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00:00:00Well, here I am, the one and only Mr. Perfect, and I've been asked to host this video bashed
00:00:29in the USA. You know, many of you people know the hobbies that Mr. Perfect possesses, such
00:00:35as football, basketball, and golf. But perhaps there's one hobby that you're not aware of
00:00:43that Mr. Perfect has, and that is stamp collecting. And I'm here in New York City in the largest
00:00:50stamp store in the world, in search of the perfect stamp. So in the next couple hours,
00:00:57I want you people to sit back and relax and watch some of the greatest WWF action ever
00:01:02seen while I search for the perfect stamp. So let's kick it off with this Coliseum exclusive,
00:01:11The Big Boss Man vs. Razor Ramon. Hello everyone, and welcome to Green Bay, Wisconsin, for this
00:01:19Coliseum exclusive. I'm Gorilla Mom, along with the Los Lordship, Alfred Hayes, as we
00:01:26take a look at the Mr. Machismo. Here is Razor Ramon. What an athlete. He indeed is, Gorilla.
00:01:39I really admire this man. He has made his mark here in the WWF, but what he's got to
00:01:46learn is a little more patience. He has rather leapt into things, but he's going to learn
00:01:51that, and I think there is a tremendous future for this man. Well, he's had some very, very
00:01:57tough matches to date, but I think this is going to be his toughest, Alfred. This is
00:02:02indeed is going to be a tremendous test of this man's abilities. Now, I did speak to
00:02:08him earlier, and he did tell me he's going to go back to that ice-cold, cool way of his,
00:02:15of calculating, not making hasty moves, or doing anything rash. Oh, look at this. Making
00:02:21a move here on Mike McGurk. And he told me he wasn't going to make those moves. Look
00:02:26at him. She likes him. He wants a kiss on the cheek. Oh, she likes him. Don't worry.
00:02:43Gorilla, this man has been riding very high lately. He's put together a tremendous string
00:02:59of victories. He's obviously hoping to keep that intact here today against Reza Rahman,
00:03:06but I don't know whether he'll be able to do that or not. Well, if he can get the support
00:03:12that little bit of extra something he needs from this 14 or 15,000 plus on hand here,
00:03:19might make this task a little bit easier. I think it would indeed. He can get psyched
00:03:24up so quickly by a responsive crowd. Be interesting to see what kind of strategy
00:03:35Mr. Machismo is going to use in this match. He must have heard you, the Big Boss Man Gorilla.
00:03:42He was trying to get some response from the crowd. They went to that corner and they certainly
00:03:47came up for him. They rose, they stood up from their seats, but none of that affects
00:03:53this man, Reza Rahman. Razor saying the nightstick has got to go. And how about that munitions
00:04:01belt he's got on? Well, I think he's going to have to get rid of it. I think he better
00:04:10keep that then. I think so. Look at Rahman, there he is. He's exercising all that calmness
00:04:17that he told me about. All that coolness and that's what he needs. I'd like to get a closer
00:04:23look at Rahman's face. Maybe later on our cameraman will give us, well, he's given us
00:04:28a close up there. The other man, the Big Boss Man, I'd like to see Reza Rahman. I want to
00:04:33see the determination if it's there in his eye. Well, he's always got that standby toothpick
00:04:40behind that right ear, Alfred. That could be a dangerous thing. That could indeed. And
00:04:47now he's belittling and humiliating the Boss Man. Symbolic, do you think? Well, Reza Rahman
00:04:58is not made of wood, Alfred. No, he's not going to snap him that easily. I must say
00:05:03the Big Boss Man looks very good though. Very, very light on his feet, this man. Very nimble.
00:05:09For somebody that they said would never, ever again return to the squared circle after
00:05:15a tremendous beating that he took, I'm surprised that he looks as well as he does. He does
00:05:21indeed. He looks very, very well indeed. You're right. Doesn't look like he's missed a beat
00:05:25since that beating he got. Yeah, but that's what happens when you're young, Alfred. You
00:05:29have those recuperative powers. Do you think we're never going to see those days again?
00:05:33They're gone by the wayside for us. Rahman playing very, very good psychological moves
00:05:40here, but I'm afraid that that has prompted the Boss Man to follow suit. Boss Man says
00:05:46two can play that game. I believe we're about four or five minutes into this match and they
00:05:56haven't touched each other yet, Alfred. No, and I don't blame them for that. You've got
00:06:01to feel out your position. Razor Rahman tried his psychological, his head play. Oh, gosh.
00:06:07First blow there struck by the big Boss Man. First blow to him. And Razor tried his psychological
00:06:16ploy and then the Boss Man follows suit and that wasn't a bad move either by the Boss
00:06:21Man. Now Razor will be singing a little higher in the shower this week, Alfred. I've never
00:06:26heard him sing. I've heard him sing. I've seen him dance. He's a very, very good dancer. Doesn't
00:06:33have any trouble getting a date for Saturday night either. He certainly doesn't. The girls
00:06:37love him. I know my girlfriend likes him. I've told her about that too. I've warned her. I'd kick
00:06:43her out, Alfred. She takes no notice of me. See if we get a clean break here. Boss Man
00:06:54will give you a clean break. And look at Razor cover up. Oh, gosh. Open hand shot right to the
00:07:05jaw. And did he slap him around the face too? That was like a shot that went around the world.
00:07:12How insulting that is. That is very, very humiliating. Side headlock now by Razor,
00:07:19looking to gain and maintain a little bit of control here. I think actually at the moment,
00:07:25Razor Ramon is playing right into the big Boss Man's hands. His psychological ploys
00:07:29didn't work. Boss Man's have. Boss Man doing this very, very intelligently indeed. Look out.
00:07:36The irresistible force meeting the immovable object. He said, come on, let's try it again.
00:07:44Same result. As a matter of fact, he nearly took Ramon off his feet then. Very, very close.
00:07:51I didn't quite catch that. He's called him boy. Oh, that will get Razor's attention. I think it
00:08:00will. But he told me he's not going to allow that to put him off his stride. And look at him. He's
00:08:06still calculating, still cool. Oh, I can see what Boss Man's up to here. Boss Man trying to rattle
00:08:15the big guy. Yes, he is indeed. He tried it with the slap around the face. Tried it with the going
00:08:24outside the ring. Test of strength. And I don't think Boss Man will win this one. Look at that
00:08:32tremendous upper body of Razor Ramon. Razor so well proportioned, Alfred. Indeed he is. Looks to
00:08:41be about, what, 10 or 12 percent maybe body fat and that's it. I would say absolutely top line,
00:08:4710 or 12 percent. But don't detract here from Boss Man. He's a big man. You and I are in
00:08:54different figures when it comes to that category, Alfred. Oh, I'm sorry I said that. What you mean,
00:09:00300 percent? Oh, gosh. Razor gaining control with a finger lock here. He'll have to do a lot more
00:09:11than this to win this match. Yes. Look at the stamina. A real surge of strength by the big
00:09:19Boss Man. Good shots there by Razor. And Razor talking to him all the time, Alfred. Too bad we
00:09:28don't have one of our handhelds in there a little bit closer. Pick up some of that conversation.
00:09:32Well, maybe we wouldn't hear that, wouldn't want to hear that conversation. We might be X-rated.
00:09:40We certainly would, I believe. Razor Ramon has given to a few choice words now and again.
00:09:45Boss Man trying to get back to his feet, alleviate some of that downward pressure. Here it comes now.
00:09:55A tremendous amount of power and strength going into this one move and that can certainly weaken
00:10:05you. Oh, turn it around. Uppercut one of his patented ones. Irish whip in now. Look out,
00:10:14elbow by the big guy. Oh, duck in from underneath. Could have him now. Small package right in the
00:10:23center of the ring. Referee a little bit out of position. He is persistent, the Big Boss Man. He
00:10:30stays in there. He's got a lot of tenacity and he uses it very well. And look at this. He's really
00:10:35running. Rough shot now over Ramon. Right hands one after the other by the big guy. Don't turn
00:10:44your back on Razor. Look out. Nightstick in hand. He ducked underneath that one. Wow. A right hand
00:10:52and another one. Referee got the nightstick out of there. Had he connected with that, I think we
00:10:59might have had a disqualification. I think we definitely would have had a disqualification,
00:11:02but look at this. Boss Man has dominated the last five minutes or so. Whoa. There you go.
00:11:09As soon as I say that. Got dominated by that size 13. Look at this. Feet on the second rope.
00:11:16Leverage here by Razor is going to get him the victory. Well, the record books won't tell the
00:11:29story. They'll just be a big asterisk there saying that Razor Ramon in Green Bay, Wisconsin,
00:11:36defeated the Big Boss Man. But it won't say that he cheated, Alfred. No, it won't. But I think that
00:11:42was a well thought out victory by Razor Ramon. I take my hat off to him. Razor Ramon, oozing
00:11:50machismo. You're oozing something, but what you're oozing stinks. I've had my run-ins with Razor Ramon.
00:11:59Randy Savage, snapping right, look, oh yeah. Ramon, Razor. Look at that. Oh, no. Oh, look at this.
00:12:09Oh, no. Oh, yes. Oh. Oh, no. And a poster back to the outside. Oh, yeah. Now, that was perfect.
00:12:26And if I could get somebody to help me here, I could find my perfect stamp.
00:12:30And while I'm waiting, why don't we check out this six-man tag team match between Tatanka
00:12:37and High Energy as they take on Rick the Model Martel and Money Incorporated. Is anybody working
00:12:44here? Hello, everyone, and welcome to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. For this Coliseum exclusive,
00:12:53gorilla monster among his lordship, Alfred Hayes. As we look at the model, Rick Martel.
00:13:01One of your favorites, Alfred. He is, indeed. This man is a multi-talented wrestler
00:13:06and superstar of the boardwalks of the fashion capitals of the world. And I understand he gives
00:13:12you free arrogance, too, Alfred. Yes, he does. I rather like it, too. He gives me,
00:13:17he's got them nicely bottled, you know. Actually, he's not giving you very much,
00:13:21it's $0.59 a quart. Oh, no, it's not. I thought that's what I heard. It's more like $59 an ounce.
00:13:30Wearing in his chapeau, one of the feathers from Tatanka. Yes, he told me he's going to
00:13:38keep that forevermore. And his partners, the reigning World Wrestling Federation
00:13:43Tag Team Champions, Money Incorporated, Ted DiBiase, along with Erwin R. Sheister.
00:13:51And what a combination these two fellows are. They have really held that title with so much
00:13:57dignity, with so much effort. I really appreciate the work ethics of these men.
00:14:03IRS, he's probably the finest technical wrestler there is in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:14:10And of course, to make the tag team complete, the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase,
00:14:15is without a doubt the greatest ring tactician I've ever seen.
00:14:19And if you can't get it done that way. With citizenship comes responsibility.
00:14:24And with responsibility comes taxation. So that means pay up, you bunch of tax cheats.
00:14:33Well, I think the people in Cornwall can be glad that Clinton doesn't have any voice up here in
00:14:39Canada. Well, I don't know. Clinton likes to take his fair share of taxes, I suppose. Notice I said
00:14:46fair share. High energy and nice ovation for the Rocket Owen Hart, along with Coco Beware.
00:14:54These two men have proved themselves on many occasions. This youngster here, Coco Beware,
00:15:01maybe not quite so young now, but a young man still.
00:15:05He has blended his talent so well with that fellow, the Rocket Owen Hart.
00:15:13Got everybody high-fiving, low-fiving. What a six-man this is going to be.
00:15:20Listen to the ovation here for the undefeated Native American, Tatanka.
00:15:26What a future ahead for this gentleman. One of the most popular stars ever to grace
00:15:32how WWF rings Tatanka. He's a lumpy Indian, pure-blooded, but he wants-
00:15:39Lumpy? He doesn't look lumpy to me, Alfred. Lumpy.
00:15:42Oh, lumpy. I thought you said Lumpy.
00:15:45We've had some lumpy Indians. Chief J. Strongbow was one of them.
00:15:49Oh, he's very lumpy now. Have you seen him now?
00:15:52He's about 400 pounds, Alfred. Yes, he is indeed.
00:15:54He told me the other day he had trouble with his knees. I said, no wonder. Look at you.
00:15:59Your knees are carrying around three people.
00:16:03Oh, gosh. Dear old Chiefie.
00:16:05Well, the speed and the agility is going to definitely go to the side.
00:16:10Tatanka and his partners, high energy, but the cunningness and the experience, Alfred.
00:16:16Yes. You know, there's another very keen Indian here this evening watching this match,
00:16:22and that's Marty Applebaum. Marty Applebaum.
00:16:26He told me he was an Indian. He is.
00:16:29He is. He was.
00:16:30He was. I don't know the gentleman, Alfred.
00:16:32No, I don't know him. I don't know him either.
00:16:34I don't know him. I don't know him either.
00:16:37He is. He is.
00:16:37He was. He was.
00:16:38I don't know the gentleman, Alfred.
00:16:41Who is this person, Marty Applebaum, and what does he do?
00:16:45Well, he's a rather a nice fellow, and he's a representative for the exclusivity
00:16:50of Coliseum video match-ups. He is.
00:16:52Yes. Oh.
00:16:53And occasionally, he pokes his nose in where it's not wanted.
00:16:56Oh, one of those guys that's always looking for the freebie, right?
00:16:59That's the fellow. You got him.
00:17:00He's looking for the free lunch. Now you know him.
00:17:02I think he resembles that remark, too, Alfred.
00:17:05Indeed. Oh, look at that.
00:17:09Nice arm drag there by DiBiase.
00:17:13And a lot of applause from his partners for that superb move.
00:17:17A little smile on DiBiase's face. Money can't buy a smile like that, you know.
00:17:21Well, I think he's happy because he knows this is a six-man match-up.
00:17:25The title is not on the line. He doesn't have to worry about that.
00:17:29Knows that there's no substitution for experience, and feels very confident.
00:17:34You've summed it up so well, indeed.
00:17:36In fact, you've taken every word out of my mouth.
00:17:39I'm sorry. Okay.
00:17:40I'll try and think of something else.
00:17:42Where is this apple dumpling guy, Alfred? What was his name again?
00:17:46Okay. His name is Marty Applebaum.
00:17:48Oh, Applebaum. Okay.
00:17:49I'm going to look for him. If I see him, I'll point him out.
00:17:52Okay. He's a strange-looking bird.
00:17:54He may be back rifling the lockers, Alfred.
00:17:57That's a possibility. Look at DiBiase here.
00:18:01He's strolling about this. He's sauntering through this match.
00:18:05Look at that. And that's against a very formidable opponent.
00:18:11Well, the younger brother, Owen Hart of Bret the Hitman Hart,
00:18:15reigning World Wrestling Federation champion,
00:18:20doesn't ever want to look bad.
00:18:23And DiBiase, of course, is making him do that right now.
00:18:26Dropped out quickly in front. Look out. Leapfrog over the top.
00:18:29Oh, a dropkick finds the mark.
00:18:32Irwin gets a nice arm drag for his trouble.
00:18:35Another dropkick. It's mayhem now.
00:18:39Everybody's in.
00:18:43And those dropkicks, Gorillaz, that started this six-man action
00:18:47by Owen Hart, the Rocket, they were superbly timed
00:18:51and so beautifully placed right on the jaw of both IRS and the Million Dollar Man.
