• last year
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Respect for Gordon.
00:04The engines of the Sodor Railway were always busy.
00:10Thomas puffed to the beaches with happy holidaymakers.
00:16And Gordon proudly pulled the express.
00:21Gordon thought he was the strongest, fastest and cleanest engine on the whole of the railway.
00:31But one thing bothered him.
00:34His firebox rattled as it cooled down at night.
00:38Gordon knew his rattle stopped the other engines from getting to sleep.
00:44That night, Gordon's firebox went click-clunk, click-clunk.
00:50Thomas and Percy started to chuckle.
00:54Rattler Gordon's keeping it all awake, peeped Percy.
00:57The only engines keeping other engines awake, huffed Gordon crossly, are little engines with very bad manners.
01:06But secretly he felt rather embarrassed.
01:11In the morning, Percy teased Gordon again.
01:15Rattlebox is awake at last, he puffed out loud.
01:19Gordon ignored Percy.
01:22He did not like being called names.
01:27I'm the strongest and the best, he told himself.
01:31Strongest and best, strongest and best, cleanest and fastest.
01:36And pull the express.
01:39He wished the other engines would remember that.
01:44Later, Gordon pulled in to Knapford Station.
01:48Oh look, laughed Emily.
01:51Rattler Gordon's here. He's pulling the click-clunk express.
01:55This made Gordon very cross indeed, especially because Diesel overheard.
02:02I hope your click-clunk gets better soon, oiled Diesel.
02:07See you later, Rattler.
02:11Gordon was very cross indeed.
02:15He decided it was time the other engines learned to treat him properly.
02:20So later at the water tank, he pulled up ahead of James.
02:25James was surprised.
02:29At Knapford, Percy had brought Gordon's coaches into number one platform.
02:35Off you go now, Percy, said Gordon.
02:39Number one is my platform. Little engines shouldn't hang around.
02:44You're a boastful bossy big blue boiler, Percy muttered to himself crossly.
02:50Later, Gordon told his friends to give a polite toot-toot whenever they saw him.
02:58But why? asked Thomas.
03:01He was very puzzled.
03:03Because, huffed Gordon grandly, I'm the strongest and the best.
03:09And he steamed away.
03:12You can toot at him if you like, wished Emily.
03:16But I'm not going to.
03:19Gordon steamed across the island.
03:23He felt very pleased with himself.
03:27He was sure the other engines would forget his clunk-click and treat him properly now.
03:33He saw Emily coming. He listened for her toot-toot.
03:37But Emily didn't toot at all.
03:40This made Gordon very cross.
03:43He was so cross that he didn't see the signal telling him to stop.
03:48And he didn't see the goods train ahead.
03:53Until it was too late.
03:59Luckily, no one was hurt.
04:02But Gordon came off the rails.
04:06He was covered in gooey red jam.
04:12As Gordon waited to be put back on the rails, Percy arrived.
04:17Hello Gordon, peeped Percy.
04:21I see you're not the cleanest engine anymore.
04:25Then, James puffed up.
04:28I don't think you'll be pulling the express for a while, Gordon, joked James.
04:35Finally, Thomas arrived.
04:38Gordon's a mess, Gordon's a mess.
04:41He's the largest and jammiest, puffed Thomas cheekily.
04:47At last, Gordon was back on the rails.
04:51He felt very foolish indeed.
04:54Edward pushed him to the fitter's yard.
04:59Gordon had to stay at the fitter's yard for a long time.
05:03It was hard to get the jam out of his engine.
05:09Emily and Henry took it in turns to pull the express for him.
05:18One evening at Tidmouth Sheds, Henry huffed.
05:22It's hard work pulling the express.
05:25Yes, agreed Emily.
05:28Gordon must be very strong to pull the express so fast.
05:32I miss Gordon, peeped Percy.
05:35I miss having his rattle to go to sleep by.
05:40Gordon knew the other engines were pulling the express for him.
05:43Thank goodness for Emily and Henry, he thought.
05:47I'm sure they're doing a very good job.
05:52Finally, Gordon was as good as new.
05:55The fitters had even managed to fix the rattle in his firebox.
06:01That evening, Gordon had something to say.
06:05Is it about being the fastest and the best?
06:09teased James.
06:10Not at all, puffed Gordon.
06:13I know my rattle kept you awake at night, and I'm sorry.
06:17And I was also silly about the toot-toots.
06:20I realise now that engines toot-toot other engines
06:24because they work hard and deserve it, not because they ask for it.
06:29But we think you do deserve it, Gordon, said Thomas.
06:33Because you work hard and you are a really useful engine.
06:40All the other engines agreed.
06:45Now all the engines greet each other with a cheerful toot-toot.
06:51For all the hard work they do on the Fat Controller's Railway.