
13:25He will know I've…
13:29These are scary times, so Charles needs to use the power of surveillance to keep law and order.
13:43This is Algernon, Sydney, a prominent Republican who's been watching the situation in England from a safe distance.
13:53Sydney's young, idealistic, a bit of a hothead. He has lofty ideas about himself.
13:59Sydney thinks he's destined for a role on the world stage. He just hasn't figured out what it is yet.
14:05But Vane did not sign Charles's death warrant. He's maddingly non-violent.
14:08But Vane did not sign Charles's death warrant. He's maddingly non-violent.
14:12And yet he's in prison.
14:14For criticising the King.
14:16Sydney's just learnt that his beloved mentor Henry Vane has been arrested.
14:21He can't yet see what this says about the path that Charles is taking.
14:32My father.
14:38The unmistakable sign of the Royal Seal.
14:46Republicans like Sydney need to learn an enemy of Charles is an enemy of the state.
14:53That's what you want your country to be, Algernon? And what it really is?
15:02So first it was regicides, now Charles can just go after anyone whose ideas he doesn't like.
15:08That's most of the bloody country.
15:23With his coronation fast approaching, Charles is perfecting his image as the wise, magnanimous King.
15:31But behind the scenes, Charles is haunted by the spectre of Edmund Ludlow.
15:40Ludlow cannot be allowed to gather Republican allies abroad.
15:50The longer he's at large, the greater the threat he poses.
15:54Charles needs a new approach.
15:56That Hyde? That's quite enough of that shit. I'm fucking roasting under all this.
16:04What about an inside man? Someone with links to the regicide? Someone who can be bought?
16:11In other words, someone who's not Edward Hyde.
16:16Using Cromwell's spies is one thing, but this man is a…
16:21What? Oh, come on, Hyde, just say it. Come on, it'll make you feel so much better.
16:27He's not a respecter of form and order.
16:33Well, nor am I, in case he passed you by.
16:36I have men I trust.
16:39And have any of these cretins managed to even locate Ludlow?
16:45No. No, they haven't, have they?
16:48No. No, they haven't, have they?
16:59No one has done more in the last decade to bring down Charles than this man.
17:05George Downing.
17:08And to Hyde's horror, Charles wants to meet him.
17:11Your friends are running around Europe like rats.
17:16They're breeding.
17:19Your Majesty, you are mistaken.
17:23I have no friends.
17:26Why should we trust a man with no friends?
17:30It's really very simple.
17:33You need to avenge yourself on your father's enemies, I need to demonstrate my loyalty to you,
17:38given my past associations.
17:41No one is more feared by the Royalists.
17:44Downing was Cromwell's ruthless spy chief in the Netherlands.
17:48Responsible for the deaths of many of Charles' friends, and very nearly Charles himself.
17:53You fought me tooth and nail, didn't you?
17:57I did it because it was expedient and profitable.
18:01Just as I come to you now, in the expectation of your loyalty.
18:05Just as I come to you now, in the expectation of financial gain.
18:12A man after my own heart, unlike Algernon Sidney.
18:19Sidney? He's not a regicide.
18:23I'm certain the little prick knows where Ludlow is.
18:26Then he must tell us.
18:28And if he won't?
18:29Then others must understand that to conceal a regicide is tantamount to being one.
18:46You see Hyde? Set a cunt to catch a cunt.
18:51Well, that's one word for him.
18:54Another would be snake, turncoat.
18:58He'd sell his soul if he had one.
19:02Why the special interest in Sidney?
19:07Well, he recently declared that the murder of Charles' father was the justice and bravest thing he had ever done.
19:15That's a stupid thing to say. He's asking for trouble.
19:30Charles has tasked Downing with bringing Sidney back to England, with or without his consent.
19:37You're not dressed for Italy, George.
19:40I don't plan to be here long.
19:44I find the English climate more agreeable.
19:48Remember, when Charles returned to the throne a year ago, both these men were ambassadors.
19:55But their lives have taken very different paths.
19:58Yeah, well, Henry Vane does not share your way with words.
20:02Or perhaps it is your lack of principle.
20:05Vane? Vane has a maddening habit of saying precisely the wrong things.
20:12He's a man of his word.
20:14He's a man of his word.
20:16He's a man of his word.
20:18He's a man of his word.
20:20He's a man of his word.
20:22He's a man of his word.
20:24He's a man of his word.
20:25He's a man of his word.
20:27He's a man of his word.