00:18:57Superb stuff.
00:18:58Well, they went over there to the little run.
00:19:00Jimmy Hart looking for some kind of explanation.
00:19:03Time to regroup a little bit.
00:19:06As high energy and Tataka has cleared the squared circle.
00:19:11Look at DiBiase. He's bent out of shape.
00:19:13He's not very happy at all. I can say that.
00:19:16His plans went down the drain then,
00:19:18when suddenly everything that was going in his favor turned against him.
00:19:24I think it's time they switched and put somebody else in the ring.
00:19:27I'd like to see the model go in and try and calm this right down.
00:19:31Well, you know, as soon as the model gets tagged in there,
00:19:34they're going to get Tataka in there.
00:19:37A lot of scores to be settled between those two.
00:19:42Well, you may have seen right into the future there because here he comes.
00:19:47Here comes the model into the ring.
00:19:48Let's see if your predictions were correct.
00:19:51Owen says, come on, get out here in the center of the ring.
00:19:53Apparently, your predictions aren't correct.
00:19:55Look at that.
00:19:56There it is.
00:19:56Oh, no, they are.
00:19:58Look at the model doesn't realize it had his back turned.
00:20:01Oh, look out.
00:20:04Tataka with the reverse knife edges.
00:20:07Tomahawk chop.
00:20:10He wants that feather back.
00:20:13And the Cornwallians here have exploded.
00:20:16They love this situation.
00:20:20And there are a lot of Indians here in Cornwall, Alfred.
00:20:22There are indeed.
00:20:24And they're very, very happy to see what is happening there.
00:20:26But I'm not quite honestly.
00:20:29I think that Tataka took an unfair advantage there.
00:20:33For example, I did not see Owen Hart touch the opponent.
00:20:38And isn't he supposed to come into contact before he tags somebody else in?
00:20:43No, because the match was already underway.
00:20:45Oh, he didn't.
00:20:47He doesn't have to touch.
00:20:49Oh, I thought if they tag somebody else in,
00:20:52that he had to touch him.
00:20:54I'm wrong with that.
00:20:55That must be some old law that they've dropped that since.
00:20:58I think they dropped that about 40 years ago.
00:21:01Thank you.
00:21:04Nice arm wringer here by Tataka.
00:21:07And now Owen in the wrong part of town here.
00:21:10Look at Coco pulling those pants up.
00:21:14Coming down on the elbow.
00:21:15Too much showboating there by Coco.
00:21:18And that's what happens to you when you showboat.
00:21:20You get shown up.
00:21:24Duck underneath.
00:21:25Look out. High cross body.
00:21:27Two count.
00:21:28Whoa, was that close?
00:21:29A drop kick into beauty finds the mark.
00:21:33Coco moving at incredible speed.
00:21:36I thought he'd overshot his bolt a little while ago.
00:21:38But no, he's right back on top.
00:21:41I'm surprised that Coco still has that tremendous speed.
00:21:44He's put on about 25 pounds of it.
00:21:46And it's all in those pants too.
00:21:48Certainly is.
00:21:49Look at the size of them.
00:21:50Words of wisdom.
00:21:52From the senior member of the team.
00:21:54Into the ear of Erwin.
00:21:57They have a common bond, these two.
00:21:58Shyster and Coco.
00:22:00They both wear braces.
00:22:02I think you call them something else here.
00:22:04Oh, suspenders, yes.
00:22:06Well, we're in Cornwall now.
00:22:08You can call them braces if you so desire.
00:22:09And you can call them braces here, yes.
00:22:14I rather like Coco's braces.
00:22:15They're rather nice.
00:22:17Pretty checkered effect on them.
00:22:18They're different.
00:22:22Shoulder block.
00:22:23Sends Erwin down.
00:22:24Look out.
00:22:26Diviasi right there to put the little finishing touch.
00:22:30Now that is excellent tag team work.
00:22:33That is just superb tag team maneuvers.
00:22:36And they are so good at that.
00:22:38Money Incorporated and Shyster.
00:22:42I'm sure Martel feels honored to be with such company.
00:22:44The champions.
00:22:46Oh, he is really looking forward to this match.
00:22:49Had a chance to talk with him earlier on in the locker room area.
00:22:53He said, if I had to pick two partners,
00:22:56I couldn't pick two better ones than the champions.
00:22:59Oh, he's so right when he says that.
00:23:01Tatenko creeping in now.
00:23:04I didn't see a tag once again.
00:23:07Well, if you'd stop stuffing your face with all those hot dogs
00:23:11and french fries, Alfred, you'd see these tags.
00:23:13Well, they make such good french fries here in Canada.
00:23:16Not like the fish and chips you get over there in very old England.
00:23:20Very old.
00:23:22Do you remember those fish and chips we had in Bermondsey in London?
00:23:25Were they delicious?
00:23:29Oh, look at this now.
00:23:32Martel giving a lesson here to Tatenko.
00:23:36He might want some more feathers.
00:23:38Well, he's certainly giving Tatenko a beating here.
00:23:41And he's a great front runner, Martel.
00:23:43When he gets on top, he'll stay there no matter what.
00:23:46Blatant chokehold right in front of the referee.
00:23:49Didn't care.
00:23:50Broke it on the proper count and now
00:23:53takes Tatenko back into the demilitarized zone.
00:23:57Yes, and that was an introduction there to Erwin R. Shyster, the income taxman.
00:24:04What was that he said in the beginning about taxation?
00:24:07He said that Cornwall was not paying their fair share of it.
00:24:11What do you think?
00:24:11Well, I think he's a liar and a cheat and a thief.
00:24:15You couldn't be more outspoken about that, could you?
00:24:20Now, what was that?
00:24:21DiBiase removed something there from Tatenko.
00:24:24Looks like he had perhaps one of the tag ropes
00:24:28wrapped around the neck and he brought it in there with him.
00:24:31Tatenko brought it in with him?
00:24:33No, Martel did.
00:24:35Now you've got me confused, Elvin.
00:24:40Tremendous six-man tag team action here on this Coliseum exclusive.
00:24:47As DiBiase plants an elbow.
00:24:51And Tatenko at this point really taking a shellacking
00:24:55from all three members of the opposing team.
00:24:58He's got to get back to Coco Beware or Owen the Rocket Heart.
00:25:02I would say preferably Owen the Rocket Heart because he certainly has
00:25:06the armory to do something against this almost untouchable team
00:25:11of Money Incorporated and the model Rick Martel.
00:25:15Well, the only thing in favor of Tatenko right now is that
00:25:18this is a six-man tag and no way should he perform could he lose his undefeated status.
00:25:25Well, that is very, very true, but it would be humiliating
00:25:28for him to get his shoulders pinned down to the mat and lose for this team
00:25:33because I think they have a lot of promise as a six-man team.
00:25:36Martel, no.
00:25:39Martel, well, he's got that nice hold on him.
00:25:42They do have a lot of promise, of course.
00:25:44High energy with Tatenko.
00:25:46High energy right now.
00:25:47Very conspicuous by their absence, Alvin.
00:25:50They need to come in there.
00:25:51They need to get involved in this match.
00:25:54They certainly do.
00:25:55If this lumpy Indian absorbs too much more punishment, it'll be over.
00:26:00He's taken his lumps during this match.
00:26:02He certainly has.
00:26:04Nice move, though.
00:26:06He's got the leverage, but look, his legs are too short to reach the arms of DiBiase.
00:26:12Well, he didn't seem to stretch them out properly.
00:26:13They were a little too far spread apart, and I think that's what did that.
00:26:18But I still don't think he had the strength to trap DiBiase,
00:26:22even if he had accomplished that.
00:26:24There's a hold here right now.
00:26:25Take a lot of the starch out of you, that front face lock.
00:26:29As look at this, Tatenko working hard to get back to make the tag,
00:26:32but referee distracted by Erwin.
00:26:35He did not see the tag.
00:26:36He's not going to allow it.
00:26:37In the meantime, Tatenko's got his hands full.
00:26:41In the meantime, they've got Tatenko back in the corner,
00:26:44cleaning his clock some more for him.
00:26:47Good tag team tactics.
00:26:49This by the champions of Martel.
00:26:51That is the way you win tag team matches.
00:26:55Experience absolutely great.
00:26:57No substitute for it.
00:27:01Martel always with that big smile on his face.
00:27:04Well, he's a happy fellow now,
00:27:06because Tatenko is really on the wrong end of a lashing.
00:27:11Nice block.
00:27:11Two blocks of that attempted suplex and turns one over by himself.
00:27:16Now's the time to go tag.
00:27:18Tatenko would have been wiser to have saved that energy to tag out,
00:27:22not to try and register some sort of offensive action.
00:27:26Look at that.
00:27:27Jimmy Hart had to point out to Erwin exactly where the corner was.
00:27:31Did he make it?
00:27:33Referee says yes.
00:27:35And he certainly tagged the right man in.
00:27:37The Rocket Owen Hart.
00:27:39Diviace Hart into the corner backdrop.
00:27:42What a good one.
00:27:43Erwin comes in and gets clothesline.
00:27:49Oh, look at this.
00:27:50It's mayhem once again.
00:27:52All six men inside.
00:27:54Well, five now.
00:27:56And the referee now not in control,
00:27:58but still trying to establish some sort of control.
00:28:02Whether he'll do that or not, I couldn't tell you.
00:28:05I think the two legal guys are outside the ring, Alfred.
00:28:08The Rocket Owen Hart and Diviace.
00:28:10Well, I lost track of that, quite honestly, in all the excitement here.
00:28:14But look at this.
00:28:15Look at this from the outside.
00:28:17It's Erwin covering Coco, but they weren't the legal ones in the ring.
00:28:22Well, I don't know whether they were or not,
00:28:24but let's get the announcement on this.
00:28:27The team of the model Rick Martel and Money Incorporated.
00:28:34Well, I do believe the referee lost control of this one
00:28:38here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
00:28:43But he did the right thing.
00:28:44The shoulders were down.
00:28:45He counted them.
00:28:46And you said it before, Gorilla.
00:28:48You said experience would win this match.
00:28:50And it certainly did.
00:28:52What great winners.
00:28:53Money Incorporated and the model.
00:28:57Can I help you, sir?
00:28:59Yeah, it's about time.
00:29:01I'm looking for a perfect stamp for my perfect stamp collection.
00:29:05Well, you've come to the right place.
00:29:06We have plenty of them here.
00:29:07I'll be the judge of that.
00:29:09Meanwhile, while we're looking for it,
00:29:11let's return to the action and see a personal profile on Toy Boy, Shawn Michaels.
00:29:17By the way, what were you doing in the back room?
00:29:20Gene Okudon here for Coliseum Home Video with this exclusive.
00:29:24A profile with the reigning Intercontinental Champ,
00:29:27two-time Intercontinental Champ of the World Wrestling Federation, Shawn Michaels.
00:29:31Shawn Michaels, you've had a number of great title defenses.
00:29:34We're going to be seeing some of them on this special video.
00:29:36You know, I heard it was really tough for Coliseum Video to narrow it down just to three.
00:29:41Because as you know, Gene, I've had so many, so many successful title defenses.
00:29:46You are so humble.
00:29:47Well, you know, it's not easy being, you know, with the chicks all over me and stuff, you know.
00:29:51But that's another story.
00:29:52Yeah, I manage, though.
00:29:53I manage.
00:29:54You know, let's talk about these title defenses.
00:29:56How about the one against the Ugandan giant, Kamala?
00:29:59I mean, what is this?
00:30:00The World Wrestling Federation think I'm some kind of zookeeper?
00:30:03I mean, this guy's an animal, and they put him into the ring with a stud like me.
00:30:07But being the kind of guy I am, the wrestler of the 90s, what happened, huh?
00:30:11Let's let the video speak for itself as we go to this Coliseum Video exclusive.
00:30:17The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the World Wrestling Federation
00:30:25Intercontinental Championship.
00:30:27Hello, everyone, and welcome to Fresno, California, for this Coliseum exclusive.
00:30:32Gorilla Monsoon along with his lordship, Alfred Hayes, as we look at the wrestler of the 90s,
00:30:40He is indeed.
00:30:41I've waited a long time for this match.
00:30:43Because everybody has been saying that his opponent is going to take the title from him,
00:30:48and I don't see how that can possibly be done.
00:30:51Well, they also said it was going to be warm here in Fresno, and it's not.
00:30:55No, it's cold right there.
00:30:57I'm not exactly freezing to death, but it is a little cold, and a lot of water around, too.
00:31:02Reigning Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels with the title on the line here in Fresno,
00:31:09will certainly have his hands full.
00:31:12I believe he can rise to the occasion, Alfred.
00:31:15Oh, he can indeed.
00:31:16This man really has tremendous armament to call upon.
00:31:20He is a little conceited, but I think that goes with being skillful and clever the way he is.
00:31:25Whatever he boasts about, he certainly backs it up.
00:31:33The Reverend Slick leading the way down as the advisor for Kamala.
00:31:41I believe this is the one of the biggest opponents
00:31:48that Mr. Michaels has faced since becoming champion.
00:31:51Well, certainly, he is a big man.
00:31:54You're right, Gorilla.
00:31:55And he may be the biggest opponent that Michaels has faced, but he's also the biggest threat, too.
00:32:03But Slick has...
00:32:04And now...
00:32:05Go ahead, Alfred.
00:32:06I was going to say Slick has done a lot of boasting, though.
00:32:09Well, he's done a lot of improvement.
00:32:11He's taken this guy and showed him the path.
00:32:16Showed him that he's not an animal, that he's a man,
00:32:19and took him away from those other two beauties who were just destroying Kamala.
00:32:25Well, I thought they did a good job, quite honestly.
00:32:28I rather like Dr. Harvey Whippleman.
00:32:31You did?
00:32:33And I thought the other fellow, Kim Chee, although a strange person...
00:32:37What a piece of garbage Kim Chee is.
00:32:39I thought, what a nice chap.
00:32:40Oh, please, Alfred.
00:32:42Surely, you just...
00:32:47Well, there's the speed and the agility that's going to have to be
00:32:50used exclusively here by the champion.
00:32:54As we take a good gander at the Reverend.
00:33:00Good maneuvers, these, by Shawn Michaels, showing you how elusive he can be.
00:33:05He is so very, very good at that type of warfare.
00:33:10Suckered him in, look at this.
00:33:13Too innocent, too naive, the astounding African Kamala.
00:33:19Shawn's saying, put it here, pal.
00:33:23Slickster's saying, be careful.
00:33:27But look at the big guy, more than willing to shake hands.
00:33:31Oh, left, finds the mark.
00:33:35You're going to make the big guy mad, Shawn.
00:33:38Well, you see, that's what you should...
00:33:40Oh, gosh, what a beautiful move.
00:33:43Oh, there it is.
00:33:46Oh, he ran over him like a freight train.
00:33:52Shawn wants out of there, and I don't blame him.
00:33:55Now Kamala should go out and finish him off.
00:33:58This is where Slick should be telling Kamala, get out.
00:34:00He's saying, no, don't get out.
00:34:02Why would he say that?
00:34:03Well, I think he realizes, Alfred,
00:34:05that you can't win the title out there.
00:34:07It has to be a pinfall or submission
00:34:10that has to take place inside the ring.
