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Full video: Do you overthink? Here is a beautiful solution || Acharya Prashant, Sir J.J. College, Mumbai (2022)


00:00So, I usually tend to overthink everyday things.
00:03The mind needs something to chew.
00:05You cannot just abruptly bring the mind to a thoughtless state.
00:10Not possible.
00:11Determine what is important.
00:12Honestly, give it due credit.
00:15And I like to say, fall in love with it.
00:17Make it your life.
00:18Then, there will be no space to think of random things.
00:21Else, you're traveling to the college and you're looking out of the bus window and you
00:27see something happening.
00:28And you'll find yourself thinking about it for 30 minutes.
00:3130 minutes of life gone.
00:34On nothing.
00:35And that's how most of us simply waste away our entire life.
00:40On nothing in particular.
00:42Now, death has arrived.
00:45And death asks, so tell me, how was it?
00:47What did you do?
00:49Well, nothing in particular.
00:57Have one thing worth living for.