20:29Charles has been rounding up not just regicides, but prominent Republicans like Henry Vane,
20:36though he's promised not to execute them.
20:39And Charles always keeps his promises, right?
20:44Stop playing games, George.
20:47Where's Edmund Ludlow?
20:50It's not my job to know that.
20:52No? I rather thought it was.
20:53I thought it was.
20:54And I rather thought it was yours, George.
20:58An Englishman belongs at home,
21:01not in this pimpest hellhole!
21:10Downing has a soft spot for Sidney.
21:12He's trying to make him an offer,
21:14but Sidney's too headstrong to listen.
21:17It's not 1660 anymore, Algernon.
21:22The king's not just coming after his father's enemies,
21:26but his own.
21:34Well, always fun talking with you, George.
21:39Is Sidney entitled?
21:42Does he think he's better than everyone else?
21:47But one thing I'll say, the man has principles.
21:51Unlike Downing, he'd never work with Charles.
22:21This was a citizen's arrest, an ex-rape.
22:51An extradite, an enemy of the state.
22:53Not an assassination.
22:56Sidney didn't have to kill him.
22:57It just goes to show what a dangerous threat he is.
23:00Why would Charles want Sidney dead?
23:02He's only useful alive.
23:08Sidney has no idea,
23:10but he does know he needs to get out of Rome.
23:21No one knows where Ludlow is.
23:26Soldiers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters
23:28are searching for him throughout England and France.
23:32But they're nowhere near.
23:39He's just crossing the Swiss border.
23:43He's not going to be long.
23:45He's not going to be long.
23:46He's not going to be long.
23:47He's not going to be long.
23:48He's not going to be long.
23:49He's not going to be long.
24:07The day Charles has been waiting for his whole life
24:09has finally arrived.
24:14As he's anointed with the sacred chrism oil,
24:17he asks himself,
24:19will he finally feel like a king?
24:37And guess what?
24:39He does.
24:40And how can he not?
24:41A huge day of celebrations,
24:43the likes of which the country has never seen before.
24:46Peasants take to the streets
24:48to catch a glimpse of their new king.
24:58The coronation procession is so long,
25:00it takes five hours to travel.
25:02And it's not just for the king.
25:04It's for all the people of England.
25:07The coronation procession is so long,
25:09it takes five hours to travel across London.
25:14There's so much gold on display.
25:17It hurts to look at it.
25:20The people adore Charles.
25:22And he is loving every second.
25:25What an utter farce.
25:27This charlatan's bankrupting the country
25:30and rubbing everyone's faces in it.
25:32The Republicans claim to love the people.
25:42Elizabeth Ludlow can see
25:43Charles is putting England on a highway to hell.
25:53Give me those.
25:56Up and down this land,
25:58people are being hunted because when they were young,
26:00they thought they'd make a name for themselves.
26:03But the world turns,
26:05and it will turn again.
26:08Keep your powder dry till it does.
26:21As Charles celebrates his coronation,
26:24his agents are making slow progress
26:26in their attempts to catch Ludlow
26:28or the other 18 regicides on the run.
26:31To make matters worse,
26:32news of the foiled abduction of Sydney
26:35has spurred more Republicans to rally to Ludlow's cause.
26:44Rather than ridding me of my enemies,
26:45you're spawning new ones.
26:48Where is he now?
26:50He killed one man, the other fled.
26:52He's gone.
26:53No, he's gone.
26:54He's gone to find Edwin Ludlow,
26:56and I bet you he does.
26:58Don't return until you have him.
27:07There is the matter of funds.
27:12Kidnapping operations are complex.
27:18It would be cheaper if we simplified the operation,
27:22sort it all out on the continent,
27:25save on extradition costs.
27:30Look, what you need to understand
27:31is that hunting the regicides is a deliberate spectacle.
27:35He doesn't just want to bump people off quietly.
27:38He knows that justice is pointless
27:41unless it's witnessed.
27:46I'm the king, Downing.
27:50They're the fucking murderers.
27:52Just bring them to me.
27:55Bring me someone I can execute.
27:59You shall taste regicide blood before the year is out.
28:04We'll have to make do with yours, won't we?
28:08Your Majesty.
28:19Charles has spent his whole life begging for money.
28:21Now he's crowned.
28:23He vows never to get on his knees again.
28:28Charles' longtime mistress, Barbara Villiers,
28:31also craves money.
28:33But she's got a plan to ensure
28:34they never have to worry about it ever again.
28:42Parliament suspect me to live on a fucking pittance.
28:44That's so humiliating.