00:34:12That's the only way that Kamala's going to become
00:34:14the Intercontinental Champion.
00:34:16That's very, very true.
00:34:17But why not soften him up on the outside,
00:34:19hit him with a chair or something?
00:34:20Certainly would seem like a good idea to me.
00:34:24Big bear hug by the big guy.
00:34:27Didn't hold onto it very long.
00:34:28He might've got a thumb in the eye there.
00:34:30He's certainly got a thumb in the eye just there.
00:34:31Oh, look at that.
00:34:32Oh, gosh.
00:34:35You didn't have your Wheaties.
00:34:38Michaels is a powerful young man, but not that powerful.
00:34:42There's a power display by Kamala,
00:34:46who right now is having a good time here in Fresno.
00:34:51We'll see how long it lasts.
00:34:52Oh, dangerous move by Kamala.
00:34:56We'll see how long it lasts.
00:34:58Oh, dangerously close to slamming the top of his head
00:35:02into an iron turnbuckle.
00:35:04Look at that quickness on the part of the champion.
00:35:08And now referring to anything he can
00:35:12to try to get by this guy.
00:35:13He has a very subtle mix of primitive
00:35:16and extremely skillful.
00:35:17I rather like that blend.
00:35:19He's sadistic, Alfred.
00:35:21Well, yes, he is that.
00:35:22He has sadistic tendencies.
00:35:24Yes, he does.
00:35:24You saw what he did to Sensational Sherry.
00:35:27Well, she deserved it.
00:35:28Oh, I think maybe she did too.
00:35:32The wench.
00:35:34Yes, she is a wench.
00:35:35Oh, look at that reverse thrust kick
00:35:38right in the kisser by Kamala.
00:35:42And that is why I call him the Astounding African,
00:35:45because if he wants to, he's got all the skills
00:35:47and he can turn them on and use them.
00:35:49Why doesn't he always do that?
00:35:52Lack of concentration, I guess.
00:35:54Look at those super, super moves.
00:35:57Even the champion, Bret Hart,
00:35:58would be proud of moves like that.
00:36:02Picks up Shawn like he weighs nothing.
00:36:06What's he going to do with him?
00:36:08I don't think he knows now.
00:36:09See, now he's lost.
00:36:10He's lost that concentration again.
00:36:12Oh, he just got rid of him.
00:36:14Yeah, but he couldn't think of anything better to do.
00:36:17Why didn't he drop him and cover him right there and then?
00:36:20He had him in a perfect position for a power slam.
00:36:23Could have became the Intercontinental Champion.
00:36:25Oh, Slick's got a lot more work to do with this man.
00:36:28Oh, look at this.
00:36:30Slick's the reverend being manhandled by Shawn Michaels,
00:36:34who looks like he's headed towards the locker room.
00:36:37He is, and I don't think that's a bad idea at this point,
00:36:40because Kamala has really been belaboring him.
00:36:43He's in a sad shape.
00:36:46Kamala's taken his toll upon this fellow.
00:36:50Oh, wow.
00:36:51Kamala caught up with him about halfway back and said,
00:36:54you're not leaving, pal.
00:36:55You're coming back with me.
00:36:57Well, why isn't the referee counting the bell?
00:36:59A free ride.
00:37:01I think I did hear a bell, mind you.
00:37:05What was that?
00:37:06Was that a bell or not, Gorilla?
00:37:07Did you hear a bell?
00:37:08Well, it was a bell I heard in the background.
00:37:10Wouldn't surprise me if both of these guys were counted out.
00:37:12No, I was keeping my eye there on what was happening with Shawn,
00:37:15because really he's in a lot of danger now.
00:37:18He could be really, really injured here and out of commission,
00:37:23and that would be a bad blow for the World Wrestling Federation.
00:37:26Oh, look out.
00:37:27Oh, Africa coming down.
00:37:30The match is over.
00:37:31Referee not obliged to count here.
00:37:33The reverend could come in the ring at any time he so desires,
00:37:37and he does, because this one is history.
00:37:41Well, I think that Slick has more work to do with this huge African Kamala.
00:37:45A lot.
00:37:46Yes, absolutely.
00:37:47He is an astounding fellow.
00:37:48He is great, but he has the makings of absolutely one of the best wrestlers of all time.
00:37:55You know, I was always under the impression, Alfred,
00:37:57that Slick could use a little help himself.
00:37:59I think so too, definitely.
00:38:01Look at him.
00:38:02He's just interested in getting a tie, a collar, and a nice jacket on.
00:38:07Another beautiful shot by Kamala.
00:38:11And Shawn went over that top rope.
00:38:14Oh, he's gone.
00:38:15He's out of here.
00:38:16See now, that was absolutely brilliant on the part of Kamala.
00:38:20A superb shot.
00:38:21Timing was right.
00:38:23Delivery was right.
00:38:24And impact was absolutely astounding.
00:38:26But I don't see that.
00:38:29Is he going back to the ring again?
00:38:30I think he's looking for his gold, Alfred.
00:38:33Oh, he's spotted it now.
00:38:35Oh, he'd forgotten about it.
00:38:36At least his mind is clear.
00:38:39Well, I think that earlier on, it was a double count out here.
00:38:43And of course, everyone knows you can't lose the belt on a count out.
00:38:46But a moral victory, if nothing else, for that man right there, Kamala,
00:38:51who's given us a tremendous match on this Coliseum Exclusive.
00:38:56We'll be back.
00:38:59From one intercontinental title defense to another.
00:39:02That was not an easy battle, by the way, with Kamala.
00:39:04Well, I mean, the guy, like I said, is an animal.
00:39:06But you notice, what happened?
00:39:08Came out with the belt intact.
00:39:10You know, it's funny.
00:39:10As we're moving along here, we're slowly, but surely,
00:39:13almost making it to the Cro-Magnon stage here.
00:39:16What is this up next?
00:39:17Skinner? Who is this guy?
00:39:18Well, Skinner, of course, the great veteran from the Everglades.
00:39:20You surely cannot take anything away from Skinner.
00:39:22This man has competed for virtually every title in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:39:26Yeah, he's competed for him.
00:39:28He even competed for the intercontinental title.
00:39:29But Gene, same old story.
00:39:32Same old song and dance.
00:39:33What happened?
00:39:33Same old song and dance.
00:39:35Let's get up to that match and see how it all unfolded.
00:39:38Match in the USA continues here on Coliseum Video.
00:39:42Jim Ross, Macho Man, Randy Savage, and Bobby the Brain Heenan.
00:39:46And we're set for an intercontinental championship matchup.
00:39:50The man from the Florida Everglades, Skinner, will be the challenger in this one.
00:39:55And this guy is certainly one tough competitor.
00:39:59It's a bad-looking cowboy hat right there.
00:40:02He certainly doesn't go to the same Mad Hatter that outfits you, Macho Man.
00:40:07No, he's not.
00:40:08There's no gimmick infringement here, I'll tell you that right now.
00:40:12That hat needs to be blocked and cleaned, I would say.
00:40:15Maybe an alligator's taken a bite or two out of it.
00:40:18His ring attire is somewhat, well, basic, shall we say.
00:40:23Jim Ross, you know what's happening right here.
00:40:25Mike McGurk needs to be blocked and cleaned.
00:40:27Skinner came down the aisle.
00:40:28The weasel heard the music and everything like that.
00:40:31He didn't want to be skinned, so he was underneath the table.
00:40:34I don't know what he'll do.
00:40:35He is a rather unpredictable athlete.
00:40:42One of the great young stars in the World Wrestling Federation
00:40:46is the Intercontinental Champion.
00:40:48There you see him, a young man with great confidence, great physical skills.
00:40:53And I'm sure that he is more than ready for this challenge for his title.
00:40:57This could go either way, and I'll tell you why.
00:41:00First of all, I believe Shawn Michaels knows more basic wrestling than Skinner.
00:41:05Because he was tutored in the ring.
00:41:08He learned in the ring.
00:41:10Skinner is a fighter.
00:41:11He's an animal trapper.
00:41:13He's an alligator hunter.
00:41:15Skinner will bite a hole in you.
00:41:17I don't know if Skinner knows all the great wrestling moves like Shawn Michaels.
00:41:21Now, it's up to Shawn Michaels.
00:41:22Do you want that title?
00:41:23Do you want to hold on to it?
00:41:25Do you want that man to bite a hole in you?
00:41:27He'll do it.
00:41:29I agree with the weasel on this one.
00:41:31Opposites don't attract.
00:41:32This could be a situation where neither here nor there will be relative to who wins the match.
00:41:38I'm thinking that I would have to say I'm going to go with the fighter in Skinner.
00:41:43Skinner will take your ear off and hand it to you.
00:41:45But the only thing is, that doesn't win the title.
00:41:48No, it doesn't.
00:41:48You got to pin him or make him submit.
00:41:50It'll keep him from answering the phone a lot, though.
00:41:53Jim Ross, what do you think?
00:41:55I think that they've locked up in a collar and elbow tie-up, and it's going to be quite a contest.
00:41:59One thing about Skinner, that he has the ability to absorb a great deal of punishment.
00:42:03That's because he's crazy.
00:42:07Look at that.
00:42:09Welcome to the Everglades.
00:42:12Skinner takes Michaels face first into the turnbuckle and opens up for the rights and lefts.
00:42:16Irish whip to the near side here.
00:42:18And Skinner scoops him up.
00:42:20And another high impact bloke slams him to the canvas.
00:42:22What a slam.
00:42:24Skinner, right hand.
00:42:25Oh, he caught him with a right hand.
00:42:28Big right hand.
00:42:29Savage, you may have something here.
00:42:31I think you've picked a winner.
00:42:32I think I picked the winner in Skinner, but I wouldn't invite him to dinner.
00:42:37You could be it.
00:42:40You know what Skinner just told Shawn Michaels?
00:42:41Come on, punk.
00:42:43And Michaels quickly got back in the ring, waiting for Skinner.
00:42:47Strategically a sound move by Michaels, but the Irish whip again to the scyther ropes reverse.
00:42:51Michaels tries to counter.
00:42:54Michaels goes the aerial route, but it didn't pay off.
00:42:57You can't be fancy with Skinner.
00:42:59Nice try, but it didn't work.
00:43:02Skinner really, as Macho Man pointed out, came to fight in this one.
00:43:06And now he's biting the handsome features of young Shawn Michaels.
00:43:10I know what Skinner's thinking.
00:43:12Right over his trophy case.
00:43:14Can you see Shawn Michaels stuffed up on the wall?
00:43:19That's rather ludicrous, don't you think, Bob?
00:43:22I think he'd rather have Shawn Michaels stuffed in the belt.
00:43:25That's the mentality we're talking about.
00:43:28I do too.
00:43:28Or maybe garnished on a spit with an apple, cooking over flames.
00:43:32You don't know what this guy's going to do.
00:43:33He reminds me of some character from Deliverance or something.
00:43:36He's a little backwoods-ish.
00:43:38Instead of bashed in the USA, it should be stuffed in the WWF.
00:43:44Get up, punk.
00:43:45I like what Skinner's telling Shawn Michaels.
00:43:47A little bit of an intimidation thing.
00:43:49Skinner has him as a champion up on his shoulder now.
00:43:52He's dominated this match.
00:43:54And a shoulder breaker.
00:43:55More high-impact offensive wrestling.
00:43:59Lateral press.
00:44:00And a hole!
00:44:01About a half a count or less from a new intercontinental champion there.
00:44:05Not much offense on Shawn Michaels' part.
00:44:08Michaels again caught.
00:44:09Coming off the ropes.
00:44:10Goes back out to the floor.
00:44:12I think this whole unorthodox style by Skinner has caught Shawn Michaels by surprise, Weasel.
00:44:17Shawn Michaels, if Skinner's thinking goes the way he wants it to,
00:44:21could be a wallet and a belt.
00:44:22Well, Michaels has got to hope that Skinner can make a mistake here.
00:44:26Oh, right there.
00:44:28Michaels able to put on the brakes.
00:44:30And Skinner struck the ring post.
00:44:32Desperation counts, too.
00:44:34Now, let's see if Michaels can capitalize on this situation.
00:44:38This has been the only time that Skinner has been slowed in this championship event.
00:44:43This is the moment of truth for Shawn Michaels.
00:44:45Can he make it happen?
00:44:47Michaels snaps the challenger's neck right off the top ring rope.
00:44:50Well, he's used the post.
00:44:52He's used the rope.
00:44:54Now he's using the bottom rope.
00:44:55He's taking advantage of everything to hold on to the intercontinental title.
00:44:58Why doesn't he try a wrestling hold?
00:45:00Well, he knows wrestling holds.
00:45:01It's just the beginning.
00:45:02He's just, he's pacing himself.
00:45:05There's a nice dropkick to the mush.
00:45:07Dandy dropkick by Shawn Michaels.
00:45:09Again, going to the air.
00:45:11Tremendous athlete Shawn Michaels is.
00:45:14Irish whip.
00:45:15No, it's going to be reversed.
00:45:17And Michaels, we try to put on the brakes.
00:45:19We try to put on the brakes.
00:45:20And Skinner caught him again.
00:45:22He got another right hand.
00:45:24What a tough customer.
00:45:26He popped him right in the face.
00:45:27And now those headbutts.
00:45:29Skinner's using his own body as a weapon here.
00:45:31Skinner just doesn't care.
00:45:34Skinner has looked extremely impressive in this event.
00:45:38Almost got disqualified hitting the referee.
00:45:40You don't want to do that in a title match.
00:45:42Or any other time.
00:45:44Thumb right to the throat.
00:45:45Can you imagine him about three o'clock in the morning with the good old boys over at
00:45:48the bait shop?
00:45:49You don't think they get in some trouble?
00:45:51Have some fights?
00:45:52Michaels thrown over the top rope.
00:45:53Now he's in big, big trouble again.
00:45:56You know, you can't take Skinner fishing with you.
00:45:58Why is that?
00:45:59He eats the bait.
00:46:00That's sushi, isn't it?
00:46:02That's what they call sushi in Oklahoma.
00:46:03Look at this move by Shawn Michaels.
00:46:06Oh, what a kick.
00:46:07That martial arts kick caught him in the face.
00:46:09He's hooked the leg.
00:46:10He got him.
00:46:10And he got him.
00:46:11Give him credit.
00:46:13What a fight that was.
00:46:14I want everybody to give him credit right there.
00:46:17Give me cash.
00:46:18A very hard-fought victory for Shawn Michaels, the Intercontinental Champion.
00:46:26But you got to take your hat off to the tenacious challenge of Skinner.
00:46:31He was all over the champion in this one.
00:46:33You're right, Jim Ross.
00:46:34I am going to take my hat off to both these competitors.
00:46:37What a match.
00:46:38And it's a match you haven't seen before ever because the styles were completely different.
00:46:43Bobby, were you impressed or unimpressed?
00:46:45I'll tell you in the morning, Shawn Michaels is going to know he's been in a fight.
00:46:50But he's got the title.
00:46:53All right.
00:46:54We have thus far seen a couple of great title defenses for the Intercontinental Champion,
00:46:58Shawn Michaels.
00:46:59The one against Kamada, definitely not easy.
00:47:01This was a real grinding job with Skinner.
00:47:05Yeah, you know, what are they throwing at me here?
00:47:06I feel like I'm at the zoo, not in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:47:09But eventually here, I think we're going to make it to the human stage
00:47:12where I finally defend my title successfully, of course, against a real human being.
00:47:17Well, here's a guy that is one of the most popular men in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:47:21And he finally had an opportunity to compete for the Intercontinental title.
00:47:26I'm talking about Virgil.
00:47:28Anything you thought about going into that match?
00:47:30Well, you know, I know Virgil has one real good asset to him.
00:47:36But, you know, I wasn't concerned about any of that.
00:47:38Virgil is used to being walked all over.
00:47:41Well, I just continued to do it.
00:47:43Well, those, of course, are the comments of the Intercontinental Champ.
00:47:45Without any further ado, let's get up to that match
00:47:48as Shawn Michaels defends the Intercontinental title against Challenger Virgil.
00:47:53The following contest is scheduled for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental title.
00:47:58She's annoying.
00:48:01Yeah, we are.
00:48:02Mike McGurk did a good job ring announcing.
00:48:04What a voice.
00:48:05She's an Oklahoma young lady, you know.
00:48:07I can tell.
00:48:07Her dad was a very famous wrestler in his day.
00:48:10Leroy McGurk.
00:48:12So, she's a second generation participant in wrestling.
00:48:15Not a fifth.
00:48:16Here comes Virgil.
00:48:18The man with the fast hands and the fast feet will challenge
00:48:21for the Intercontinental Championship.
00:48:23Big opportunity.
00:48:24Macho man Randy Savage for Virgil.
00:48:28This is what he's been training for.
00:48:29This is what he's been working for.
00:48:31And Virgil, if you got it in you do it now.
00:48:38Like George Foreman with Nutrisystem.
00:48:41He's in great condition.
00:48:48The Intercontinental Champion.
00:48:51I've said it many times.
00:48:52He is certainly one of the spectacular young stars in the World Wrestling Federation.
00:49:02Very gifted athlete.
00:49:06And he's cocky.
00:49:07He's brash.
00:49:09He's conceited.
00:49:09He's stuck on himself.
00:49:11And he knows how to wrestle.
00:49:13And he's got the Intercontinental Title.
00:49:15He might be covering up an inferiority complex.
00:49:17I can never tell.
00:49:21I don't see any flaws yet.
00:49:23No, you're right.
00:49:24That title he's wearing around his waist doesn't say that he, uh, is just starting out either.
00:49:29Call him young.
00:49:30Call him anything you want.
00:49:31But call him a champion too.
00:49:36You like that song, Bury?
00:49:37Love it.
00:49:40I've heard it enough.
00:49:42Yeah, you can cut the music as far as I'm concerned.
00:49:46Cut that whistle too, even.
00:49:51Okay, that's it.
00:49:53Well, brother, I told you.
00:49:56It's more than a warning, dig it?
00:50:00Brother, do you understand?
00:50:01You all right, Bobby?
00:50:02Knocked my whistle.
00:50:03You want some oxygen?
00:50:05If I saw a fan, they'll be glad to give you some mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
00:50:09Mouth-to-mouth regurgitation.
00:50:11All right, well, we're ready to go here.
00:50:12And this one will be fast, I think.
00:50:14Both these athletes rely a great deal on their speed and quickness.
00:50:17Snapmare takeover.
00:50:18Nice move there by Shawn Michaels.
00:50:20Uh-huh, and he knows it too.
00:50:21And he's letting the whole world through body language know it.
00:50:25He does one thing I don't go for.
00:50:26It's very dangerous.
00:50:27He chews gum.
00:50:28That is very dangerous in there.
00:50:30It is dangerous.
00:50:31Well, you get a shot to the throat or something.
00:50:33You get hooked the wrong way.
00:50:35All you kids don't try this at home.
00:50:39Good drop toehold by Shawn Michaels.
00:50:43That's a little arrogant there.
00:50:44He's trying to frustrate Virgil here in the early going.
00:50:47I'll tell you what.
00:50:49That might turn out to be the thing that Shawn Michaels didn't want to do.
00:50:52But he loves to take the lead in psychology.
00:51:00Don't turn your back if you make someone mad.
00:51:04A good move there by Michaels into the hammerlock.
00:51:07And Virgil counters.
00:51:09You know, if you shut one eye and squint, Virgil looks like Michael Jordan a lot.
00:51:14Here goes the gum.
00:51:19And Virgil drives the right hand into Shawn Michaels.
00:51:27Shawn's timing seems to be a touch off.
00:51:30And Virgil got the drum kick right in his face.
00:51:33He may have it here.
00:51:34Lateral press.
00:51:35The leg is hooked.
00:51:36And a two and a half count.
00:51:37If you were to cover him just a split second earlier,
00:51:40that's the difference between winning a title and losing a title.
00:51:43You know, hitting him with that drop kick,
00:51:44all he had to do was after he drop kicked him,
00:51:46I mean, drop a quick elbow or a short knee on him,
00:51:48then hook the leg when he's got it.
00:51:50Would you say tights type situation?
00:51:52Well, hook whenever you have to.
00:51:53Right, well, possibly, maybe.
00:51:55Yeah, you're right.
00:51:56I would love to see Virgil do anything he could to win this match.
00:51:59Because I know Shawn Michaels is.
00:52:01Michaels back in control here.
00:52:03Whips Virgil to the far side.
00:52:05Virgil puts on the brakes.
00:52:06And Michaels trying to chase him.
00:52:09High cross body by Virgil.
00:52:10And another two count.
00:52:11Awesome maneuver by Virgil.
00:52:15Good agility by Virgil.
00:52:16And he tried to roll him up.
00:52:18Michaels held on.
00:52:19Kicked a taste right out of his mouth.
00:52:21Three points right to the uprights.
00:52:23From 52 yards away too.
00:52:26Bill Franklin couldn't have blocked that kick.
00:52:28Man, that was a kick right to the face.
00:52:31Shawn Michaels knows he hit a home run on that one.
00:52:35He can take all the time in the world right now.
00:52:42Michaels now back in control.
00:52:44Virgil's fighting to get up though.
00:52:46He's got a lot of determination does the challenger as
00:52:50the champion takes Virgil back to the turnbuckle.
00:52:53Every time Virgil seems to get a little advantage,
00:52:56Michaels turns the table on him.
00:52:58That's why he's the champion.
00:53:00Virgil's got spunk.
00:53:02Michaels, standing drop kick.
00:53:04Great athletic move.
00:53:05Look at his body.
00:53:06His body's limp.
00:53:07Virgil's body's limp.
00:53:08Shawn could have him here.
00:53:09He's wasting too much time.
00:53:13He could have him.
00:53:14He's playing cat and mouse.
00:53:17Certainly don't want to give Virgil too many second chances.
00:53:20Snap Baron to the reverse chin lock.
00:53:21You don't want to give anybody in the World Wrestling Federation too many chances because
00:53:25it's not over till it's over.
00:53:28You know who said that?
00:53:28Yogi the Bear.
00:53:30Yogi the Bear.
00:53:31Another almost by Bobby the Brain Healer.
00:53:35Sorry, number eight from the pinstripes, Yogi Bear.
00:53:38Number eight pinstripes.
00:53:41You're kidding.
00:53:41Virgil's got pinstripes.
00:53:43Number eight pinstripes.
00:53:45I know what team that is.
00:53:46What's that?
00:53:47Houston Oilers.
00:53:47Oh, wow.
00:53:48Is he dead?
00:53:50He's passed.
00:53:51You can tell he's a great tennis player.
00:53:54He is.
00:53:54He's a great tennis player.
00:53:57Great tennis player.
00:53:57He is.
00:54:00Now we got him distracted.
00:54:01Champion holding on to that reverse chin lock.
00:54:03But Virgil trying to fight back up.
00:54:05And he does.
00:54:07You know how I got in this?
00:54:08I took my lump lumps.
00:54:11Lucky deal for you, right?
00:54:14Michaels tried the hip lock, but it's countered.
00:54:16Virgil hooks both arms.
00:54:17Can he get the champion over?
00:54:18Yes, he does.
00:54:20Another near fall.
00:54:20Got two out of it.
00:54:21But he should have drove.
00:54:22Oh, Michaels.
00:54:23Michaels up so quick.
00:54:25So quick with that close line.
00:54:28Shawn Michaels knows he made a mistake,
00:54:29but he doesn't care.
00:54:31Because he can react to his mistakes quicker than anybody can
00:54:34when they're not making a mistake.
00:54:36Shawn Michaels is a veteran and a young guy all at the same time.
00:54:39You're right about that, Savage.
00:54:41And remember another thing.
00:54:42You're sitting home right now watching this great action
00:54:45on Bachelor USA, courtesy of Coliseum Video.
00:54:48But there's nothing like going to the building.
00:54:51Nothing like going to an arena.
00:54:53Nothing like seeing these superstars in action.
00:54:55It's our hottest ticket in time for World Wrestling Federation.
00:54:59Great sports entertainment for the whole family.
00:55:01The World Wrestling Federation, as Michaels measures Virgil
00:55:04in this Intercontinental Championship matchup.
00:55:06The foot right to the face, viciously.
00:55:09The champion back in control.
00:55:11Just like you said, total family entertainment, right?
00:55:14You can even bring the dog.
00:55:16That's so McGregor has something to do with intermission.
00:55:20Man, I wouldn't have said that.
00:55:23Why would you? I did.
00:55:25This place is electric right now.
00:55:27You can tell that there's an Intercontinental title going on right here.
00:55:31And Virgil, something like that, if he can cover him and hook a leg,
00:55:36you never, never, never know.
00:55:38I would love if Virgil won the title,
00:55:40I would jump over that top rope and raise his hand.
00:55:42And how about you, Eden?
00:55:43Would you raise his other hand?
00:55:45Well, I want to see if Virgil wanted me to handle his money for him.
00:55:50Virgil catches Michaels coming in.
00:55:52The challenger has got to get back on the attack.
00:55:55And he clotheslined him from behind.
00:55:57He got him good.
00:55:58Remember that slap Shawn gave him earlier in the match
00:56:01when he was just being the boy toy?
00:56:03I bet he wishes he could take that back.
00:56:05The momentum seems to be turning now.
00:56:07And the challenge in favor of those stinging laughs
00:56:09by Virgil has Michaels almost on dream street.
00:56:12And a big right hand.
00:56:13And Michaels goes down.
00:56:15Don't walk around, Virgil.
00:56:17Virgil, you're right.
00:56:18He's covered him.
00:56:19He may have him.
00:56:20Two and a half.
00:56:21Bobby Eden's right.
00:56:22Don't walk around.
00:56:23Don't float.
00:56:24It's not over.
00:56:24You don't know what you're up against.
00:56:26If you're going to walk around, fine.
00:56:27But have your feet on his face while you do it.
00:56:30Head and shoulder fake.
00:56:31Good move by Virgil right there.
00:56:32Now make it happen.
00:56:33Virgil caught him in the clothesline.
00:56:35He's got him.
00:56:35I believe he's got him.
00:56:36He can have him right here.
00:56:37One, two.
00:56:38And a two and three quarters.
00:56:41What am I cheering for?
00:56:42I don't care who wins.
00:56:43I'm going to tell you something.
00:56:43Give the referee credit.
00:56:44He's down there every time a count happens.
00:56:47And he's not late.
00:56:48Oh, Virgil missed him in the corner.
00:56:51Michaels with a suplex.
00:56:54Michaels with that suplex planted Virgil.
00:56:58Don't waste time, Michaels.
00:56:59Hook him.
00:57:00Hooks the leg.
00:57:01One, two, and three.
00:57:02Michaels wins it.
00:57:03What a capacity crowd.
00:57:05It just seems John Michaels won it here.
00:57:08And still the Intercontinental Champion.
00:57:13That is WWE action at its finest.
00:57:17You can tell yourself right now the boy toy.
00:57:19He took his time.
00:57:21Even that little split second covering Virgil.
00:57:23But this time it didn't hurt him.
00:57:25He got the pin.
00:57:26He got the win.
00:57:27He's got the title.
00:57:29And man, oh man, oh man.
00:57:31Virgil almost had him, but he didn't get him.
00:57:34Virgil has been bashed in the USA.
00:57:37Coming up a little sore in his Intercontinental Championship challenge.
00:57:44Great victory for Shawn Michaels.
00:57:46In all his glory.
00:57:47Oh, yeah.
00:57:48With that successful title defense against challenger Virgil,
00:57:52Shawn Michaels remains the Intercontinental Champion of the World Wrestling Federation.
00:57:57That's the professional side of your life, Mr. Michaels.
00:57:59But what about this much talked about social aspect?
00:58:03Well, you know, I sort of like to keep that under wraps, you know.
00:58:06But it's obvious.
00:58:07Chicks dig me, you know.
00:58:08What do you mean you have to keep it under wraps?
00:58:09I think it's a well-known fact.
00:58:11You were seen in various clubs all over the country, all over the world with young companions.
00:58:17Chicks, chicks, call them what they are.
00:58:19Chicks, dames, you know, same old story.
00:58:21But you know, when you look like Shawn Michaels, I mean, to go unnoticed is virtually impossible.
00:58:28I know I have that same problem sometimes.
00:58:30I thank you very much, Shawn Michaels.
00:58:31With this Coliseum...
00:58:32Hold it.
00:58:33Is that a telephone?
00:58:34The chicks are banging at the door, I'm sure.
00:58:35I got number one.
00:58:38They're going to let him out.
00:58:39Very good.
00:58:39I thank you, Shawn Michaels, Intercontinental Champ here at the World Wrestling Federation
00:58:44with this Coliseum video exclusive.
00:58:48Don't even think of showing me anything that's been hinged, even if it's mint.
00:58:53Let's start off right with some jumbo super superb margins.
00:58:57My sir, you certainly do know your philately.
00:59:00Of course, I'm a perfect collector.
00:59:02And now let's go to this 40-man over-the-top rope battle royal.
00:59:06Bring me the good stuff, will you?
00:59:08Bash in the USA continues here on Coliseum video.
00:59:11Jim Ross, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Bobby the Brain heaning back with you.
00:59:15And gentlemen, this one is going to be really something.
00:59:19A 40-man over-the-top rope battle royal.
00:59:23And the ring has been reinforced, and we'll see these 40 competitors make their way to the ring.
00:59:28Usually it's a 20-man.
00:59:30I've heard of 25-man battle royals.
00:59:32Never heard of a 40-man battle royal.
00:59:34Are you sure you got your paperwork right?
00:59:36Yeah, it says 40-man battle royal.
00:59:38We can count them as they come to the ring.
00:59:40Well, I've got one so far.
00:59:42Shawn Michaels coming to the ring.
00:59:43So we got 39 to go.
00:59:45He's doing good, Ross.
00:59:47One in a row, I've got it covered.
00:59:49Here's the hit man, Bret Hart.
00:59:50I would have to say I'd have to give him the number two.
00:59:52Bret, the hit man, Hart.
00:59:59Here they come.
01:00:00They're Sergeant Slaughter.
01:00:02Three, two, one.
01:00:08Oh, Matador.
01:00:10Matador, Tito, Tantana.
01:00:12I've lost count.
01:00:14You gotta help me now.
01:00:18The Texas Tornado!