28:47It shouldn't even be money.
28:49Everything should just be mine in the first place.
28:54You know, Louis wouldn't put up with it.
28:58No, he wouldn't, would he?
29:00Imagine what Louis would do to him.
29:02He'd fuck them up.
29:05But even Louis relies on taxes.
29:08Not like the Spanish royals or Portuguese.
29:14Catherine of Braganza, for example.
29:19Isn't she meant to be dull?
29:24She is eligible.
29:28It's hard to tell.
29:30You're not marrying her for her looks.
29:32Does she speak English?
29:33She comes with Tangier and Bombay in India
29:38and two million crowns.
29:45I don't really think I'm the marrying type.
29:49Marriage doesn't have to be a big deal.
29:51Look at me and Roger.
29:54Hasn't he finally left you?
29:58Nothing's worse than having no money.
30:02And only people who grew up without it like we did understand that.
30:07A rich, unsuitable princess who barely speaks English.
30:12Sounds like my mother.
30:15The richer and more unsuitable, the better.
30:19Now, there's one tiny, tiny drawback.
30:23Great. She's ten years old.
30:26She's Catholic.
30:28But name me an eligible princess who isn't.
30:32Parliament won't like it.
30:35Fuck Parliament.
30:38Yeah. Fuck Parliament.
30:47You've got to hand it to Barbara.
30:49Charles thought she was just a bit of fun
30:51and an insiderable political operator in her own right.
30:58With bags of money on the way, Charles doesn't hold back.
31:01He ramps up his spy operation and takes Downing off the leash.
31:06The pressures on Downing to deliver ahead for Charles.
31:13As Cromwell's ambassador to Holland,
31:15Downing built up extensive spy networks on the continent.
31:20And these he now uses to identify the English merchant
31:24who is passing messages between the regicides in hiding.
31:29With the merchant in his pocket,
31:31Downing just needs to use his typical sleight of hand
31:34to lure them into a trap.
31:37He is now the spider at the heart of a regicide web.
31:44He uses forged letters from the exile's wives,
31:47suggesting a meeting in Delft.
31:50Three of the regicides respond.
31:57And Corbett.
32:04Downing only has one shot.
32:07Once he strikes, the regicides will know
32:09that their network has been blown
32:11and that Downing can't be trusted.
32:14But before he can spring his trap,
32:16Downing needs assurances
32:18that Dutch authorities won't stand in his way.
32:31You have come to the head of Holland for an expert permit.
32:36Well, for these kinds of black market goods,
32:39you do not require a permit.
32:42Very well.
32:44An assurance, then, will suffice
32:47that you won't intervene.
32:50And in return?
32:54A trade deal.
32:57A trade deal so attractive
32:59you'll want to take it to bed and fuck it.
33:03The Dutch might be Protestant Republicans,
33:06but there's nothing they love more
33:08than money and trade.
33:11Downing gets the all clear.
33:20Betrayed by the Dutch,
33:22Oakey, Barkstead and Corbett
33:24now have a trade deal.
33:26Betrayed by the Dutch,
33:28Oakey, Barkstead and Corbett
33:30never stood a chance.
33:37The men are piled onto a ship for England.
33:51John Oakey, John Barkstead,
33:54John Oakey, John Barkstead
33:57and Miles Corbett
33:58are the latest victims of Charles's blood feud.
34:05You know, before he left for Holland,
34:07Oakey contacted his old protégé Downing
34:10to make sure it was safe.
34:13But Downing sent Oakey to his death
34:15for his own profit.
34:17And you know what he did with the money?
34:19He built a street in London.
34:21And, being Downing,
34:23he named it after himself.
34:30Things are going pretty well for Charles.
34:32Three regicides have been stitched up
34:34by their old pal, George Downing.
34:36He's struck Oakey, Barkstead
34:38and Corbett off his kill list.
34:40He's put on a public spectacle.
34:42It's justice in action.
34:44But this time, people have had enough.
34:53The mood on the streets is nothing short of mutinous.
34:56Something has to be done.
35:01This is how movements start.
35:06Posters are plastered all over London
35:09inviting people to a peaceful vigil for Oakey
35:13to remember the dead men
35:15and show opposition to Charles' brutality.
35:20It's rumoured that 20,000 people
35:23are gathering in Stepney.
35:25That's no peaceful vigil.
35:27That's an uprising.
35:38Hyde knows this is disastrous for Charles.
35:41But the King
35:43is increasingly indisposed.
35:49We're a little bit busy, Hyde.