01:00:20Barry Horowitz!
01:00:22Jim Powers!
01:00:26The T-Rex!
01:00:28Jim Powers, Cato.
01:00:34And the Repo Man slithering to the ring.
01:00:36The Bimbo McGurk missed the Repo Man.
01:00:45Repo Man.
01:00:48See, she got it.
01:00:49She's on the money.
01:00:50Dale Wolf.
01:00:52The Brooklyn Brawler.
01:00:54You know, I can't blame these guys, but they look reluctant to go to the ring.
01:00:58Well, you know, maybe they didn't know it was a 40 man.
01:01:01Maybe they just thought it was an average battle royal.
01:01:06How is the ring going to hold 40 WWF superstars?
01:01:10Well, as I said, they reinforced the ring.
01:01:16Check out the Iron Sheik.
01:01:22There's that crush.
01:01:27Kurt Spears.
01:01:29Some of these guys certainly are long shots in this one,
01:01:32but what a feather in their caps it would be
01:01:34for some of these relatively unknown athletes to win this thing.
01:01:38Well, you know, you can become an instant star just like that, Ross.
01:01:41You manage to last through one of these.
01:01:44The word gets out all over the World Wrestling Federation.
01:01:48This man won a 40 man battle royal.
01:01:50Exactly. Look at these two guys.
01:01:52The Another Man and IRS.
01:01:56But you can't have a favorite here because anything can happen here.
01:02:01Beverly Brothers, the Nasty Boys.
01:02:03And there's more on the way.
01:02:08Check out the LOD.
01:02:11I'm going to have to go with LOD on this one.
01:02:14I believe they'll work as a team.
01:02:16Did they threaten you before you went on the air or something?
01:02:18Well, they did mention to me to be nice and kind to them with what I say.
01:02:21Well, I'm the last kind of a guy to upset somebody.
01:02:23You're upset at me right now.
01:02:25I apologize for that. I don't want to really upset you, Mr. Savage.
01:02:28I don't want you apologizing me to the whole bastard in the USA.
01:02:31Look at this.
01:02:32What a family picture this would make.
01:02:37Lot of beef. Where's the beef? It's in the ring.
01:02:39In the squared circle. Oh, my gosh.
01:02:41See, this is so dangerous.
01:02:42All you got to do is blindside a guy.
01:02:44You can tear a guy's knee up.
01:02:46You can hit a guy from behind.
01:02:47You can take their legs out, hurt their back.
01:02:49I mean, this is so dangerous.
01:02:51And to be eliminated, you have to go over the top rope to the floor.
01:02:55Well, you're blindsiding somebody.
01:02:57Somebody's blindsiding you.
01:02:5940 men starting, but only one will survive this 40-man battle, Royal.
01:03:04Quite a physical ordeal here.
01:03:06We'll try to call the action as we can.
01:03:09Can you believe that Irk Quake is...
01:03:11Is he gone?
01:03:13He's close to being gone.
01:03:14He's gone.
01:03:15I can't believe it.
01:03:16He's, I guess, one of the biggest men, if not the biggest man in there.
01:03:19He's gone, too.
01:03:20The two biggest guys have been eliminated.
01:03:22Those would be the guys that I would pick to win the whole 40-man battle, Royal,
01:03:26if I had to be nailed down to a prediction.
01:03:28But I know what happened.
01:03:29Some of these guys that you don't give a chance to probably got together in there
01:03:32and said, hey, guys, the only way we can survive, we got to get the beef out.
01:03:36We got to get that big man out first.
01:03:38Then it'll be every man for themselves.
01:03:40And so far, it's working.
01:03:41I would have gotten rid of Typhoon and Irk Quake.
01:03:43I don't doubt that that's not true.
01:03:46My next stop would be Legion of Doom.
01:03:48Get rid of them.
01:03:49Then I'd go with Crush.
01:03:50Can I tell that little D you said that?
01:03:52No, I was saying that's what Ross told me.
01:03:54Wait a minute.
01:03:55Hey, don't get Ross involved in this.
01:03:56You're the one that told me that.
01:04:00I'm going to tell him anyway, anyhow.
01:04:04Check this mass of bodies out.
01:04:07Nobody in jeopardy right now.
01:04:09Everybody's basically vertical.
01:04:11There's really nowhere to go unless you get knocked over the top.
01:04:13There's not hardly anywhere to fall.
01:04:15And Ron Pemberledge is eliminated.
01:04:18I believe that's the young man's name.
01:04:20Is that right?
01:04:21I was going to say the unknown soldier.
01:04:25They're beginning to be weeded out, so to speak.
01:04:37Repo Man holding on there, as you can see,
01:04:39in the near side of the ring.
01:04:41Over the top, but not to the floor right there.
01:04:43And I think that he's got new life for somebody.
01:04:47The smart way to win something like this is
01:04:50you just stand back.
01:04:52Let everybody eliminate each other.
01:04:54And when the guy's not looking,
01:04:56then you'll waffle him from the back.
01:04:58Repo could win this.
01:04:59He could sneak around, come out on top of this.
01:05:02Right on the 2 o'clock in the morning,
01:05:04when everybody's out of the building,
01:05:05you run in and say you won.
01:05:07Talking about you've got to take a chance
01:05:09sometime in your life.
01:05:11If there's no guts, there's no glory.
01:05:13There's a 40-man battle royal.
01:05:15You can't be careful in something like this.
01:05:17Sure, there's blocks against people.
01:05:19But go for it.
01:05:20One time in your life, do the thing.
01:05:22Look at the hit man in there.
01:05:23He's right in the middle, and he could be sabotaged
01:05:26and plotted against, but he's in there.
01:05:29The young man eliminated.
01:05:31The young man eliminated.
01:05:33Remember, you've got to go over the top rope
01:05:35all the way to the floor.
01:05:39L.O.D. Hawk just came off the top of the punch.
01:05:42Is that taking a chance?
01:05:44There he goes again.
01:05:46Or do you think L.O.D. Hawk is stupid?
01:05:48He's just going up and down.
01:05:50He's not gaining any altitude.
01:05:52He's not jumping into the middle of the ring.
01:05:54He's pretty safe in what he's doing.
01:05:56In other words, he's not taking enough of the punch.
01:05:58He's just going up and down.
01:06:00He's not gaining any altitude.
01:06:02He's not taking enough of a chance.
01:06:04Well, I mean, what I'm trying to say is
01:06:07he's setting him up for the big one later.
01:06:09I know what he's doing now.
01:06:11Have you ever thought about Bobby being a politician?
01:06:13Nah, why would I want to take a pay cut?
01:06:19The last thing I want is to be president,
01:06:21take a pay cut, live in a bad neighborhood.
01:06:26Check out this El Matador getting inbound.
01:06:31Remember, you've got to go over the top to the floor
01:06:33to get eliminated.
01:06:34Just over the top, if you can hang on
01:06:36and slither on back into the ring like a weasel,
01:06:38you can stay in the battle royal.
01:06:41I mean, just look at the credentials that are in there.
01:06:43Slaughter, former WWF champion.
01:06:47Brad Hawk.
01:06:48Uh-oh, there goes Hawk, L.O.D.
01:06:50Oh, Hawk and...
01:06:51Cheap shot by Sash.
01:06:52...Sash and the Nasty Boys,
01:06:53and they're going to continue their fight out here.
01:06:57They're hammering each other here on the outside.
01:07:00While the action continues in the ring...
01:07:02I knew Hawk wouldn't win it.
01:07:04You said right, even though you predicted him at the beginning.
01:07:08Oh, you vacillate a great deal, don't you?
01:07:10Not only that, he changes his mind.
01:07:19You can see now that some men trying to use some teamwork
01:07:22that Beverly Brothers were trying to get.
01:07:24Both those are trying to get to El Matador over the top rope.
01:07:27Skinner's not looking good right now, of course.
01:07:30He didn't look good when he came down the aisle.
01:07:34You know, those mosquitoes will bite the heck out of you
01:07:36at night there in the Everglades.
01:07:40Larger Slaughter, a veteran survivor,
01:07:43still hanging tough in there.
01:07:46Shawn Michaels is smart enough to win this one.
01:07:48He's clever enough.
01:07:51Who's the biggest man left in there, Crush?
01:07:54I would think so, yeah.
01:07:56Or Slaughter.
01:08:00Well, they're an animal, too.
01:08:02Several 300-pounders still remain in this 40-man
01:08:06and shrinking battle royal.
01:08:08Shawn Michaels is not in a real, real, real good position right now.
01:08:13Kind of the crossroads of this 40-man battle royal status.
01:08:17Upside-down type of situation.
01:08:20Remember, he's got to go all the way to the floor.
01:08:24Has Animal been eliminated or what?
01:08:26What happened? I didn't see it.
01:08:27Yes, he has.
01:08:28I think Animal and Knobs are both eliminated,
01:08:30as we saw earlier.
01:08:32Sags and Hawk.
01:08:33A little man may win this battle royal.
01:08:37Some of the big ones are being eliminated.
01:08:39Can't believe the natural disasters from Florida.
01:08:41You've still got a couple of times right in the ring now
01:08:44and a couple of times have already left.
01:08:48Somebody just went over the top on the far side.
01:08:51And on the near side as well.
01:08:57Donnie, you went over the top.
01:08:58Is that right?
01:09:00I believe you're right.
01:09:02This one is hard to call.
01:09:03There's so much activity.
01:09:07You know, there's no one who's setting a real fast pace.
01:09:09Everybody's watching what everybody else is doing.
01:09:11Just when you said that, Heenan,
01:09:13they started a real fast pace.
01:09:15Well, they're making a mistake.
01:09:16That's not the way I would do it.
01:09:17There's no time limit in this matchup.
01:09:20So, time is really not a factor.
01:09:22And Shawn Michaels again in jeopardy
01:09:24at the hands of Owen Hart, the Rocket.
01:09:26Shawn Michaels living on the edge.
01:09:38See, the teams like IRS and DiBiase,
01:09:41they've got to get together.
01:09:44Nasty should have got the win.
01:09:47Nasty should have got together.
01:09:49LOD should have got together.
01:09:50If you can find your partner in this mass of bodies.
01:09:53Well, when you get in the ring, you go to the corner.
01:09:55You grab the ropes with your arms, the top rope,
01:09:57and you just stay there.
01:09:59You know every shortcut in the book, don't you, Brain?
01:10:01I know every...
01:10:03He knows how to defend himself in a cowardly manner.
01:10:05Yes, he does.
01:10:06Repo Man just eliminated.
01:10:11Kerry Von Erich over the top.
01:10:16Tremendous athlete.
01:10:17Kerry Von Erich, a tremendous athlete.
01:10:20And a great guy.
01:10:27Oh, look what we got here.
01:10:29Some unfamiliar surroundings.
01:10:33Beverly Brothers three-manion tag team.
01:10:37Beverly Brothers three-manion tag,
01:10:39as do Money, Inc.,
01:10:41of the regular tag team partners.
01:10:45See now, Coco, he's in a bad position there.
01:10:48He's standing on that second rope.
01:10:49He could be dumped very easily.
01:10:51He's not gonna be able to dump the man he's punching
01:10:54while he's on the second rope
01:10:55and the guy's standing on the mat.
01:10:56That's stupid.
01:11:01See, when one of those guys had Shawn Michaels up in the air,
01:11:04almost had him out,
01:11:05what you gotta do is you gotta get behind that guy
01:11:07and dump him.
01:11:08Then you get two of them out at once.
01:11:09Well, that's what happened with Shawn Michaels
01:11:11and Bret the Hitman Hart, both eliminated,
01:11:13but they're not through fighting.
01:11:17These two rivals hooking it up here.
01:11:20Even though both have been eliminated
01:11:22from the Battle Royal, they're...
01:11:23There's the emotion right there
01:11:25because neither one of those guys,
01:11:27they realize right now at the time
01:11:29that they're fighting each other,
01:11:30they cannot win the 40-man Battle Royal.
01:11:33Skinner has been eliminated as well.
01:11:36And two of the finest in the...
01:11:39Look at Shawn take off.
01:11:40Not a bad 40-yard dash time.
01:11:42Oh, no, I know what... I know what happened.
01:11:45Somebody else just got eliminated.
01:11:47Gary Horowitz over the top of the other side.
01:11:49He didn't know what happened.
01:11:50Shawn was expecting a phone call.
01:11:51He told me he'd be right around this time.
01:11:53They must have called him something.
01:11:55Will you ever tell the truth?
01:11:56Me? You?
01:11:57Of course I will.
01:11:58Ask me anything.
01:11:59Even when he lies, he tells the truth.
01:12:04Beverly's working over Virgil here in the corner.
01:12:07If Beverly's know what to do,
01:12:08they're working as a tag team.
01:12:10I'm gonna go with the Beverly's.
01:12:12Oh, you're changing your mind again.
01:12:13I guess you have to.
01:12:14Your original pick has been eliminated.
01:12:16Sgt. Slaughter over the top.
01:12:19Sgt. Slaughter.
01:12:21Is that the top of his head?
01:12:22Is that the top of his head or the weatherman?
01:12:25That was the top of his head.
01:12:28Jimmy Powers,
01:12:30a tremendous athlete himself.
01:12:34Beverly's in IRS.
01:12:37The two tag teams,
01:12:39Colonel Mustafa kind of wandering around aimlessly.
01:12:43Maybe that's the strategy.
01:12:44Crush, one of the last big guys right here.
01:12:46Yes! Yes!
01:12:48Big disappointment right there.
01:12:50Big disappointment for Crush
01:12:52on his way to the top right there.
01:12:54Well, it's, you know, that's,
01:12:56that's World Wrestling Federation.
01:12:57That's being bashed in the USA.
01:12:59And he is not the winner of the 40-man battle.
01:13:02Colonel Mustafa eliminated.
01:13:05Colonel Mustafa can march back to the locker room.
01:13:10I think we got ten guys left.
01:13:12What do you think?
01:13:13Well, look at the Beverly's.
01:13:14They're just pacing themselves.
01:13:15They're walking around.
01:13:16They're getting a look at what's going on.
01:13:18Good cheap shot from behind.
01:13:21Beware when airborne.
01:13:23The Birdman can fly.
01:13:25The air beneath his wings just gave out.
01:13:29Uh-oh, backwards.
01:13:31Oh, man, Virgil, come on.
01:13:33Virgil holding on to the top rope with a death grip.
01:13:36Somebody went over the top of the other side.
01:13:38Did you catch it, Jim Ross?
01:13:39I missed it, Macho Man.
01:13:40I couldn't see what...
01:13:41What have you caught?
01:13:42Well, I caught a little virus from the brain,
01:13:45but that's not important.
01:13:47You caught a cold from me.
01:13:53Attention seeker.
01:13:55Attention seeker.
01:13:58Who just went over the top right there?
01:14:00Tom Stone went through the ropes.
01:14:02He didn't go over the top.
01:14:03He didn't go over the top?
01:14:05No, he's still alive.
01:14:07Yeah, you're right.
01:14:08Of course I'm right. I'm the brain.
01:14:10You're the brain, of course.
01:14:11I shouldn't have doubted that for a second.
01:14:13Now he went through again.
01:14:15Is that his strategy right there?
01:14:17Is that your protege?
01:14:18No, but it's a good idea.
01:14:20Now go under the ring and wait.
01:14:22You can listen.
01:14:23You can't tell how many people are in there walking around.
01:14:25Cato's eliminated there.
01:14:27Well, it's time for Cato to go home now.
01:14:29Bobby Heenan, the brain's prediction of the Beverly Brothers.
01:14:33Ibiasi and Virgil both go over the top.
01:14:35Who's left? Who is left?
01:14:37Beverly Brothers are in there.
01:14:39Bobby Heenan's pick.
01:14:40Now Tom Stone's over the top.
01:14:43Oh, here we go.
01:14:45IRS of Beverly's and Tatanka, the four remaining men.
01:14:49You got to think Tatanka's at a distinct disadvantage,
01:14:52but he is really cooking here.
01:14:54Better cook.
01:14:56Better hope he doesn't chop himself out either.
01:14:59I think the fire went out on that pot of stew.
01:15:01Well, I have to agree with you.
01:15:03Three on one here.
01:15:04See, what you do here, they got to regroup.
01:15:07They got to get together, IRS, the Beverly's, and say,
01:15:10this is our plan.
01:15:11I disagree.
01:15:12And then go do that, and then Beverly's turn on IRS.
01:15:15What a valiant effort on Tatanka,
01:15:17even though you never say never.
01:15:21Bo Beverly up and over the top.
01:15:23Bo Beverly eliminated.
01:15:25I still got one Beverly.
01:15:26I said the Beverly's would win it.
01:15:28Well, I'll tell you what, give Tatanka credit,
01:15:31because he didn't give up.
01:15:34Double clothesline.
01:15:35Nobody expected Tatanka to eliminate one of those three guys,
01:15:38and now they're just Tatanka and IRS
01:15:41and one of the Beverly Brothers right there.
01:15:44So Tatanka, man, it's a moral victory if nothing else.
01:15:47Wow, what happened there?
01:15:49IRS is out.
01:15:50IRS is out, but Blake Beverly coming onto the top rope.
01:15:55Nail them.
01:15:56What are you waiting for?
01:15:57Tatanka chops him all the way to the floor.
01:15:59I told you Tatanka would win it.
01:16:01You did not.
01:16:02Yes, he's undefeated.
01:16:03I knew it.
01:16:04I didn't want him to win, but I knew he would.
01:16:06Give him credit.
01:16:07Don't let the heathen.
01:16:08He's the winner of the battle royale.
01:16:09He's the winner.
01:16:13Tatanka wins the 40-man battle royale.
01:16:17Can I pick him?
01:16:18Can I pick him?
01:16:19Weasel, you're not reigning at Tatanka's parade right here.
01:16:22You picked everybody else but Tatanka.
01:16:24Tatanka came back, and he did it, and he went against it all on.
01:16:30That's exactly right.
01:16:31You've told an untruth again, Weasel.
01:16:36Just congratulate Tatanka, Weasel.
01:16:42Sir, I've shown you all of our most perfect stamps.
01:16:44Take this one, for example.
01:16:46And a two-cent magenta, worth about $2 million.
01:16:48Oh, yeah?
01:16:50Let me have a closer look at that.
01:16:52Excuse me.
01:16:53Excuse me.
01:16:54I just want a closer look at it.
01:16:55Hold on.
01:16:56Oh, close crop borders.
01:16:58A smudge?
01:17:00Hey, this has been canceled.
01:17:02Excuse me.
01:17:03Excuse me.
01:17:04Hey, don't worry about it.
01:17:05It's no good.
01:17:06You know, Bret Hart is a great wrestler inside the ring.
01:17:08He's also a great artist, and in this next feature,
01:17:11we're going to find out just what I'm talking about.
01:17:13Now, get me something that's worth something.
01:17:19I often get a lot of requests from people
01:17:21that want to get a little more in-depth look
01:17:23at what it's like being the Hitman,
01:17:25or things that I like to do,
01:17:26or what I like to do to take away,
01:17:29kill time in the dressing room, stuff like that.
01:17:32Generally, I'm kind of quiet and conservative and reserved.
01:17:36That's my word, reserved.
01:17:39I try not to worry and keep myself relaxed as much as possible
01:17:43until match time comes.
01:17:45Generally, in the dressing room, I don't have a great sketch pad
01:17:50or a great set of pens or anything to work with,
01:17:53but I like to draw.
01:17:54Sometimes, even if it's a piece of chalk or just a pencil
01:17:57or just a scrap of paper and stuff, I can draw cartoons.
01:18:02I'm not really a great landscape artist or a painter or anything,
01:18:05but I like to draw cartoons.
01:18:07I love wrestling, of course, and I'm very good at it,
01:18:09but that's my job.
01:18:11Something that I've always loved to do all my whole life
01:18:15since I can remember is draw cartoons.
01:18:17So I'll draw you a few cartoons of some of my friends
01:18:23and some of my enemies in the WWF.
01:18:27The first one I'll draw is The Undertaker.
01:18:37The Undertaker
01:19:07The Undertaker
01:19:31Sometimes when you draw another wrestler,
01:19:34you've got to expand on their ugly features.
01:19:37If they've got a big nose, you've got to draw them with an even bigger nose.
01:19:40A lot of times in the dressing room,
01:19:42wrestlers will see these cartoons that I draw,
01:19:45and a lot of them really take offense to them.
01:19:47Money Inc.
01:20:03Two in particular that I find really hate my cartoons
01:20:08and have commented on it several times are Money Inc.,
01:20:12so I'm going to draw Money Inc. for you real fast.
01:20:17Money Inc.
01:20:48Contrary to what anybody will tell you,
01:20:51I think everybody's good at something.
01:20:54It's hidden somewhere deep down inside everybody.
01:20:58There's a hidden gift, something very special that everybody can do.
01:21:03No matter who you are out there, especially kids,
01:21:06you've got to really know this,
01:21:08because I really believe this with all my heart,
01:21:10that everybody is good at something.
01:21:12It doesn't matter what it is.
01:21:15Maybe you're going to be a painter.
01:21:17Maybe it's photography. Maybe it's dancing.
01:21:19No one really knows.
01:21:21Sometimes you don't even know yourself what it is,
01:21:23and one day you're just going to stumble upon it,
01:21:25and you're going to realize, geez, I really like to paint.
01:21:27I really love to draw cartoons.
01:21:30Don't ever stop looking,
01:21:32because everybody deep down inside has a gift hidden inside themselves,
01:21:37and you've just got to find it.
01:21:44Ladies and gentlemen,
01:21:46the following contest is scheduled for one fall,
01:21:49and it is for the World Wrestling Federation
01:21:54Intercontinental Championship!
01:21:56What a sick looking little dweeb he is.
01:21:58Howard Finkle, a dweeb?
01:22:00Do you agree with me?
01:22:01I do not agree with you.
01:22:02Coming down the aisle is the challenger
01:22:05from Cocoa Beach, Florida,
01:22:08weighing 234 pounds,
01:22:11the middle, Rick Martel!
01:22:15What do they know about fashion?
01:22:17They keep you in a bad sweetheart.
01:22:19Martel, the challenger for the Intercontinental title here.
01:22:27Certainly not a very popular figure.
01:22:29If that wasn't his fan club, there are no words.
01:22:32But the model is a very, very great wrestler.
01:22:36Nice beret there, Brain. Maybe you'd look good in that.
01:22:38I like berets.
01:22:39And he's got that arrogance and cologne.
01:22:41It's that Pepe Le Pew look.
01:22:43Pepe Le Pew. Pepe Le Pew.
01:22:45Did he used to be the Mater D?
01:22:48I thought, uh...
01:22:49No, that's a different place.
01:22:52This is the elevation for the champion here.
01:22:59Here we go.
01:23:00Rick Hitman!
01:23:05Rick the Hitman Hart, a second-generation wrestler.
01:23:09Son of the legendary Stu Hart.
01:23:12And anybody that can survive the dungeon,
01:23:14the basement, the hard home,
01:23:16is one tough son of a gun.
01:23:17I don't think he was gonna make it to the ring right there.
01:23:19The fans loved him, and, uh...
01:23:21I'd love to have a bunch of little girls
01:23:23come up and kiss me in the cheek
01:23:24and then go wash all that peanut butter and jelly off your face.
01:23:27I don't think you have to worry about that.
01:23:29No, I don't.
01:23:32Rick the Hitman Hart.
01:23:34Did you mean that derogatory?
01:23:36Of course not.
01:23:37No, he was complimenting you.
01:23:39Look at the model.
01:23:40Look what kind of condition the model is in.
01:23:45He is certainly physically ready
01:23:47for this championship encounter.
01:23:50It's a goodbye, Mr. Hart.
01:23:52Not necessarily so vast in the USA.
01:23:55This is a big one.
01:23:56It's for the Intercontinental title.
01:23:58And look at this.
01:23:59This is what I like the most about him.
01:24:01Look at that.
01:24:02He gives back to the people.
01:24:05Lucky, lucky, lucky.
01:24:08What a souvenir for that young fan.
01:24:10All right.
01:24:11She'll remember that forever.
01:24:13See, if the father's smart,
01:24:15he should tell her,
01:24:16I'll keep it for you.
01:24:17Then at Christmas, give it to her.
01:24:18She'll think she came from her dad.
01:24:20It works all the time for me.
01:24:21Yeah, Christmas in your family must be real, real special.
01:24:24It is. You should see what they give me.
01:24:26Side headlock takeover by the Intercontinental champion.
01:24:28Nice counter move by Rick Martel.
01:24:31And both these athletes extremely well-versed
01:24:34in their mat skills as far as technique is concerned.
01:24:40Another takedown and another counter.
01:24:42They both have about the same amount of experience,
01:24:44same size, same knowledge of the sport.
01:24:47And they're both wearing pink.
01:24:49I think Brett has about, oh,
01:24:51two or three more quarts of oil in his hair than Martel.
01:24:54So we have a difference between the two competitors
01:24:57thanks to the weasel pointing it out.
01:24:59Oh, Brett's is 48.
01:25:01Stiff knees to the midsection by the challenger.
01:25:04Brett has the belt and Martel doesn't.
01:25:07Oh, a cartwheel.
01:25:08I'll give it a six and a half.
01:25:10That's agility.
01:25:11I'll give it a ten.
01:25:12Got to hand him that.
01:25:15Hit man came to wrestle,
01:25:17not do a gymnastics.
01:25:20Wrist lock applied by the model Rick Martel.
01:25:24Turns into a hammer lock.
01:25:26Martel looking very crisp with his counter wrestling thus far.
01:25:32Hard trying to reach for that near leg.
01:25:34When he did reach for the leg,
01:25:36that put more pressure on his shoulder right there.
01:25:38But what a counter to the counter.
01:25:40Nice counter move into the hammer lock
01:25:42by Brett the Hitman Hart.
01:25:45And again, Martel puts on the brakes.
01:25:49Cartwheel does come into work.
01:25:51Oh, another clothesline.
01:25:53There was another cartwheel outside the ring.
01:25:55Yes, there was.
01:26:01Martel got nailed right in the face on that one.
01:26:04That's not going to help his modeling.
01:26:06Well, he's very concerned about that,
01:26:08having his teeth loosened or his nose broke
01:26:10or his eyes swollen.
01:26:12Let me tell you something.
01:26:14He's in the wrong profession.
01:26:16Certainly is, but he's good at what he does.
01:26:18He's won it all over the world.
01:26:20In Paris, in London.
01:26:22Let's turn him in then.
01:26:24No, he's won it.
01:26:26They want him to be a fashion model.
01:26:28Here he goes to the post.
01:26:30He took him all the way to the steel
01:26:32that Brett the Hitman Hart.
01:26:34The turning point of the match thus far.
01:26:36Hart with a headbutt now.
01:26:38And both these men, quite frankly,
01:26:40are in danger of being counted out.
01:26:42Hart throws Martel back in,
01:26:44and Hart back up on the apron,
01:26:46but Martel there to meet him.
01:26:48That was a good veteran move by Rick Martel.
01:26:51See, sometimes you don't know.
01:26:53Martel could have set himself up
01:26:55and let Bret Hart throw him back in,
01:26:57so when Bret Hart got in,
01:26:59he was right there for the pickings.
01:27:01You never know what's going through another wrestler's mind.
01:27:03Whip to the far side here.
01:27:05At this time, Martel introduced again
01:27:07to the steel crowd.
01:27:09He introduced again to the steel ring post.
01:27:11May have set Bret in his shoulder there.
01:27:15Right hand by Bret Hart,
01:27:17the Intercontinental Champion.
01:27:19Now applies the wrist lock to Rick Martel.
01:27:21Modified armbar takedown.
01:27:23Savage, how do you prepare yourself?
01:27:25If you know a month down the road,
01:27:27you're gonna be wrestling the Hitman.
01:27:28What do you do?
01:27:29I'll tell you something right now.
01:27:31You can't prepare for hitting the steel post
01:27:33two times like the model has.
01:27:35I'll give him all the credit in the world
01:27:37down that armbar.
01:27:39I didn't answer your question,
01:27:41but I'll tell you right now,
01:27:43the model is all that you say that he is.
01:27:45He's a definite challenger,
01:27:47a great challenger
01:27:49to the Intercontinental title.
01:27:51Now whether he can take it is another thing.
01:27:53Well, he has to weigh two situations.
01:27:55You want to win a match,
01:27:57you want to be WWF Champion,
01:27:59or do you want to be on the cover of GQ?
01:28:01You can't do both.
01:28:03You can't.
01:28:05This Intercontinental Championship matchup...
01:28:07Oh, excellent!
01:28:09Pinning for Dickinham got a near fall,
01:28:11two count out of it.
01:28:12Arm drag takeover into the armbar
01:28:14by Bret the Hitman Hart.
01:28:15Great quickness by the champion.
01:28:17Now that's the mark of a good wrestler.
01:28:18You go back to what got you to the dance.
01:28:20You've been working that arm, you go back there.
01:28:22Whenever you see a wrestler go back to the hold
01:28:24he started with, usually he knows what he's doing.
01:28:26He'll work on that part of your body.
01:28:28Exactly. The model's arm's got to be hurt.
01:28:30You know, if he worked on the leg now,
01:28:32worked on the other leg, worked on the other arm,
01:28:35well, they'd all be sore, but they'd all feel probably the same
01:28:37and they'd all wouldn't have that much damage done.
01:28:39But I don't care how tough you are.
01:28:41If you only got one arm, pretty hard to fight.
01:28:43You talk a great fight, man.
01:28:45If you could do what you say you can do in the ring,
01:28:48you'd be a world champion.
01:28:50Well, I never liked being in the ring.
01:28:52I never liked having some 300-pound moron
01:28:55with sweaty hands trying to pick me up in the air
01:28:57and try to throw me around.
01:28:59I'd rather beat a guy in my mind and make a fool out of him.
01:29:01Another nice arm drag takedown
01:29:03by Bret the Hitman Hart, who is focusing now
01:29:05on the upper arm and shoulder of Rick Martel.
01:29:08Very sound strategy by the Intercontinental Champion.
01:29:11Well, he knows. He threw him into the pose twice
01:29:13and he took it on his right arm.
01:29:15Now he's working on the left arm.
01:29:17He's not rushing is what you're saying, Weasel, right?
01:29:20That's right. He's taking it in weasel.