35:5120,000 people are marching
35:53to meet the funeral procession.
35:55What do they want?
35:57Oakey's body.
35:59Can you believe it?
36:01Charles has delivered justice
36:03but instead these ingrates
36:05are mourning the regicides.
36:07Well then, burn it.
36:09Toss it in the Thames.
36:12You'd better make love to it if you feel inclined.
36:14He'll put it in an unmarked grave
36:16and send in the troops
36:18to remind them who's boss.
36:20I would advise...
36:22If you can't solve any of my problems...
36:24Then what the hell's the point of you, Hyde?
36:42Maybe Hyde's your biggest problem.
36:48Troops easily dispel the mourners
36:50but Charles is feeling slighted.
36:52He decides to send a message
36:54to republicans everywhere
36:56by making an example
36:58of a prominent republican thinker.
37:02And he just happens to have
37:04the worst culprit under lock and key.
37:06How many opportunities
37:08have you had?
37:10How many opportunities have you had
37:12to renounce your critical words
37:14and save yourself, Henry?
37:16I lose count.
37:20Henry Vane.
37:22Where do I start?
37:24His ideas gave intellectual cover
37:26to the murder of Charles I.
37:28Along with Edmund Ludlow
37:30he did more than anyone
37:32to stop Charles II returning to England.
37:34And now he continues to deny
37:36the king's right to rule.
37:39What is it you seek?
37:41I want to be free
37:43to live in a country
37:45where I can criticise my king.
37:47Then I fear you will not live much longer.
37:51Goodbye, Henry.
37:59When Charles arrested Vane
38:01he promised parliament
38:03that he wouldn't have him executed.
38:09What can I say?
38:11People change their minds.
38:13Look, ultimately
38:15kingship is about dignity.
38:17Vane insulted Charles' dignity
38:19and Charles gave him
38:21every opportunity to apologise.
38:35I have been unjust to you.
38:37I have been unjustly tried.
38:39And I'm answerable
38:41only to God.
38:43And in a final insult
38:45Charles orders
38:47his trumpeteers to drown out
38:49Vane's last words.
39:07You want to talk about murder?
39:09This is murder.
39:11There's no legal basis for this.
39:13The regicides killed Charles' father.
39:15Vane attacked Charles personally.
39:17How could he let him live?
39:19Henry Vane was a thinker.
39:21A non-violent man.
39:23He opposed the execution of Charles I
39:25for Christ's sake.
39:27Charles is now killing
39:29with impunity.
39:31He's a tyrant.
39:33As bad as his father. Or worse.
39:39are outraged.
39:41Charles lied so
39:43brazenly to Parliament.
39:55These are
39:59Today I saw Henry Vane
40:01executed at Tower Hill.
40:05is as bad as any tyrant in Europe.
40:09I fear.
40:11You have helped him
40:13every step of the way.
40:21It will take more than
40:23pamphlets to stop him.
40:35I shall always treasure this.
40:49Prynne won't debase himself further by
40:51supporting a king he no longer respects.
40:53Charles has lost
40:55his most ardent follower.
40:58Look, Charles
41:00isn't stupid.
41:02You can see his vendetta
41:04has spiralled.
41:06His enemies are uniting.
41:08The public have turned their backs on bloodshed.
41:10Charles has been wearing
41:12a mask but he's lost sight
41:14of who he really is.
41:16He's now wondering
41:18is he actually no better
41:20than his father?
41:24Well, Charles
41:40Sydney vows
41:42to avenge his mentor.
41:44He writes,
41:46let there be revenge for the blood
41:48of the just.
41:50Charles has made
41:52a dangerous enemy in Sydney.
41:55He's given this young man
41:57in search of a purpose
41:59the ultimate
42:03Overthrowing a tyrant.
42:11Elizabeth's seen the country
42:13she loves sliding into violence.
42:15If she can get to Ludlow
42:17maybe, just maybe
42:19they can spark a
42:21revolution of ideas which could
42:23reshape the world as they know it.
42:35Ludlow has reached the safety
42:37of Switzerland in the republican stronghold
42:39of Vevey.
42:41He knows at any moment
42:43he might be discovered and killed.
43:05If there's one bastard
43:07tough enough
43:09to topple Charles Stewart
43:11it's you.
43:21The spot of hunting is in order
43:23regicides are in season.
43:27This is a gangland murder.
43:29Charles is out
43:31of his depth here.
43:33Great men don't ask for permission
43:35they take what they want
43:37and they get it.