01:29:22That's what he said, weasel.
01:29:24Why would he call you that, Ross?
01:29:26I think he was referring to you.
01:29:28Ooh, man!
01:29:30Vertical body press, and Martel made an adjustment there.
01:29:33He knew where he was.
01:29:35He drove the champion into the top ring rope,
01:29:37and that's a steel cable inside that casing.
01:29:40And now Martel, the blatant choke hold,
01:29:43trying to take more of the oxygen away from Hart.
01:29:46That's all right. He's desperate right now.
01:29:48I don't blame the model right there.
01:29:50I was just gonna say that the Hitman's got a lot of poise
01:29:52slowing down the match after the model hit that steel post twice,
01:29:55but the model turned things around.
01:29:57I'm telling you, the model, Rick Martel,
01:29:59is a force to be reckoned with right here.
01:30:02He could take the title.
01:30:04Sure could.
01:30:06How many athletes have their sights set
01:30:09on the Intercontinental Championship?
01:30:11And can you imagine the way he dresses
01:30:13with the fashion he has and the beautiful shoes and clothes?
01:30:16Can you imagine with that Intercontinental title around the waist?
01:30:19That would be the topping on that tree.
01:30:21Icing on the cake.
01:30:23I don't know. I'm afraid the model, Rick Martel,
01:30:25might retire after he won the title.
01:30:27I don't think he would be a competitive champion,
01:30:30a fighting champion like the Hitman Hart.
01:30:34Martel with the reverse chin lock,
01:30:36controlling the tempo here.
01:30:38He has regained his advantage
01:30:40in this Intercontinental Championship matchup
01:30:42here on Bashed in the USA.
01:30:44Thanks for being with us here on Coliseum Video.
01:30:46Both men back up to a vertical base,
01:30:48and it's another right hand by Martel.
01:30:50Irish with far side, and sunset flip.
01:30:53And he knows!
01:30:55Oh, half a count away.
01:30:57Savage, have you wrestled either of these men?
01:30:59Yes, I have.
01:31:01Tell me the differences.
01:31:03Well, I can't tell you the difference,
01:31:05because they're the same in the respect
01:31:07that I have ultimate respect
01:31:09for each and every one of these guys,
01:31:11which is just too...
01:31:13Lateral press.
01:31:15These guys are not 300-pounders.
01:31:18They are super athletes.
01:31:20They are fast. They have speed. They're quick.
01:31:22They have a sense of where they are in the ring
01:31:24at the time that they're there.
01:31:26Would you rather wrestle a 300-pounder
01:31:28or a person the size of the Hitman or the model?
01:31:30Well, in the World Wrestling Federation,
01:31:32you've got to be ready to wrestle anybody at any time.
01:31:35Martel trying to put him away here on the outside.
01:31:37A maneuver! But Bret Hart got his knees up,
01:31:39and he drove them deeply into the abdomen
01:31:41of the challenger.
01:31:43See, that's what I was saying.
01:31:45Bret Hart wasn't in a whole lot of trouble.
01:31:47He set Martel up for that move.
01:31:49No, he didn't. It was a high-risk maneuver,
01:31:51and Bret Hart, the Hitman,
01:31:53just, uh, did what he had to do
01:31:55at the time that he could do it,
01:31:57and sometimes it doesn't work.
01:31:59Just an instinct, then. Instinct is the word.
01:32:01Right there. Good adjustment.
01:32:03Counter by Bret Hart.
01:32:05Tried to roll him up, but Martel held on.
01:32:07Hart in... Ooh, inverted atomic drop!
01:32:09But that'll change your social plans.
01:32:11What a clothesline there
01:32:13by the Intercontinental Champion.
01:32:15What a match.
01:32:20Irish whip far side here.
01:32:22Grip the Hitman Hart.
01:32:24Getting back in control.
01:32:26Side Russian leg sweep by Hart.
01:32:28Lateral grip. This could be it.
01:32:30And he got 2 1⁄2. Again, another near fall.
01:32:32Give the model credit.
01:32:34Boy, he's fighting for his life in there.
01:32:36Inside cradle.
01:32:38Hart's got him tied up. Hook!
01:32:40How did he get out of that one?
01:32:42Great resiliency by the challenger, Rick Martel.
01:32:44You just know. Don't just have it sometimes.
01:32:46You don't always hear the refs count.
01:32:48You know how long you're down.
01:32:50You don't know if he's got you hooked.
01:32:52You're kicking all the time.
01:32:54It's just instinct. You get out of half.
01:32:56That's exactly right.
01:32:58I'll tell you, what it is is what it is.
01:33:00And sometimes it's your advantage,
01:33:02and sometimes it's not.
01:33:04Bret Hart now, the master of the sharpshooter.
01:33:08Tremendous submission maneuver.
01:33:10Oh, the referee got knocked down.
01:33:12Oh, his knee went out on him.
01:33:14No, he didn't. The model grabbed him on the way over.
01:33:16And the model grabbing that fragrance can.
01:33:18Home run. Back, back, back, back, back, back, back.
01:33:20That's out of here.
01:33:22I'm afraid of what happened just then.
01:33:24We're gonna see a new champion.
01:33:26The referee looks puzzled. He didn't see it.
01:33:28Don't tell me he didn't see it.
01:33:30Oh, yes.
01:33:32Martel trying to turn the champion over,
01:33:34perhaps until Boston grabbed him.
01:33:36What's this? Shawn Michaels is coming down the ringside.
01:33:38Shawn Michaels here at ringside.
01:33:40I don't get it.
01:33:42The model's got a victory right here.
01:33:44I don't understand.
01:33:46He's got the Boston Crab.
01:33:48A submission maneuver.
01:33:50Hitman's got to get to the ropes.
01:33:52I think Shawn's just...
01:33:54Oh, no.
01:33:56He's cost the model the match.
01:33:58Shawn Michaels attacking a helpless Bret Hart
01:34:00has just cost, I would think,
01:34:02Rick Martel
01:34:04the Intercontinental Championship.
01:34:06He's not aware of what he's done.
01:34:08He just wanted to get his hands on the Hitman.
01:34:10The model thinks he's won the title.
01:34:12What the heck are you doing?
01:34:14Martel is incensed.
01:34:16That's the way it is in the WWF.
01:34:18There are no friends.
01:34:20Here go the egos.
01:34:22You can see it right now.
01:34:24False friends and true enemies.
01:34:26Bret Hart is still
01:34:28the Intercontinental Championship,
01:34:30but there are fireworks here
01:34:32with Martel and Michaels.
01:34:34Boy, was Martel jobbed on this one.
01:34:36Well, I'll tell you something.
01:34:38Right before Shawn hit the Hitman,
01:34:40the Hitman did do a push-up.
01:34:42Now, I'm not saying that he would've got out of that hole.
01:34:44I don't think he would've.
01:34:46I have to say what I saw.
01:34:48I don't understand.
01:34:50The winner of this bout,
01:34:52as a result of a disqualification,
01:34:54and still
01:34:56Intercontinental Champion,
01:34:58Rick Hitman.
01:35:02I feel sorry for the model,
01:35:04Rick Martel, right here.
01:35:06Bret Hart retains
01:35:08the Intercontinental Championship,
01:35:10but not without controversy.
01:35:12Is your ear ringing?
01:35:14Answer it.
01:35:18The following tag team contest
01:35:20is scheduled for one fall.
01:35:22Led to the ring by their manager,
01:35:24The Genius.
01:35:26Weighing a combined weight of 486 pounds,
01:35:28unhailing from
01:35:30Shaker Heights, Ohio.
01:35:32Here are Bo and Blake,
01:35:34The Beverly Brothers.
01:35:36Tag team action here on
01:35:38Bash with the USA,
01:35:40The Beverly Brothers.
01:35:42Led by their manager,
01:35:44The Genius, to the ring.
01:35:46The Genius has an IQ of over 250.
01:35:48And now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:35:50The Genius.
01:35:52Jim Ross, along with Macho Man,
01:35:54Randy Savage, and Bobby the Brain Demon.
01:35:56A natural disaster as well.
01:35:58And now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:36:00Jim Ross, along with Macho Man,
01:36:02Randy Savage, and Bobby the Brain Demon.
01:36:04Natural disasters will be coming down the aisle
01:36:06to eradicate the Brothers Beverly.
01:36:08The best laid plans of mice and men
01:36:10will sometimes go awry.
01:36:12And The Genius knows the best is yet to be.
01:36:14Hey, that's great.
01:36:16Wish I had a book of this stuff.
01:36:18And their opponents.
01:36:20Making their way toward the ring
01:36:22at a combined weight
01:36:24of 852 pounds.
01:36:26Here are
01:36:28Earthquake and Tiger.
01:36:30A natural disaster.
01:36:32A natural disaster.
01:36:34These guys right here
01:36:36are not just the biggest guys
01:36:38in the damn room.
01:36:40They are the name of the movie.
01:36:42The last house on the left.
01:36:44These two big guys, a walking battle royal
01:36:46when it comes to a combined weight.
01:36:48Well over 800 pounds.
01:36:50I wonder, I wonder
01:36:52if that's right.
01:36:54I think it's closer to 900 pounds.
01:36:56This time, not every time.
01:36:58I'm pretty sure of that.
01:37:00And there's the bell. We're ready to go here.
01:37:02There is
01:37:04Bolt Beverly.
01:37:06His brother, Blake.
01:37:08And they're trying to gain
01:37:10an early advantage on these two big monsters.
01:37:12And that may be a good strategy,
01:37:14gentlemen. That's what I'd do.
01:37:16And if it didn't work, I'd leave.
01:37:18That's about your only
01:37:20choice against these guys.
01:37:22A do-si-do
01:37:24and a double clothesline.
01:37:26Some heavy clotheslines
01:37:28by the Natural Disasters.
01:37:30Leave. That's your best move.
01:37:32I'd get out of there.
01:37:34Natural Disasters using their bulk
01:37:36and their mass to their advantage here.
01:37:38Massed in the USA.
01:37:40And that's exactly
01:37:42what the Beverly Brothers are experiencing
01:37:44at this point in time here
01:37:46on Coliseum Video.
01:37:50I think that's what the Beverly Brothers are doing.
01:37:52Massed in the USA.
01:37:54It's not yet.
01:37:56It's gonna happen now.
01:37:58The earth will move here,
01:38:00you gotta believe. Ever been rear-ended
01:38:02on the interstate?
01:38:06The Beverly Brothers not being able
01:38:08to get out of the blocks offensively
01:38:10as the Natural Disasters have really
01:38:12asserted themselves here.
01:38:14Nothing but a high-impact,
01:38:16almost methodical-like
01:38:18offensive movement by this big team.
01:38:20Hoop slam by Typhoon.
01:38:24It's hard to imagine
01:38:26until you see these guys in person
01:38:28just how big they really are.
01:38:30How tall would you say they are?
01:38:326'6"? 6'7"?
01:38:34They're big men.
01:38:36Also see our purple and white
01:38:38and blonde here being thrown
01:38:40all over the place.
01:38:46Manhandling Beverly.
01:38:48And Beverly makes a U-turn.
01:38:50Smartest move of the night.
01:38:52Behind you, behind you.
01:38:54He can't hear me.
01:38:56He can feel that clothesline.
01:38:58At least he had one shining moment.
01:39:00That was getting over the top rope
01:39:02and heading south.
01:39:04Oh, right there.
01:39:06That scroll.
01:39:08Oh, Beverly just nailed
01:39:10Typhoon from behind.
01:39:12And that may give Blake
01:39:14Beverly the opportunity.
01:39:16That's an advantage like that.
01:39:18It may be illegal, but it makes sense.
01:39:20I mean, you're really wrestling four guys in there
01:39:22if you think about it.
01:39:24They signed the contracts.
01:39:26They knew what they were getting in for.
01:39:28This was not a mystery match.
01:39:30You gotta get the natural disasters
01:39:32off their feet.
01:39:34You're not gonna match strength and size
01:39:36with them standing up.
01:39:38You gotta get them down and cut off their wind.
01:39:40That's what they're doing right now
01:39:42is cutting off Typhoon's wind.
01:39:44Yeah, a little extra leverage
01:39:46cutting off his wind.
01:39:48You know, when Typhoon retires,
01:39:50we can take him to a park
01:39:52and let kids ride him for a while.
01:39:54He got two out of him.
01:39:56Still got power left.
01:39:58He does indeed have a great deal
01:40:00of power left, but...
01:40:02That wouldn't be a bad idea.
01:40:04What's that?
01:40:06Take Typhoon to a park and let kids ride him for a while.
01:40:08Why don't you negotiate that deal in his retirement?
01:40:10You're just the guy that can probably talk him into it.
01:40:12A theme park.
01:40:14Beverly Brothers double teaming,
01:40:16but not for long.
01:40:18Typhoon's not ready to retire yet.
01:40:20I don't think so.
01:40:22Earthquake anxiously awaiting the tag,
01:40:24but the Beverly Brothers are keeping Typhoon
01:40:26in their part of the ring.
01:40:28Snap mares him over.
01:40:30Does Bo Beverly and drops the leg
01:40:32right across his face.
01:40:34And a knee
01:40:36driving right to the chest.
01:40:38A will, please.
01:40:40Come on!
01:40:42Typhoon doesn't look
01:40:44like a real bad storm now,
01:40:46does he?
01:40:48Looks like he's under control.
01:40:50More tag team.
01:40:54Tell you what, if he doesn't go there
01:40:56to make the tag, this could be a Beverly Brothers
01:41:00Best in the USA, Beverly Brothers.
01:41:02Wouldn't that be an upset?
01:41:04They've separated
01:41:06Big Typhoon from his partner,
01:41:08and worse in the center of the ring, lateral press
01:41:10won't get him there.
01:41:12But you can see that it seems to me
01:41:14that Typhoon is beginning to wear
01:41:16down a little bit.
01:41:18A little bit, to say the least.
01:41:20Oh, he's missed his 2 o'clock feeding.
01:41:22I could be serious
01:41:24for these guys right here because
01:41:26man, they are a force
01:41:28in the World Wrestling Federation
01:41:30and best in the USA.
01:41:32Yes, they are. They're doing a Beverly Brothers
01:41:34fashion right
01:41:36up to now.
01:41:38He needs to keep Big Typhoon
01:41:40down, and Typhoon works his way back
01:41:42up to a vertical base.
01:41:44See, there goes the right again.
01:41:46A great right for kids, and 2 bucks for adults.
01:41:48Have a senior citizen night,
01:41:50have everything.
01:41:52You're always thinking, aren't you?
01:41:54You don't have to feed him much, just some hay.
01:41:56Tag's made, Bo Beverly in.
01:41:58Would Typhoon make any money during this deal, Heenan?
01:42:00No, but he could eat a lot of hay and he'd get to meet
01:42:02a lot of nice kids and old people.
01:42:04It's worth it for him. What else is he gonna do?
01:42:06It's reversed, but nobody there.
01:42:08Beverly used his quickness
01:42:10to avoid the contact of Big Typhoon,
01:42:12and Typhoon certainly needs to make a tag here.
01:42:14Sure does, but at least he's got
01:42:16a little bit left. He made a real good effort
01:42:18right there, but it just didn't pay it out.
01:42:20Solid kicks to the ribs by
01:42:22Paul Beverly.
01:42:24The secret to the National Disasters team is
01:42:26they have to make quick tags.
01:42:28They can't be in there too long at any one time.
01:42:32That trip to the dentist may be
01:42:34upcoming for Bo Beverly as Typhoon
01:42:36now has neared to his corner
01:42:38as he has been tag made on the Beverly side.
01:42:40And a tag made, yes,
01:42:42on the National Disaster side.
01:42:44Here comes the earthquake.
01:42:46Bo Beverly's
01:42:48saying, give me a break.
01:42:50He's up on me.
01:42:52Boom! The earthquake
01:42:54is well rested.
01:42:56Bear hug into
01:42:58a little bit of suplex. He could have him here
01:43:00with a lateral press, and
01:43:02the Beverly's help each other there
01:43:04to interrupt the count.
01:43:06Well, it's a tag match. They can do that.
01:43:10Awful slam by Earthquake.
01:43:12It may be now just a matter
01:43:14of time. Drops the vicious elbow,
01:43:16and once again
01:43:18Bo Beverly comes in
01:43:20to interrupt the count.
01:43:22I wouldn't sit there and hope.
01:43:24Exactly. Earthquake's on the prowl.
01:43:28drives the elbow to the back of
01:43:30Blake Beverly's head. The Natural Disasters
01:43:32have firmly reasserted themselves here
01:43:34with their power
01:43:36offensive attack, and he says
01:43:38it's over.
01:43:40There's his signal.
01:43:42He's gone for the Richter scale.
01:43:44Let's see what he measures
01:43:46on this one. I'll say a
01:43:48seven. All right.
01:43:50Beverly rolling out of the ring.
01:43:52Who's the genius? I think one of the
01:43:54Beverly Brothers is the genius.
01:43:56Look at this.
01:43:58By far, manhandling the genius
01:44:00there. Earthquake
01:44:02Now, there's no reason for that. What are we going
01:44:04after the genius for? Well, the genius went around
01:44:06to his corner. Well, he said something to him. He didn't
01:44:08Oh! Wow.
01:44:10Right out here on the floor,
01:44:12and the referee's gonna call for
01:44:14the bell. We'll have to see what the
01:44:16decision is here.
01:44:18Natural Disaster disqualified, I bet.
01:44:20Here are your winners as a result
01:44:22of a count out. The
01:44:24Beverly Brothers!
01:44:26Oh, the Beverly Brothers with a big
01:44:28victory here on
01:44:30Fast and the USA via count out.
01:44:32You're happy, but you're wrong about that
01:44:34because it was instigated by the genius
01:44:36going over there as a desperate
01:44:38maneuver and the Natural
01:44:40Disasters in Fast and the
01:44:44I think you're right.
01:44:46I think you're right, Macho Man. I think
01:44:48it was a premeditated plot out of
01:44:50desperation, shall we say.
01:44:52Wait a minute. Wait a minute, you two.
01:44:54Who won the match? The Beverly
01:44:56Brothers, Bobby. That's all we need to know. Thank you very
01:45:00Sir, I really don't know how I can help
01:45:02you. I think I've shown you almost everything
01:45:04we have. This is supposed
01:45:06to be the largest stamp store in the world,
01:45:08and I haven't found anything that's
01:45:10perfect. But speaking of large,
01:45:12how about this next matchup between
01:45:14Yokozuna and the Undertaker?
01:45:16Hello, everyone,
01:45:18and welcome to San Antonio, Texas
01:45:20for this Coliseum exclusive.
01:45:22Gorilla Mom's
01:45:24symbol of his lordship, Alfred
01:45:26Hayes, here in the home
01:45:28of the Alamo.
01:45:30Take a
01:45:32look at this hunk of humanity,
01:45:34Alfred. Yes, absolutely.
01:45:36An American
01:45:38shrine, the Alamo, and these two
01:45:40fellows here, they go down to
01:45:42the Oriental Shrine, and they pray
01:45:44that this man will become
01:45:46the future World Wrestling Federation
01:45:48champion. And you know something, Gorilla?
01:45:50I think that could possibly be a
01:45:54Well, if they would have had him at the
01:45:56Alamo, they might have won.
01:46:00I don't think that fellow, what was his name?
01:46:02The Mexican general
01:46:04would have ever invaded the Alamo there.
01:46:06Santana, I believe
01:46:08it was. Santana? Yes.
01:46:10Not Tito Santana.
01:46:12He'd have won by himself, Tito Santana.
01:46:14Look at those
01:46:16two lovely girls there.
01:46:18Lovely geishas presenting the
01:46:20flowers to the big guy.
01:46:24looking little girls there.
01:46:26I would imagine
01:46:28they're Japanese.
01:46:30Intense look on
01:46:32that youngster's face
01:46:34as she looks at the humongous
01:46:36shape of the 500 pound
01:46:38plus Japanese
01:46:42You know,
01:46:44it is very, very
01:46:46difficult for the mind to encompass
01:46:48how devastating this man is
01:46:50unless you come to some of
01:46:52these matches and watch him in
01:46:54action, in actual person.
01:46:56But if you go to an arena, I'm
01:46:58sure this man here will
01:47:00absolutely shock you. You should
01:47:02go and see him. Absolutely. Nothing like
01:47:04being there live.
01:47:06And his opponent
01:47:09led to the ring
01:47:11by Paul Bearer.
01:47:22Here is
01:47:24The Undertaker!
01:47:28Paul Bearer leading the way down
01:47:30for The Undertaker
01:47:32in the ominous
01:47:36No other wrestler's presence
01:47:38has an effect upon an
01:47:40audience, a gathering of
01:47:42mass humanity than this fellow.
01:47:44He really sends a
01:47:46shiver and a thrill at the same
01:47:48time through everybody.
01:47:50You really tingle when you
01:47:52see this man.
01:47:54Look at him.
01:47:56Not at all
01:48:00any signs of emotion.
01:48:02Well, I don't think he knows what The Undertaker's
01:48:04all about, Alfred. Do you think
01:48:06for one moment that Yoko
01:48:08Tsuna knows what the
01:48:10Grim Reaper means? I don't.
01:48:12Probably not. Do you think Mr.
01:48:14Fuji would ever tell him about The Undertaker?
01:48:16Absolutely not. No, he wouldn't prepare
01:48:18him in that way.
01:48:22What a confrontation
01:48:24this is gonna be, and you're
01:48:26getting it all here on
01:48:28this Coliseum exclusive.
01:48:30Well, the feeling
01:48:32in this arena is
01:48:34absolutely electric. It's
01:48:36alive at the moment, and
01:48:38neither of these men come into
01:48:40contact with each other yet.
01:48:42In fact, they have yet to disrobe.
01:48:48Nice shot there by our number
01:48:50seven handheld right over
01:48:52the salt bag.
01:48:54The salt
01:48:56pail of Yoko Tsuna.
01:48:58Of course, that salt used to drive away
01:49:00evil spirits.
01:49:02Unfortunately, it'll take more than that
01:49:04to drive away The Undertaker.
01:49:06I think so. You know, we were looking
01:49:08at the inscrutable face of the East,
01:49:10then, but how about the inscrutable
01:49:12face of the West? The
01:49:14Undertaker. He takes a lot of
01:49:16reading, too, does he not? Oh, absolutely.
01:49:18Hard to tell what goes
01:49:20through that mind.
01:49:24What did you say that was, a cookie barrel?
01:49:26Salt. Oh, salt barrel.
01:49:30Ceremonial salt? Ceremonial salt.
01:49:32Of course, it wouldn't surprise me
01:49:34if Yoko took a lick now and then.
01:49:36A lick of the salt?
01:49:38Oh, that's very good. I like that. Very
01:49:40good. The salt lick. You know how those big cows have
01:49:42those salt licks laying out there in those
01:49:44fields? Yes. Once in a while, they go over
01:49:46and put their big
01:49:48ten-inch tongue on there and take a lick.
01:49:50Well, he looks
01:49:52more like a big bull in the field
01:49:54than a big cow.
01:49:56Most of the ringsiders
01:49:58just got their allotment of salt
01:50:00in their diet for the next year.
01:50:02Now, I think the Undertaker ought to take
01:50:04some ashes out of that urn and
01:50:06sprinkle them on Mr. Fuji. If, in fact,
01:50:08that's what's in there, Alfred.
01:50:10You know, I asked Bobby DeBriene Heenan on a number
01:50:12of occasions, the so-called
01:50:14broadcast journalist,
01:50:16to find out what's in that urn, but
01:50:18to no avail. Well, there's something
01:50:20mightily peculiar
01:50:22inside that urn because the
01:50:24Undertaker draws a lot of force from that.
01:50:26Later on in this match, I'm sure you'll
01:50:28see that man, Paul Bearer, offering
01:50:30the urn in the
01:50:32direction of the Undertaker.
01:50:34He looks at that and turns on
01:50:36the energy. If there was an edge
01:50:38to be had, Alfred, who would
01:50:40have it? Would it be the Undertaker
01:50:42with Paul Bearer in his corner or
01:50:44Yoko with Fuji in his corner?
01:50:46I've got to say Yokozuna
01:50:48with Fuji in his corner
01:50:50because Mr. Fuji becomes involved.
01:50:52Paul Bearer doesn't seem to.
01:50:54Well, a couple of shots
01:50:56there by Yoko.
01:50:58And all the Undertaker
01:51:00did was take a step back.
01:51:06Those are reverse knife edges
01:51:08landing heavily.
01:51:10Oh, look at that!
01:51:14A full move by the big guy
01:51:16takes the bull down.
01:51:18What an upset possibly in the making
01:51:20here. I thought
01:51:22Yokozuna was down and out for the count
01:51:24but he wasn't.
01:51:28Oh, look at this! 360 over
01:51:30the top one. He landed right on his feet,
01:51:32Alfred. Yes, I'm getting
01:51:34really carried away here. Mr. Fuji
01:51:36very concerned, but look at him jabbing
01:51:38away at Undertaker. I told you he
01:51:40becomes involved in matches.
01:51:44the purpose suits him,
01:51:46their distraction move giving
01:51:48his man an opportunity to go
01:51:50right into the steel steps
01:51:52head first.
01:51:54A normal individual would be
01:51:56unconscious now. And I think a normal
01:51:58individual would have gone down from that very
01:52:00first blow struck by 500
01:52:02pound Yokozuna.
01:52:04And look at Yoko being
01:52:06the Undertaker to the draw
01:52:08there. Gorilla, how much
01:52:10more can this huge man take?
01:52:12I think he can take a lot, Alfred.
01:52:14He's 6'10
01:52:16of absolute steel strength.
01:52:18But look at this!
01:52:20Oh, no! Banzai
01:52:22splash in the corner.
01:52:24That's usually the beginning of the
01:52:26end for the opposition
01:52:28for Yokozuna, but not
01:52:30with the Undertaker.
01:52:32Well, we haven't seen any offense
01:52:34yet from the Undertaker.
01:52:36He did miss one blow
01:52:38that was struck against him, but he hasn't offered
01:52:40any blows in retaliation.
01:52:42What's the matter with him, Gorilla?
01:52:44Is he out now? Well, he just
01:52:46had that size 50 thigh
01:52:48dropped across his chest.
01:52:50That'll give you a negative attitude.
01:52:52Oh, look at that.
01:52:54He got his wake-up call.
01:52:56Oh, I was looking straight at him. He shocked
01:52:58me. Yoko
01:53:00can't believe it either.
01:53:02Look at this, belly
01:53:04to belly, but got him over
01:53:06wow, just barely. But what
01:53:08execution, though, by a huge man like
01:53:10that. You have to marvel at
01:53:12what this fellow can do, what
01:53:14he can achieve.
01:53:16What is he doing now?
01:53:18Uh-oh, he's going out after that soft bucket.
01:53:20Oh, clobbered.
01:53:22Undertaker right in the kisser with it.
01:53:26Well, he obviously
01:53:28became frustrated at his
01:53:30inability to put the
01:53:32Undertaker down and keep him down. Now
01:53:34look what he's doing with this oaken bucket here.
01:53:36Well, a real sign of
01:53:38lack of experience here
01:53:40for part of Yokozuna. Fuji
01:53:42has got to be really bent out of shape, Alfred.
01:53:44I'm sure he has, because this has cost him
01:53:46the match. Fuji, I'm sure,
01:53:48is going to berate his man.
01:53:50They do in Japan, you know, they smack these
01:53:52big fellas around the face, and they have
01:53:54to stand there and take it. Look at him.
01:53:56He's saying, what's wrong with you?
01:53:58Fuji doesn't like to go home
01:54:00with a short end of the purse money.
01:54:02And he's going to get nothing at all for a
01:54:04disqualification. He's in big
01:54:06trouble here, but what is the referee's
01:54:08I really haven't heard it yet. Well, the referee
01:54:10the bell has rung.
01:54:12I think they've sent for another official
01:54:14too. Did I see young Joey
01:54:16Morello come into the ring? Yeah, definitely
01:54:18so. And Yoko,
01:54:20look he do. Oh, look at this.
01:54:22The Undertaker is quite a ways
01:54:24away here. Oh, he's got a flat to him.
01:54:26Don't get
01:54:28in his way. Oh.
01:54:30Oh, Undertaker
01:54:32sat up.
01:54:34And that
01:54:36wasn't a very soft landing for Yokozuna.
01:54:40payback time now.
01:54:44doesn't send the big guy down.
01:54:46Another one, and he's still up
01:54:48and staggering.
01:54:50But he's reeling very, very hard.
01:54:52Oh! Now he's down.
01:54:56Are they going
01:54:58to allow this to carry on this match?
01:55:00Who's going to stop him? Nobody,
01:55:02but have they rendered a
01:55:04signature or anything?
01:55:06Don't leave your seat, Alfred.
01:55:08Well, let's get the official word on it then.
01:55:10The official winner as a result of a
01:55:14The Undertaker!
01:55:18Well, as we surmise
01:55:20a disqualification
01:55:22for using that soft tail
01:55:24by Yokozuna
01:55:26and The Undertaker,
01:55:28it's going to look impressive in the record books,
01:55:30Alfred. It is indeed
01:55:32a tremendous performance
01:55:34by The Undertaker, but Yokozuna,
01:55:36he's angry with himself.
01:55:40And I'm sure Mr. Fuji
01:55:42will berate him, but look at Paul Bearer.
01:55:44He's offering the urn again.
01:55:50Undertaker, I think,
01:55:52was just too much of a shock
01:55:54for Yokozuna. The big guy
01:55:56had never been in there
01:55:58with that kind of force before.
01:56:00Well, he was frustrated
01:56:02when he went for that pale,
01:56:04but I must say, a victory
01:56:06in the win column here for The Undertaker
01:56:08will certainly look very good
01:56:14Well, it's obvious we're not going to get
01:56:16anywhere in my quest to find
01:56:18the perfect stamp for the perfect
01:56:20collection, but I hope you people
01:56:22have enjoyed this Colosseum video
01:56:24bashed in the USA.
01:56:26Sir, can you please tell me
01:56:28how I can help you? There's nothing
01:56:30else I can show you. You've seen everything
01:56:32we have. Can you please tell me what is so perfect
01:56:34about your collection? My album?
01:56:36Yes. I'll show you why.
01:56:58Thanks for watching!